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Ch. 18

Out of nowhere, a huge wave rose up in front of them and crashed into the side of the ship. The ship somehow managed to stay upright before an even larger wave came crashing down from the other side. Zoe was shocked but she could feel Percy tense and knew he was confused as well. Out of nowhere, a huge bolt of light struck the ship dead on from above, cracking the ship clean in two.

Percy dropped to his knees in exhaustion as the hurricane began to dissipate before a figure materialized out of the water beside him and Zoe.

Percy narrowed his eyes when he saw Poseidon appear, the god's was a face of mixture of sadness and pride.

"Why are you here?" Percy growled.

Poseidon's face fell, "I just want to talk. I am going to teleport you and Zoe to my palace in Atlantis so we can talk in private. Is that okay?"

Percy tensed but Zoe whispered something in his ear before he grudgingly nodded. Poseidon smiled gratefully at Zoe before the three of them vanished from the sea.

The trio reappeared inside a giant throne room that was a vibrant mixture of sea green and blue. Zoe slid off Percy's back as the two looked around the throne room in a bit of awe. The entire floor was sea green marble and the ceiling was made of beautiful sea shells. In his opinion, Percy thought the throne room of Poseidon put the one on Olympus to shame in terms of beauty. He of course preferred his father's throne room. It was nothing like Poseidon's or Olympus' throne rooms; his was dark and made of the finest metals found in the ground. Its design had a more sinister feel to it that appealed to the darker side of Percy's persona.

He was brought out of his thoughts as Poseidon cleared his throat. Percy turned with slightly narrowed eyes towards the lord of the seas only to find him looking at Zoe with confusion.

That was when Percy realized they were underwater and Zoe seemed to be breathing just as easily as he and Poseidon. Percy smirked at the sea god's confusion.

"She is a daughter of the ocean, the sea goddess Pleione." Percy explained as realization dawned on Poseidon's face.

Poseidon nodded quickly before waving his hand and conjuring up three chairs for them to sit in. Percy and Zoe took the two seats that faced the third as Percy waited for Poseidon to speak.

"My brother demanded I ask this of you, but what exactly were you doing out there with that ship?" Poseidon asked.

Percy shrugged, "Taking out some of the enemy army, is that a problem?"

"No, but how did you know that part of Kronos' army was on that ship?" Poseidon asked confused.

Percy kept up his calm façade as he replied, "I was there a few days before having a chat with my lovely grandfather, why?"

Poseidon's eyes widened, "What do you mean?"

Percy's lips quirked just a bit but he restrained himself from smirking at Poseidon's pale face, "He made me quite a generous offer actually. He offered me the position of commander of his army and my own kingdom to rule over once Olympus was destroyed."

Poseidon's pale face somehow managed to lose more color, "Kronos has risen?"

"In a way. He is currently being hosted by the body of Luke Castellan, but he is quite powerful already and I only assume his power is growing by the day." Percy explained.

Poseidon nodded, "Have you spoken to him since?"

"No, I thought my answer to his offer was quite obvious with the trouble his cruise ship has been facing the past couple nights." Percy replied stoically.

Some of the color began to return to Poseidon's face making Percy scowl at his birth father.

"Nervous I would accept his offer? I must tell you, he makes a rather compelling argument for joining his cause. Other than Demeter, have any of you Olympians ever done anything besides think about killing me simply out of fear I would betray you." Percy spat at his father before he was kicked hard in the side of the leg by Zoe who was now glaring at him.

Poseidon looked at his son sadly, "Perseus…. I can't excuse my actions. I made a mistake and I have paid a heavy price for it. My own flesh and blood hates my very existence and there is no greater shame I could bring upon myself."

Percy just glared at his birth father but he could feel the penetrating eyes of Zoe boring into him from beside him before he sighed, "I don't hate you Poseidon. I hate that you didn't care enough to check to see that I spent nearly every night being tortured by that sadistic prick my mother married. That I meant so little to my own father that I was forgotten about while his other son is brought to camp and presented with a legendary weapon he could never be worthy enough to wield." He said bitterly.

