41. The Fight

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Warning: This is a very serious Chapter.

Emara Stone

I am so nervous! My fingers are fidgeting in anticipation knowing what is going to happen. Who is going to win? What if someone dies? I couldn't sleep properly all night knowing what will happen in the next episode of Game of Thrones.

Today is the finale.

I get up from the bed and stretch my arms above my head while I make Godzilla noise. I twist my neck to my sides, last night was really weird. But I am glad it was just a dream.

I should charge my laptop completely.

I keep my laptop on charge then take a shower, get dressed in my Pokemon tee and PJs and walk down to meet my family. As I was descending stairs, my steps abruptly stop as I see the scene infront of me.

Few people dressed in dark cloak are standing in a circle around Ethan chanting something that I couldn't decipher. A tall, skinny woman who is standing infront of Ethan has an old torn book in one hand and a bowl of burned ashes in other from which smoke is emitting and lingering on Ethan's chest, arms, face. Fascinating.

Even my mother is standing with her hands joined and repeating what those black cloak women are speaking. The whole scene looks like they are performing some hoodoo voodoo dark magic shit, the smoke around them is adding a scary evil effect to the scene.

What on the wattpad is this happening?

"Emara, come down and bless your brother too." My mother commands me softly which catches everyone's eye and they all look at me. Sternly. I gulp down nervously as I feel my stomach doing some weird yoga on the thought of being part of their activity.

Which clicks in my brain, that today is their fight. It wasn't a dream but reality that hotty and Ethan are going to fight today. A fight between two Alphas infront of everyone. And little did my brain knows that somewhere the root of this fight is me. "Emara?" My mother calls my name again. This time even Ethan looks with questionable eyebrows.

I quietly walk down, the pit in my stomach twist and turns as I stand beside those tall weird women whose aura and eyes both are not friendly. My mother walks up to me and says "Emara, do you remember Dr. Mariyam? She is a veteran witch from Bisera. She uses to do your dressing whenever you use to get hurt." She addresses the thin woman who has a torn book and bowl of ashes.

I gulp down nervously as she looks down at me in a mere hostile way. "So Emara turns out to be his mate." Dr. Mariyam says in a venomous tone. And suddenly everybody's eyes turn in mere disgust as they look at me. I feel so unsafe between them, I feel like I don't belong here and these witches probably tear my limbs as their hate for Ryan is clearly displayed in their burning eyes.

"Sometimes even moon goddess make mistakes." Ethan speaks as he keeps his hands on either side of my shoulder and presses me towards him. A sense of relief rushes in my body as I back off from these unknown hostile people and be close to my brother.

Ethan is the only person in my family who has ever treated me to his equal. Other than him, everyone has made me felt inferior like I belong to some low caste or religion. Despite being an Alpha he never tried to command or dominate me, he has always been a stupid but protective brother to me.

Dr. Mariyam slowly pushes the bowl of ashes towards me, "Bless your brother, Emara." The way she said my name something tells me she doesn't like me breathing. "Bless your brother so that he can defeat his enemies and become the greatest Alpha of this century."

Bless Ethan so he can defeat Ryan? My mate? This whole situation is so confusing, I never wanted to be in between them but rightnow I am exactly where I don't want to be. 

I pick the bowl reluctantly then face slowly towards Ethan, everyone in the room are sharply noticing my every move. Dr. Mariyam starts to chant mantras and the room again fills with a thick layer of dark atmosphere. 

"Emara, close your eyes and pray to the moon goddess to give Alpha Ethan powers so he could end the existence of Ryan." All the organs freeze in my body suddenly, even the blood vessels inside my veins froze listening to this. My heart feels like it is chained brutally inside my ribcage and the people infront are tightening it further. What the hell are they trying to do! 

"Let's all pray for the victory of Alpha Ethan, let the two wolves guide him to be the greatest of all."

They know that Ryan and I have some connection, hell even my mother knows it. Then how can she expect me to pray such a thing?

My voice gets clogged inside my throat, I can't do this. I cant pray something so malicious to the goddess. I don't want either one of them to hurt each other, this whole fight is complete non-sense, why can't people see it?

"Repeat Emara, Hail Ethan and demise Ryan." The woman in a black cloak, who looks like a malnutrition vampire commands me. A ping of anguish pokes inside me as I quickly reply "It's Alpha Ryan."

The room goes silent, the only thing I can hear is my mother's teeth teetering in anger. Ethan blankly looks at me whereas the malnutrition vampire grins evilly as she says "After tonight, there will be only one powerful Alpha on this continent. That is Alpha Ethan."

Vengence is clearly dripping from the eyes of these ill-natured women, they are filled with some sort of anger and I can clearly see that they want Ryan to die than Ethan to win. I can't stand a second among them, I turn my heels and keep the bowl of ashes on the table and walk away.

