Chapter 3

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Ebonywind's eyes watered, her throat ached from coughing and her lungs were under immense pressure. The fire had died down, a few last embers still running around playfully. Carefreely.

She thought back to many moons ago. Long buried memories of ThunderClan swirled around her head. Memories she hadn't even known she had. Not until Luckystar had told them that she was their mother.

Not even a few seasons ago, Ebonywind had gone through a period of struggling and hardship. Learning about her family had changed her. Her friends didn't know her. Her mentor didn't know her. Her leader didn't know her. And her best friend – Silverspots – well, to put it lightly, now hated her.

Ebonywind shook her head, inspecting some of her and Amberclaw's wounds. They were nasty and oozing pus.

I could help you, little one. But you are too proud. Just like your father.

What do you know about my father?

Love gave a chuckle. It echoed around Ebonywind's head. Just another reminder that she was insane; talking to herself. But Love had become a part of Ebonywind.

I used to be your father's. Rainfall was a good tom. Strong and hard-working. His feelings influenced his life.

Then, in a slightly sadder tone, Love added, I influenced his life.

How? Ebonywind demanded.

Let me show you.

Love's presence suddenly disappeared and a shiver of fear swept through Ebonywind. This was the first time in many weeks that she had been truly alone. Amberclaw was unconscious, Ravenflight and Dawnmist were StarClan knows where, Dark was millions of fox-lengths away. And Love? She was gone. Ebonywind couldn't feel the reassuring presence of Love anymore.

Ebonywind noticed more, though. Her vision was clear and bright. It felt like waking up from a dream. Confusion overtook fear and she stumbled as she tripped over her tail.

Why can't I control myself?

Then, another thought hit her. Why did I care about Dark? That fox-hearted, arrogant tom!

Another part of her whispered. But I love him.

Pink clouded her vision before Ebonywind blinked again. The pink faded away.

What's going on with me?

Love? Where are you? Fix me!

"I am here," a quiet voice announced.

The voice radiated power and Ebonywind blinked a couple times, not quite believing her eyes. Love wasn't a voice anymore. A faint, ghostly white cat with red eyes was standing before her. An albino cat. The first Ebonywind had ever seen.

"Who are you?" Ebonywind hissed, her claws digging into the earth. She glanced up at the sun, which was dimmed by the thick clouds of smoke obscuring everything. But even then, it seemed brighter. More real.

"I am Love," the albino cat announced. "You wanted to know about your father. I can show you."

"I thought you were a thought in my head..." Ebonywind trailed off. "I'm crazier than a fox in a fit, aren't I?"

"You're not, my dear," Love purred. Then, she bounded over to Ebonywind, her paws almost floating off the ground. But that wasn't possible.

Love was so fast, Ebonywind didn't have any time to react as Love pressed their noses together.

Ebonywind opened her eyes to feel stronger. She felt powerful. And...a feeling she shouldn't be feeling.

She glanced at her paws to see that they were mottled orange. What? StarClan?

But another side of her, in this strange body, hissed, I don't believe in StarClan.

Ebonywind tried to call for Love, to snarl and rip that cat's pelt off, but she couldn't. Instead, she felt herself moving forwards. This tom was moving.

The tom-no, Ebonywind-no, the tom, Ebonywind stuck in his mind, seeing everything through his eyes, paced around in a circle, muttering feverishly.

"I love her, but she can't love me. She exiled me. But I love her. She invited me to the Clan. But she exiled me."

Then, back to 'I love her'.

Who is this tom?

But with a sinking feeling, Ebonywind already knew the answer. Because, she had felt Love enter this tom's mind. Which meant, that this tom had to be...


Ebonywind's father. The tom that had died.

He must've been thinking about Luckystar.

Ebonywind was surprised to be sympathetic towards this tom. It wasn't his fault. Luckystar had exiled him.

Something slammed Rainfall to the ground and Ebonywind felt herself leave Rainfall's body. She wanted to protest but Love was in control. When Ebonywind dared to open her eyes again, she was back in the burned forest, a silent Amberclaw laying at her paws, Love staring at her.

"Do you see now?" Love mewed softly. "Your father was very much in love with your mother. Because of me."

"Why are you with me then? I don't love any cat!" Ebonywind growled. I can't trust her.