"Perseus, I didn't know. If I had known you were beaten I…." Poseidon began before a growl from Percy interrupted him.

"I didn't say I was beaten. I said tortured." Percy spat before he took off his shirt, revealing his scar riddled body for Poseidon to see.

The god of the sea's eyes widened as he looked at results of his own neglect. A sharp pain in his heart caused him to close his eyes as he couldn't bear to look at his son any longer.

Before he could recover, Percy spoke again, "It's fine. It's in the past and I have a family that cares for me now." He said in an icy tone.

"I didn't know Perseus. I didn't know you were alive. I was drunk when I met your mother and never checked to see if she was pregnant." Poseidon said quietly as his opened his now blurry eyes to find Percy sitting with his shirt on again and a scowl on his face.

Percy's eyes widened at bit, "You didn't know I was even alive?"

Poseidon shook his head sadly, "I would never have abandoned you to such a fate if I had known."

Percy's eyes narrowed, "Swear it. Swear on the Styx you didn't know I was alive."

Poseidon looked at Percy shocked before nodding, "I swear on the Styx I never knew you were alive until you were already being raised by my brother."

Thunder rumbled faintly overhead confirming the truth to his words.

Percy was shocked, he had always thought Poseidon just ignored him and left him and his mother with Gabe to be brutalized. He still wasn't exactly pleased with the fact that Poseidon didn't take the time to check on his mother but it was a little comforting to know he didn't knowingly abandon him.

Percy glanced over at Zoe nodded to him slightly. Percy shook his head, she knew what was on his mind far too well. He turned back to Poseidon with an expression that was devoid of emotion.

"I accept your apology." Percy said stoically.

Poseidon's eyes widened and his eyes glimmered with hope but Percy held up his hand to stop him from speaking.

"I forgive you for the past but I already have a father, the man who took me in and raised me as if I were his own." Percy explained.

Poseidon's face fell a bit but he nodded, "I understand."

"But," Percy said before his features softened just a bit. "I wouldn't be opposed to getting to know you a little better, if not as a father, then as an uncle or a friend." He said as he extended his hand to the sea god.

A small smile appeared on Poseidon's face as he grasped Percy's hand tightly, "I think I would like that." He said happily.

Percy nodded, "You should tell the Olympians about Kronos and his overtaking of Luke Castellan's body."

"Yes I will inform them as soon as we are finished but I am still in your debt Perseus. Anything you need, you only need to say the word and I will do whatever I can." Poseidon said seriously.

Percy smiled, "I will remember that, a favor from one of the big three could be very useful with the war looming."

Poseidon nodded, "Before you go, I will do one thing for your friend as I don't think I could have gotten you to listen to me without her." He said before muttering something under his breath. Zoe glowed with a faint sea green light for a second before it vanished.

Zoe looked at Poseidon shocked but the lord of the seas just smiled a familiar looking crooked grin, "I just returned what would rightfully belong to any daughter of the ocean. And I will make sure not to mention the closeness of your little "friendship" to my niece." He said with a knowing smile before dissolving into the sea.

Percy looked at Zoe confused but only received a smirk in response before the water suddenly swept Percy's feet from under him sending him onto his back. Percy stood up with a look of shock before he grinned, "Let's get out of here, I would rather not run into Poseidon's wife in his throne room without Poseidon here as well."

Zoe smiled and laced her fingers through Percy's as they were engulfed by a shadow.

Line Break (One Month and three days later Later)

Percy backed away as he blocked a strike aimed at his legs before ducking a hunting knife thrust towards his head. He raised Anaklusmos to block another strike aimed at his chest before he locked the blade with his own and flicked his wrist, sending the sword of his opponent clattering away. He quickly jumped inside a strike of a hunting knife as he dropped his sword and grabbed both arms of his second opponent, stopping them from attacking. He kept both his opponent's arms outstretched as he leaned up to their ear.

