38. Serene

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Emara Stone


I can still feel Hotty's sharp fangs penetrating inside my skin where they were before few seconds ago.
I hold my blood wet throbbing neck, I can feel my hot burning veins in every part of my body like it's on fire, hell hot fire.

As the elevator goes down I feel a strange and unusual pull, like someone snatching my soul up. This pain is more crucifying than his bite, it feels like someone is forcefully and painfully separating my limbs from my body. Every piece of my body is aching and burning like I am going through the gateways of the hell.

Someone please make it stop.


Suddenly the doors of the elevator open, without looking anywhere I start to run towards the main door while holding my neck. I faintly hear Rita's voice as she shouts Ethan's name but I don't halt my steps and keep running. The pull in me is increasing at an incredible rate as I take every step away from the building. What kind of dark magic he did on me?

I still can't believe he really bit me. Though he could kill me on the spot, he chose to just bit me and let me go. The whole scenario doesn't fit, I don't know what game he is playing and why he wants Ethan to know that he bit me. Why he didn't pull my head off? Why he-

Wait.... Oh no!!

He is a werewolf. And he bit me.

I stumble my legs as the realization struck me, he wants me to die painfully and slowly from Rabies. That venomous lizard. My legs give up on the thought that by now I might be infected by the bite, my knees were about to say hello to the concrete floor but suddenly someone holds my waist firmly from the back. I fall lifelessly on the person's strong and muscular hand like a cloth hanged on a hanger.

I lift my eyes to see my guarding angel who saved my knees. My angel's face seems familiar, infact I have seen him before with hotty many times. Oh yes, he is hotty's ex-ex-secretary Drake. Drake is wearing a tight shirt or maybe he has muscles which make his shirt look tight. I don't know. His eyes show grave concern for me and his lips are moving very fast but I can't hear a word coz my ears are already ringing.

I am sweating like a sinner in church, even my breathing is uneven and rapid. My lungs are struggling hard to operate maybe I am really going to die, I don't even know how much a coffin cost. Drake tries to make me stand on my feet but I slump down on the parking floor like a bag of cabbages.

"C-Cit-City hos-pi-tal." I try to speak through my hoarse throat, I need to get shots immediately as I got bitten by a psycho dog. With one hand Drake holds my gelatin body and with another, he takes out his phone to call. But I think I won't be able to make it today. The hot venom is spreading in my whole body and I can feel it in my every vein. I need to tell him, I need to tell him about the hidden treasure before I die.

"Th-there iz" I can feel my throat getting clogged, it's getting so dry to even spit. My struggles attract Drake's attention, he keeps his phone back in his pocket and comes closer to me as I try to speak "Ther iz 100-" suddenly black dots start to form infront of my vision as my breathing slowly start to slump down. "Ther iz 100 gramm marii-mari-ju-aana in my cupboarr-" before I could even complete it darkness engulfs me.

The last thing I saw was Drake's lips getting dangerously close to mine.


My eyes flutter opens to the sound of typing. I see a foreign room with light color walls and curtains and some weird looking instruments in the corner. I see Drake sitting on my right side of the bed where I was lying, typing in superfast speed. As I try to shift my stiff body I feel a sudden sharp painful sting in my hand.

I see a needle poked inside my skin to which a transparent tube is connected to a transparent liquid bottle. Are they doing some kind of experiment on me? I freak out and try to get it out of my hand instantly but Drake's hand firmly hold mine to stop the struggle "Luna, it's just glucose bottle. Relax you will be fine."

I jerk my hand out of his claws as I don't like his touch, the hot burning sensation I feel in my neck is pulsating hard and sending weird ripples in my whole body. Suddenly I remember getting blackout in Drake's arms. I half sit on the bed holding my punctured neck as I look around to assess the room, I am probably in the hospital.

"Did you had breakfast this morning?" Drake asks tenderly, I shake my head slowly. "Hmm, that's why you got faint from the weakness and blood loss." He says while pushing a tray of vegetable sandwich, orange juice and a red color pill in a bowl towards me. "Serene said to take the pill after you eat and drink this." He pushes the tray further to my stomach, I pick the glass of orange juice and push the tray back towards him as I ask "Are you also genetically modified?"