I feel like an outsider in my own house. 

Despite my mother's shoutings, I don't turn around and run back to my room. I don't know who these women are but I didn't like a second with them and I have no idea what they have done with my mother's head. Bloody witches.

.  .  .

Venue: Wolfbare organization

Time: 20:31

After a long journey of an hour of my mother's lecture, we reach the venue. Wolfbare organization, it is surrounded by thick dark forest from all the sides and the area is highly restricted with tight security just like area51. But again werewolves are aliens too, right?

As we walk inside the dome my eyes catch the golden work done on the ceiling of the dome. It is painted in GOLD. All gold. Different color tulips are decorated inside giving a natural look to the manmade dome. Werewolves do know how to live like cavemen and royal at the same time.

This is my first time coming over here, I couldn't help but turn my head left and right to capture the scene whereas others nonchalantly walk straight towards the crowd.

Suddenly the ceiling ends, I see there is a hole in the center of the dome from where the night sky is clearly visible, the moon on the top showers it's light on the blood-lusting beasts down where all the other werewolves are gathered. 

Exactly below the hole of the dome is a muddy ground circular in shape which is surrounded by heavy metal poles that reach till my chest. And somewhere in my mind, I know this is the site where Ryan and Ethan are going to fight.

Suddenly Ethan holds my hand gently but firmly as we walk through the crowd to the center. Ethan is wearing a black t-shirt and shorts, though he is trying to show how calm he is, the grip of his hand is telling me how nervous he is.

I feel so bad for him, he has so much pressure on him to prove his worth in front of all these people, against Ryan who is known to be brutal and almighty cruel. Ethan has this charming personality that people just couldn't help but stand up to talk to him.

Other werewolves came towards us to motivate Ethan and to assure him that he is going to win against Ryan. As Ethan has two wolves power in him, it is already predicted that he is going to be the strongest Alpha here.

As I see the number of people coming and assuring Ethan of victory,  I noticed how many people actually like him and hate Ryan. Nobody here likes Ryan, infact they seem happy that Ethan challenged him coz only he can defeat Ryan with two wolves in him.

We straight away walk towards Alpha Ken and Luna Barbie who were telling others about their love story. I try to avoid people's pitiful eyes on me like I am a lamb to be sacrificed.

Suddenly the dome goes silent, it felt like an immense gloomy aura has engulfed the area. People start to turn their heads to see who is emitting such dark vibes. My heartbeats run erratically as soon as I hear him walking closer.

I stand on the tip of toes to see him, I know its him becoz nobody else has such alluring ambience. Something that keeps my attention and eyes in captivation. 

And that's when I see him, black shirt stuck to his broad shoulders and muscular arms, something that resembles Johnny Bravo. Man with sexy broad shoulders and trashy pickup lines.

I shift a little so I can get a clear view of him, I see Rose in pink dress beside him and Daniel, Drake behind him walking like they don't give a fuck to anyone. 

When he walked in every woman's head turned, everyone took a step back for him to walk while not leaving their eyes off him. Turns out, people are more afraid of him than they hate him. They know how powerful he is and what he can do once he became their king.

Ryan is like a hybrid, this mixture of a man and beast who couldn't contain himself.

He is charismatic, magnetic, electric and everybody knows it.

His masculinity is overflowing with dominance and everyone here can feel it.

Wild storm is clearly seen in his eyes like he will rip anyone apart whoever comes in his way. He looks like a cyclone, disastrous from the outside but calm and composite from inside.

Pure instinct of authority is hidden in the depths of his hooded eyes. The hooded eyes that are staring right back at me. Though he's only just looking at me, I feel like am suffocating. My brain starts to leak chemicals in my head which is making my body flush with heat. And that's when he smiled.

I flush more as his eyes run down my body drinking every curve of me. Our eye contact breaks as Ethan steps in front of me blocking me from Ryan in a protective way. Ethan's fist are clenched tightly as he stares back at hotty angrily.

"Now that our both the Alphas are here, shall we talk about the rules before the fight." Alpha Ken speaks as he actions Ethan and hotty to step forward in the center. I peek through Ethan's shoulder and see Ryan smiling as if he already knows what is going to happen. 

Worse than angry Ryan is angry Ryan smiling.

Ethan and Ryan both walk towards the center whereas I start to take deep breaths knowing its about time. I see Rose across me fidgeting her fingers as she stares at Ethan with worried eyes.

"Unfortunately, today is a full moon day. That means our wolf will try to come to the surface even if its mildly provoked. And we all know what happens when the wolf takes the control, especially of an Alpha, right? Now so that the history doesn't repeat itself, we are going to use silver choker tags for this fight so that the wolf doesn't take over and try to kill others also for his thirst of blood." Alpha Ken explains as he shows two silver metal collars in his hands.