"You're getting better little sis." Percy whispered before jumping back with a smile on his face.

Bianca scowled at Percy before she shook her head and her lips slowly quirked into a smile.

Before Bianca could say anything, Percy jumped to the side as a Stygian Iron sword was thrust in the place he had been standing. Percy stepped behind Nico and pulled him into a headlock.

"That wasn't very nice Nicky." He teased before letting Nico go and shoving him gently in Bianca's direction.

Nico turned around with a death glare directed at Percy, "Don't call me that." He growled.

Percy grinned, "And what are you going to do if I do, Nicky?"

Before Nico could respond a hunting knife was pressed to Percy's throat, "He will have Zoe kick your ass for him." Zoe said from where she had snuck up behind him.

Percy smirked, "Well that's not very fair."

Zoe smiled as she shoved Percy towards his siblings, "Life's not fair Percy. The sooner you learn that, the better off you'll be."

Percy chuckled as he stumbled towards his siblings. Before he could speak, the conch horn sounded signaling dinner.

"You two go, we'll catch up in a minute." Percy said with a meaningful glance at Zoe.

Nico and Bianca looked at Percy with mischievous smiles, "Sure you will Percy. See you two in a couple days." Bianca teased.

Percy glared at her while Zoe blushed at bit.

"You two can go to dinner peacefully or I can send you there the fun way like last time." Percy threatened.

Both children of Hades paled, "No way Percy. That was embarrassing last time. I landed on Chiron's back last time you did that." Nico whined.

Shadows began to creep their way towards the two children of Hades before they both turned and sprinted out of the arena without another word.

Zoe chuckled at their looks of terror before punching Percy lightly in the arm, "That was mean Percy."

Percy rolled his eyes, "It's good for them. Besides, I don't want them to see this. This stays between the four of us."

Zoe looked at Percy with a little doubt, "Are you sure about this?"

Percy nodded, "I want to speak to her first. If it's not like I think, we will tell who we need to. Did you get them to meet you by Zeus' fist?"

"Yea, they should be there now." Zoe said but she looked at Percy a little skeptically.

Percy noticed Zoe's skepticism and looked at her seriously, "Do you trust me Zoe?"

Zoe glared at him, "You know I do; I just hope you know what you're doing."

Percy smiled, "If I'm wrong then I will let you do it your way, deal?"

Zoe nodded as she stepped closer to Percy, "Let's get this over with."

Percy slipped his hand into hers as they were engulfed by shadows.

When they reappeared in the clearing by Zeus' fist, they saw Silena and Beckendorf sitting atop the rocks. Beckendorf's arm was around her as Silena leaned contentedly into him.

When then noticed Percy and Zoe, they climbed down and looked at the duo confused.

"What did you guys need to talk to us about? And why did you want us to meet you here?" Beckendorf asked.

"Oooh, do you guys need relationship advice? Are you two finally going to admit you like each other?" Silena asked excitedly.

Zoe glared at the daughter of Aphrodite harshly, "That is not why we are here Silena. And mine and Percy's friendship is none of your damn business."

Silena looked at Zoe a little surprised at her angry tone, "Alright sorry, I was just wondering."

"What did you need Perce?" Beckendorf asked after sending an angry glare at Zoe.

Percy ignored Beckendorf, "Silena, please tell me you're not doing this willingly." He said seriously.

Silena looked at Percy confused, "Doing what? What are you talking about?" She asked but her face turned pale as she spoke.

Percy narrowed his eyes at her, "Silena, you're my friend and so is Beckendorf and that is the only reason I brought you out here. I'm not going to sit here and let you lie to me when I'm trying to help you. So cut the bull crap and tell me why you did it?"

Beckendorf looked at Percy angrily as he took a step towards him, "What's your problem Percy?"

Percy looked at Beckendorf sympathetically, "Ask Silena, she is the reason you're out here right now."

