50. James Bond

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Emara Stone

"Emara. Let's date."








Hotty calls me as he sees me spacing out. "Why you stopped again?" He asks in a commanding voice as he looks at me darkly.

"Huh? Oh, sorry." I again start to gently press Hotty's temples and forehead as he relaxes his head on my thigh. "Aye, scratch my back, like you were doing before. I liked that." Hotty says as he pats his back with his own hand where I was touching him before.

I WASN'T SCRATCHING YOU. I was feeling you, idiot.

I put my hand again inside Hotty's T-shirt and start to scratch lightly his back with my long nails. Hotty hugs my thigh as he gets into a comfortable position. He is really hard to read, he is behaving very casual like nothing happened. Now I wonder did he really said to date or I was just dreaming?

Is he messing with me? Tryna make fun of my feelings?

"Why suddenly you want us to date?" I ask him perplexedly. I am very confused about Hotty, as sometimes he becomes so critical and other times completely naive.

Ryan's eyes look like a spasm of a dark hole as he asks me "Why not? We have dated before so why not now?" His eyes linger on my face then slowly down to my breast. Though he lost his memories, it doesn't change the fact that deep down he is a man. A man who has seen my nudes.


DATING!! DID YOU READ IT? Ohmyfuckingasdfghjkllzcvxncm

"Anyway, I'll get to know more about me, like how I use to be. Maybe I'll catch up faster if you be honest with me." Hotty says gravely, especially specifying on the word 'honest'.

Does he still not trust me? Now that I put myself in his shoes, I might as well be skeptical all the time about others. Don't worry boo, one day I'll make you trust me.

"Alright, I'll take you out for dinner tomorrow. As a date." I tell him happily as I ruffle through his soft hair. Playing with his hair has become my hobby now. My favorite hobby.

"Cool, where?" Hotty asks tiredly as he yawns like a kitten. Fucking cute. "It's a surprise." I reply as I plant a kiss on his forehead. Damn these sparks.

Hotty hums as he cuddles my thigh, I control my squeal as I watch him sleep while holding my thighs like a teddy bear. Lord of Lords, thank you for giving me such thick thighs.

I again kiss Hotty's forehead as I listen to his cute little snores. I touch his eyebrows which are really thick and curvy. I again plant a kiss on his forehead. I can't get enough of him, now I have two reasons to lose sleep tonight. One, sparks and second our dinner date.

I am going to take Ryan to the exact same restaurant that he had taken me. I'll also call them tomorrow to book the exact same table. Maybe he'll remember something. Maybe he'll feel something.

Oh, wait... I'll order that exact same wine too. I am so excited. Yayyyyyy!!!!

. . .

I wake up in a weird position. Though I am sleeping on the bed, my legs are hanging in the air outside of the bed. I even have a warm blanket on me which was absent in the night.

Where is Hotty?

I look at the clock and see its already half a quarter past 8, Hotty should have come by now from jogging. In search of him, I walk towards the living room where I hear someone's voice,

"Revive me."

"Fast. Revive me first."

This motherfucker.

"Drake, what are you doing here? And where is Ryan?" I ask him as I see him playing PUBG.

"I don't know." He says hurriedly, his focus is completely on his dying self in the game. This is getting so irritating, I lose my temper and snatch his phone from his claws. "Ahhh!! I am gonna die..." he wines.

"Weren't you supposed to go with Ryan to the park? What are you doing here?" I ask him furiously.

"Yeah, I was waiting for Alpha only. He said something that I don't remember and I guess he went alone." Drake replies as he scratches his head innocently. This idiot dog.

"If you were not playing this stupid game, you would have known what he said. Now go search for him." I order him annoyingly.

. . .

It's already 9, Hotty and Drake are nowhere to be found. Drake's phone is with me and I can't even contact him. Did Hotty got lost before our dinner date? Oh, no

Let Drake get lost but not Ryan. Please God.

Suddenly the door opens, I anxiously run towards the door and see Hotty covered in mud. Did he meet thugs? Who did this to him?

"Ryan, what happened to you?" I ask him surprisingly. "I jogged too far, the path looked beautiful so I kept running. But then I forgot the way, luckily Drakeo found me." Ryan explains as he unties his muddy shoes.

I give a deadly stare to Drake who stands behind Ryan looking guilty. "Yeah. Luckily the forest area was clear." Drake says sincerely. Hotty got lost in the jungle, all alone? In between wild wolves and rogues?

