Chappie 6

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Here's the next chapter......
I only use AI art apps to make characters for my books, or for screen savers on my device for fun.

Hayden's Lycan example.....


I ate my burgers and fries my sister Hayden made for me last night, and I started grooming, and dressing myself to meet the alpha, me unnerved, me kinda afraid he will hurt me for pissing him off, however I pissed him off, I don't know, but I'd like to know how I did it.
Once fully dressed; I walked to my sister's room, and she had the door open, her in her lycan form, her fur on her lycan body was white, brown and gray, and she had a black heart shaped nose upon her snout, anf she had golden eyes that had black slits, and she wore a gray tank top, and blue bootie jean shorts, her fluffy brown and white tail swished as she was doing a stepping work out, her stepping on a stool and off it, her holding about fifty pounds in thick arm weights.
She also had wavy brown and white long hair that rested upon her shoulders, and brown and white pointy fluffy wolf ears too.
She also had black claw-like nails.

She turned her head to look at me, her setting the heavy weights onto a rack.
"Hey sweetie!
You ready?"
She smiled at me, her long fangs showing in her mouth, her fluffy tail wagged a little.

To be honest; my sister Hayden's lycan form is just too beautiful, and I'm not surprised she hasn't found another mate yet, because I know alot of dudes would love to be her mate, since her lycan form is so damn beautiful, and I'm kinda envious I don't have a lycan form.

"Yeah I'm ready."
I tell her.

"You know the rules; when the alpha summons any lycan for a meeting, including a family member, they must be in their lycan form, but you're the exception though kiddo."
My sister hugged me to her chest then pulls away.
"It'll be okay sweetie, so try to be calm."
She caresses my cheek lovingly, and then nuzzled her black heart shaped nose against my cheek.
"I'll drive."

I wore a rock band shirt that said Journey on it that was blue, with me wearing men's blue jeans that hugged my legs and rear, along with my boots.
She guided me out of the house, and to her Chevy Malibu, which was a newer brand of that car, and I get into the passenger side, and buckle in, and she gets into the driver's side, her buckling in, then she turned the engine over with a light purr, and she pulled out of our driveway, and I knew then she was heading to the alpha's mansion, that I had been at before with the party yesterday.

It would take thirty minutes to arrive to the alpha's home, so I was reading a novel on my phone, a digital novel that I downloaded from the app bookstore, and as I enjoyed reading several pages, I felt the vehicle pull to a full stop, and I heard the familiar voice of the same guard that patrolled yesterday at the alpha's property.
I look up, me watching the guard ask.
"Are you two the people that have a meeting with the alpha?"

My sister replied.
"Yes we are."

The guard looked to me.
"I recognize you kid."
He comments to me.

I wave shyly to him.
"Nice to see you again."

He scowled at me.
"Go ahead."
He pressed a button and the ironclad gates opened, and my sister pulls around the driveway, that had a water fountain by it, and she pulled into park next to a gray jeep wrangler, and she turned the engine off, and I locked my phone, me putting it in my purse, and put my purse under my seat.

"We can't bring our phones in, since it's forbidden Dawn, so leave it out here."
My sister tells me and I nod, me watching her place her phone in her own purse, and shoved her purse under her seat.

We soon get out of the vehicle; and we walk up the cobblestone steps, leading to the same guard that stood in front of the red big double mahogany doors, and he opened one of the doors for us, and guided us down a long hallway, until we turned right, and to a cedarwood door, and he knocked on it.
"Alpha; the guests you are expecting have arrived."

"Bring them in."
I heard the familiar Australian accent reply, making me think of that older handsome blonde ashen haired man from earlier.

The guard opened the door and motions us to walk inside, and the room was very dimly lit, but it seemed to be a large work office, because it smelled like one.
The guard shuts the door behind us; and I heard the familiar Australian voice ask me.
"Why have you not shifted in my presence?"
His voice indicated he's not happy I didn't shift like my sister did before coming here.

I stare at my boots and couldn't reply, me terrified of telling him that I cannot shift, afraid he'd shun me.
"My sister can't shift.
She was born that way."
My sister Hayden says to the alpha, her telling him my dirty little secret, that most people know...well except the alpha, and she; I could tell had her head lowered to respect him.

This lass cannot shift?
That is quite interesting."
He replied, and it sounded like his interest was piqued, that he was interested why I cannot shift into a lycan, and I could hear amusement also lacing his voice as well, and mischief too.

"Forgive our rudeness alpha; but she cannot help she was born this way."
My sister bowed to him, and I could see his dark shadow sitting at a mahogany desk, and we couldn't see his lycan form in the dimly lit room, and I could see his glowing light blue eyes staring at me in the dimly lit room.

Those eyes seemed familiar to me; but I cannot place it either, which was frustrating to say the least, because I could swear I have seen glowing light blue eyes like that before too.
The same light blue eyes from that ashen blonde haired muscular man.

"I do not find it disrespectful, since she cannot control how she was born.
Just know that at the party I was not myself; and took it out onto her, so I am the one who needs to apologize for any misunderstandings."
The alpha says to us, and I was shocked he apologized so easily, which was way too easy, making me wonder if he wants something in return for the apology he gave.

