44. Dinosaurs

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Emara Stone

I run.

I run like an octopus in the hospital.

It looks like an F1 race between me, Drake and Daniel to see who reaches first to meet Ryan.

With their long legs and fast pace, they seem to have already crossed the first floor whereas I crawl at the stairs miserably. Like a tired earthworm.

As they are cheating by using their werewolves agility so I decide to take the elevator to reach the 4th floor faster.


I barge inside the elevator as soon as it opens pushing aside a nurse who is staring at me like an angry teacher.

"This lift is only for staff. Young people can use the stairs." She scolds me. "I have asthma." I lie as I pant heavily like a dog. Also, I am sweating a little which adds to my patient appearance. I just want to meet hotty first. I want him to see me first than Daniel or Drake.

The nurse looks at me up and down judging me silently. I don't care what I have to do to see hotty first as I don't trust Daniel and Drake what they might say to hotty.


As soon as the doors of the elevator open, I again start to run. "Don't run in the corridors." That nurse screams from my behind but I completely ignore her advice. I want to see hotty first. I am super excited and hyper nervous to meet him.

But my wish to see him shatters as I see his special ward empty. Did he go for a walk? Or he got discharged? Where did they take him? Where is he? Where is Dr. Precisely?

I walk towards Dr. Elvis Precisely's cabin to know where they shifted Ryan but I am not even surprised when I see Drake and Daniel there. They have already reached before me and are questioning Dr. Precisely about hotty.

I didn't even enter yet as they all turn to face me, "Luna, please come inside. Take a seat." Dr. Precisely points towards the empty chair beside Drake.

"Where were you? We were looking for you everywhere." Drake asks me as I place my ass on the chair. "Yeah, we were going to file a missing report of you." Daniel comments as he peaks his head to look at me whereas I stare furiously back at them.

These bastards left me alone in the car and ran inside the hospital.

"Where is Ryan? And how he is now?" I divert my attention to Dr. Precisely who is going through various medical reports. Probably of Ryan.

"He is all good now. He woke up in the morning and had a meal too. His vitamin and hemoglobin levels are all fine. " Dr. Precisely tells me as he shuffles through Ryan's blood reports.

Thank the goddess above he is fine. Or I would have literally done some damage to my brother.

"Really?? He is fine. Can I meet him now?" I immediately ask happily. But instead, Dr. Precisely gives me a weak smile as he says "We have shifted him to an isolated ward where nobody is allowed to meet him. As he is suffering from Amnesia, our elite psychologist Dr. Frankestein is trying to interact him with the world slowly. We are just trying to know how much he knows."

Nobody is allowed to meet him!! Right now I would pay any price to just see him, touch him, hug him. I'll probably end up crying if our eyes meet again. I wonder will he still look at me the same way he uses to?

"Only for a few days, once he starts to interconnect with the human world, know the fundamentals of technology and streamline daily work, we will discharge him. As for now, we don't want to burden him with relatives and their relationship with him. To be precise, He is yet to understand the emotion and relation aspects of society." Dr. Precisely explains us gently.

We simply nod agreeing with the doctor, Ryan needs to study the surrounding first then to learn about us. I don't know how he will react once he knows about his pack and that he is not completely a human.

"Are there chances of his memories to return back?" Daniel curiously asks Dr. Precisely as if he is asking a tarot reader.

"Well, signals that have been activated and triggered at a certain point cant be healed back as the memories are data stored in patterns and one can't achieve the same pattern back. To be precise, there are least chances of him remembering his past." Dr. Precisely tells us the bitter truth.

I want to cry. Cry out loud. Hotty probably won't even recognize me as his mate. What if he falls in love with someone else? Noooooo.

"But," Suddenly Dr. Precisely interjects giving us hope. Not only mine but Daniel and Drake's eyes lit up as Dr. Precisely continues "His Rhapsody nerve has been healed almost completely so there are chances for Ryan's wolf to connects back with him. To be precise, if his wolf comes back, he will bring his memories too."

