27. Mind Readers

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Yeah, I know I say this a lot but I really am super busy, so, Enjoy!

27. Mind Readers

Days melted into nights and my memory only stores all of it as a haze of walking, arguing and more walking.

The forest was getting thicker, the trees and vines blocking our path— it’s not even a path actually, just a zig-zag go through. So I guess it’s really our fault for doing this, not theirs.

“Goddess, this is infuriating,” I grumble as I push vines out of my view and stagger behind Luke

How the hell can he walk through here?

“Stop grumbling and focus,” He calls back “The roots are protruding out of the ground.”

“What’s next? Apes throwing rocks at us?”

“I doubt it. The forest was cleared of most animals for the Hunt.”

I roll my eyes but don’t say anything, as I do so, my gaze lands on a bright red feather ball on one of the lower branches of a tree.

“Aww, just look at that adorable— eeek!”

My foot catches in something and I lose my balance, falling towards the earth, I clench my eyes to brace myself for the fall but before that could happen, something pulls me back upright.

Luke doesn’t let go of my arms even when I’ve straightened, causing a tingly feeling where his skin touches mine. Does he feel that too? Am I being hormonal? Is it the air?

“I told you to be careful,” He says, nodding his chin towards the ground where a root was protruding out

“I got distracted,” I pull away from him, unable to bare the tingles

But when I attempt to do that, a sharp pain up my ankle causes me to stop with a hiss. I lift my foot and to my horror, see a bruise winking at me.

Luke steadies me again, furrowing his eyebrows he stares at my ankle that’s already starting to swell “Do you think you can walk?”

I give him a look “I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that.”

“But we cant stop here,” he looks at our surroundings

“Oh yes, I can definitely float in the air.”

“Hazel, let me think.”

“No really, just watch,” I close my eyes and strike a yoga pose by connecting my thumbs and forefingers “Oom— work damn thing— oom.”

With a sigh, Luke lets go of me, I wobble and lean against a tree. He simply turns his back at me before crouching down.

“Are you…” I stare at his back in disbelief “Are you going to give me a back ride?”

“If you’re done processing that, hurry up.” he says, his voice irked

I bite my bottom lip not to grin like an idiot. Who knew I’d see the day Alpha Luke Winters gives me a back ride?

But like the decent little girl I am, I simply climb on and don’t tease him. See? Generosity.

Luke stands up, with a slight squeal of surprise, I put my arms around his neck, my legs already wrapped around his waist.

“Goddess, are you trying to choke me?” Luke says “And what do you eat?”

For a moment I think of tightening my arms around his neck. I don’t weight that much! What would he do if he had a male companion?

“I eat whatever the hell you eat,” I huff “And its not much.”


I really should strangle him.

Luke starts walking, all four bags held in his hands. The man is made of steel, I’m telling you.

Or cursed.

I shake those thoughts out of my head and focus on the scenery.

With a jolt, I realize how high I am. Everything looks so different from up here. Like the sunlight is a littler closer, the lower boughs of trees within reach. The uneven earth far below.

Thankfully, we reach a clearer area so the tree vines aren’t slapping our faces anymore.

This is so much better than walking. Luke might complain but he doesn’t seem tired. A mischievous giggle escapes my mouth.

“What are you up to?” Luke asks suspiciously

“Luke, if I sprain my ankle everyday, will you carry me all the time?” I ask cheekily

“I’d make you crawl.”

“Better savor this then,” mindlessly I lower my chin

My skin brushes against his hair and my eyes widen.

“Oh my moon,” I straighten instantly “How the hell is your hair so soft?”

“Better genes,”

I ignore his remark “It’s probably softer than mine!”

I unwrap one arm from around his neck and brush my fingers through his hair. Oh moon, I need to know what conditioner this man uses.

“What are you doing?” Luke snaps, his shoulders stiffen and he comes to halt

“What?” I ask in confusion

“Stop being distracting, Hazel.”

“I’m afraid I cant do that.”

“Then I’m afraid I cant carry you anymore.”

I fake gasp “You wouldn’t,”

Luke turns his head just the slightest bit, barely enough to let me have a glimpse of his dark blue eyes.

“Is that a challenge?”

Somehow I know it’ll be really bad if I say yes. So I simply gesture to zip my mouth.

The barest smirk crosses his face “That’s what I thought.”

I huff silently. Arrogant asshole.

Though my back aches, I keep myself straight, avoiding any more physical contact than necessary. Then I feel a little sting on my neck.

“Ouch,” I say under my breath

My hand reaches towards my neck, prepared to ward off a mosquito but brushes against something else.

I pluck it out and stare wide eyed at the needle that comes in my view. More like the trone of a wild plant.
“Luke,” I say, feeling my head starting to spin

“I told you not to disturb me, Hazel.”
I wave the needle in front of his eyes, he stops.

“What the…” Luke takes it from my hand

“It struck me,” I blink several times, Luke’s several heads come in and out of focus

“What?” Luke unwraps my arms from around his neck and I step down on one leg

I sway on my feet— or foot, holding onto him for support “I don’t feel so good.”

“Hazel, what do you mean it struck you?” Luke asks

I open my mouth but only a big yawn comes out. Before I could speak again, three similar needles strike Luke in the neck and arm.

“Just like that,” I mumble

And I pass out.