"Is that all?"
I ask the alpha.

He replied to me, me seeing his canine fangs moving as he talked in his snout's mouth in the darkness of this room, though I couldn't see his lycan form, I know he's in that form.

"Well that's a waste of time to me."
I sass him.

He chuckled darkly.
"Is it now?"

"Why yes it is!"
I retort back at him.

Watch your mouth!
Respect the alpha!"
My sister scolds me by pinching my right round cheek, making me whine in pain.
"I'm sorry alpha that I never taught her any good manners, so please don't hurt her."
My sister begged the alpha next.

"I will not harm her; but I have a proposal."
The alpha tells her, and my sister lets my round facial cheek go.

"A proposal?"
I ask him, my round facial cheek stinging as I talked.

"Yes; I want her to move in with me."
The alpha says to my sister, him ignoring me saying my two cents, which pissed me off he ignored my question entirely, and I so wanted to bitch slap him, me imagining me bitch slapping him in my mind.

"Alpha; I'm sorry but she's still in highschool, and I don't think it's a good idea."
My sister kneeled on one knee, her bowing even lower, her head low to him as well.
"I do not think moving her in is wise, since she's very childish, and doesn't know anything in how to respect you, nor can she probably obey any commands you give her, since I raised her like a human, though she is a lycan that cannot shift into lycan form."

"I want her to move in.
She's the candidate I chose out of all the rest, that I felt the bond to."
The alpha replied sternly to my sister.

I blink in shock at that; that he admitted he picked me out of all the other candidates at the party to be his mate!
That he felt the so called mating bond I heard about, and yet I haven't though!

"I understand alpha."
My sister looked up at his light blue glowing eyes, her giving him a look she understands his decision.
"We'll pack her things at our home immediately."

"Good; but she will be able to continue to go to school from my home.
My butler Armadeus shall take her to school."
The alpha replied to my sister.
"So you need not fret over her."

I'm not moving in with you!
I barely know you!"
I grit out at the alpha, me angry he wanted me to move in so soon, him claiming he felt the mating bond, when I never did, and I don't want to move in with him, I want to stay living with my sister, and what will my friends Paige and Silas think of me.
Hell; most the students at my school will think I'm whoring myself for attention to the alpha when I'm not, to be honest I don't care about the alpha at all, and just want to keep up my used to be normal life.

My sister smacked me upside the back of my head for the first time in my life, and she grits out at me.
"Don't backtalk the alpha Dawn!
Do you want our family dishonored?!"

"But sis I can't just move into someone's house I don't know, especially since I got friends who care about me!
That's not who I am dammit!
I have more class than that!"
I shout back at her.

She points at me, her shouting back at me.
"You will do as you're told!
Because if he wants you to move in, then you're his mate dumbass!"

I blink in shock at that.
"I'm his mate?!
That's horse shit and you know it!
I'm of no use to him, like at all!
I can't even shift into a lycan form!
The only thing in good for is making pups and that's it, and I'll kill myself before I'm a forced to be a broodmare for him!
I retort back at her.

I heard the alpha bellow, him slamming his hands upon his mahogany desk.
"You will pack and bring your things to my home by the end of the week, and that's bloody final!"

I glare at the light blue eyes of the alpha and his shadowy figure too, me hating my life turned a one-eighty, thanks to me going to that Halloween party this douchebag alpha threw for himself to find a mate, and I said it before, that I never wanted to be picked as his mate, and now I'm going to be forced to live with him, because he picked me as his mate, and it truly pisses me off he can order me around like all his other minions, and I don't want to live with him, because I'll be judged by other kids at my school as I mentioned.
I'll be called the school whore when I go to school tomorrow.

"Go home and start packing.
I expect you to be living here by next Saturday."
The alpha orders us, and my sister bowed lower yet again to him.

"Understood alpha; so we shall get going."
My sister tugged me along, and out of the office door, and out of the mansion.

Once we got into the car; I yelled her.
"I'm not moving in here!
I never wanted to be his mate!
I don't need a fucking mate sis!
So don't make me live with him!"

"Too bad; so sad, you'll have to live with him, because what the alpha says goes.
You need to understand that."
She retorts calmly back at me; as in my anger my tears started falling down my cheeks.

"But sis I don't want to!"
I whine.

"You're an adult now; so you have to do this, and anyways he will treat you well."
She replied to me as she started driving us home.

"I know I'm an adult; but I'm not ready for this kind of fucking commitment!"
I whine out, me wiping tears that kept falling more and more from my lashes, and down my round cheeks.

"I'm sorry Dawn; but the alpha picked you, so you'll have to learn to deal with it."
She says to me.

"That's a funny way of saying you don't care if he's abusive or something!"
I retort back.

"The alpha has never laid a hand upon a woman in his life, not even his own mother."
She sighs at me at my whiny behavior, her shaking her head.
"You'll be fine sweetie."

"I'm scared."
I honestly whine that out.
"No I'm petrified."

She pats my left thigh with her free hand that wasn't on the wheel, and she says to me.
"I know you're scared; but don't be, because you'll be in good hands."
She smiled warmly at me.


To be continued.......

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