Ryan's wolf is the key to his lost memories.

I have heard his wolf is the cruelest of all and everyone fears his wolf more than him. I don't know if his wolf likes me or will accept me knowing I am the sister of Ethan, his arch-enemy. The one who is responsible for him to be in this condition.

I doubt his wolf even likes me, I still remember how brutally he bit me and left me alone in the elevator to bear the pain. He is really cruel.

"So through his wolf's memory database, Ryan can know his past. So I would suggest you focus on his health and mental health, make him remember his wolf, how he use to behave or what things his wolf likes to do." Dr. Elvis explains us lucidly.

Do things to him that would bring his wolf back, should I kick him in his balls again? That would definitely work.

"Alpha in wolf form use to bathe in pond and liked killing rogues." Drake informs us to which Daniel contradicts "Alpha's wolf liked to pee on my car." What?

What if it's Ryan's wolf that is cruel but not him? What if his wolf made him do all these things? Maybe his wolf is brutal... not he.

. . .

After literally begging to the doctor, he allowed us to glance at Ryan once before leaving. We all went to Ryan's isolation ward which is on the 5th floor. There are no window's through which we can peak but there is a transparent oval glass on the door through which can be looked inside.

Daniel gets glued to the door to look at Ryan, I literally had to push him off to peek inside. I am his mate, not him.

I see Hotty half sitting on the hospital bed with bandages wrapped on his forehead, wearing patient's clothes and solving a rubrics cube. The doctor infront of him is showing how to solve the cube whereas he is patiently observing him.

Oh my heart, It cant bear how cute and vulnerable hotty looks. He looks like a curious kid who is waiting for the magic to happen.

I am getting all mixed feelings right now, on one side I am happy to see hotty alive, playing around but on the other side, I feel so possessive of him. I am jealous of that doctor who gets to play with hotty.

I wanna play with him too. He looks so cute in the patient's polka dot dress.

We are so close yet so far. Even if I forcefully barge inside and hug him he might won't even recognize me but I am happy he is fine now.

Suddenly Daniel pushes me aside as he says "Now my turn to see Alpha. Awww! Alpha is solving cube... How cute." This time even Drake pushes me aside as he eagerly says "Really? I wanna see too.''

I stand aside as they both peek through the door to see Ryan, "You know I can solve that in 49 seconds." Drake snickers. "Wow man. That's so cool." Daniel pats on Drake's back as he says "I heard the cubes are as tricky to solve as a girl's bra hooks."

Drake simply shakes his head in denial as he says "No. Bra hooks are more difficult. They are locked by some black magic. Very hard to open in the first trial."

I facepalm myself as I hear their conversation. Can't they just talk in their head?

. . .

It's been two days that I have been visiting the hospital to check on Ryan. After the office, I straight away go to the hospital with Drake and Daniel. Though still no one is allowed to enter his ward, we peek through the glass to just see him. Last time I saw him reading a book while eating noodles with the chopstick. He looked fine.

I keep wondering how he will react seeing me. To be honest, the worst feeling is to miss someone who doesn't even know you exist.

But I am never going to give up on us as erasing someone from the memory and erasing feelings for that someone from the heart are two different theories. We are meant to be together. Nothing can apart us.

I leave early in the morning to the office and go back late as I feel so lonely in Ryan's penthouse. His smell still lingers in his room and on his bed which makes me miss him more. And every time I miss him I end up crying, images of him covered in blood appear in my head every night. It is horrifying me.

My nights have now turned into nightmares.

Today is Saturday, its a holiday for employees but I still chose to go to the office. As Drake and Daniel are busy with pack meetings, I decide to keep myself busy too so that I don't think about hotty or miss him. As I know in a few days he will be discharged from the hospital and I will finally get to meet him.

I open his laptop and look for the previous week's pending projects. I finally decide to make those reports that hotty has been crazy about. And for which he sued me for 11 million. I search for the files on his laptop but I couldn't find any. Maybe he has saved them in the drive.

