Dreams and Offers

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Ch. 17

After coming back into camp, both Percy and Zoe received a number of questioning looks from campers as they walked back to their cabins. Most of which were ones of envy as the campers were slightly miffed the duo was apparently not too concerned with the rules of camp that everyone else had to follow. Every look sent their way was met with a glare from Zoe while Percy just ignored them. Once they reached the Artemis cabin, Percy gave Zoe a simply nod and a small smile before retreating to cabin four for some much needed rest. The night spent out in the woods was not the most comfortable night's sleep he had ever gotten and he was grateful for the familiar comfort of his bunk in the Demeter cabin.

When he walked through the door, he was met with a smirking face of Katie, "Welcome back Percy."

Percy plopped down on his bunk, "Don't wake me up until lunch tomorrow."

Katie chuckled, "You got it Percy. You have a nice little vacation from camp?"

Percy looked up at Katie from his bunk, "It had its highs and lows but I have to say I missed my bed. I am certainly ready to relax for a few days."

Katie smiled, "Good, camp not as fun without you here."

Percy looked at Katie curiously until he saw she was serious. A smile appeared on his face, "I missed you too Katie. You're easily my favorite aunt/cousin."

Katie looked at Percy confused before shaking her head, "Please don't remind me about some of the weirdness of being a demigod. You sleep in my cabin so I consider you my brother regardless of your parentage."

Percy smiled, "Good. Now this brother needs a good twelve to fourteen hours of sleep. Goodnight sis."

Katie grinned, "Goodnight little brother."

Katie could hear Percy growl a bit under his blankets but the sound was soon replaced by his even breathing as Percy passed into the realm of Hypnos.

Once he drifted off to sleep, Percy found himself on a cruise ship sailing at night somewhere out in the Atlantic. Being a son of Poseidon by birth, he immediately knew he was about a mile off the coast of Virginia.

Something about the dream seemed too real to Percy before he quickly deduced he was trapped in another demigod dream. He walked around the apparently abandoned cruise ship as he searched for some sort of sign of life.

After a minute, the scene shifted without warning as he found himself standing amongst a group of monsters who were all looking at a figure who stood with his back to them on a balcony overlooking some type of large room in the middle of the cruise ship. Shops and restaurants surrounded the little area where the monsters were gathered but Percy couldn't find a single mortal save for demigods that he quickly assumed where amongst the traitors who joined the Titans.

As Percy looked around at the gathered monsters and demigods, the figure on the balcony turned around to face him and the monsters.

Percy nearly jumped back in shock as he looked at the figure. Dressed in full battle armor was Luke Castellan and every single monster and demigod in the room quickly bowed to him. Percy stared in shock as he locked eyes with the golden eyed demigod above him. By some horrific and messed up magic; Luke Castellan's body was hosting the essence of the Titan Lord himself, Kronos.

Percy and the Titan Lord continued to stare at each other and Percy immediately knew that Kronos could see him just as clearly as see the Titan. An evil grin slowly spread across the Titan's face as Percy remained the only one standing in the room.

"You do know it is proper etiquette to bow to a superior being when in their presence." Kronos said amusedly.

Percy narrowed his eyes, "When I see one, I will be sure to bow then."

Kronos laughed loudly, a sound that sent a chill down Percy's back but he refused to show it in front of his enemy. The monsters and demigods looked confused but dared not interrupt the Titan Lord.

"I must say, you have become a surprisingly irritating thorn in my side Jackson. One that I don't plan to allow to remain imbedded much longer." Kronos said as his expression turned more serious.

Percy narrowed his eyes at the Titan but remained silent as he tried to take in as much information as he could. He looked around at the enemy around him, there was close to two hundred monsters and demigods gathered but Percy assumed this was only a fraction of what was truly on board.

"You know Jackson; you could do much better for yourself than serving those arrogant Olympians. They merely look at you as a tool who they will discard when you have used up your usefulness." Kronos said with an evil smile.