Beckendorf looked at his girlfriend questioningly until he saw the tears in her eyes. He spun around on Percy again, "What did you do? Why is she crying?"

"It's not his fault Charlie, I…. I made a mistake." Silena said quietly.

Beckendorf looked at his girlfriend confused until she reached down and pulled off her sandal before sliding an anklet off her ankle. When the anklet was off, a scythe charm suddenly became visible to everyone. She handed it to Percy as she continued to cry, "I'm so sorry Percy. He… He said I could save lives if I helped him; that less of my friends would die this way."

Percy nodded slowly, "You're my friend Silena. If you weren't I would have done the same thing I did to Theseus to you."

Beckendorf looked at the charm in Percy's hand in shock, "You.. You betrayed us to Luke? How could you Silena?"

Silena looked at Beckendorf through teary eyes, "He said it would save campers lives. Then once I started, he said he would tell people that I was a traitor if I stopped helping him." She sobbed as he took a step towards Beckendorf.

Beckendorf quickly stepped away from her, "Get away from me! I don't even know you." He said angrily before turning back towards camp.

Percy stepped in front of him, "This stays here Beckendorf. What happens between you and Silena is your business but no one knows about this outside the four of us, alright?"

Beckendorf glared at Percy, "Get out of my way Jackson."

Percy shook his head, "Don't make it this way Beckendorf. You're my friend but so is Silena and we all make mistakes."

Beckendorf tried to shove Percy but found himself on his back before he knew what happened. Percy's spear shot out of the earth, "You're not leaving this clearing until you swear on the Styx to never repeat what you learned here."

Beckendorf glared at Percy, "She's a traitor. How can you try to protect her?"

Percy's eyes narrowed, "I'm not happy with her choices but she was tricked by Luke and then blackmailed. If it was you I would be doing the exact same thing. Now swear you won't tell anyone and you can leave."

"Fine I swear on the Styx I won't tell anyone about the traitor." He growled as he continued glaring at Percy.

Thunder rumbled overhead as Percy dropped his spear which sunk back into the earth.

Beckendorf climbed to his feet and turned to leave when Silena tried to stop him, "Please.. Charlie, I'm sorry."

Beckendorf ignored her and stormed off into the woods. Silena dropped to her knees sobbing as Beckendorf disappeared into the trees.

Percy just shook his head sadly, "I'm sorry Silena but I had to know if both of you were in it together."

Silena just nodded sadly, "He hates me. And he should."

Percy shook his head as he knelt down beside her, "He doesn't hate you. He's angry and feels betrayed. Just give him some time to cool off."

Silena just kept her head bowed sadly, "Why Percy? Why didn't you just turn me in? And how did you find out anyway?"

Percy gently put a hand on her shoulder, "You're my friend and I know you are a good person. We all make mistakes; this is just one of yours. The gods would have just killed you for treason but you're better than that. Now you just need to do what you can to make amends for your mistake. And as for how I knew, you're too easy to read Silena. You wear your emotions on your sleeve and the guilt was eating away at you. When I saw the anklet, I had a feeling I knew what it was. The mist is only so powerful and I'm rather good at manipulating it. So seeing through it, even when it's thick, just requires a little concentration."

Silena picked her head up and looked at Percy in shock, "I will Percy, I promise. I will do everything I can to make up for this. But what if Luke tells people I was a traitor?"

Percy smiled, "I know you will. And don't worry about Luke, now that I have the charm, he has no way to prove you were helping him. Now go get some rest, no one will ever know about this besides the four of us, I promise."

Silena stood up and nodded. She was about to head back to camp but stopped and hugged Percy tightly, "Thank you Percy." She said quietly before she turned and headed into the woods back towards camp.

Percy shook his head sadly as Silena disappeared into the woods. He turned around and saw Zoe smiling at him from a few feet away.

"What?" He asked.

Zoe just shook her head, "That was a good thing you did. You were right; it was better not to turn her in."

Percy's face stretched into a wide grin, "Did you just admit that I was right? Are you sure you're really Zoe Nightshade?"