"The inner lining is made up of lead so that the Alpha's don't hurt their neck but the outer is made up of silver, which is deadly harmful for werewolves. Lead has a low melting point than silver, so if the wolf tries to come on the surface, lead will melt due to the rising body temperature of the wolf and silver will come in contact with the skin. And the belt can only be removed by opening the lock by our professionals. Hence, this belt will make sure both the Alpha's fight in their human forms with their wolf power power but don't shift and we all go home in one piece." 

Two people come forward and assist Ryan and Ethan in putting up the silver choker. The pit in my stomach does backflips as Ryan start to undo his shirt. I trial my eyes down his chest, abs and V line which are outshining in the moonlight, soaking him in completely. He is no doubt a God. A sex God.

Muscles, muscles everywhere. He is like an ocean of muscles.

Goddess above had specifically taken her time to hand-sculpt those abs to utter perfection. If I had a tail, it would start wagging by now.

"Ethan." Rose whispers softly looking at him, her eyes clearly show how worried she is for Ethan, but not for Ryan. Is she not worried about her brother? Or she knows him very well.

No matter what people say about Ethan being the most powerful, somewhere in my head I really doubt. Alpha Ken actions Ryan and Ethan to step inside the circular ring surrounded by poles. Everyone starts to howl loudly in excitement as both the Alpha's walk in.

People are cheering Ethan and telling him to use the power of his wolves whereas Ryan and his pack members are all quite like they are waiting patiently, do they know something that we don't? Ryan is keenly observing Ethan's every move, Ethan remove his t-shirt and throws it out of the ring as he flexes his shoulders in a circular motion.

Whereas Ryan simply stands under the moonlight, he is ripped at every edge but he is still a masterpiece. I notice he has a small tattoo above his elbow which I hadn't noticed before.

"Rules, the last one standing wins the fight. And the one who loses will be eliminated as a candidate from the Alpha of Alpha's position. If in between anyone feels like they can't fight anymore, he has to simply tap thrice on the ground. In that case, the other one wins automatically. Let's pray to the moon goddess that nobody dies tonight and we all live till the end." Alpha Ken blesses Ryan and Ethan then walk back to exit the ring leaving my brother and mate alone to fight.

My heart starts to thump loudly as the bell rings loudly. My breathings take a fast pace as I see them face to face in the ring approaching each other. Everybody clap and howl Ethan's name loudly as the fight begin. I close my eyes to pray for them, though I don't know who I want to win tonight, all I want is the safety of both of them. I can't lose anyone of them.

Within a few seconds my eyes open to the sound of breaking bones, I see Ethan holding his left arm in pain as he outrageously stare at hotty who is actioning him with his four fingers to come forward. My heart clenches painfully as Ethan growls and run towards Ryan with his broken shoulder. Ryan blocks Ethan's all strikes then lifts his fist and punch hard on the same shoulder than was broken seconds ago.

My eye sight gets blur as tears fill my eyes till the brim. My heart feels like it is getting poked by needles every passing second. Why isn't Ethan using his wolves power to protect himself.

Everybody goes silent in the dome, the only sound could be heard is of Ethan howling in pain and the sound of breaking more bones. Ryan's eyes now look like a dark nebula while he keep punching Ethan continuously in his ribs. Rose is screaming at Ryan to stop but his eyes says he is not fighting to win but to kill Ethan.

That's when I recall what Ethan had said about Ryan, he is the cruelest Alpha in the history. He is not human... He is a vicious animal, he kill people for his hobby. I look around and see people pitifully watching getting Ethan brutally beaten by Ryan. Even Alpha Ken is quitely observing Ryan fighting.

Ryan backs off from Ethan as he stands up and growls "Who else thought that they can defeat me? A rookie with two wolves can only defeat pups not an Alpha." Ryan barks at Ethan who is literally bleeding from his head to hips. My lungs stop operating the more I stare at Ethan, my brother. He is bleeding to death and in pain.

"Ethan, you can do it. Stand up. And fight him." My mother commands Ethan who is trying to stand up from the ground. Mud is stuck to his skin mix with blood. Before he could completely stand up Ryan kicks him with force in Ethan's broken ribs which made him fall back with another howls. I got goosebumps on my skin in fear as I watch him kick again on another leg.

It's not even 5 minutes and it's clearly seen who is the strongest Alpha. Ethan cant even stand with so many broken bones as he cries alone in agony. The red burn marks on Ryan's neck shows how badly his wolf wants to overcome him. His eyes are completely pitch black like I saw in his office, complete deviod of any feeling, just anger.

"Stop it, you proved you are the strongest here. Stop hurting him now." Rose screams at Ryan as she cries loudly. But Ryan dont even pay attention to her. His aura has completely turn that into a deadly predator who is only lusting for blood. This time Alpha Ken walks forward as he say "Ryan calm down. Ethan, give up. Maybe today is not your day."

