40. Hu-wolf-nity (Humanity)

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Emara Stone

"Your choice love, either you get on my bedside or on my bad side."

His eyes are emitting those kind of sinister vibes that could melt Titanic if it hadn't sunk by hitting that stupid iceberg.

Sure. Hotty is fine as hell. He's got the body of a sex god but he doesn't have the soul to match. He's just flat out rude, cocky, manipulative punctured asshole.

I feel like to rip his arms off and slap him with them. Something that I used to do with Barbie dolls.

But here is the catch. I am his mate and I know that werewolves turn into pussies infront of their mates coz the wolf is not stronger than the moon. So all this play he is plotting is just to scare me so I speak against my family for his sake of revenge.

But I don't give a flying kickass fuck to his threats, he is a pure asshole and that too a certified one. Bastard of Bastards.

A sly smile appears on my innocence radiating face as for what I am about to do. Ryan's expressions immediately change into a cold dead body as he speaks in a warning tone "Don't. Do not even think Ema-"

"Miss Stone please step in the front of the jury." Alpha Ken again asks me to step forward. I jerk my hand from hotty's clutch and walk away. Its show time.

"There are allegations by Alpha Ryan that you are being forcefully held captive in Lightning Moonstone's headquarter. Is it true, Miss Stone?" Alpha Ken asks while reading through the papers.

"The reason I am currently staying at the pack house is because Alpha Ryan" I look at hotty who is now gritting his teeth in anger "wrecked my apartment completely in a fight with my brother. So I request The Alpha of Alpha's to take actions against him and get my apartment refurbished." I turn my head towards Ethan and see he is already looking at Rose. He is already so whipped by her beauty that even her fart would still smell good to him.

"Also I would like to bring the light on the baseless notices send by Alpha Ryan to claim our territory and me. As a human, I have all the right to make my decisions and to be honest I need time to absorb this new werewolf world that has been introduced to me." I feel so revealed after taking my stand after so many days. Phew! You go girl.

"So are you accepting or rejecting Alpha Ryan?" A low growl is heard from Hotty's direction as Alpha Ken asks me as he observes me keenly.

Hotty is staring at me with hot eyes that could melt frozen lava but instead, I just smile at him "Alpha Ryan must be a good Alpha, no doubt he has the biggest pack and territory here, no?" And almost everyone in the room scoffs like I just said a ridicule joke. Yea I did.

"But I must thank him for giving me a job for two weeks, tapping my phone calls, wrecking my apartment, marking me forcefully and also for sending his third in commander to get me to the hospital after I fainted in his arms while he gave me CPR mouth to mouth." Everyone in the room turns their heads towards Drake who is now looking shit scared and sweating miserably. Daniel's face has turn red like he is trying to control a big laugh or fart I don't know.

Whereas Hotty looks like he got punched in his balls. Again. His eyes are now dark like a sky full of tornados. He looks complete monstrous. Lethal. His rapid heavy breathing is showcasing how broad his shoulders are.

Hotty looks hotter when he is angry. No! Scarier. Scarier.

"As I said before I need time and I personally don't want to be in between the fight of two Alphas. So I will excuse myself now." I look at Hotty and smirk, I am so proud of my speech but clearly, he isn't.

He coldly stare back at me, he probably never had thought that I would go against him. I get a feeling that not many people have stood him up. His pack mates probably just do whatever the fuck he say to them with a smile on their stupid faces.

Alpha Ken then turns towards hotty and asks politely "Alpha Ryan, are you willing to give Emara Stone time to take her decision?"

Hotty keeps his head high as he walks while loosening his tie and stands beside me. His aura is magnificent and damn attractive. My head could barely reach till his ears, that tall this mofo is. "Of course my Lord, I am willing to give her as much time as she needs once she joins Damison pack as their Luna." WHAT!!

He then looks at me conceitedly, I can clearly see the evil smile dancing at the corner of his lips as he says "She can even have a different room across mine if she wants. I have no problem. Now let's get to the main matter, shall we?" This wild ass.

I feel like to dress him as a lettuce and feed him to snails.

He then loudly fake coughs to get everyone's attention in the room, then speak in a thick Batman voice "I, Alpha Ryan Damison declare war on
Lightening Moonstone pack for illegal espionage on our pack and for living in my territory without my permission and for using Jasoka herb which is a taboo in Werewolf world."