Zoe rolled her eyes before she turned and climbed up the rocks and sat down on the top. Percy walked into a shadow and reappeared beside her before sitting down as well. They sat in silence for a minute before Zoe put a small box in Percy's lap.

Percy looked at her confused, "What is this?"

Zoe smiled, "It's your birthday today isn't it?"

Percy looked at her shocked, "How did you know?"

Zoe smirked, "I have my ways Percy and they aren't any of your business."

Percy snapped out of his shock as he opened the box revealing a bracelet that was a mixture of silver and black. He looked at Zoe confused but she just smiled.

"Put it on and press the little black gem." She explained. Percy did and his eyes widened when a silver and black shield sprung out into his hand.

"I thought you could use a little color other than black. It's a mixture of Stygian Iron and celestial bronze so it should be stronger than your other shield. I had Beckendorf help me make it after I got the metals together." Zoe explained.

Percy stared at the shield for a minute before a smile slowly crept onto his face. He retracted his shield into the bracelet and looked at Zoe, "Thank you Zoe, I love it."

Zoe smiled and slipped her arm through his as she laid her head on his shoulder. After a minute she looked up at Percy, "Do you want to go back to camp?"

Percy shook his head, "No, I like where I am right now just fine."

Zoe nodded and smiled before kissing Percy softly on the cheek, "Happy birthday Percy." She said before laying her head contentedly on his shoulder again.

Percy looked down at her with a smile before kissing the top of her head softly as he enjoyed the moment, unsure how many more he would have as he was now only a year before turning sixteen.

Line Break (Time Skip Six Months)

The past six months had been the best of Percy's short life. The camp hadn't had any attacks and life was peaceful despite the looming war. Percy had finally had time to sit down and just enjoy life for a minute. Despite his original dislike of Camp Half Blood, he had found a home there. He had friends who cared for him and a brother and sister he would lay down his life for without a second thought. Both had become very skilled fighters under Percy and Zoe's tutelage. Percy had helped Nico become a skilled swordfighter while Zoe taught Bianca how to fight with hunting knives as well as taught her archery. Despite their ages of only twelve and fourteen, very few fighters could stand toe-to-toe with the two children of Hades. Percy had also helped Katie work on both her skills with a blade and her powers. It was unknown to her before, but Katie possessed the ability to control weather and climate just as her mother does. After training with Percy, Katie could now plunge any battlefield into wintry like conditions like her mother had done after the abduction of Persephone.

Then there was Zoe who was Percy's constant companion. They still had their moments where they would give in to their feelings which led to more than a few steamy make out sessions. But for the most part, she was his best friend. The person he went to when he wanted to confide in someone and the only person he trusted with his deepest and darkest secrets. She in turn would tell Percy all about her life in the hunt and some of the crazy adventures she had been on during her time there.

The one person whose mood was depressed was Annabeth. When Percy told her what he had seen, she broke down into tears. She admitted she was in love with Luke and had been hoping he would realize the mistake he was making. Now she knew she had lost him and it had broken her heart. Percy had realized the last part of the prophecy had been talking about Annabeth and Luke being inhabited by the essence of the Titan Lord.

Beckendorf had refused to speak to Silena for a couple months after Percy revealed she had been a spy but he was ever so slowly letting her back into his life. While he hadn't forgiven her, it was at least a start. Beckendorf had apologized to Percy before thanking him for making him keep it a secret. Despite how angry he was, he never would have wanted Silena to be brought before the gods as a traitor.

Percy had been summoned to the big house by Chiron and told to come alone. When he arrived, he found only Chiron and Dionysus waiting for him. He slowly walked in a little confused about why he was summoned.

"Percy my boy, please have a seat. We must discuss a few things with you." Chiron said.

Percy nodded and took a seat. Dionysus was too busy reading a wine magazine to acknowledge Percy's presence. Not that Percy minded, Dionysus was easily his least favorite Olympian being nothing more than a lazy drunk.