He raises his thick eyebrow a little then turns his head towards the door then back at me as he says in a low voice "I am a werewolf too, just like Alpha." His eyes show some kind of pride when he mentions Alpha. But Ryan is so scary and crazy, "Aren't you afraid of him, he is ruthless and psycho after all." I ask him out of curiosity. Why is he even working for him when he can be a damn hot Gucci model?

He picks the vegetable sandwich from the tray and takes a large bite from it as he nods his head as he says "But he is not as bad as others portray him." The slice of tomato falls from his sandwich to the floor. "I heard he killed a dozen wolves after losing a PUBG match." I scoff. He bends down to pick the tomato slice and puts it back in between his sandwich as he says "Well, that's our Alpha but as far as I remember nobody died."

I cringe when he takes another bite from his sandwich which has the tomato slice as he says "Only Daniel was hospitalized but atleast he won the chicken dinner that night. After that incident, PUBG was permanently banned in our territory." I complete my orange juice and put it back on the tray "So Daniel is also a werewolf. Is everyone in our office a werewolf too?" I ask him curiously.

He rubs his mouth with the back of his hand after stuffing it with the remaining sandwich. "Only employees of 'P' building are werewolves. Whereas Daniel is the Beta, second-in-command, I am third-in-command. We are the DarkMaw Snow a.k.a Damison." 

"So that's why all of your last names are Damison coz you all belong to the same pack." My voice sounds like I solved a mysterious murder case. Who says I am stupid, you stupid. Drake nods as he says "Just like your last name is Stone that means you belong to Lightening Moonstone pack."

What!!! My last name is derived from the pack. And I never knew it. Wait, did hotty knew I belong to his enemy's pack so he could use me against Ethan. "We never knew you were Zydus's sister. Infact nobody knew that he has a sister." He says nonchalantly. What!! I feel a hard punch in my chest, my parents never told the world about my existence, were they ashamed of me being a human?

Suddenly the door opens and a hot girl in nurse costume walks in with a tray in her hand. Drake immediately turns his head towards her and spreads his arms infront of her "Serene, I was just thinking about you." She keeps the tray at the bedside and checks the dripping bottle which is connected to my hand "Shut up Drake, you should have thought about me before sleeping with my younger sister." She snarls at him.

Drake lowers his arms in disappointment as he says "Not my mistake love, she thought we were mates." He shrugs calmly. She angrily growls at him in return. Drake immediately holds her hand as he says in a flirtatious tone "But you know what, I think we are mates." The girl tries to snatch her hand from his but Drake doesn't let go while making puppy eyes at her.

"Drake let go off my hand or I'll kill you." She snarls at him in anger "Kill me with kisses." Drake purrs at her. No doubt why he said he is just like his Alpha, a scoundrel. Fuckboy.


"Hi. Can you please give me Rabies vaccine shots as I got bitten by a wild infected animal I believe." I tell the nurse as I get her attention. She stares at my wound on the neck which now has completely turned into navy blue color. She then looks at Drake and they both stare at each other for a while.

She nods a little as she smiles beautifully at me "Sure." She walks up to me with a syringe and injects in my left arm. She again smiles at me sweetly then picks up both the trays and turns to leave. "I love you too Serene." Drake shouts at her as she exits the room.

"Why your Alpha didn't kill me? And why are you here?" I ask him bluntly, I don't know what games are they playing with me. "Alpha is not bad, he is just... ignorant. And I am here to protect you." he says while scratching his back. I scoff at his reply "He bit me, I was about to die Drake. I really believed that he is not what my brother said but turns out he is worse."

"Luna, Alpha is not evil. He just doesn't know how to apologize. He really loves you but he doesn't know how to express it. He just knows how to show power but not love. Maybe you can help him." Hell no! I am not going to help this psychoneurotic case. 

