IMPORTANT A/N plz read

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Sorry that this isn't an update. But I just wanted to say some stuff

1. First of all, I wanted to say thank you for being patient with me and for taking the time to read my story. It makes me very happy when I see someone commenting on my story or when I see a new follower. Also, thank you so much to the 103 people for following me! 😊🎉

2. I want this story to be unique, I don't want to write every episode of the series with the same villaina and add some stuff here and there, I also want a way for me to interact with the readers. So I had an idea. I want you guys, the readers, to make up your own akumatized villian, send it to me and I'll featured them in a chapter. There are only a few conditions:

Description: Describe how your villian looks, acts, etc. Just the basic stuff.

Powers: What powers has Hawkmoth granted your villian and why?

Akumatized object: pretty self-explanatory

DM your villian and watch them fight Ladybug, Chat Noir and Alpha! I look forward to reading what type of villians you guys come up with!

January 27, 2020

Hey guys it's me. So I know you're probably wondering why I haven't updated so I'm gonna be honest and say if straight up.

The reason I haven't updated is because I have a hard time transferring what I have in my head to writing. I'm also kinda lazy 😅 Also it doesn't help that at random times I would get an idea for this story, cuz then I have to re-organize some things for it to work or I have to add stuff for it to happen in the future.

Writing isn't easy. I know that. That's why I was so reluctant to start writing this story. I have a bunch of ideas for stories in my head but I never want to execute them bc I know my personality and I know that I have trouble focusing and committing to one thing.

But reading your comments... asking me to update and saying how much you love my story, it gives me motivation to keep writing. You can't even imagine how happy I feel when someone adds this story to their reading list or when I see new comment. It brings me so much joy.

I hope in the future I can maintain a steady upload schedule.

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