Ryan walks past us to his room to shower, I grab Drake's hand furiously and drag him out of the apartment, "How could you be so careless? Daniel had told me that rogues presence is frequently found near the boundaries nowadays. What if anything had happened to Ryan? He can't even protect himself." I snarl at him in anger. At this point, I really feel like to punch him.

"I know. I know. I had linked Beta Daniel to secure the territory. I found Alpha as soon as possible, it won't happen again." Drake assures me.

"It better not. Or I'll demote you." I warn him. Drake's eyes bulge out in shock but he nods obediently. "And delete that stupid game rightnow." I hand him his phone and walk back inside.

When it comes to Hotty's security, I tolerate no bullshit.

. . .

I see Hotty sitting on the couch reading a newspaper. "Ryan would you like juice or milkshake?" I ask him sweetly as I see him shuffling through the papers.

Hotty looks up to me, his whiskey brown eyes staring right back at me as he says raspily "Juice, freshly squeezed." 

Huh? Did he... Did he throw a sexual innuendo at me?

"Sure." I smile at him that he didn't even notice, I walk back to the kitchen to get a glass of juice for him.

"Here." I say as I offer a glass of orange juice. I sit beside Hotty on the couch as I watch him reading the newspaper seriously. I just want to remind him of tonight's dinner date.

"I hope y-"

Suddenly the door opens with a loud noise, my jaw falls on Hotty's lavish floor as I see the scene infront of me. Daniel is dressed neatly in a black tailored suit standing at the door with a bouquet of 4-5 red roses in his one hand. Mother of all chipmunks!!

What is this toe-face foot-licker doing here looking like James Bond?

Daniel has this beautiful smile plastered on his handsome looking face that is creeping me the fuck out. Not even one of his hair is misplaced. All are gelled perfectly back like a villain. I have never seen him so elegantly dressed, I can't even believe he is the same asshole that called himself a dinosaur.

Daniel walks towards us with his vibrant extra shining smile, a smile that is literally blinding my eyes, I couldn't help but shrink inside the couch as I feel he is up to something. Something that I am not going to like. 

I flinch back in shock as suddenly out of nowhere, Daniel bends on one of his knees infront of me and takes out something from his pocket. This time even Hotty keeps aside the newspaper and stares severely at the suited guy infront of him. 

What is this ass-hoe trying to do? Don't tell it's his other plan to- OMG!!

Daniel takes out a shiny ring from his pocket as he creepily smiles at me and says in a dead romantic way "I have a heart and that is true, but now it has gone from me to you. So care for it just like I do, as now I have no heart and you have two. Would you like to be with me because I heartily love you?" What the fucvbnmasdfghjk!!!! 

OH MY FUCKING GAWD!!! How hard has he hit his head that he is so stupid? Does this retarded want to die? 

Daniel coolly wiggles his eyebrows at me while showing his eye-blinding smile as he waits for my reply, in between, he would peek at Ryan to see his reaction. OH RYAN!!

I slowly turn my head in Hotty's direction, I see him looking at Daniel with a poker face, no expression. But his eyes have now turned into a darker shade as he stares at the ring intensely. Very intensely.

My hands are heavily sweating as I wait in anticipation to see if Ryan shows any symptoms of his wolf but all I see is his stark eyes that are staring at the ring darkly.

Is he mad? Is his wolf is getting triggered? Is he coming back? Is he getting jea-


Hotty says as he suddenly takes the ring from Daniel and tries to put it on his finger. WHAAAA-TTTTTT!!! He turns and twists the ring in his index finger so it would slide down but it doesn't because the ring is too small for his long and thick fingers. Kill me!!!!!!!!

MY EYES!! My eyes are bleeding, cockroaches are dancing. (Ayee, it rhymes.)

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Hotty trying to wear Daniel's ring. Why god why?

"I think it will fit in the little finger." Daniel points as he looks at Ryan's struggle. This motherfuckerrrrrrrrr! Was he suppose to make Ryan jealous or me?

"Daniel. Get. Out." 

"Chica, chill. The ring is not fitting. Let me help Rhino first." Daniel says as he stands up from the floor, I furiously snatch the ring from Ryan and throws it at Daniel as I scream in anger "Get out Daniel. And don't come back again." Someone just kill him for free.

"B-but, what happened?" Daniel sounds hurt as he asks me. God please, give me the strength to not attempt murder.

