10. Drunken Balls

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Hello lovely reader! If you made it this far with my book, thank u and congrats! The plot begins now!

10. Drunken Balls

I've lost my mind.

Not today, I lost it quiet some time ago. You see, when you still have some logic or sense in you, you think of the consequenses, the risks and funnily enough, you give a shit about them as well.

But when you've lost your mind, you don't give a shit anymore.

I creep along the hallway, my eyes now used to the dark, make out the door of Darcie's room.

Luckily, Luke didn't come back in the room today. Otherwise I'd have to climb down my window and I'm not a fan of climbing.

I sniff myself again, making sure the perfume covers my scent and nod in approval. My hand closes around the cool metal of the door handle. Slowly, cautiously, I turn it.


The room is enveloped in darkness. I see a figure on the queen sized bed. Quietly, I make my way towards Darcie's walk in closet, praying neither Darcie nor Flora wake up.

I start looking for the dresses in there, scattered around as though a ravenous animal had looked through them.

Too vulgar. Too flashy. Too short. Too big.

Well, if I am planning on doing whatever it takes to find my mate, I should make a good first impression, shouldn't I?

But seems like fate has other plans since I can't find anything that would look good on me.
Damn! Why does this Lycan female only has clothes I'd never wear?!

In my frustration, I let out a silent scream and grab a dress, ball my hands in it and shake out all my anger.

When I'm done, breathing as soundlessly as possible, I drop it down only to see something under the pile of clothes, something that catches my eye.

I pull the dress out and hold back a gasp. The soft pink material flows in my hands as the puffy evening gown unfurls in front of me, pearly whites beads are scattered along the neckline and skirt.

Grinning like an idiot I tuck the dress under my arm and waltz out. You're sense of fashion isn't all that bad, Darcie, I'll give you that.

When I pass by Darcie's bed, I see the side table laden with masks. I snatch the first one in my reach. I leave Darcie's room, feeling victorious and giddy.

Rushing to my room, I peek in to see if Luke's there. Seeing no one, I rush inside and into my room where finally I start jumping around squealing like an idiot.

I collaspe on my bed, dress clutched to my chest, a dreamy smile on my face.

Tomorrow, my world is going to change.



In my hurry, I had failed to notice that the mask I grabbed has two white feathers tucked on one side.

And I'm alergic to feathers.

"Goddess, after all I'm doing," I mutter and fix my mask again "my mate should be the king to make it worth it."

Thought I know I will love him with all my heart, no matter who he is, a girl can dream, right?

I cast another quick glance at the mirror. My hair is in an elegant chignon, the makeup light and well done and the dress makes me look taller than I am.

But the best thing is the shine in my eyes and the smile on my faceー real happiness.

I leave the room, a frown tugs at my lips. Luke still isn't back. Where is he? Did something happen?

An unfamiliar weight on my heart makes my eyebrows furrow. I shake my head.

Don't think about him, think about your mate. Luke will be fine.

Everyone has already gone down, the omegas are in there rooms, away from the party downstairs. I take a deep breath and start towards the stairs.

I look down in the hall, my heart beats a hundred times per second, my mind races a million miles per breath. My eyes search the heads I can see but I don't feel anything.

A thread of fear coils around my heart.

Don't be so ridiculous! Go down and look for him, he'll be here!

Yeah... Yeah! All these Lycans and all these werewolves they've invited, my mate has to be somewhere among them!

I start descending the stairs, all eyes turn to me. My breath catches in my throat. I wait for someone to point me out and scream; Imposter! But no one does. They simply stare, gazes ranging from curious to lusty.

My feet start moving.

Twenty steps. The tremble in my hands stops.

Fifteen. I hold my chin high.

Ten. My confidence rises.

Five. My lips curve up in a smile.

Three. I sneeze.

Perfect timing, humility. Just perfect.

I slip backwards, catching a glimpse of the surprised looks of the crowd, my body braces itself for the impact and then suddenly the wind gets knocked out of my lungs and my mind starts spinning again.

I feel something tightly coiled around my waist, my hands flat against something hard that feels like... A suit?

My eyes fly up to meet stormy blue ones, staring down at me with enough intensity to drown a battle ship.

Luke is dressed in a dark blue suit, the same colour as his eyes, a velvety black mask concealing his face.

He leans down, my eyes become the size of the moon and my heart squirms in place, hyper aware of his lips against my ear.

"What are you doing here?" A deep voice hisses in my ear

I pull back as much as his grip would let me and look up at the stormy blue eyes boring into my own. I give him my brightest smile.

"Finding my mate."

Slipping out of his hold, I turn around as if nothing just happened and ignore every pair of eyes looking at me suspiciously.

I look around the hall, keep my senses sharp, eyes peeled but I don't see him I don't feel my heart swell with happiness, I don't find a scent that would drive me estatic.

Come on mate! Where are you?