"And you probably have done something to provoke him to bite you raw." He says while narrowing his eyes at me. "I just slapped him and kicked his balls." I say blatantly. His eyes bulge out of his eye sockets as he asks shockingly "And he just bit you? THAT'S IT? This means he really loves you."

Suddenly I feel a kick in my head. My eyelids feel heavy and my head feels dizzy and foggy. Now I wonder what that nurse injected me. Drake slowly lays me back on the bed as he says "I have informed your family, Luna." 

Before I could lose my consciousness again Drake holds my hand frighteningly as he says "Before, I thought you had some breathing attack so I tried to give you CPR mouth to mouth. Please don't tell this to Alpha." And my vision goes black.


My eyelids open up to sound of someone calling my name. I try to stand up but the sting in my neck stops me. I see Lucy sitting in front of me. I look around and see my old room. I am back in Odessy. "Are you stupid? We all were so worried for you." She says vexedly "Do you even know how many legal notices did Ethan received today?"

What!! Ethan got sued too. What is going on in my life? She raises her three fingers at me in an absolutely stern manner when I don't reply. What the hell is wrong with Ryan. Why can't he just leave my family alone? "What is it about?" I ask her though I am already tired of his bullshit,  maybe there is more of it.

"One, for living in his territory without his permission. Second, for sending you as a spy in his office. And third, for holding his mate as a captive in our territory, that is you." She points at me. What!! But I made clear to him that we broked up. My head is really pulsating now from stress.

"Where is Ethan?" I ask her defiantly. "He lost his mind after seeing that mark on your neck. It's better if you don't meet him today. Anyway, he is in a meeting with advocates and officers to discuss about the territory demanded by Damison pack." She says as she turns around to leave.

"And stop letting others use you, don't forget that they tried to kill you both before. They are our enemies. I'll bring you dinner." With that, she leaves the room. I take a deep breathe of calmness and look outside the window. I see its already dark, I don't even know how many hours I slept today.


The voice of notification catches my attention, I immediately open the email. Though I have blocked him from everywhere he still manages to email me by making a new id.

To: [email protected]

From: bitchiamrich@gmail.com

Subject: hi mate

By now you might have known about the legal notices that I have sent.

I hope there is absolute turmoil going on in your family. 

And I also hope Ethan tries to suicide and get successful.

But if you want to save your family from prosecution then tomorrow in Wolfram court accept that they are holding you captive against your will and you are willing to join Damison pack and become their Luna. And in return I'll take back all the legal notices I have send.

You have all the night to think, mate.

Yours Truly,
Alpha Ryan.

I look at the email and read it again. Is he trying to blackmail me to go against my own family, that's why he sent all those nonsense sue notices to me and Ethan? I rub my already throbbing head as I read the email again. Luna? Mate? Wolfram? I open the pdf that Ethan had sent me about werewolf to read it wholly.


I see an email notification, my blood pressure increases as I see his email again. This bloody leech.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: I am missing you badly :(

Take your iron tablets on time and take rest.

And if you dream about me remember that I like it rough and dirty ;)

Yours Truly,
Alpha Ryan.


So I recently came to know that my ex-boyfriend(P) and my 4 year bestie(V) of college slept together. He is a fuckboy so I don't give a shit about him. But the thing that hurt me the most is the girl with whom I had spend my 4 years in college like bestfriend turns out to be a fucking hoe in my life. I even drew a sketch for her then bf and treated her so well all these years. She uses to say that she never had real besties in her life and I am one of her true friends. I literally cried for like straight 3 days as I felt so stupid to trust people and let them use my friendship.

I have gone through so many shits in life that now I literally don't believe in friendship, relations, love. I feel the next person who will come in my life will also betray me. I just miss being the jolly me before the shits happened in my life, that's why I always keep my humorous personality on as I feel a smile can cure anything. So I am trying to spread smiles through this book :)

Special shoutout to Ai-chan99 and GabGab23589 for showering with votes.

Anyway lets end this chapter with something good. I drew Alpha's eyes.

The more votes I see the faster I'll update ;) I promise.

Here is a meme


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