Chapter : 4 B

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Please give inline comments for my story that help me to write the story.. This is a request to all my friends & viewers... Guys please do comments, if you like the story, the response is hell disappointing, this is the last warning or else say bye bye to me forever. I got tired of giving warnings, you will never understand writer feeling.....

Try to do long comment for my story please friends... this is a request to you all my viewers....

Alpha And Her Mate Beta

Chapter : 4 B

Nyeonika asked to Manik what happens to her? Manik says everything to her and hugged his mom and cried more while seeing his baby condition.... Nyeonika was worried for her son and daughter in law... she don't to how to console Manik and me....

"Manik you go and console her... she needs only able to handle her... because strong everything we will sort out  very soon dear" Nyeonika said, keeping her hand on Manik cheek and caressed his cheeks....

Manik nods his head positively to her... Manik got some strength and relief in his  heart after hearing his mom words... he rubbed the tears which was stinging on his cheek... he take a deep breath and take his steps towards his room and keep  his hand on the knob and twist the knob and open the door after and take his steps inside the room...

I was sitting in near to the door while holding my legs and buried my face in that... Manik saw me and move near to me and knees down and sit in front of me.... Manik  control himself after hearing my sob...

"Nandini... listen to me..." Manik called me by my name, gathering some courage.... I hear his voice and started sobbing more while looking at him...

I burst into tears on his chest after hugging me tightly.... Manik also hugged me tightly how much he can?

"Manik why all these are happening to me? Who are trying to help me and save me all of them are dying in front of my eyes? Because of me all of them are dying I feel so guilty Manik... that guilty is eating me Manik..." I said, holding his shirt tightly from back and crying badly.... My tears soaked on his shirt and he can feel my tears against his chest... I was crying badly😭😭😭....

"Baby listen to me once" Manik says, breaking the hug, cupped my face and rubbing the tears which was flowing down continuously from my eyes...

I nods my head positively to him, looking him having tears on my eyes😢😢😢...

"Baby I'm going to ask you one question, you have to answer honestly to me" Manik asked,having some hope on his eyes, that I will give answer to his question honestly...I again nods my head positively , controlling my sobs....

"Baby say, what did your mom and dad say before their death? Say to me clearly... I want to know that.." Manik asked, cupping my face....

"My mom and dad say to me that anything will happen around you.... you have to be strong and don't cry in that situation..." I replied, controlling my sobs, but tears are rolling down from my eyes....

"Your mom and dad say these words to you na... then why are you crying baby? You have to be strong baby.... you don't feel guilty for that... please don't cry baby, if you cry their sacrifice become meaningless baby... they will also become sad and think you are not strong... if you are strong, you have to take revenge for your mom, dad and your friends death baby... I will be there always for you " Manik said, cubbing my face, while rubbing my tears....

"Yeah Manik you are right... I'm going to take revenge for my mom and dad death and also my friends... promise me you will be always there for me na... I'm your strong girl" I said, Wiping my tears which was on my cheek... "but Manik I can't able to lose you and I can't able to put your life in danger" I said, looking him worriedly and hugged him tightly...

"Nothing will happen to me baby... you are with me right.. so no one can touch me... I always there for you baby... I Love you so much..." Manik said,hugging me tightly in his protective arms... I feel safe and secure in his arms, cuddling more into him how I can? Manik also hugged me like his precious gift....

"Baby" Manik called me in his melody tone..."hmm " I replied, cuddling more into him to feel his heart beat....

"Baby I'm thinking you are very hungry... you come and have your food", Manik said  ,breaking the hug,  caressing my cheek lovingly....

"Yeah Manik I feel so hungry...." I said, caressing my tummy like a child... he smiled while seeing my childish act....

"Ok  come let's go and have your lunch" Manik replied lovingly...."No I will not come.. you have to take me to the dinning table and feed the food with your own hand" I said, nodding my head like a child, making some cute pout... I open my arms... he hold my hand and make me to stand on the floor and take me in his arms and I wrapped my hand around his shoulder...

He take me out of the room while taking long steps... we reached the dinning table... his mom saw our cuteness and left from that place leaving us alone....
He sit in the chair first and make me to sit on his lap and started eating the food, while nodding my head... sometime playing with his chain or sometime caressing his hair...

I completed my lunch and take some food on the place... Manik was looking me confusingly...

