Chapter : 4 A

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Please give inline comments for my story that help me to write the story.. This is a request to all my friends & viewers... Guys please do comments, if you like the story, the response is hell disappointing, this is the last warning or else say bye bye to me forever. I got tired of giving warnings, you will never understand writer feeling.....

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Alpha And Her Mate Beta

Chapter : 4 A

They all stopped in a place and saw Nandini who was sitting in her werewolf form near to the dragon.... Manik see that dragon and remember the dragon picture in the book... he was taking his steps forward to reach Nandu... the dragon saw Manik is coming towards Nandini... the dragon stand in front Nandini and looking them angrily...

He saw the dragon and stop on his place with his friends... dragon was about to split fire on Manik and his friends before that Nandu werewolf came in between Manik and dragon... Nandu werewolf look at dragon and nods her head negatively.... the dragon not split the fire on them....

Manik and his friends turn around and look the other dragon creatures which was following them.... that creatures stop in their place and lower their head after seeing their queen who was standing infornt of Nandu werewolf...

"Samara don't do anything he is my mate... he only take me hear to find you.."Nandu werewolf talk to that dragon using her mind connecting power...

"Ok Nandini I understand I won't harm your mate... you find your mate!!!" Samara replied (that dragon name is Samara, queen of the dragon creatures...),giving asurrance to her while closing her eyes...

Samara stop all other dragon creatures to stay in their place....

"Yeah! I find my mate" I said after transforming into my human form and I sit in front of the dragon... the dragon also sit on her place...

"I know why you all here?" Samara said to them while doing some potion spell in front of them which was present their front... Manik and his friends also transform into their human form and sit beside Nandini.... Manik keep his hand on my hand... I look at him and share a smile.... he also smiled while looking at me....

"You know everything... Samara please say everything to me... I don't understand why these are happening to me? I can't able to loss any other person who was connected to my life.."I was said all these in furious....I was thinking all that and completely pissed off....

"Baby just calm down and relax... she will say everything and make us clear..." Manik says,looking me... he can't able to see me in tensed... he was worried, seeing me in tension.... he hold my shoulder making me to calm down and I look at his eyes which has so much of love and care for me.... I nods my head positively after seeing that....

"Samara you say why these are happening to Nandini..." Manik asked, having so much of doubt and confusion on his face... because he also don't know why these are happening... But he knows only one thing, they're behind Nandu because she is the rare werewolf... behind this reason something is hidden....

"You know that she is a rare werewolf" Manik cut her  between she was about to speak more..."Yeah I know that samara , she is a rare werewolf... but I guess something is behind this reason, I don't know what is that... we are helpless in that without finding any other clue..." Manik says to samara having no hope on his face...

"Yeah you are right Manik... you guess right before giving this book to you... you have to some truth about a special white rare werewolf..." Samara says, taking the book from her wings which was hidden in her wings...

Manik nods his head while seeing the book.... Samara started saying the history to them...

"Fourty-five years before, Nandini Ancestors one of a girl is rare werewolf (that means Nandu grand grand grand mother)... she have all the five staff and she is a powerful rare werewolf.... she is the Queen of all pack werewolf and also the Queen of all the creatures like dragon and all other types of different creatures... the five staff represent the five powers like wind, water, fire,sky and earth and also represent the powers of different creatures like us..."Samara says to them...

"That staff are more powerful, that staff are taken only by the rare werewolf..." Manik ask to Samara, interrupting her...

"Yeah you are right my dear boy.." Samara reply to Manik, continuing the past to them...

"She keep all the staff safely with her but the gamma werewolf find that and they try to get the staff at any cost... they attacked them so many times but they can't able to get the staff....the gamma werewolf made a ploy to get the staff... they success in their ploy before they reach the staff Nandu Ancestors hide that in some other place and Nandu Ancestors made five book and keep that in different place... that  books only show the way to that staff... the gamma werewolf capture Nandu grand grand grand mother and ask about the staff... but she deny that... that gamma werewolf become more angry and killed her and  drink her blood... before she die she send all other alpha pack from that place and keep them safe... she also said that she will born very soon in the same pack at a first girl child.... she give one of the book to her son and say keep that safe with you and send them...." Samara says that to Manik, handover the book to him...

"How can I protect my baby from the danger?"Manik ask to her, having confusion on his face...

"Don't worry my dear son, keep this dragon tooth potion with you.. it will help to find that person who have come to harm Nandini... Now I'm going to give my power to Nandu our queen, she only going to protect us from the danger..."Samara said, standing on the floor now...

Manik and also other get up from the place which they occupied few minutes before... Nandini was looking Samara having confusion on her face...

"Samara don't do this.. if you give your power to me how will you protect your family and yourself.. please don't do this. ..."I asked , having sadness on her face...

"No Nandini dear I promised your grand grand grand mother... I can't able to deny that..." Samara said,looking me and before I speak she transfer all her power on me and lye on the floor in tired...

"Samara" I screamed, ran to her and hugged her to give some energy to her... my eyes is filled with tears after seeing her condition...

"I... I want to say one more thing to you Manik dear... You have to engage her following the clue which was present in the book and that time you can get another book" Samara said stutteringly to Manik and continued "You have to marry her following the clue which was present in other book, that time only you get another two books" before she says the full information to them the gamma werewolf a poison arrow towards samara...

That hit Samara heart and she screamed in pain, tears are started brimming from every one eyes... blood is bleeding from her heart continuously.....

"Manik dear take her with you know and leave from this place... just go from here...." Samara said stutteringly before they leave, she gave dragon egg to Manik....

"Keep this with you.. it will help you...." Samara said that and lye on the floor like a lifeless body.... I screamed while seeing Samara death in front of my eyes.... other dragon creatures pror tect them, having tears on their eyes.....

"Baby come let's go from here.." Manik said, pulling me from that place..."No Manik I can't able to come from this place..."I said stubborn, sitting on that place... but Manik not listen my words, he pick up me from the ground and take me from that place... I feel guilty because all of them are dying because of me...

He take me to the car and make me to sit in the car and his friends take the backseat and Manik take the driver seat and started driving the car... I was crying silently because no one wants to hear especially Manik.... If Manik hear my crying sound,it will give pain to his heart....

We reached the mansion after dropping everybody in their home...  My eyes become reddish due to constant cry... Manik notice my eyes and saw tears on my cheek which was dried on my cheek... that give pain to his heart... He was controlling himself to be strong in front of me...

He stop in the creatures in front of the mansion and left the car after opening the car door and walking like lifeless person in the mansion... Manik followed me...

Nyeonika mom saw me and ran towards me..."Nandu dear are you fine? Please say something dear..." Nyeonika asked to me, having worried on her face..I enter into the room without answering to her question and shut the door myself inside the room and sit near to the door while resting my head on the door....

Manik standing outside helplessly in that place having sadness on his face... Nyeonika mom was also feeling pity for me....

Nyeonika asked to Manik what happens to me? Manik says everything to her and hugged his mom and cried more while seeing his baby condition.... Nyeonika was worried for her son and daughter in law... she don't to how to console Manik and me....

Precab : Suspense

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