Chappie 7

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Here's the next chapter.....
Please enjoy.......


Once we arrived home; I never came out of my room until much later to watch television; I didn't even pack like I was supposed to, and my sister figured it out, and started packing for me, though she was upset she had to do it, because I'm being so stubborn to not pack, because I hated I'm being forced to live with the alpha.

I had fallen asleep in the living room that night; but what woke me up, was me hearing clattering in the kitchen behind the couch I lay upon, where I fell asleep that night watching television, and I sit up, me groggily rubbing the sleep sand out of my eyes, and I stand up, and grab the metal bat I keep by the front door, me feeling scared a male wolf broke into our home, and since I'm still in heat, I could be raped, and possibly impregnated by force.
So yes I'm utterly and undeniably petrified.

I saw a dark large figure in our kitchen, that looked to be the size of a man, him probably over six feet tall, and I snuck up behind this person, and wacked him hard over his back, making him fall on his knees, and groan in pain, and I watch as light blue glowing eyes look at me over his dark shadowy shoulder.
"Get out of my house!"
I harshly whisper, so I don't wake my sister up.

I watch him stand fully in the darkness and he stood tall over my five foot and two inches stature.
I felt him grab the end of the bat, and tug it from my grip, and I heard him bend it with his brute strength, and I watch him set it onto the kitchen counter.
I flinch; me closing my eyes when his hand reached out, my heart racing in pure fear, and I felt a very warm hand caress my cheek.
"Lass; I only came into your home to keep you safe from other males.
Your scent is attracting alot of them to stalk your home, which your sister has kept such information from you."
I recognized the Australian accent of that man I met at the alpha's party, and I open my eyes, as I watched the lights flicker on, and he stood in front of me, an inch in front of me.

"It's you."
I say to him; me relaxing when I saw him, and he nods.

"Yes; it is I.
I did not mean to spook you in your knickers."
He replied to me, and pulls his hand away from my cheek, and to be honest, I didn't mind his touch, actually I liked it more than I'd like to admit.

"But why break in?"
I ask him.

"I snuck in through your bedroom window you accidentally kept open.
I wanted to make sure you are safe."
He says to me, and he was breathing in a haggardly way once again, as if he's struggling being around me.

"You told me to stay away from you; but now you want to stay by me?
I'm confused."
I tell him my honest thoughts I'm thinking.

"You do not have to trust me if you do not want to, but I highly suggest you do.
I must tell you that I work for the alpha."
He says to me, and I blink in shock he said that.

"So the alpha sent you?!"
I ask harshly.

"Yes; the alpha stays in his lycan form, so that nobody knows who he looks like.
He was afraid of scaring you if he showed his lycan form to you, to call on you after you clearly fired your lovely mouth off at him luv.
My duty is to protect you until you are delivered as promised to his home."
He replied to me.
"Just keep it secret between us."
He then pats my right arm.
"I will stay on guard as you go back to bed outside your home."

"I'm angry at the alpha.
I mean why choose me?
I can't shift into a lycan like at all, and people told me all I'm good for is making pups."
I tell Elijah, a painful agonizing look upon my face, and I could feel tears accumulating within my dark lashes.

"The alpha sees you worthy of him.
His conclusion for any decision is done for a reason, and that reason luv, you will surely find out later onward."
He turns his back to me, and then walked over to the front door, him unlocking it, and he turned to look at me.
"Just trust me."
Then he left out of the home, him shutting the door as quietly as possible.

I walk over to the door, and locked it tightly, even the deadbolt, and I go up to my room, after turning the television off, and I go to my window, which was open all the way, and I shut it, me clicking the lock in the window in order, since he mentioned he came through the window, me feeling unsafe when he mentioned other males are stalking me home, just because I'm in heat, and truly I didn't know that, and it made me wonder if my sister noticed it.
And made me also wonder if that's why she was so upset yesterday that I ran out of the house when I was pissed at my Uncle?
I get into my bed, me covering myself in my covers in a tightly knit burrito, and I lay on my side, and I close my eyes, me falling asleep.


