11. I'm a dead girl anyways

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Hello people! Sorry for the late chapter, my wattpad wasn't working but I hope you like it!

11. I'm a dead girl anyways

Everyone just stares at me in pin drop silence.

"This is bad!" My good angle whispers frantically

"Oh no, this is going to be fun." My bad angle chuckles sinisterly

I take a long swing of the champagne and then put the bottle on the table.

"Alright," my voice slurrs a bit "What the hell is happening?"

Finally, Alpha Jax steps forward. His hands are closed into tight fists and his face is tomato red, two horns sprout from his head. I knew he was satan.

"What are you doing here?" He strides towards me like a mad bull "Omegas weren't allowed!"

The word 'Omega' floats out of his mouth and towards the crowd, whispers and gasps follow.

"Don't worry, I'm going." I wave dismissively "It was a waste of my time anyways."

"Is that... Oh my moon, that's my dress!" Darcie says, eyes narrowed

"You stupid, stupid girl." Luna Fay glares at me "You should've never come here!"

The three of them start advancing towards me, I hold up my hands and step back.

"Hey, I told you I'm goin'," I say "Why worry so much?"

"You little─

Alpha Jax raises his hand, fingers turned into claws and both my angles put their hands on their eyes while I stare wide eyed as his hand moves towards me and stops, only inches away.

"Father," Luke hisses quietly as he puts Alpha's hand down from the wrist "Don't be ridiculous, she's my partner!"

"She's an omega!" Alpha Jax yanks his hand away "she will only slow you down and she broke the pack rules, she disobeyed her Alpha and Luna!"

"Alpha Jax," Ethan comes out of the crowd "I think you are aware that Luke wouldn't be allowed to participate without his partner."

Alpha Jax pinches the bridge of his nose and snorts in disbelief, fire comes out of his nostrils.

I wonder if it would have burnt his mustache if he had one...

"Guards!" He barks and two pack Warriors come hurrying towards him

Carlos is at my side in an instant, his angle wings flutter behind his back. Wait... Can werewolves have angle wings and a wolf?

"Take her away until we solve this matter!" Alpha Jax hisses to a pack warrior

"Hey! Don't you bloody dare!' I say as the man tries to grab my arm "if this is about me than I ought to stay!"

"Elise," Carlos whispers in my ear pleadingly "come on, please."

"I want to make myself clear," I raise a hand and sway on my feet "I don't want to be your partner!"

Luke stares at me with dark blue storms in his eyes, he crosses his arms and looks down at me with a stern expression.

"Trust me," he says lowly "my thoughts are exactly the same."

He turns to Carlos "Take her to her room, don't let her out until further orders."

"Yes, Alpha." Carlos takes me by the elbow and starts dragging me to the stairs

"I can't believe it!" He mutters frantically as we climb the stairs. He had to put his arm around me to keep me straight. It's not like I can't walk, my legs just became purple jelly!

"I know," I nod solemnly "purple isn't even my colour."

"He can't take you out there!" Carlos goes on "That Hunt is fatal for the Alphas too! You should've never come, Elise."

"You're right about that, tracker."

Carlos stops. I look around the nine corridors to find the source of the eerily familiar voice.

Darcie comes in view, black smoke covers her like a dark aura.

"Bitch," my evil angle sneers

"Go downstairs," Darcie snaps at Carlos "I'll take her to the room."

Carlos looks at her with suspicious eyes "Don't fret yourself. I will take her before going back."

"I said go!" Darcie sneers, I could almost hear the snap when Carlos' head bent down from the submission she forced

"Please be okay," he whispers to me before turning around and grudging leaving

Darcie grabs my arm, her nails dig into my skin.

"Hey, let go!" I try to free my arm


A gasp leaves my mouth. Something wet, warm and red trickles down my lip. For one moment, I'm stone cold sober.

A Lycan beta can kill a Werewolf omega as easily as snapping a twig.

The next moment I feel myself being dragged to some place at the farther end of the hallway. I realize it's the staircase that leads to the back of the house.

