20. The Beast

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Alpha Ryan Damison

I shake my head furiously as I can feel my eyes shifting to black then back to my golden brown color. The focus of my retina keeps on changing as my wolf is trying to take over my mind. A fight for control between me and my wolf which I am not willing to give. Focus.

I want our mate. OUR MATE RYAN.

Errr! I fall on my knees as I feel my vertebral column shifting into an animal's. The bones are breaking then joining again to change its shape, I can feel my chest expanding. The shirt and suit on my human form are suffocating me, they are ceasing the beast inside me. I immediately remove the suit not wanting to watch it tear in pieces. It's Versace anyway.

My nails are scratching the wooden floor of my cabin. Human nails replacing claws. Dark razor-sharp deadly claws. I can see dark blue veins popping out of my skin. My skin. Oh! It's burning.

I scratch harder on the floor as my bones are trying to break and shift into wolf's form. Though the process of shifting is smooth, as soon as I hand over the control to my wolf, my blood vessels reflect homo sapien's dna and restructure themselves with the Canis Lupus Lycaon's dna. It is a species of grey wolf native to eastern Corlinque.

But this time he is fighting me as I am not willing to submit my control to him. Everyone knows how feral Dakota can be, my pack is more scared of my wolf than any apocalypse. And here I am trying to tame the wild beast.

My gums are split open as my canines are growing. I can taste metallic blood in my mouth coming out from my gums. My shoulders are getting broad, my chest is expanding enough to threaten to tear my shirt into strips. I see my buttons popping out from my shirt and rolling on the floor. I need to control. I need to calm him.

I start to visualize things that I can't do in my wolf form.

Wearing suits, shoes, tie.

Driving my Z4.

Playing Xbox

My focus again start to shift. This is not working, so I again start to visualize human stuff.

Grandma cooking.

Grandma making out.

Washing socks.

Grandma having threesome.

I see grey hair growing on the back of my palms. I am losing it.
If Dakota takes over me I don't know what he will do. He might chase Ethan and rip off Rita's head or run in office corridors and pee on my car. I again concentrate on how to control Dakota.

Blue hair.

Hazel eyes.

Soft skin. Soft glowing skin.

Perky ass.

Plum lips.

I feel my chest contracting while my canines returning back inside my gums. I take deep breaths to control my wolf as I remember how Ethan was looking at me minutes ago. I remember his voice, how he said my name.


I close my eyes till I feel normal inside. The atmosphere feels calm. Just like calm before the storm. I call my beta immediately as I know I am going to lose control once again. I can feel it coming.

As soon as he picks up I become desperate to speak "Daniel, make the arrangements to the Red Room rightnow" I look around for my suit. My Versace suit.

"Alpha! We have no more rogues. Last time you came you killed all of them and-" I lose my brain and shout "GET ME ROGUES. I WANT THEM RIGHTNOW" Only killing rogues can calm me down and now the last option is out of the list. "B-but Alpha only dead-" Daniel's excuses are making me more mad. "I WANT ROGUES OR ANYTHING. GIVE ME ANYTHING" I would fight a T-Rex rightnow, I don't care what is infront of me I just want to break bones and shed blood.

I start to feel the canines rising again from my bleeding gums. I see my claws are dug into the leather chair tearing it's foam, with a little more pressure it's head board breaks. I lift it and smash it on the closed door. I see it's wheels and legs flying across the room. The chair was really comfortable, comfortable for $500. Its not enough.

I do the same to the other two chairs in front of the table. They break into pieces instantly. The floor looks like a jigsaw puzzle scattered with chair pieces. I take deep breathe to calm down and tell myself that I renovated the office yesterday only. Those chairs already cost me $250 each.

I can feel Dakota howling in my head telling me what Ethan and Rita might be doing rightnow. I clench my fist and punch on the table's surface. Once, twice, thrice and it breaks just like a building during earthquake. Wood pieces flat on the floor. There goes my $1100 table.

I see my knuckles are bleeding and bones are easily visible but I didn't care. My eyes connect with my reflection in the glass cupboard. My face has turn red and veins are popping out from forehead. My eyes are still flickering from black to golden then black again. I raise my hand and punch the glass. Small glass pieces get stuck into my knuckles and fingers bleeding it more.

I see Jack Daniels and Old monk bottles in the shelf. I immediately grab it and start to gulp it down. Though werewolves don't get drunk so easily as they have high tolerance level for alcohol but it does slows down their body system. Like their wolf. And that's what I want rightnow. I want to feel numb. Away from my wolf. Away from the world. I look around for a place to sit. I can't even recognize my own cabin.

What a mess I am.

I gulp down the rum until the bottle is empty. I throw it on floor watching it break into million pieces in slow motion. I see the couch is untouched. I sit there with the Jack Daniels 700ml bottle. I feel something hard poking down my butt. I see it's my phone.

I open the lock and start to dial Ethan's number. I remember his number since I saw it on his resume. I want to hear his voice. His sweet voice. My rational brain have officially left me just like my wolf. No voice is coming from my head, so I press the call symbol.


I wait.. and wait.. and wait.. A sweet voice comes from my phone "Sir? Is that you?" My stiffness leaves my body and I melt like butter on the couch. I gulp some more whiskey before saying.

"Ethan. I miss you. You have no idea what I did" I humorlessly laugh at myself. I again hear that sweet angelic voice "Sir are you alright? What are you saying?"

"Listen carefully.." *gulps down whiskey* "For what I am going to say" I say though it's hard to make a complete sentence. "Sir? Where are yo-" his sweet voice comes from phone. "I would love to hear your voice but for now listen to me please. I beg you. Listen. Ethan." I hear his breathing but no words came so I continue speaking "I am a werewolf Ethan. A wolf. A dangerous wolf. A deadly feral wolf. I have killed many people and I will kill many more." I say the truth. The absolute truth.

"Ryan I-" before he could say I continue "Ethan. Listen. Every werewolf gets a soulmate as a gift. And my gift is you. You are my soulmate Ethan. You are my mate." I tell him my deepest secret.

"I am-" he speaks again but I again speak "You are amazing Ethan. If you were a girl I would go crazy for you. Hell I am crazy for you rightnow. I FUCKING HATE RITA. Sh-she is trying to steal you from me. I can't see this. I can't. Ethan, listen. I am a mess. Only you can save me baby" My throat gets dry so I gulp some more whiskey. I can't go through this everyday. I am turning into a maniac.

"Ethan. I love you but I love me more. I am sorry. Sorry for" I wipe the tears on my cheeks. I feel a sharp sting as my tears touch my bleeding knuckles.

Fucking salt in tears.

"Ethan. Listen carefully. I, Alpha Ryan Damison" I gulp down more whiskey as I need balls to say what I am going to say next. I remind myself that it's for the best. This is the only way I can save myself. I take a deep breath, my tongue feels like it is rolling in acid. "Ryan, wait-" before Ethan could complete I say the most painful thing in the world.

"I, reject you as my mate".


Alpha rejecting his mate. Who saw that coming ????

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