25. Boyfriend

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Emara Stone

Once a drunk friend of mine jumped into the water saying that he wants to be the first person to swim across the Pacific in one night, though he jumped into a kid's swimming pool.

One night my friend got so drunk at the bar that she stole a girl's birthday crown off her head, went to another bar and made everyone there buy her birthday drinks.

Last time I went to my friend's party where I didn't eat a single thing while drinking and I ended up sleeping in my friend's bathroom using a towel as a pillow and bathrobe as a blanket. People in the party still used the bathroom while I was sleeping there.

After that I was never invited to another party. Not that I regret but yes free food and free drinks is something I still miss.

Once me and my brother were so drunk that we stole a dog from a house. It's been two years and we still have that dog. Her name is Laila. And she is always clingy to Ethan like his side bitch.

Anyway, drunk stories are really overrated but this one tops all of them. My gay boss after getting drunk turned into a straight person after seeing my boobs. Al-O-Al.

My boobs have alien power in them.

After thinking for a brief moment I get to this conclusion that he is not completely gay. The way he was really eyeing me and licking my neck like alcohol I am hardly sure that he is gay. May be he is a bisexual.

And turns out he is not that harsh like he looks as he spared me off the charges plus he let me sleep in his room. What a sleep it was, man! I never slept like that in ages. I feel more relaxed and fresh, may be that's why rich people call it beauty sleep. The bed was so soft it felt like I was sleeping on hundred babies. Damn soft.

I notice the room is empty and the bed sheet on the other side is smooth. I see my clothes were on the chair, they are washed and ironed. I change my clothes and leave the room in search of Ryan. I hear utensils noice, I follow it and see a short brown lady making breakfast in the kitchen.


"May I know where is Ryan sir." The old lady with braids turns around, she eyes on my hair and clothes. She squint her eyes while she rubs her chin with her index finger. "You couldn't find your bra or did Ryan stole it?" She bluntly says looking at my chest. I immediately look down and see two bumps. "I didn't knew Ryan was into tomboys." She giggles while toasting bread on pan.

"I am not his girlfriend." My voice is low and filled with disappointment. "I know, sweety. His soulmate is somewhere out there, so he doesn't do relationships. I don't blame him though." She says while scrambling eggs. My face completely drops listening this, I feel a lump forming in my throat like I am about to cry.

"I am Dory, what is your name young lady?" I hear her voice again while she is busy making omlet. "It's Emara." I say swallowing the lump in my throat. "Emara?" I hear a man's husky breathless voice. The voice that made my heart and breath accelerate.

I turn around and my eyes contact with whiskey brown color ones, they were already penetrating sharply in my eyes. Hotty is standing at the door wearing sweat shirt and trousers. His neck and armpit area of t-shirt is dark showing he is sweating. Though he looks tired as if he didn't slept for days he still looks panty drop hot.

I think hotty is the sexiest man I ever saw including those half naked models and over acting actors. But last night I was really scared around him, his vibes were very psychotic. He looked like a land mine which will explode anytime. He is hot and dangerous, just the type wattpad girls write books on.

"Come you both, egg sandwich is ready." Dory says while plating on the table. Hotty goes over to Dory and give her a hug as Dory spats spatula on his arm playfully. Hotty sits across the table while smiling sheepishly at me. "So, Emara." He again says my name huskily which made me clench my thighs below the table. My name rolls over his lips as if I was named to be called by him.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Hotty asks me in a dead serious tone looking at me while biting into his bread. His teeth pierce into the toast making crunchy sound. I shake my head in a no and slowly bite my sandwich knowing his eyes are still on me. He is hella weird.

"Why not? You have good boobs Emara." He smirks as he looks at my breast then at me while wiggling his eyebrows at me. I narrow my eyes as I know he is embarrassing me. This sick bastard.

"Do you have a boyfriend, sir? I saw you watching gay porn." I ask in return while giving him my victory smile then sit back in chair like a crowned queen. Eat that sir.

A spatula lands on hotty's hand which made him jerk in shock and pain. "DORRYYY!! It's hot." Hotty wines. I see him blow air on his hand making an O with his lips. His lips are really plum and pink and wet and so kissable. "Stop roaming with that Daniel guy. He is making you like him." Dory barks at him while continuing her blow as he tries to defend. "I want a grandson not a grandson-in-law." Dory yells at him.

The view is really entertaining as seeing a CEO get beaten by an old lady. A small laugh escapes my mouth which catches his attention. His expressions turns ice cold, stony and dark. "I want you to continue work as my secretary as Ethan. I won't tell anyone that you are a girl and neither will you." He says in a lethal warning tone.