Percy looked at the old centaur, "Okay what's up Chiron?"

Chiron looked at Percy a little nervously, "We've found out the Titan Army is currently sending force towards New York and we need you to lead a quest…. or, more like a mission, to stop them or at least slow them down from getting here. It is only a fraction of their army but we believe they are trying to launch a sneak attack on camp before they begin their real assault on Olympus."

Percy nodded but looked at Chiron strangely, "Okay, but what's with all the secrecy? Why was it so important that I come alone and not tell anyone?"

Chiron's wariness grew, "Lord Zeus has requested this mission and it is clear we still have someone leaking information to the Titans. Some of the Olympians are wary of the company you usually keep when you are here at camp."

Percy looked confused until his faced turned bright red in anger, "Zoe? People still doubt her loyalties? Tell Zeus I'm not doing shit for him unless she goes with me. If he doesn't like it then he can shove his master bolt up his royal ass." He spat angrily.

Thunder shook the big house making Chiron pale considerably while Percy's expression never wavered.

"Calm down before you get yourself killed Perry. Your little girlfriend Joey is still a daughter of Atlas and with a war against the Titans coming, we can't be too careful." Dionysus said lazily from behind his wine magazine.

Percy spun towards the wine god, kicking the table he was sitting at into his large gut and knocking him backwards out of his chair.

"I don't care if you're an Olympian or not, she's done a lot more for Olympus in her lifetime than you ever will." Percy hissed at the stunned god.

Dionysus' eyes burst into purple flames before sending a blast of energy straight into Percy's chest, sending him flying across the room.

Chiron watched in horror as Percy was sent flying. He quickly made his towards Percy only to freeze in shock when Percy stood up unharmed with the exception of a huge gaping and charred hole in his shirt.

Percy held out his hand as his spear shot up through the floor the big house and into his hand as he glared the wide-eyed wine god with a look of rage.

"How are you alive?" Chiron asked in shock.

Percy continued glaring at Dionysus, "I took a little dip in the Styx in order to be able to save the thrones of pathetic gods like him."

Chiron looked at Percy nervously, "Perseus, please calm down. This is not helping anything."

Percy sent on last murderous look at the wine god before letting his spear drop from his hand.

"Tell Zeus I'll only lead this mission if I bring a group of my choosing. We'll leave in the morning, let me know if Zeus has a problem with that." Percy spat before turning out of the room and walking out of the big house.

When he walked out the door, he found a few campers including his brother and sister, Zoe, Annabeth, and some other friends looking at him in shock. They had all headed for the big house when thunder shook the camp and seen a good part of the incident between Percy and Dionysus. No one dared say anything to him when they saw the look on his face.

Percy took a deep breath before his features softened, "Annabeth, Beckendorf, Zoe, Will, Lee, Michael, Connor, Travis and Katie; we have a mission we need to go on if you guys are willing. Someone find Clarisse and see if she will come as well. We leave tomorrow morning."

Everyone he named off nodded before they all dispersed knowing Percy was not in the mood to talk.

Nico and Bianca looked at their brother confused, "Why aren't we coming?" Nico asked angrily.

Percy shook his head, "I'm sorry but we're going to be heavily outnumbered and the only way this will work is if I have a group of experienced fighters. I promise I will take you two when I can but I can't risk something happening to you."

Both siblings looked like they were about to argue but a quick glare from Zoe told them they weren't going to win this argument with Percy in the mood he was in. Both children of Hades stormed off without another word.

Zoe looked at Percy gratefully, "Are you okay Percy?"

Percy surprised her by smiling, "Never better. You ready to kick some monster ass tomorrow?"

Zoe grinned, "Do you really have to ask?"

Percy chuckled, "Come on, I have an idea for the mission but I want to know what you think before I tell the others."

Zoe nodded as she followed Percy towards the Demeter cabin, ready to find out how Percy planned to take out hundreds of monster with a group of a dozen demigods.

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