"And what would you do? Are you telling me you are any better to mortals than they are?" Percy growled.

Kronos grinned, "Of course not; but I also know how to treat those who aid me in reaching my goals. Forget the Olympians and join my army. You would be a general with thousands under your command when we tear Olympus down, brick by brick."

Percy laughed, "You truly think I believe you would share power with anyone?"

Kronos shook his head, "Of course not. You would be subservient to me without question. But I would reward a powerful ally by giving him a position befitting the aide he provides me. You could have an entire kingdom under your control, answerable to me and me alone. You could have revenge against that worthless sea scum of a father of yours. Perhaps give him a taste of what you were forced to endure because he cared so little about you to even check if you were alive or not."

Percy looked at Kronos a little surprised by his offer but before he could retort, Kronos spoke again.

"Don't answer me yet. Just think about what I have said. What have the Olympians ever done besides contemplate killing you for being what they made you? They fear your power while I would help it grow. You could be powerful and immortal by my side. I swear on the River Styx my offer is genuine. Now be gone until you decide if you will still serve with the same gods who will most likely kill you after the war or if you will accept my offer and join me in ushering a new golden age." Kronos said before flicking his finger in Percy's direction as a low rumble of thunder sealed Kronos' promise of sincerity.

Percy flew backwards, out of the room and off the ship where he went crashing down to the sea. Just as he hit the water, Percy jolted upright in his bed, his body drenched in sweat and his breathing heavy.

Percy looked around to see the cabin empty. He looked at the clock at his bedside table and saw it was already 11 a.m. He couldn't believe he slept for over twelve hours, the dream seemed like it had last only minutes.

Percy put his head in his hands as he thought about the events on the ship. He hated how little power he had in the presence of the Titan Lord. He could literally feel the power rolling off Luke's body when he was speaking to Kronos.

What worried him even more was how much truth there had been in the Titan Lord's words. Why should he give his life to save a bunch of gods that used him as little more than a tool? Even if he survived the prophecy and defeated Kronos, what would happen then? He knew what Zeus was like. He would most likely try to kill him for fear of trying to dethrone him. Percy stood up angrily and drove his fist through his bedside table, causing it crumble to pieces.

Percy heard a scared yelp as he looked up as saw Katie staring at from the doorway nervously. Percy pulled a shadow to his body and vanished from the cabin without a word, leaving Katie utterly confused and somewhat scared of the expression she had seen on his face.

Line Break

Zoe was worried. It had been three days since Percy had vanished from camp and no one had seen him. Not any of his friends nor his siblings hadn't heard a word from him since he vanished. The last person who saw him was Katie Gardener who was still a little shaken up. She had seen Percy destroy his bedside table before vanishing from the cabin without a word. What had scared her most was the expression on his face. She said she had never seen him so angry and scared in her life. In fact, she had said she had never seen someone so upset in her life.

The only person pleased by Percy's disappearance was the arrogant son of Poseidon, Theseus, who had begun telling everyone that Percy had abandoned them like the coward he was. He had tried to talk to Zoe and quickly left with a broken nose and what Zoe had sworn were a few tears in his eyes as she embarrassed him in front of his slowly growing group of followers.

Zoe was making her way to the dining pavilion for lunch when Annabeth ran up from behind her with a worried look on her face, "Percy is back." She said between breaths.

Zoe's eyes widened, "Where is he? And what's wrong?"

"He's in the arena but he won't talk to anyone. Not even Nico and Bianca where able to get him to slow down enough talk to them." She explained worriedly.

Zoe nodded in understanding but she was worried. Worried and determined to find out what happened to change Percy so much from the night before. She had thought everything was good. They had spent a couple days together and he had seemed happy before he vanished.

"I'll go try to talk to him." Zoe said quickly.

Annabeth looked relieved and followed Zoe towards the arena, staying a few feet behind as they walked inside.

When Zoe arrived in the arena her concern grew as she saw Percy battling five automatons created by the Hephaestus cabin. She wasn't worried that he was training; she was worried by the look in his eyes.