Oh my effing god. Noo!! He did not say that, did he?

Everyone's jaws drop a few inches and the room fills with cursing words like arsehole, psycho, crazy, mental which are all pointing towards the tall dashing evil Alpha in the room. Ryan. "Within 24 hours they can expect an attack from us." This time Ethan loses his shit and growls at hotty in anger "That's exactly why you don't deserve Emara coz you are mentally sick." Ethan spats at hotty angrily. "And that's Alpha Jake's territory not yours motherfucker." Ethan snarls.

"Huh! Jake lost that part of territory to me in trespassing case. So now that territory is MINE." Ryan scoffs. That's when other Alphas also started screaming at Ryan telling him how immature he is. The scene looks same like a flea market where people are arguing senselessly. "Oh wait!! I can be more immature. I declare war on those packs who support Lightening Moon-" Ryan couldn't keep his mouth shut where as my mother keeps growling at Ryan telling him he can never be her son-in-law.

What the fuck is going on!

Suddenly a loud thunderous roar is heard in the room, so strong that even the windows shudder for a few seconds. My heart literally drops to my stomach as my legs wobble in fear. Such a dangerous aura. Alpha Ken's roar literally blew everybody's wig in the room. Everyone immediately shut their mouth as they look infront.

Alpha Ken gets seated on his throne again as he clears his throat and say "Alpha Ryan, war has never been a wise decision. Thousands of lives are lost and sometimes existence of a whole pack is vanished in wars. It's such an auspicious day, both the Alphas found their mates. Why don't you both simply settle internally with our jury bench, as we can clearly see your mates are from the other pack."

"Done. I get my mate along with 8890 acres of the territory." Ryan keeps his demand unashamedly whereas Ethan growls as his chest start to vibrate and his shoulders size start to rise. Rose immediately run towards him and rubs her hand on his chest while she says something in his ears which calms him down in a few seconds. Wow! That was something cool to see how she controlled his beast.

"I would never give up my territory or my sister to this sick bastard, even if she is willing to go. Emara deserves better than this asshole." Ethan's animalistic voice is scary yet fascinating. I wish I had my phone. We always fought with each other all these years and now he is like a protective brother. Someone just record it. I am going to blackmail him all his life now.

"I can't let you both risk thousands of lives for your personal matter. Your pack members will suffer the most in this internal conflict. Which is something against hu-wolf-nity." Alpha Ken scratches the back of his head as he tries to decode the puzzle infront of him.

"Let's handle this matter as adults. The issue is with the two Alphas and their mates right. In that case, we will solve this problem like we use to since the 3rd century." Ryan and Ethan looks at each other with raw predator eyes as Alpha Ken continues.

"A fight. A fair fight between the two Alphas. And whoever wins at the end will be awarded with what he has demanded." Alpha Ken proposes the idea to which everyone responds energetically with howls.

Ethan agrees immediately whereas Ryan's Dracula smile tells he is more than just happy with the idea. "And whoever loses will immediately get eliminated as a candidate for The Alpha of Alphas." Everyone agrees to Ethan's proposal. Hotty just kept his flaming eyes at Ethan. "Hey, I am still The Alpha of Alphas for the next 5 months. But this sounds like a better option. Whoever loses will be out of the AOA list." Alpha Ken intervenes.

"Alright then, it has been a long day so everyone will rest today. And tomorrow we will witness the fight between Alpha Ryan and Alpha Ethan at Wolfbare organisation. We adjourn this session now. Have a good day, Clawmates." Everyone in the room immediately stands up and bow their heads as Alpha Ken stands up from his throne and start to walk with his mate Luna Barbie.

Rose hugs Ethan as she tries to comfort him, they actually look pretty nice together. He looks better with Rose than Lucy bitch. Hotty blows hair on my shoulder where his bite marks are there, he flirtatiously winks at me as he says "I wish I was toilet paper, so I could touch your butt." Can he shut up please!

His pickup lines are worse than his personality.

I feel like to slap his Greek god face despite knowing that he is an Alpha or my mate. My hand is suddenly snatched back harshly as I see my mother clutching my arm as she drags me out of the room forcefully.


Fight. A deadly fight between hotty and Ethan. This is going to be the worse fight I could ever watch live. All I needed was a little time so I could know my feelings towards hotty. I was just mad at him coz of the legal notices and his forceful marking. I never wanted to turn this turmoil into a battle field. He literally declared a war against Ethan who is ready to tear his limbs apart. Everything is so fucked up.

