09. By hook or by crook

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Hello my lovely readers! To all those who voted on the last chapter, Thank u! From the bottom of my heart, why strangers who I've never met. Thanks for making me smile and making my day brighter😄!

09. By hook or by crook

I can't sit still.

All those Lycans, here, tomorrow night! And one of them can be my mate! And then I can put into action my life plan of escaping this stinkin' pack!

I might find him tomorrow! My soulmate! My escape!

Is it a bit mean that I want freedom more than unconditional love? Meh. People wish for what they want the most, and I want freedom baby!

Finally, I leave my room to go to Luna Fay. On the way, I take a turn around a corridor and come face to chest with someone, barely stopping in time not to collide with it.

Ethan raises an eyebrow at me, I mimic his expression and then giggle like an idiot. Well, I don't know about anyone else but if I keep running into the same person, I'll find it funny. Which I do.

"Hello Elise," he smiles at me, I grin widely "you look excited."

"Like hell I am," I nod with enthusiasm, he chuckles "I might just find my mate tonight!"

Ethan only offers me a small smile, it doesn't reach his eyes "I'm hoping to meet my mate too but it would be a little... Awkward. I'll be leaving for the Hunt just after that."

"Don't worry," I pat him on the shoulder "everything's going to be amazing, I'm sure of it!"

"Thank you, I'll see you at the ceremony then." He says "and I'm sure I'd recognize you."

I raise an eyebrow, Ethan speaks again;

"You know, it's a mask ball to make things more interesting." He says "see you there."

He goes around me and walks away. Right, I have to be somewhere too. Only a couple of steps later, I have to hide behind the wall. I peek ahead to see a familiar blond, bothering an omega.

"No, no, no!" Darcie throws a dress at Flora "it's not good enough either!"

"B-B-But it's the one you selected," Flora mumbles

"Well, I've changed my mind!" Darcie yells "go get a better one!"

Avoiding both of them, I turn to the opposite hallway and walk away as quick as possible.

Soon enough I find myself in front of a door. I take a deep breath, here goes. I knock.

"Come in," a feminine voice says

I enter the room cautiously. It's even bigger than Luke's room. There's a king sized bed against one wall, a dresser near it, then a door which no doubt leads to the walk in wardrobe. The windows are open, letting natural light inside. The theme colours are creme and white.

"Yes, Elise?" Luna Fay is sitting in an arm chair, a magazine open on her lap

"Luna," I bow my head respectfully "I want to ask you something, if that's alright."

She raises an eyebrow at my perfect behaviour and then nods.

I go inside and close the door softly behind myself. Then I take a moment to gather my words.

"Tonight is the Alpha's Hunt ceremony," I start

"Yes," Luna nods but I notice the tension in her shoulders "All the participant Lycans from America will get paired tonight."

I nod, keeping my face respectful. Even though she's never been very nice to me, she's a mother and she's worried about her son.

"I wanted to ask you," I say softly "if the omegas can come to the ceremony too?"


I stare at Luna's now stern face. She stands up, nostrils flaring. My neck muscles start to itch, my eyes start to burn but I grit my teeth and hold my ground.

"An omega's place is not in parties," her voice is softly poisonous "an omega is not fit for this."

But you were an Omega once.

She hates acknowledging that fact. Word is, she was treated very badly in her pack before she found Alpha Jax. Hell, they say her pack won't even let her go after she found her mate and she had to run away before Alpha Jax could start a war with her pack.

And yet, she treats us no better. She's always reminded of her bitter past and she takes it out on us.

"Why not?" I blurt out

"Because Omegas are not allowed," Luna Fay glares at me "now go, I have other things to attend to."

Holding back a growl, I leave her room. This is not over, not yet. I'm going to get the hell out of this pack, by hook or by crook!

As I storm back to my room, I can't help but think how long this will go on. How long will Omegas be treated like this?

Yes we aren't as powerful as Alphas or Betas. Yes we aren't as skilled as Warriors. Yes we aren't random people of the pack. But we are part of the pack.

We are just as loyal, just as protective, just as important. We don't want anyone to worship us. We don't want to be special. We just want acknowledgement. We want to be treated as everyone else.

You can think of Omega rights later, Elise. I tell myself, Right now you need to think of a plan.

After thinking for God knows how long, I groan into my pillow. Think, Elise! You're running out of time!

My eyes swim to my wardrobe and an idea lights up my head. My lips slowly curl into a smirk.

I'd like to see how anyone stops me from going, Luna.


Sneak peek:

"What are you doing here?" A deep voice hisses in my ear

I look up at dark blue eyes boring into mine. I smile.

"Finding my mate."

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