Chappie 5

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Here's the next chapter......
Please enjoy......


I still walked along the neighborhood on the sidewalk, me wiping tears that continued to fall with the palm of my hands, and I truly hated that I can't shift into a lycan, and that everyone shuns me for it, but my sister did not do so, and it was agonizing, that all my life I was bullied for it, including being bullied for my weight, which I cannot help I'm chubby, because my Mom was chubby, and I inherited her chubby gene, when my sister inherited my Dad's skinny gene, and I look more like my Mom than my sister does, me looking like her twin, and my sister looks more like Dad, and to be honest I only know what they look like through pictures that are all around the living room, me not remembering what they looked like, since they were killed in a car wreck when I was five years old, and since then, my sister has raised me up, her feeding and clothing me, her working two jobs at a time to even do so, which I always admired her hard work to keep a roof over our head, with help of our Uncle, including feed and clothe us.
My sister was a warrior, while I'm a zero.
I truly envy she has become such a warrior, and that to everyone else, unlike my Uncle, who consider me a disappointment or an abomination, because I cannot shift into a lycan form.
A lycan without their lycan form is considered merely a disgusting abhorrent creature nobody wants to be around or even involved with, but my sister don't care, she loves me as me, so does my friends Paige and Silas, they accept me for me.

I then stop walking; and perk up, me sniffing the air, because that familiar scent hits me like a ton of bricks, the scent that reminded me of that older blonde ashen haired muscular man I met at the party, and I turn around, as I saw him standing behind me several feet away, his eyes glowing bright blue, his fangs in his human mouth showing, him wearing a gray tank top, that showed his eight packed abs, his muscular wrestler built chest, shoulders, and arms, and I felt his glowing eyes held much hunger in them as they eyed me from my bare feet, and up to my face.

He walked up to me; his body tense as last time, like he was in fight or flight mode, that if I said something wrong, I know he could break me in two, because look at him, he looks like he works out twenty-four-seven, to where he looks like a bodybuilder, and a wrestler combined.
I take a step back, me feeling unnerved he's approaching me, that is until he grabbed my upper chubby arm roughly, and his chest rumbled just like that night when he spoke.
"I told you to keep your distance from me girl, and you did not listen to a word I said in the least!"

"I was only going for a walk."
I squeak out, as he shoved me back first into a thick oak tree, and I flinch at the pain going through my back from him doing that.
I look up at him, and he had to at least be six foot and five inches tall, and though he looked way older than me, as I said he was an immaculate handsome man, which made my core throb for an unknown reason at seeing him before me, all brooding over me not staying away from him as he asked me to.

"In the state you're bloody in; I think you should head on home lass."
He rumbled out as a warning, his voice I noticed had an Australian accent, which I never noticed he had such a sexy accent until now.
He slammed his hand by my head to the right, making me jump a little where I stood, and his glowing light blue eyes stared daggers at me, making my heart thud loudly within my chest, making my ears ring.
"A wee lycan such as yourself that is in heat should know not to wander the streets in this town, furthermore you should be seeking shelter within your home, until your heat is over lass or other lycans like me will not hesitate to rape you, and you be forced to carry their pup, and be shunned for it."
What he just said terrified me to no end, but I already was taught this when I got my first heat at age eight, that males act on instinct when it comes to a female's heat, especially the alpha would, the mating instinct is too strong, and by how this male was sweating droplets from his face, and his muscular chest, as well as precipitation of sweat was upon his thick muscular biceps, and he was breathing rather haggardly, his fangs showing prominently upon his upper jaw and lower jaw, which he had them clenched harshly together.

"I know the risks.
I'm not an idiot.
I just needed air is all."
I tell him, and I turn my head away, me avoiding his gaze, a pained look upon my face.
"To be honest I don't care; because all my life I've been treated like shit, all because I was born different, so maybe I deserve to die."

"You think you deserved to be raped by me all because you were bullied?
That's laughably idiotic."
He darkly chuckled at me, but then scowled, and I watch his nose crinkle, and he sniffed loudly, and he pulled his hand away from the tree, and he turns his head, and I follow his gaze as my sister was fifty feet away, her yelling my name, her walking down the sidewalk.
"Do you know that woman?"
He asked me, then looked to me, his light blue glowing eyes stopped glowing brightly, and his eyes returned to their natural silver blue color.

"That's my older sister; Hayden."
I tell him.
"Can I ask you your name?"

He leans down to where we were almost nose to nose, him still breathing haggardly.
"My name is Elijah Blanco."

"I'm Dawn Kristen."
I tell him, my voice trembling.

My sister yelled, and Elijah turned his head to look at her approaching us, and he straightened himself in order.

"We will meet again lass."
He then walked away, his leather combat boots he wore clomped away onto the cement sidewalk, and he turned down a corner.

My sister walked up to me, her looking angry, tears going down her cheeks.
"Dawn you stupid girl!
You running off like that; especially when you're in heat!
Some guy could've raped you!"
She yelled at me and hugged me to her chest.
"Don't do that again dammit!"
She sobbed into my forehead.

"I'm sorry.
I won't do it again."
I tell her, me feeling guilty I made her worry so much.

"You'll need to meet the alpha at noon; the alpha already asked for you."
She pulls away from the hug, her wiping her eyes of tears.

I ask her, me still upset at my Uncle, as I scowl at her.

"The alpha named you as the one who pissed him off; so he wants an apology at noon, at his home."
She scolds me for talking back at her, by pinching my right round cheek on my face.
"You'll do it since you upset him got it!"

"I get it sis; geez!"
I reply to her.

"Let's get home now."
She tugged me along by my cheek.
"This time when you meet the alpha; don't piss him off!"

Okay okay!
Let my cheek go sis!
I whine out, my cheek hurting from her pulling it, and dragging me along.


To be continued......

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