This whole day was so tiresome, I really need two weeks nap to make a grown up decision. As I walk towards my room I hear a female's crying voice coming from Ethan's room. I slowly walk towards his door and press my ear to it.

"You know that sooner or later I was going to find my mate. Even you going to find your mate soon. Please understand Lucy." My brother becomes a pussy when it comes to girls. "But I never though you will find her so soon. I am not even over you yet. How can I suddenly stop loving you?" Lucy cries.

I walk away knowing that the drama doesn't interest me, though I would love to see Lucy crying. I lay on my bed thinking about today's event. I cant really choose a side. I can't see blood of anyon-


The notification grabs my attention and I immediately pick my phone. I am not even surprised that it's his email. He really needs to know what is the meaning of getting blocked numerous times.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Diabetic poem for mate.

You're Hersheys, you are Snickers
You are sweet English Toffee

If you spit in my glass,
You will sweeten my whiskey.

Yours Truly,
Alpha Ryan.

I can't believe this man. How cheesy sometimes he can be. I couldn't help but reread it again.

Well it's better than his pick up lines.

Suddenly there is a knock on my door, Ethan walks inside with frown and a sad smile on his tired face. He sits at the corner of my bed while he anxious run his hands in his hair. "Ethan?"

"Em, I want you to do something... Tomorrow... If I .... If I lost the fight though that's not in option, I will definitely break open that fuckers skull but still by any chance... If I lose..." His voice sounds so stressful as he says "I want you to reject Ryan."

Reject? Ryan? What? Why? Before I could say anything the notification sound in my phone pops. Shit!! That must be hotty, I immediately hop to grab my phone but Ethan snatches it before me with super lightning speed.

His face turns in mere disgust like he ate a sour icecream made up of jalapeños as he reads whatever hotty has send. "This piece of shit." Ethan screams at my phone and start to type in supersonic speed. I couldn't help but peek from his shoulder to see what he is typing.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Hey u fucking asshole.

If I evr saw u contacting ma sis again I'll rip ur intestines from ur mouth n strangle u wit it.

Yours fucking truly,
Alpha Ethan.

Ethan sends the email. "Didnt I tell you to block this chipmunk?" Ethan questions me irritatingly.


Ethan picks my phone displeasurely. I curiously peek to see hotty's email,

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Hey you fuck face.

I will rip your intestines from your butt hole and will use it as skipping rope.

Then I will throw your torso down from the 10th storey building and then I'll jump down myself to see if you are alive. If by chance you are, then I'll end you very slowly.

Yours fucking fucking Truly
Alpha fucking Ryan.

Ethan clenches his jaw in anger as he types,

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: My ass looks better than ur face.

I'll staple u to the electric bed then i'll come up with a chainsaw and slowly cut ur throat. Then i'll smoke ur windpipe.

Your fucking killer
Alpha Ethan.

I face palm, I wonder how they even became Alphas, both of them are so childish. As he sends the email, I snatch my phone and block hotty's email id infront of Ethan. "See. I blocked him. Now you need to rest, tomorrow is a big day Ethan."

Ethan frustratingly rubs his face with his hands "You are right. Just don't read his messages. Block that chipmunk. Don't talk to him Em. You don't know he is a player." I simply nod not saying anything in return.

We chatted from a few minutes then Ethan goes to his room after he gives me a hug. Though he might keep his strong Alpha facade I know deep down he is really scared. He is just 22 and he has so many responsibilities and problems. I really feel bad for him.

As I lay back on the bed thinking what will happen tomorrow, my phone lights up with a notification, I open to see another email from a new id.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: *middle finger emoji*

I'll rip your skin and will dry it out in the sun. Then at night I will use it as a condom. And you know right whose mate I am 😈

Your Brother-in-law
Alpha Ryan.


Who is excited for the fight?
Author: Me🙋 Me🙋 Me

Who is going to win the fight and who is going to lose like a pussy???

Well I was planning for a short chapter but then I thought to add emails ;)

Special shoutout to these lovely readers for showering Alpha with votes❤️
haanhati , MehreenTaqi , kookieswithtaee , rosie6974 , SammiChaput and Mollie5anne

Here is a meme


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