"Where are you taking me?" I struggle against her hold but her hands are made of iron

She's outside the house, dragging me along, going towards the pack warriors residence.

The empty house answers my protesting grunts with silent mocking and soon enough, Darcie stops.

"I will make sure I'm the one who kills you," She hisses under her breath and shoves me forward

I stumble into the dark empty room. Or is it a public bathroom? I can imagine they smell just like this. I whirl around and see thick iron bars against the front wall. The dungeons.

"Open the door and face me!" I try my best to rattle the bars but they won't budge "Cowards! Think your so strong by locking a girl up? You're superiority complex patients, the whole lot of you!"

"Are you mad?" My good angle shrieks "they can kill you!"

"Well, they're gonna kill her anyways." My bad angle shrugs

My voice echos in the empty cells. The moon light comes in through the tiny window.

I shout and yell and try to break the bars but in the end, my legs give away and I slid against the wall. Slowly, the falling pieces of my head come together.

Realization settles in my bones like cold ice.

I'm Luke's partner for the Alpha's Hunt.

The effect of the champagne dulls down quickly due to my werewolf genetics and I find myself trying to think through the haze of pain in my head. Damn hangovers.

Oh no. They're going to kill me for getting chosen. They won't let Luke go with an omega.

I pace around the cell anxiously. Every plan that comes in my mind whirls away like smoke before the fact that I'm an omega and this is the Alpha's Hunt.

What am I going to do?


"Eeeeek!" I jump to the sky as an ocean collasps on me

"Get up," A pack Warrior is standing over me "The Alpha wants to see you."

"Who doesn't?" I get off the granite floor and sway a bit on my feet

I glance at the little window, it's almost sunrise.

When I get out of the basement dungeons, Carlos' worried face greets me.

"I'll take it from here, Darrell." He says to the other pack warrior

As soon as he's gone, my bestie wraps me in a hug.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't help," he says "I should've never let Darcie get you. I tried to get to the Alpha to tell him but all of them were in a meeting and─ I'm sorry."

"It's okay," I say, putting both my arms around him as well "I know it's not your fault."

Carlos pulls back and gingerly touches a finger to my cheek, I wince.

"Damn, that's a bad bruise." He cringes

Seems like Darcie's slap left it's mark.

"Come on," he puts an arm around me and leads me out side "The meeting's finally over. They want to see you."

"Are they about to kill me?"

Carlos doesn't answer. I swallow.

When we reach the mansion, the air is oddly still. Everything's quiet.

Carlos takes me to the second floor towards the meeting room. Outside, by the door, I see a tall figure near the guards. The scent of coffee and pine trees drifts over to me, momentarily calming my racing nerves.

Luke turns to face us, I see the weariness on his features. The dark rings under his eyes, ruffled hair, unkempt stubble. His tie and suit jacket are gone, leaving only black shirt, the top two buttons of which are open.

Luke glares at Carlos when we stop. He instantly takes his arm off me.

"What happened to her face?" He asks tersely, looking threateningly at Carlos

Carlos opens his mouth to say something but I beat him to it.

"Nothing of consequence." I say dismissively "Let's get this over with."

Without waiting for his answer, I go past him and the guards, into the meeting room. Alpha Jax, Luna Fay, Darcie and Casper are sitting there, I notice the other chairs out of place. They weren't the only ones to discuss this.

Luke comes inside and, uninvited, I sit in a chair across from his and his father's. Alpha Jax scowls disapprovingly. Luna and Darcie look at me from under their noses. Casper looks uncomfortable.

"So, when is my execution?" I ask, my voice so composed we could've just been talking over tea

"Unfortunately, not now." Alpha Jax growls

I raise an eyebrow and look at Luke in confusion. His dark blue eyes meet mine, swirling with thoughts.

"You're going on the Hunt with me."

I stare at him, wide eyed. His words reach my brain, not being accepted.

You're going... On the Hunt... You're going on the Hunt... With me...

I burst out laughing.

"Me? On the Alpha's Hunt?" I say between my laughs "Goddess, that's the worst joke ever."