I grab his expensive-looking suit and throw him out of the apartment. He tries to explain himself but I shut the door on his face as I snarl "Go to the borders." I am done with him and his shitty plans. I don't need him to get Ryan's memories back.

. . .

"Yes, the corner one from where the city is visible. And may I know tonight's music theme? Oh perfect. Thank you so much." I speak to the manager of Spirit of Ecstasy, the restaurant where Hotty had taken me for our first date.

I booked the exact same spot where we sat and the wine too. I am so excited, I can't wait to take Hotty there. I really hope he remembers something, if not then I hope he feels something. I don't like the current distance between so. So close, yet so far.

Now all I need is the white color princess dress that I wore on that day. But that dress is in my old apartment which was completely wrecked and also it is in the disputed territory. I think I shouldn't go alone there for safety reasons.

I call Drake to get Daniel's address, "Beta lives above mine floor only. I have sent you the location, I'll be there too in a few minutes." Drake replies composedly. Was I too harsh to him in the morning? Now that I think, I was very disrespectfully to Daniel too in the morning. He could have chewed me raw. He is the second dangerous animal after Ryan after all.

I see Ryan is studying something so without disturbing him I leave to meet Daniel. I'll apologize to Daniel, then I'll ask him to accompany me to my old apartment. He has been nice to me till now, never accused me or my brother for Ryan's current condition. Now I feel guilty for treating him badly. 

I reach the location send by Drake, I raise my hand to knock on the door but I see it's already open. He doesn't lock or what? But then a stupid would only think to raid a werewolf's apartment.

As I walk inside I see Daniel sitting on the couch, facing his back at me watching TV. I look up to see what he is watching so keenly, I suddenly shriek in shock as I see what he has been watching all this time.

Daniel's head turns back at a super-fast speed as he hears me. "OH MY GOD! Daniel What are you watching!!." I squeal loudly as I laugh at him. "Shhh-shhhh!" Daniel's face shows complete terror and guilt as he begs me to keep quiet. Hahahahah!!!!!!!!!!! Bitch.

"What happened? Emara?" Drake walks inside as he looks around worriedly. Daniel's face turns pale as Drake looks at the movie displaying on the television. 

"DANIEL IS WATCHING TWILIGHT MOVIE." I scream loudly as I laugh out loud.


Daniel's face turns sour like he ate a jar of Jalapenos as he stares at Drake and me as we laugh our asses off. I never thought out of all the movies in the world, he would chose Twilight. I couldn't help but look at the TV.

'How did you get in here?' Bella asks with a poker face.

'Through the window.' Edu replies shyly.

"I didn't know you like glittering vamps, Dinosauras." I laugh more as I call him by his name. A werewolf watching vampire movies. Lol.

'Do you do that a lot?' Bella asks with a poker face.

'Just past couple of months.' Edu replies shyly.

"Hey, there are werewolves too in this movie." Daniel contradicts as he slides back on the couch.

'I like watching you sleep... it's kinda fascinating to me.' Edu confess shyly.

"But this is the first part, werewolves don't even come in this part. You ass liar." I smirk as I sit beside Daniel and swiftly grab the remote so he doesn't switch off the TV. 

"Oh sure, it's all fine and romantic when Edward breaks into a girl's house and watches her sleep, but when I do it, I get a restraining order." Drake complains as he walks and sits beside Daniel to his other side. 

'I just wanna try one thing... you stay very still.' Edu commands shyly.

"I know, right? By the way, who put a restraining order against you?" Daniel asks surprisingly.

'Don't move.' Edu orders shyly.

"This chick Rihanna. She is really hot and crazy but she dumped me, man. I liked her so much." Drake replies woefully. I ignore these two idiots and watch the movie instead. 

I see Edward trying very hard to kiss Bella properly, he throws her on the bed to get on top of her. Niceee. But in an instance, Edward flys back to the wall as he loses control.

HOLY SHIT!!!!! Why didn't I think of this before?  

I stand up fast as I get a brilliant idea,I leave Daniel's apartment ignoring their questions "Hey, where are you going?" "Aye, what you steal?" These stupid dogs.

As I reach Hotty's apartment, I immediately run towards my room to change my attire. I change my PJ into booty shorts, just like Bella's. I even change my t-shirt into a short but deep neck. My booty shorts are not even covering my booty properly. Now let's see how you resist me, Rhino-Sauras.