A man rushes past me and at the same time a girl pushes through the crowd. They lock gazes and I feel the air grow heavy. Mates.

I watch with a smile as the man folds the girl in his arms and kisses the top of her head, watch as the girl closes her eyes, smiling softly.

My smile turns rueful, a dull ache of longing grips my heart. I look around again, my heart starts sinking as the realization hits me like a brick in the face.

He's not here.

A hand falls on my shoulder, hope cuts through me with painful intensity as I whirl around only to have my eyes locked with crystal blue ones.

This time, disappointment almost makes me cry out loud. Ethan looks back at me, not my mate.

"Elise," his eyes instantly cloud with worry "are you upset?"

"Me? Upset?" I shrug off his hand, sarcasm drips from my voice "Of course not. This is what my neutral face looks like."

He cringes "Not the best question, I suppose."

"Brilliant observation." I mutter

"I guess you didn't find him," he says softly, I sigh "I can relate. I didn't find my mate either."

I feel hopelessness course through me. My lips tremble. I clamp them together.

"What sort of a party is this?" I say, my voice normal despite my parched throat "is there anything to drink or what?"

"There is but─

"Perfect," I grab Ethan's arm and start dragging him along with myself "take me there. Only chocolate and wine can sooth my broken heart."

"Elise, think for a moment," Ethan says, though he keeps walking "Many Lycans and werewolves don't find their mates, it's not all that bad."

I turn sharply to face him "For an Alpha, maybe it's not. But for me, it is."

Ethan runs a hand through his blond hair. I vaguely notice the white suit and mask he's wearing. When he looks at me, I see a pang of hurt in his eyes.

"You really think I don't know what these people treat you like?" He says quietly, I avert my eyes "The looks your pack gave you the first time you put your hand out to shake mine, the way the Beta's daughter pushes you around, how Luke barely lets you talk to anyone else,"

Ethan puts his hands on my shoulders and takes a step forward.

"You think I don't notice?" He says, his eyes soft almost.... Pitiful

My hands curl into fists, my jaw tightens. I level him with my steeliest glare as I step away.

"Don't," the burn of my voice surprises even me "Don't pity me. I'm better off without it."

Ethan's eyes widen, he opens his mouth to say something but my feet already turn around and take me away.

I don't want his bloody sympathy! Mate or no mate, I'm not some damsel who needs saving! I don't need a stupid shoulder to cry on!

Yeah, because you want a whole man.

I groan out loud and bump into someone. He turns around and raises an eyebrow.

"Holy mother of..." Carlos mutters a  curse under his breath "How the hell─ no wait, I'm not going to ask what happened. The look on you face tells me you only need one thing right now."

"Food." Carlos puts an arm around my shoulder, I look up at him, thanking my stars that at least I have my bestie here

"You're the best," I mumble, quickly rubbing my glassy eyes dry

Carlos doesn't ask me anything and I'm sure he figured it out. He lets me devour everything I can find until I stumble upon a bottle of champagne.

"Elise, that's a bad idea," He says "you've never been drunk before! It's going to mess you up!"

"Everything worth doing starts from a bad idea," I say and pour myself a glass

"I'm not letting you─

"Carlos!" Another pack warrior comes there "come along, the ceremony is starting!"


I wiggle my fingers at Carlos as the man drags him away, towards the stage. Finally, now no one can come between me and my drink!

The liquid leaves a burning trail as it goes down my throat but I relish it. I stare at the stage, where all the participant Alphas stand, the sky lights open, the letting Crescent Moon light inside.

I watch with curiosity as the moon light focus's on the first Alpha, he kneels down, muttering something. The light swims from him towards the crowd and lands on a man.

Everyone claps, the two men shake hands. Partners.

I pour myself another glass, ignoring the stupid ceremony. I drink until my mind feels numb and I can't think of life time labour anymore. I drink until I can't imagine about my damned mate anymore and drink until my guardian angels appear as mini Elises and warn me not to take off my mask and pick up a second bottle.

"Pttss," I try to wave them away "I'm fine! You think happy juice was invented for chemistry? Bah! It was invented for champions to drink when they're feeling down!"

"She's hopeless," my good angle says to the bad one

"Hopelessly smart," I take a swing from the bottle "Who needs a bloody mate? I'm gonna escape this damned pack on my own!"

As if the goddess herself agrees with me, light shines on me and my angles share panicked looks.

"What?" I say as everyone looks at me, my own pack members gasp, fishes drop out of there mouths

Someone wades through the crowd, towards me. I squit my eyes to see properly in the blinding light that's surrounding me.

Luke stands in front of me, eyes wide and disbelieving.

"You," his words echo in my head "You're my partner."


Sneak peek!

"Take her away until we solve this matter!" Alpha Jax hisses to a pack warrior

"Hey, don't you bloody dare!" I say as the man tries to grab my arm "if this is about me, I ought to stay!"

"Elise," Carlos says quietly in my ear, pleadingly "come on, please."


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