Chapter 4

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Ebonywind sighed in relief as they made it to the sheltered cave of the Tribe. The four cats plus Love had been wandering aimlessly for days. Greenleaf had passed and leaf-fall had taken its place.

But mainly, Ebonywind was glad because there were cats here that didn't stare at her weirdly. Her companions and friends were jumpy around her and muttered to each other in low voices. Ebonywind got the sense that they were talking about her, especially when she poked her head into their huddle and they all left, presumably to go talk somewhere else.

But the worst part of her sorrow was losing Dark. Her feelings had grown stronger as her vision had grown weaker. Was she going blind? Everything was tinted pink nowadays. Her love for Dark swallowed everything else. It tore at the walls of her heart, demanding to be let out. But it couldn't; Dark was nowhere near here.

Ebonywind suddenly paused, Amberclaw almost crashing into her rump. Amberclaw hissed in annoyance, her tail lashing furiously. "Can't you watch where you're going, or have you lost your sense of direction too?"

"Too?" Ebonywind echoed.

Love had gone silent lately, but when Ebonywind had searched for the voice in her mind, she felt waves of guilt and shame flow over her, so she had given up. She was starting to lose hope that Love had stayed with her. No cat had stayed with her after all.

"Yes, too!" Amberclaw growled. "You psycho cat! You can't be telling me you forgot!"

Psycho cat...

That stirred up a memory. It was recent, but Ebonywind just couldn't catch it, like a troublesome squirrel that kept evading her. She snarled in frustration, her claws clicking on the stone floor of the Dynasty.

"Calm down," a brown she-cat remarked playfully, her fur smudged with mud.

Ebonywind spat at her, "You don't know what I'm going through."

The brown she-cat dipped her head and trotted off. Ebonywind didn't care.

Amberclaw was glancing at her, Dawnmist at her side. They muttered to each other.


Feeling hurt, Ebonywind padded off, sitting down in a secluded corner by herself. She sighed and rested her head on her paws, falling into a doze.

When Ebonywind woke next, it was dark. The only light was a faint glow coming from a small cave. The leader of the Dynasty's den, if Ebonywind remembered right. Stoneteller.

Ebonywind curiously peeked inside the den. Stoneteller was still awake, gazing at the pebbles on the ground, his ears pricked in concentration.

"What can I do for you?" Stoneteller mewed without turning around.

Ebonywind jumped, amazed. "How did you-"

"I have my ways. What can I do for you?" Stoneteller questioned, finally facing Ebonywind, his red-brown fur sleek, showing his muscles under his pelt.

"I was just curious as to what was inside here," Ebonywind's pelt burned with shame before her sorrow took over.


Then, Love spoke.

Don't let your sorrow take over. Dark wouldn't be happy to see you like this.

Love! You're back!

And as quickly as she had come, Love had gone.

"What was that?" Stoneteller mewed sharply.

"What?" Ebonywind's heart pounded with fear. Had she spoken aloud?

"Who were you talking to?" Stoneteller's voice reached a growl.

"N-no one," she stammered back. How had he known?

"Your secrets are safe with me," he murmured. "It will be better to share them."

Ebonywind hesitated. Stoneteller seemed like a good cat, but he had also read Ebonywind's mind.

"Did you read my mind?" she blurted.

"Read your mind?" Stoneteller looked amused. "Definitely not. I sensed you were talking to something. A...spirit cat perhaps. A Spirit Cat of the Heavens?"

"What's a Spirit Cat of the Heavens?" Ebonywind queried.

"There are six Spirit Cats. They are ruled by Truth, this great white tom with blue eyes. He's blind, but he's powerful. Legend has it that the Spirit Cats choose a host body to manipulate and change," Stoneteller shivered. "But it's all rumors."

Isn't Truth the StarClan for the Dynasty of Truth?

StarClan. He is.

These Spirit Cats must be in me. At least, one is. Love.

"What are the Spirit Cat's names?" Ebonywind was desperate for Love not to be on the list. But...she was unlucky.

"Anger, Courage, Joy, Fear, Grief and Love," Stoneteller's whiskers twitched as he stared down at her. "Why so many questions?"

"Nothing," she mumbled.

"Tell me," he urged. "You'll feel better."

"I can't!" Ebonywind cried. "I don't remember! It's like I went to sleep last night and woke up extremely late, but apparently I was already awake!"

"Hmm," Stoneteller inspected his stones and took a deep breath. "Oh no."

"What's wrong?!" Ebonywind demanded. "You have to tell me!"

"I probably shouldn't say. This is for you to figure out," Stoneteller's amber eyes bored into Ebonywind's eyes. "Just – trust your instincts. Now leave."

Ebonywind gaped at him. He had wanted her to trust him and had just kicked her out.

That rude, arrogant, mouse-dunged, fox-hearted furball!

I agree with you.

Joy flooded through Ebonywind to hear Love's familiar voice. Please help me!

But once again, Love was gone.

Ebonywind felt like pouring her heart out. It was too hard to contain everything. Her vision, which had once been excellent, had dimmed and her eyes were heavy. Everything was tinted pink nowadays and she honestly didn't have the energy to try and figure out why. It was probably something to do with Love.

Something to do with Love...

A possibility buried itself in Ebonywind's mind. There was a faint chance, but could it be?

Could Love be influencing Ebonywind's decisions?

Déjà vu suddenly came over her.

I've thought this before.

StarClan. Did Love take my memory?

Ebonywind paced around the cave, growing agitated. This couldn't be possible.

Love! She growled. Tell me the truth!

Love replied immediately. Shocked, she staggered back, resting against a wall of the cave.

I'm sorry. I influenced your decisions. I controlled you at times. didn't naturally love Dark. That was me.

H-How?! Ebonywind demanded.

Many spirits exist in the world. Truth is the ruler of all. The Ruler of the Heavens. He forced me. You don't understand. I didn't complete my task. Which meant I had to change fate. You, Ravenflight and Amberclaw would've killed Dark already if it wasn't for me, tweaking the futures and changing your views of the world. Slowly, but surely.

You mean I didn't actually fall in love with Dark? You made me fall in love with Dark?

Yes. And much more. You've become more violent and aggressive lately. That's me.

How could you?! All this time, I thought we were friends! I trusted you! How could you betray me?


Then, a thought hit Ebonywind.

"Oh no," she whispered as a white cat with shimmering red eyes bounded out of what seemed like the wall behind her. No, not the wall. Her body.

"Love," Ebonywind greeted, her voice hostile and cold.

"You've guessed it already," Love's voice sent chills down Ebonywind's spine.

"Yes, I have," She replied simply. "You told me for no reason than to spite me. You're just going to take my memories again."

Love's tail-tip twitched before she snarled in frustration. Not because Ebonywind had figured her plan out, though.

"Why won't this work?" Love screeched. Ebonywind flinched, assuming that the Tribe were going to wake up. Sure enough, mutters of annoyance began to grow louder.

"What won't work?" Ebonywind backed into the wall as Love advanced on her.

"You keep getting your memories back!" Love opened her jaws, exposing sharp teeth.

"Wait...have you taken my memories more than once?!" Ebonywind was astounded. Shocked. The cat she had thought was her friend had been manipulating her from the very start. "Exactly how long have you been controlling me?"

Love's eyes showed no hint of remorse as she hissed, "Many moons."

Love leapt at her, muttering words under her breath. Ebonywind jolted as she remembered them. 

Then, Ebonywind knew no more.

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