Luke narrows his eyes "This is not a joke."

My laughter does down. I look at him thoughtfully and cock my head to a side, weighting my options.

"Why?" I ask

"Because the rules are, that every Alpha will have a partner and he cannot participate without him," Casper says "or in this case, her."

I stay quiet, chewing at my bottom lip while they stand up and turn to the door as if this is over so soon.

"Come, we have a lot of packing to do." Luke says without sparing me a glance

"What if I refuse?"

They all stop. The air in the room stills, tension swirls around me like heavy waves.

"What," Luke says, turning around slowly "did you just say?"

I stand up and raise my chin defyingly "What if I don't want to go with you?"

Alpha Jax's face twists in a snarl "You will be executed!"

I shrug "If you don't kill me, I'll die on the Hunt. And if I somehow survive, you'll kill me afterwards. Why should I even bother to go?"

"This girl has lost her mind!" Luna says indignantly

"Took you long enough," I grin but instantly let it drop when my split lip hurts

Alpha Jax glares at me with a red face but before he has the chance to speak again, Luke beats him to it.

"Let me handle this," he says

"But Luke," Darcie protests "you─

"Everyone except for Casper, leave the room." His command leaves no room for argument

With one last hateful glare at me, Darcie leaves along Alpha and Luna. The tension in the room only increases.

"Do you want to die?" Luke asks, crossing his arms across his chest

"I don't particularly care," I mimic his expression and cross my arms "I'm a dead girl anyways. Why shouldn't I try to ruin all of yours' peace too?"

"Elise, you're not going to die. Luke will win, take you back and everything will be normal again." Casper says

I huff and flip my wet hair over my shoulder "Is that supposed to make me feel better? That Luke will win with all his glory and I will just be an omega?"

Luke stares at me with intense dark blue eyes, I have to keep myself from squirming. But I know I've hit the right spot. Without me, he can't even participate let alone win.

"What do you want?"

I grin widely this time, not caring about the pain.

"Hey you, pretty one over there," I call one of the guards at the door, he looks at me in confusion "get me a glass of water and a few aspirins."

The guard looks at Luke, he nods. I sit down in my chair contently.

Luke walks over to me, I look up at his scowl with a smile. Now we're getting somewhere.

"What. Do. You. Want?" He grits out

"Aww, don't be like that," I coo softly "it's just a tiny thing, a little contract."

Luke and Casper exchange a look. Then both of them stare at me suspiciously. The guard come back.

"Thank you," I chuck down the pills and water, glad to put something in my parched throat "where were we? Oh yeah, the contract."

When I look at Luke and Casper again, all humor washes off my face.

"I want to leave the pack."


"I want to be able to leave without being exiled." I say, my voice comes out stronger than expected "And I want to take my mom with me."

Luke glares at me, his expression livid "What would you even do?"

Oh you know, get a job like humans. Get paid, find a little place to live, get more jobs. Invest the saved money in the bank and get more money. Slowly make enough money to start my own business.

"None of your concern." I say calmly "but that is my condition."

"And if we don't do that?" Casper asks

"Oh well," I shrug and put the glass on the table.

I stand up and skip towards the window. I open it and look down, it seems high enough.

I put one leg out, trust me it's weird when you're wearing a dress, and then─

Someone plucks me off the windowsill by my waist and puts me back on my feet.

"What are you doing?" Luke glares down at me, his hands still in a dead lock on my waist

"I'm throwing myself out of the window and saving all of us the trouble of an execution." I grin "it's pretty generous on my part."

He narrows his eyes at me. Heavy silence envelopes the room.

Luke stares at me with his intense blue eyes, a war going on in them. On one side, his victory. And one the other side, well, me. As demeaning as it is, the choice should be obvious.

Finally he lets go of me, opens his mouth and his deep voice reaches my ears.

"Casper, get the contract," he says but his eyes stay on me "I accept the conditions."


Sneak peek!

"Brilliant plan," Carlos mutters quietly "now what?"

"Honestly, I didn't think I'd make it this far." I mutter back


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