I peek inside Ryan's room and see him studying a few loose papers of a file. "Are you busy?" I ask him cutely. Hotty lifts his head from the papers, his eyes don't even reach my face as his stare gets stuck to my thighs. Yep! definitely obsessed with thighs.

I walk inside his room and close the door behind me. Hotty takes a deep breath as I walk close to him and sit infront of him on his bed. His papers have fallen down from the bed that he didn't even notice as he keeps staring at me greedily. Good.

"I hope I am not disturbing you, I came here because..." I slide closer to him as I seductively say "I just wanna try one thing." I bite my lips playfully as I try to subdue my smile. Hotty's face looks like he has been completely blown by a Nuke. His eyes rank my chest and breast, he gulps down nervously as he shutters "Y-ye-yeah!"

Hotty's pupil enlarges then shrinks back as I slide closer to him. I climb on the bed to get closer to him, more papers fall down from the file but he still didn't notice. Goooood.

Hotty tries to get back as I move towards him, his eyes suddenly shift from whiskey brown color to a darker shade as I spread his knees to keep my leg in between his legs. Did I see his eyes-

Ryan suddenly clasps my waist with his large Gorilla hands as he asks me anxiously "What are you doing?" Though his hands are grabbing my waist in a steel grip to stop me, his eyes are devouring my body like a hungry animal. Such a bipolar.

"Shhhhhhh! Keep quiet." I sultrily purr as I keep my index finger on his lips. His eye's pupil suddenly expands wide, wide enough to make brown color just it's outlining. His lips feel so soft under my touch, an unknown current passes through my body which indeed is making me bolder. I want him, more and more.

Unintentionally my hands grab his face to pull him closer to me. "Emara..." Hotty whispers confusedly. His hot breath blows on my lips which sends tingles all over my body. "Shhh! Don't move... Stay still." I order him softly.

And then I press my lips gently to his warm wet lips. Sparks. Fucking Sparks. Fucking more Sparks.

I could feel Hotty's body getting stiff, I think he even stopped breathing. I tenderly suck Hotty's lower lip in between mine, his grip on my waist gets tighter the more I suck his lip. Our kissing sound echo's in his room as we both slowly with every passing second blend in a soulful rhythm. 

Hotty's hand slowly goes behind my waist as he pulls me closer to him, his heartbeats are running erratically just like mine. My hands run through his hair as my chest touches his, I instantly grab his back hair and pull them a little harshly. Hotty's mouth opens as he hisses, I take that moment and enter my tongue inside his. I know how he likes it.

Hotty immediately thrust his tongue in my mouth and dominantly pushes my tongue. Just like the last time. Wait a minute... !! Why does it feel like deja vu?

Suddenly Hotty pushes me roughly on the bed throwing the file and remaining papers off the bed as he hovers over me like a thirsty demonic creature from underground. His eyes are now completely black like those times when he loses his control over... over-r... h-hi-his...

Hotty grabs both of my hands at the sides of my head in his claws as he hungrily looks at me. His tongue darts out as he licks his sharp canines as he says in a thick husky voice,

"You are a very very bad kitty. Missed me, mate?"


ALPHA RYAN CROSSED 1 MILLION VIEWS!!!! WWOHHOOOOOO. Chill, I ain't gonna delete this book.
Haters gonna hate... Potatoes gonna bake 🤣😈

I was quite unhappy coz of few comments by some not so friendly readers who think just because the book is free to read so is the writer to insult. Nope bitch! Naw naw.

I personally didn't target or insult any community, culture or country. If by any means anyone felt offended they can tell me respectfully. I will surely edit that sentence.

Also, thank you so many readers for motivating me and loving Alpha soo effing much ❤️❤️  15lovereadingShyzaychausiemorganZainabXuyairiaMAPP835dramarcastic-L0ADING-

I recently started my youtube channel for my drawings. Name- Almost Psycho. You can watch, like, subscribe, it would mean alot to me. This is me drawing me 🤣🤣


Special Shoutout of these lovely readers for showering Alpha with votes 😽❤️
SimoneDoodhnath , MayaJaya , CherryFlores4 , jk_lenja , orangel13 , Dreamer_Certified 

Oh wait I have more to thank readers ❤️😽  YetundeRichard,  dtionie ,  SelmaEwoenam ,  harshita182002 ,  ushikej96 ,  user33897653

Staple your wig for the next chapter.. the more votes I see... The faster I'll update ;)

Here is a meme


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