"Baby your tummy is full now na then why are taking the food again in the plate" Manik asked, having confusion on his face..." I know Manik my tummy is full... you will take care of me na... so I'm also want to take care of you right.... because you are my responsible and first priority.... I know that you will not eat the food without me... I completed my lunch... now it's your turn to complete the food..." I said, taking some food in my tiny hand, bringing near to his mouth...

He looking me having love and caring in his eyes.... he can also see love and caring in my eyes for him.... Manik ate his lunch with my hand... I was love to feed the lunch with my hand to him...

We both completed the food... Manik dad and mom came their... they both stand in front of us and looking us....

"Sorry for disturbing you both....Manik we have a meeting, so we have to leave now..."Manik dad say,looking him, having smile on his face....

"Dad you are not disturbing us... we are just talking only dad" I smiled, getting up from Manik lap...

"Dad say what happened? Is any problem..." Manik asked,getting up from the chair... "No Manik not like that it's just a meeting only.... if we go there only we will know what is the reason" Manik dad replied to him...

"Ok dad I'm coming with you but Nandu will be alone na..."Manik said,stutteringly while rubbing his back hair... he can't able to leave me alone for one second also.... I blushed after hearing that while looking down....

"Manik dear don't worry about it.... I will take care of your mate... I'm promising you dear no one take your love from here... you go with your dad" Nyeonika said,teasingly looking at her son... Manik also become shy after hearing that...

"Bye baby" he said,kissing my cheek... I blushed and gave a kiss on his cheek.. Manik dad and Manik left from that place...

I and Nyeonika mom move to the entrance and say bid bye to them... they both turn into their werewolf form and left from that place... we both enter into the hall...

"Nandu dear say about your journey... I really excited to hear about your journey...."Nyeonika mom asked to me having smile on her face... I nods my head positively after hearing that and I started saying the mystery story to her having happy and sad on my face... my expression got Change while saying samara death....

Nyeonika mom eyes also filled with tears after hearing that but she control herself and console me....


Manik and his dad reached the meeting spot.... all other members are waiting for them.... Manik and his dad turn into their human form and enter inside.... all other members saw them and lowered their head and wish them....

"Why these sudden meeting? Does what reason this meeting is happening?" Manik dad asked, looking all other members having confusion on his face...

"Our spy got a news because of that sudden meeting is happening your majesty..."one of them members replied...."what news our spy got  can you say it clearly siddarth" Manik dad asked to him...

"Gamma werewolf is going to attack us within two months.... we got this news from our spy sir" siddarth replied to him.... "What???" Manik screamed after hearing that.....

"Yes Prince this is the true message we got...."Siddarth replied to him, having nervous on his face...."How can these happen without any reason..." Manik dad asked before Manik could speak....

"They have one information alsp we got our majesty... I don't know how to say?" siddarth says to them, stutteringly... "whatever information got you can say to me.."Manik dad replied to him...

"They need our Prince mate.. if we handle our Prince mate, they will not attack us "Siddarth said while lowering his head.... "what?? Dad don't agree with it... we will face whatever problem comes.... we have two months for the battle.." Manik said, looking his confidently....

"I think you are right Manik.... I will support you in their decision.... Siddarth call everybody and say them about the battle and start the training from now onwards..." Manik dad gave order to him... Siddarth nods his head positively and left from that place... Manik and his dad left from that place....


I was sitting in the room and reading the book.... All of sudden I here a cracking sound.... I was close the book and keep the book in the table and follow the direction where the sound come from?

I sit in front of the table and saw the egg which was given by Samara.... the egg is started cracking.... I was sitting in front of that and look at that having excitement on my face... the dragon egg is cracked completely and a small dragon creature came out from the egg....

"Aww how cute you are looking so cute and beautiful" I said, caressing her chin.... I was looking her continuously....

Manik and his dad reached the mansion....

"Baby I'm back where are you?"Manik called me.... I hear his voice and get up from his place and ran towards the hall to say about this....

Manik look at my smiling face and he also smiled....

"Baby why are you running like this? What happened?" Manik said, looking me having confusion on his face...

"I'm just excited to show you that... come with me" I said , holding his hand and take him to our room, show the little dragon to Manik....

Manik also look at that and smiled.... I was jumping in joy while seeing the little dragon..... Manik look at my happy and smiling face mesmerisingly lost in that...

Precab : Manik birthday and he propose Nandini....

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Love Diyu

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