My alarm went off that morning; and since it was a school day, I groomed myself, even brushed and water picked my teeth, and gelled up my hair to be spikey, and sprayed some floral perfume on, to hide my heat smell the best I could, because my heat wasn't done yet, and once I was fully ready; I grabbed my bookbag, and threw it over my shoulder, me going down the steps, and my sister was in the kitchen, her holding out a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, and buttered toast, with strawberry jam on it for me.
"Eat and then have Paige take you to school."
My sister; who's in her human form now, gave me a look to obey her whims, and I take the plate from her, and the spoon she gave me, and she points at me to sit at the kitchen table.
"I scented out a man was in the house last night; a lycan, so fess up!
Are you seeing a lycan dude when you know you have the alpha as your mate?!"
My sister scolded me.

"No I'm not.
It was only a friend checking on me last night."
I lie to her, because I told Elijah I'd keep it secret he was protecting me for the alpha, but it looks like since my sister is grilling me information, that I'll have to tell her the truth, since I suck at lying.

She looked at me like she didn't believe me.
"Well by his scent he's a powerful lycan, so it worries me you are letting riff raff into the house!
Mom would kill me if some rapist knocked you up!"

"Eli....I mean he was protecting me, trust me sis!"
I say to her, me almost telling her Elijah's name.

"When did you get such a bodyguard?!"
She folds her arms to her chest, and I shrug.

"The alpha?"
I tell her, me finally breaking my promise to keep Elijah's secret of protecting me from her, but I couldn't help it since she's grilling me so much, and my sister goes wide eyed at that in shock.
"Sis; tell me when I'm in heat do dudes stalk our house?"
She avoided my gaze and I sigh at her.
"Then he was right; so why didn't you tell me?!"

"Because I was trying to protect you sweetie like Mom asked me too before she died!"
My sister retorts back.

"Why is my heat so strong that dudes do that?"
I ask her.

"To be honest I don't know, and I noticed your suppressants aren't working like they used to, so your body is adapting to the pills."
She tells me, a look a guilt was upon her face.
"The doctor warned me it would happen, and he said once that happens, then there's nothing else he could prescribe for you."

I look at her with a dumbfounded look, then that means I'm even in danger at school from other boys too, they could try to rape me as well, so how am I going to even graduate then.
"Sweetie if the alpha sent you a bodyguard then you should take the offer of the bodyguard to protect you."
She tells me.
"That means the alpha wants you protected at all costs.
So next time that bodyguard comes, then introduce me to him."

"Can you tell me something?"
I ask her.

"What is it?"
She asked me.

"Is the alpha always in his lycan form?
Does he not trust anyone to know his human form?"
I ask her.

"Yes; he's only in his lycan form, and yes he don't trust anyone to know his human form, because his father was murdered, and his mother, who's in her eighties claims he looks exactly like his father, and only she has seen his human form."
My sister says to me.

"How was his Dad murdered?"
I ask her.

"He was murdered when our pack went to war with another pack, that pack poisoned his father, then once he died, the current alpha now took the title of alpha of our pack, and he then won the war, making him the most powerful alpha in America, because he killed that other pack's alpha, that had the title before him."
My sister tells me and I blink in shock at that.

"So yesterday he didn't trust us to see his human form either?"
I ask her.

"He trusts nobody; that is why he has no beta."
She tells me more.
"The butler of his, really is his only friend, since they grew up together, is what I heard."

"Armadeus is what he called the butler."
I comment to her.

"Armadeus was actually a friend to my last mate too."
My sister barely there smiled.
"Armadeus still texts me now and then though, in secret, because the alpha never approved of Armadeus being in contact with me."
She sat in a chair next to me, and she sighs sadly as she took a bite of her own plate of eggs.

"Sis; I'm sorry I brought that up; about the butler."
I tell her, and she nods to me, her moving her hair out of her face.

"Just go to school when Paige honks for you."
My sister says calmly, her avoiding what we were talking about entirely, me knowing even talking about her last mate hurt her greatly.

And speaking of Paige; I heard her honk, and I had just polished my breakfast, and I go to the fridge, grabbing me a body armor water, that was a pomegranate and blueberry flavor, and stuck it into the drink side of my book bag.
I look to my sister, and I walk over to her, and I side hugged her.
"Love you sis."

I then left out of our home; me shutting the door behind us, and I saw Paige in front of our home, her parked in front of the sidewalk in her Honda CR-V.
She honked again, her waving at me as the passenger window was down, her yelling.
"Come on girl or we'll be late!"

I go to the passenger side, and pull open the door, and sat in the passenger side, and buckle in, then closed the door, and she then drove off towards the direction of our school.


To be continued.....

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