After everything that happened he still wants me to work for him. Well I don't mind unless I am getting paid and get to see him everyday. "Yes! I'll leave now. My cab is here." I say politely as I stand up. I keep my plate in the sink and thank Dory for the breakfast. I look over at the table and notice Hotty is gone and his remaining sandwich is still on the plate.


I dress up in Ethan's clothes for office. I can't believe in one week I am caught by my main boss. I am not even talented to be an actress, I am good for nothing. Even my parents never focused on me, their all eyes were on my brother because he is perfect in every way. Atleast Hotty thought I am useful. I check for today's schedule and write down in diary. I take a print of the synopsis of meetings and walk into HR's cabin where he is currently because his office is renovating. Again.

I see hotty's legs crossed on the glass table. His shoes are tapping making a leather hit leather noice. I see his face is serious, his eyebrows are drawn in a line like he is concentrating hard. He looks like a bad gangster dressed in all black and reading a gun's instruction manual. My eyes reach at what he is reading, the outer cover says 'The complete illustrated KamaSutra'. Ohh!

He lifts his heavenly dark eye lashes to look at a poor creature like me. His eyes connect mine and a volcano burst in my chest, exploding it's toxicity into my veins making my legs ready to melt. I nervously gulp the way his eyes are scanning my every visible and hidden skin. His eyes feel like they are piercing through my clothes and I feel naked in front of him. Butt naked.

"Sir, your schedule is here." I speak breaking the dead silence. He says nothing but instead watch my every movement carefully. His eyes are static at me and he is not even blinking. I stand there awkwardly curling my toes inside my shoes nervously. Is he imagining me? Is this the right time to confess my sex dreams about him?

"Where were you born, Emara?" He says in a raspy tone while sitting straight on his chair and closing the book but still keeping it in his hands. He is aware that I noticed the book and I know what it is about. "In South Bisera." I say looking at my shoes that I polished this morning.

I look him raise his perfect eyebrow a centimeter making him look more intimidating. "Why?" He asks in a low voice like he is asking himself.

He asked why? What do you mean why.

"Because my parents did there.. That's why." I answer to his stupid question. Duh'. He narrows his eyes at me and stands up from his chair while buttoning his suit. I gulp loudly as I find his actions quite intimidating today.

He walks around to the table towards me and stands in front of me crossing his arm on his chest with that still stoic face. His chest lifts up showing his well built and broad shoulders. I would blackout if he punched me once. "But your accent is not close to Bisera's." His face looks like he is doing mental maths.

"Because I didn't talk to anyone there." I say fidgeting my finger. I was homeschooled till my senior highschool. Then I and Ethan shifted here for our college which I didn't cleared yet. My life looks doomed.

Suddenly the door opens and a goddess like figure walks in. Long thick black hair till her hips, brown color eyes with red blood lips on her cream white skin. Her smokey eye makeup is on fleek something that I can achieve only after a hangover. She is wearing a shirt and tight pencil skirt which makes her waist look small giving her body look like an hourglass figure. Her thighs looks muscular like a sprinter's, she probably workout daily. I see she is wearing pencil heels but without that she might be still taller than me. She is a perfect definition of beauty queen.

She looks between me and Ryan with hot veins. Hotty takes a step back from me and face her completely, giving her all the attention in the room. She looks at me from my hair to my pants and walks in between me and Ryan. She walks like she is on a hunt, in a mood for some kill. She stands in front of me and smile which made her look more beautiful than she already is.

"Hi. I am Rose." She says sweetly looking at me. If I was a guy I'd definitely fall for her smile but instead flames of jealousy spark in my heart. Not because she is pretty but because she is standing in between me and Ryan, even he is looking at her like she is out of this planet. Ryan places his hands on her shoulder making her face him.

I bite my tongue and clench my fist to control the urges to either shout at them or run away. I see Hotty looking at her like he use to look at me, piercingly hot. "Ethan, don't disturb us for next hour." He says still looking at the beautiful girl, Rose. She turns around at me and again smile at me. I hate that she looks beautiful.

"Rose." Ryan calls her name again but she still keep looking at me fiercely like she will attack me anytime if I made a wrong move. I turn around and walk out of the room at the speed of bolt. Hot wet tears escape from my eyes, I couldnt breathe since she walked in. I didn't like the way she showed authority over Ryan and he let her.

You can be the moon and still be jealous of the stars ~ Gary Allen


Yay !! New character. Who is the beauty queen??

Remember- The more votes I see the sooner I'll update the next chapter ;)

Alpha is hungry for votes.

Here is a meme


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