Muffled voices reach my ears, not making sense. My eyes feel like they’re weighted down by tons of sand.

With herculean effort, I pry my eyes open. My blurry view clears the outline of the roof above my head and it comes into focus.

Wait, roof?

Though my limbs feel sluggish, I turn my head to take in my surroundings. A bare room with no window. I try to move my hands but feel them tied at my back. Goddess, not this again.

It takes me a moment to realize the worst part of this situation.

Where’s Luke?!

Panic settles in my stomach and I force my legs to work and stand up. with a hiss, I realize my ankle is still swollen. It means it hasn’t been long.
I limp towards the door and press my ear to it. I don’t hear anything but muffled voices.

Should I call out? Is Luke even here? Who else is?

Don’t be dumb, Elise. If you make any sound whoever are captors will know you’re up. what are you going to do then?

I worry my bottom lip, raking my head for any idea to get the hell out.

Apparently, my captors are mind readers since the next moment, the door clicks open, I stumble away from it.

Two hooded figures stride in and grab me by the arms.

“Whoa, hey,” I say as the start dragging me out “Into manhandling much?”

They don’t answer me. I squint my eyes to fight the bright light as we go outside. My eyes adjust to the brightness and I realize we’re in a small hall, dark hooded figures all around.

“Are you going to sacrifice me now?” my eyes become the size of the moon “Trust me that’s a bad idea. I haven’t been a very pious soul. And I’m a wolf. You should try a goat or something.”

“Well, well,” a feminine voice reaches my ears “Isn’t she a chatty one?”

My eyes snap towards a figure with a blood red cloak, sticking out like a sour thumb in the parade of black.

With a manicured, pale hand, the woman tugs off the hood and I stare her in disbelief. That’s probably the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen in my life.

Coming from someone who’s as straight as a pole, that’s something.

“A little girl,” the woman cocks her head, her rippling black hair follows the movement “I’m surprised. I thought this was a men’s game.”

“What can I say,” I try to ignore the bad vibe coming from her “I’m a feminist.”

The woman turns to the hooded figure to her left “Where’s the other one?”

“My apologies, my Lady,” the man bows so deep I think he’s going to topple off “He was being… problematic. And you forbade us to use magic on them. He’s still in the containing room.”

With a rush of relief, I realize they’re talking about Luke. If he’s being difficult, it means he’s okay.

“Hmm,” the woman taps a finger to her sharp chin “Very well. I’ll deal with him.”

She gestures at the hooded figures holding me before she starts walking and they drag me after her, my ankle throbbing painfully.

Soon enough, we reach one of the other doors in the hallway, the thick metal door dented as if someone’s been hitting it with a hammer from the inside.

A loud metallic bang! reaches my ears and another dent forms on the metal. I cringe. No, not a hammer.

“Settle down!” one of the hooded figures yells “Our leader wants to talk to you!”

A moment of silence passes, hesitantly, the man unlocks the thick metal door. The woman in red strides inside and I’m shoved in as well.
It takes me a moment to take in the sight in front of me.

Luke is sitting on a chair, arms crossed across his chest, booted feet on the table in front of him. As if he’s not a prisoner here but a gang leader who has come to collect his share of the scrub.

The moment his gaze meets mine, he stands up, eyeing the two figures holding me.

The woman in red walks up to him, her grey eyes go up and down his frame appreciatively. She cocks her head thoughtfully.

“I hear you were being a handful for my guards, Alpha.” She says

Luke keeps his eyes on her for a moment. Then his lips curve up in a slow charming smirk.

“I’m not used to obeying,” he swiftly takes her hand in his and presses a kiss to her knuckles “But if you had come, I think things would’ve been smoother.”

I stare at him, mouth hanging open as the woman laughs in a soft, highbrow way.

“Quite the charmer, aren’t you?” She arches a perfect brow

“Alpha Luke Winters at your service,” Luke’s smirk turns into a smile “You must be Rebecca Everette.”

Wait, he knows her?!

“You’ve heard of me?” Rebecca asks, mildly surprised

“Of course,” Luke shrugs modestly “I knew that if I come across a devilishly beautiful woman on this Hunt, it’ll be you.”

Rebecca pulls her hand away and gives him a playful shove “You don’t look so bad either, Alpha.”

“Miss Everette, Rebecca if I may?” Luke asks politely “If we are going to talk, I’d prefer it somewhere where my companion is not tied and the room is bright enough to illuminate your features perfectly.”

“Hmm,” Rebecca’s eyes slid across his face and come to mine. She looks at Luke again and smiles “Of course.”

“Lead the way,” Luke gestures towards the door

Rebecca walks past me towards the door and Luke follows, ignoring me like I don’t exist. That bloody bastard.

My guards help me limp outside as well. Someone had brough our bags in the hall. I breath a sigh of relief. Whoever these people are, I think they’re letting us go.

“Let me take care of that for you,” Rebecca pulls out a stick from her cloak, a grey quartz gleaming at the base and waves it

Our luggage catches fire and before my very eyes, reduces to nothing.

My wide eyes meet Luke’s. His face is unreadable, but I notice the tension in his shoulders.

Rebecca slides her arms around his “Now we can talk without worrying about you leaving.”

She smiles at him, like a tigress baring her teeth prettily. What she says next tells me they’re not mind readers after all.

“Welcome to the witch’s den.”


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