Chapter 12

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Alorah Reagen
I stood in front of him, stunned by what I had found out. I was trying to comprehend how they pinned their actions on an innocent person like Julian.

How could they do this? Roping up innocent people who didn't have anything to do with this and weren't a part of it and letting them take the blame while they do it again and again.

Thinking about it makes me feel angry and frustrated. I can't stand by and do nothing, knowing that if we don't solve this problem quickly, it will keep persisting and eventually tire Julian out.

Though what exactly can a person like me do? A person who is afraid and weak towards attention. Someone who couldn't handle the slightest chaos.

Why am I such a coward sometimes?

"Alorah? Before you continue with whatever is going through your head, could you listen to me for a bit?" The thoughts halted at how gentle his voice sounded; even the way he held my right hand, which I didn't even notice was in his, was tender.

People who see this side of him, which was not depicted in those hateful rumors, would realize he wasn't such a terrible person after all.

I wish they could see it.

"You must be thinking and blaming the people who pin this on me, but I wanted you to know that as long as some believed in me, I can say with 75 percent certainty that I'll be alright. I wouldn't want you to overthink all the possible reasons they did it because they aren't worth your time. Instead, I want you to spend it on your friends and family and perhaps the potential bond between us," Julian confessed.

His words made me think a little. No matter what he said to me, it was always right. I can't comment on that and knowing how he felt strengthened my thoughts and feelings about him.

"You know, you have an amazing and strong heart. Despite how hard I try to see the good in people and be positive about it, those hurtful actions that disrupt it can't be left unseen," I stared at our hands, and I couldn't help but play with them.

"Then how about this? With every frustration you felt after seeing something, try to find me and grab my hand like this," He let go of our holding hands and wrapped his right hand around my left wrist, "then formed a fist and hit the center of my hand to let out your anger. While you do this, you can mutter why you felt this way or let it out in your head."

I stared at my fist, which was levitating on his hand. As I followed his instruction by hitting it three times, I could see the point of doing this and how effective it would be.

"Alright. But in exchange, I want you to do the same to me," I flipped our roles, this time with my palm facing up and my other hand holding Julian's wrist, and watched his hand form a fist. Afterward, I looked at him, and he was shaking his head with a smile, "What?"

"Nothing. It's just that the difference between our strengths is evident. Your palm will turn red by the time I finish with the second hit," Julian said, looking amused, and I responded by raising my eyebrow and placing my hands on my hips.

"Fine by me. Do it to the max, or you could lessen your power but still be able to unleash your anger," I shrugged.

"How about no?"

"If you won't do it to me, then I won't do it to you." I countered.

"How about you do it, and I'll find another way to vent?"

"Then what's the point of sharing this knowledge if you won't do it?"

"Why are you so stubborn?" He questioned.

"Why are you so stubborn?" I mimicked his voice, for which his lips formed a thin line. I guess he hates people doing that.

"You can do whatever you want, little one. But if you insult me using that one more time, I'm out," he said, attempting to open the door. I quickly grab it and smile at him.

"Sorry, sorry. I won't do it again," I say as I pat his hand to calm him down.

"Good. Then let's head out now. It's almost time for the next class," he said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, opened the door, and led us out.

When I say that the number of stares we received from those chilling in the hallway made me uncomfortable, I mean it. Yet it didn't affect me much as Julian was making small talk with me to divert my attention from those people.

However, as we were nearing our classroom, I couldn't help but wonder who was behind the cigarettes in the unused room.

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