Can I?

"What about Dark?" Love questioned mischievously.

"Shut up!" Ebonywind snarled, claws unsheathed and ready to rip through Love's pelt. She did, moving forwards and slashing her claws, ready for the impact and the sound of fur ripping.

But her claws simply passed through.

Love rolled her eyes before touching Ebonywind's nose again. Her vision clouded, the sun dimming, the smoke even darker and ominous than before. Once again, Love was in her mind.

At that moment, Amberclaw stirred, lifting her head up weakly. At the same moment, Ravenflight and Dawnmist sprinted towards them, sniffing them anxiously.

I sent you a little help. You can thank me later.

No! You're controlling me!


Love was silent before she spoke.

You're becoming too smart for your own good.

What in StarClan does that mean?

Their conversation was interrupted by Ravenflight, who had gone into 'medicine cat mode', as Ebonywind liked to call it.

Ravenflight nosed Ebonywind and Amberclaw, pressing stinging herbs onto their burning wounds and reprimanding them while nuzzling them in relief.

Dawnmist hung back, obviously feeling quite out of place. Amberclaw, seeing this, invited her over. Ebonywind suppressed a groan. 

Ugh. Why did she have to stay?

She will be useful in your future. As I was saying-

But Love was cut off again. This time, by Dawnmist.

"We need to talk," Dawnmist meowed gravely.

"No time!" Ravenflight mewed sharply. "The fire could start any heartbeat! We need to leave!"

"Where do we go, though?" Amberclaw coughed out.

The pink haze that clouded her vision became darker. The sun almost vanished.

"The Tribe," Ebonywind suggested immediately. "They're close and we've already been there. They can provide us with good shelter and food. Then, we can sneak out. They'll never know what hit them."

Dawnmist looked uneasy. "Isn't that a bit cruel?"

"But-" Ebonywind stopped herself. It was. To take advantage of the Tribe was a bit cruel. Where had this kind of thinking come from?

The pink cloud almost vanished.

Love, is that you? Are you messing with me?

Ebonywind, we need to talk!

What's wrong? We can talk when we get there. I need all my energy for travelling.

Love seemed to be frustrated. She sent Ebonywind a mental image of pacing around, growling.

Ebonywind shivered. Love couldn't be controlling her. Could she?

The pink haze darkened again and Ebonywind stood still, unable to move.

What're you doing?

This is for your own good, Ebonywind, Love's voice whispered. You're getting too smart for your own good. You'll make the connection soon...

What connection? All Ebonywind was able to do was think now. Dawnmist was staring at her.

You've already made it, haven't you?

It hit her.

You're controlling me.

That's right. Love sounded pleased.

So why are you freezing me? Let me go! They'll think I'm weird!


That was the first time Love had been straightforward and firm. Ebonywind, surprised, lost her focus on Love's voice for a second.

-which is why I am sorry for doing this.

Doing what?

I, Love, Spirit Cat of the Heavens, take Ebonywind's memories-


-from this morning. She will open her eyes in a minute and see that Ravenflight and Dawnmist are here to help her and Amberclaw. She will forget everything that she has learnt today, including everything about her father-

No! I need that knowledge! Ebonywind's thoughts rose to a wail. You can't take that away!

-from this moment on, I declare-

Ebonywind's will to move overcame Love's control and she cried out. "Ravenflight! Amberclaw! Dawnmist! Help! I'm being controlled by a psycho cat and she's wiping my memories! She made me fall in love with-"

-that Ebonywind has lost some of memories.

Now Ebonywind could move. She shook her head, dazed.

What was I talking about before? Never mind. It's probably unimportant. I can finally be saved, though.

"Oh! Ravenflight! You're here to save us!" she mewed brightly.

Ravenflight and the others had expressions of disbelief on their faces. Ravenflight spoke up. "I've been here for a while already. Remember?'

Ebonywind searched her head, but all she could find was the spirit known as Love, as well as her own thoughts. "Nope. I must have just woken up."

Now, they were looking at her like she had just grown another head. Ebonywind purred nervously, backing away. "What's wrong?"

Dawnmist was the only one with enough sense to speak. "Everything."


ayy longer chapter!

did yall like the plot twist? ebonywind is...left in the dark. totally not a pun. okay its not funny.

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