I open the history of search to look for any drive link of the previous week, as I was scrolling I see something that made my blood freeze. My heart stops operating as I read his search history,

Do gay people exist?

How to know if you are gay?

If you like a boy then are you gay?

Why are gay people so gay?

Are crocodiles gay? Why do they walk gayly?

OHMYGOWWDDDDD!!!! Ryan is gay? Bu-but we- we... NO!!!! This can't be happening. What if he was gay before meeting me? Did he have a boyfriend before me? What if he is bisexual? Wait... that's why he was so mad when he found out that I am a girl because he expected his mate to be a guy, is that so? What if he still likes men..... no. no. no. I panic hard as continue reading,

How to connect to the moon goddess?

Is it normal to get attracted to a man's ass?

How can you be un-gay?

Un-gay? He wanted to be un-gay, that means he was gay. Why god? Why? I can't believe how the universe is fucking playing with me rightnow. And he likes men's ass? OHMYGOD IMDEAD!!

I am so scared as Ryan lost his memories, what if he rejects me for a guy or turns completely into a gay??? I CAN'T SEE HIM WITH ANYONE, especially with a MAN.

It feels like someone has sliced and diced my heart into a million pieces, I feel so helpless and broken. I am so scared to meet him now, I don't want any men around him. Not even Dr. Frankestine, Drake or Daniel. Especially Daniel.

. . .

It's already 8, I didn't even know how fast this day has been passed. I kept traversing his search history to see what else he has been searching. I feel like anytime anxiety attack can kick in. My head feels so heavy like I've been pounding it on a concrete wall. Why god? Why?

As today Daniel and Drake are busy, I decide to visit hotty alone. I walk to his isolation ward and peek through the oval glass. I look around and see the bedsheet is all smoothened and a nurse is cleaning the area.

Where is Ryan? Is he in the bathroom? Or shifted to another room?

The nurse walks towards the door and swings it open before my face. "Excuse me, can I meet the patient, where is he?" I eagerly ask the nurse who is carrying a tray. "The patient has been discharged already." She replies nonchalantly then walks away.

Ryan has been discharged already?? Where he went? Could it be that Daniel and Drake who took him? Looking at the room, it seems like he has been discharged hours ago. Why those fuckers didn't tell me?

Anger builds inside me as I takeout my phone to call Drake but I see there is a text message from Daniel four hours ago.

'Ayeeee Chicaaa. Come home directly. I gotta surprise for you ;)'

This asshole. He knew Ryan was gonna discharge today that's why he and Drake lied about being busy. I don't want Ryan to be with Daniel, at least not for now. Because he is really weird. Very Weird.

I don't know what he might have told Ryan, I wanted him to see me and meet me first than be with any male species. I am so mad right now.

I have never been so desperate in my whole life, I get to the packhouse as soon as I could. I run to his building and hurriedly get inside the elevator. My heart thumps loudly as the elevator slowly goes up. As soon as the doors of the elevator open up to Ryan's penthouse my heartbeats take off.

I silently stand there like a statue in the museum, I am so nervous. How will he react seeing me? Hell, how am I going to react? I don't know if I am ready to meet the new Ryan.

I take a deep breath as I walk out from the elevator. I was so excited to meet him but now I feel so nervous. I rub my palms together as my mind feel so fogged, I can't think of anything right now.

Should I say him 'Hi' or first introduce myself to him? I am just scared to cry in front of him or to manhandle him as soon as I see him. I directly walk to his room, the door is slightly open already. I walk inside his room and see the lights are off and his bed is empty.

The bedsheet looks like someone was lying here before, I walk towards his bathroom and lean on the door to hear if he is inside. But turns out no one is in there. I feel so confused, my nervousness is increasing every second as I stand in his room looking around for him. Where is he?