But Ryan doesn't even pay attention to Alpha Ken as he walks towards Ethan and dig his razor sharp claws inside his shoulder which looks healed now and makes him stand on his feet. Ethan hiss in pain but tries to punch Ryan which he blocks easily. Ryan lifts his leg and with a great force kick on Ethan's thigh. The sound of bone cracking resonate in the dome along with people's gasp and Ethan's painful cries.

I can't watch Ethan being beaten mercilessly by Ryan. He is like a wild animal who is not listening to anyone just acting on his instincts. I witness by my own eyes why people fear him, why they hate him, why they want to remove him from Alpha position.

Veins are popping out of Ryan's head and his eyes are now nebula of darkness as he holds Ethan's hair mercilessly and make him stand on his knees. Ethan's hisses in agony as his thigh bone is yet to be healed but Ryan shows no pity. Tears are rushing out of my eyes but my limbs don't move, it feels like I got paralysis.

That's when Ethan lifted his hand covered in blood and tapped thrice on the ground. A feeling of relief rush to my skin knowing that the fight came to an end. But suddenly Ryan does something that made everyone take three steps back.

Ryan breaks the silver choker belt in a jerk which was there to control his wolf and throws it on the ground. Everyone gasps in shock and fear as they cautiously move back. "Ryan please, don't. You promised me. He already gave up. Ryan you promised me." Rose screams in terror at Ryan, Daniel holds Rose so she doesn't jump the poles to save Ethan.

Ryan grabs Ethan's neck in a tight clutch, his eyes are dripping with rage and revenge. Chills rush down on my skin as I figure out what he is going to do, I look around for help but everyone has already backed away, Daniel and Drake are holding Rose who is begging "Ryan you promised me you won't kill him. He is my mate Ryan. Pleasee."

The look in Ryan's evil eyes is clear that he is thirsty for Ethan's blood. Nobody can stop him now, his wolf will overcome if anyone came in between. He is going to snap Ethan's neck, he is going to kill Ethan. I can't think of anything rightnow. My mate is going to kill my brother.

My heart, mind and body are slowly getting numb as I see Ryan taking a deep breath as he closes his eyes to do what he is about to do. At this moment, I thought of one thing only. I screamed. I screamed in agony as I fell on the ground holding my stomach in hope to get Ryan's attention.

Suddenly I feel chilling sparks on my skin, as soon as I open my eyes I see Ryan holding my face as he bends down to check me. Rose takes a breath of relief whereas others watch Ethan and us. Though there is mud and sweat on Ryan's face, his face clearly shows distress and concern for me. His eyes color has now changed to a darker shade of brown as he asks anxiously "What happened? Where did you got hurt?"

Tears flow from my eyes as I see my hotty worrying for me, I couldn't help but cry harder in his arms "Emara, why are you crying?" He hugs me tightly, his muddy chest is pressed softly to my wet cheeks, I close my eyes as I feel his hard chest and sparks running along my skin. Ethan is alive.

"Emara?" His voice sounds impatient and full of uneasiness. Hotty holds my face in his hands which are stained with Ethan's blood as he looks deeper in my eyes. I can see the guilt floating in his eyes, maybe he realized what he was about to do. Hotty shakes his head as he closes his eyes and say "Emara, I-I am-"


A loud ear piercing noise resonates in the dome and in my ears all of sudden. My mouth opens dry as I see hotty holding his head in pain, his neck and chest is smeared in blood which is dripping from the back of his head. "RYAN!!!" Rose screams from far. With painful hiss, hotty falls on my lap with the blood pooling out from his head all over to my dress and ground. His skull is cracked open with the solid force it has been hit.

My eyes are filled with tears and my throat is completely dry as I watch hotty covered in thick red blood. His cracked skull is clearly visible despite being covered in blood. Everyone walks in mere shock while covering their mouth as they look at the motionless body of Ryan.

"Ryan!!" Rose runs towards us in panic. I lift my eyes and see Ethan standing infront of me while holding one of the metal poles which was around the ground, dripping with hotty's blood.

He throws the pole on the ground with a loud noise and clears the blood off his face as he say,

"I won."


Longest Chapter I have ever written. So I guess I am forgiven for the late update 😌

Turns out Ethan won like a pussy and Hotty lost like a warrior.

Who is happy ?? I so want to know 🤣

I was on a mini vacation, but I was actually running away to write this chapter coz it is too serious. But here it is.

Shout out to these lovely readers for showering Alpha with votes ❤️
NambarehMedvyene , Lover_of_romance15 , lee-shandrebotha , urja_bieber , ThatGirlTonii ,

Ohh wait, there is more
Hadassah_Divon_Leah_ , SamanthaHaque , @NanaBaah0

Vote to get the next chapter sooner ;)

Here is a meme


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