I walk out of his room to check other rooms but my steps halt as I hear some movement coming from the kitchen area. I almost run to the kitchen like an octopus, my heart is jumping rapidly in my chest like it is ready to jump out from my mouth if it was a little wider.

And there I see Hotty.

Hotty's back is faced towards me as he is searching for something inside the refrigerator. There is a white bandage wrapped on his head, his shoulder muscles bulge in a sexy way as he moves his hand. His grey t-shirt is clung to his back like a second skin, his broad shoulders look as wide as the refrigerator. So fucking hot.

I couldn't help but eye him as a hungry lioness stares at a deer bathing in a pond. I fist my hand as my brain tells me to go touch him and feel his shoulders. But I know I might tear off his t-shirt if I listen to my brain. And suddenly Hotty turns around as he closes the door of the refrigerator and faces me.


All the blood circulating inside me gets impossibly hotter as our eyes meet. The grey t-shirt is hugging his body in a way to showcase his well-defined chest. Black trousers that highlight his long legs fit perfectly around his lower torso. His Calvin Klein underwear's band is visible that caught my eyes.

My inner hoe is hungry and is literally licking her lips right now.

There is a spoon hanging from hotty's baby pink lips and a bowl of vanilla ice cream is in his left hand, his forearm is riddled with taut muscles. His whiskey brown eyes are staring right at my hazel eyes, I feel my body getting stiff as he takes out the spoon from his mouth and keeps it in the bowl while not leaving the eye contact.

That was so hot.

I feel like my organs have been frozen along with my brain. I couldn't think of anything but blankly stare at the hot beauty in front of me. Should I say him something, maybe greet him or hug him? Something like, ayee you look sexy.

Hotty slowly puts his other hand in his pocket and takes out his phone, he dials while straight looking at me. We both are looking at each other, without blinking or looking away. Just staring.

Did hotty remember me? Did he feel something for me? Like a bond.

"Hello, 911. There is an unknown person in my house." Hotty says over the phone as he stares at me skeptically.

WHAT? Nooo. I immediately panic hard as I say, "Wait-no. I-I am here to help you. To take care of you." Though I feel like I got punched, I maintain my posture. I don't want him to feel awkward or uncomfortable around me. Hotty stares at me up and down uncertainly as he asks while he keeps his phone back in his pocket "Are you a nurse?"

Nurse? Yes. I can act like a nurse to be close around him and can take care of him in a better way. A little lie won't hurt anyone, right? I simply nod while looking at him. At least he will allow me to touch him to check him. This way I can get close to him.

And as expected, he didn't recognize me. I think I should introduce myself, I sheepishly smile at him as I say "Ryan, I am-" But Hotty suddenly cuts me off as he sternly corrects me "Rhino." Huh! What?

"Excuse me!" I am so confused right now. This new Ryan is so vague to me.

"My name is Rhino. Rhino Sauras." Hotty says gravely in a thick voice.

Rhino- what?? DAFUC!! Who told him this shit???

"Who told you?" I couldn't help but ask him directly. Who would play such a prank on a person suffering from Amnesia? Hotty's eyebrows come in a straight line as he irritatingly says "My elder brother."

What on this earth is happening? Ryan has a big brother that I didn't know of. How come nobody told me about him.

"Um.. Sorry to ask this but who is your elder brother?" I softly ask Hotty as frown is clearly seen on his unsmiling face as he raises his eyebrow at me.

Hotty keeps the bowl of ice cream on the table as he glares at me and replies with a serious face,

"Dino. Dino Sauras."

Daniel!!! This MOTHERFUCKER.


Voila my lovely readers😂... RHINO SAURAS IS IN THE HOUSE🤘

Well if I were in the book, I would have messed with Alpha too 😜

Also Thank YOU for 10K + votes ❤️

Shoutout to these lovely readers for showering Alpha with votes❤️
osauyi , KenieshaWilliams , skylerwhite09 , bellastaussman , BembekaAdhikary

You know the rules right.. The more votes I see on this chapter, the faster I'll update.

Here is a meme


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