Instead of the usual combination of mirth and happiness along with stress, they were filled with only anger as he cut his way through the celestial bronze machines with ease; they seemed like no more than straw dummies as Anaklusmos cut through them like a knife through butter.

Before Zoe could say anything, Theseus along with ten of his cronies, walked into the arena. They stopped when they were ten feet behind Percy, waiting for him to acknowledge their presence.

After a few minutes and Percy not even glancing their way, Theseus became angry.

"What are you doing back in my camp traitor?" He sneered at Percy.

Percy sliced the head off the final automaton he had been toying with and slowly turned back to Theseus and his pack, his eyes still filled with anger that Zoe had never seen before.

"Go away now or I will kill you. All of you." Percy said is a deadly calm voice.

Theseus narrowed his eyes before his cronies laughed, "You don't belong here Jackson and you know it."

"Last warning." Percy said in the same cold calm voice.

Theseus tried to retort but was silenced as he barely had enough time to raise his blade to block a strike aimed at his throat.

Percy kicked him in the chest and sent him flying back several feet before he turned to the others who had followed Theseus. None of them had time to change their minds before Percy attacked.

He slashed a deep gash across the thighs of one before spinning and slamming the hilt of his sword into the nose of another as the kid crumpled to the ground unconscious.

Percy raised Anaklusmos behind his head to block a strike as one camper tried to sneak up behind him. Percy spun and drove his blade deep into the demigod's shoulder before he pulled it out and sidestepped the sword of another. He grabbed the blade with his bare hands and ripped it out of the camper's hands before he flipped it and drove it deep into the kid's thigh.

Two of the campers had already run out of the arena as the other four tried to back away towards the exit. Percy vanished and reappeared behind the demigods, slashing Anaklusmos across the backs of two and slamming the hilt of the sword into the back of the third's head.

The fourth had turned and sprinted out of the exit before Percy turned around as his bow appeared in his hand as he notched an arrow and fired it into the back of the demigod's leg, dropping him instantly.

Percy turned around, his eyes still full of rage as he saw Theseus still clutching his chest and gasping for breath. Percy raised Anaklusmos as Theseus put his weaponless hands up in a desperate attempt to try to defend himself before Percy swung the blade and severed Theseus' right hand from his body, sending the appendage flying a few feet away.

The campers began screaming at Percy while Zoe stared at him in shock. This was not the same Percy Jackson she knew. Chiron galloped into the arena with his bow aimed at Percy before a flash of sea green light appeared ten feet behind Percy.

Poseidon stood with rage in his eyes as he leveled his trident at Percy.

"What have you done Perseus?" He yelled at Percy who was walking towards Theseus' severed hand.

Percy ignored the god of the sea as he scooped up the severed hand with his blade, balancing it at the end as he turned back to Poseidon, his eyes still full of rage.

"Go ahead Poseidon. Kill me. I would expect nothing less from you Olympians." He spat bitterly.

Poseidon kept his trident leveled at his son, "Why?"

Percy narrowed his eyes and flipped the severed hand in Poseidon's direction, the hand landing at the sea god's feet.

"Check the charm on his wrist." Percy said in a cold tone.

Poseidon knelt down next to severed hand before his eyes widened in shock. He gently pulled the bracelet off the wrist and looked at carefully before his eyes flashed with pure rage as he spun on Theseus who was whimpering in the corner try to stop the bleeding.

"You betrayed us to Kronos!" Poseidon bellowed.

Thunder and lightning crackled in the sky.

Theseus' eyes widened in fear, "He lies. He must have planted that there."

"I watched the entire fight. I come to save your life only to find out you are a traitor!" Poseidon growled at his son.

Before Theseus could speak again, Poseidon approached his trembling son and fired a stream of sea green energy into the stub of Theseus' wrist.

"You don't get to die so easily traitor. My brother demands your presence in front of the council to decide what to do with you." Poseidon growled.

Poseidon snapped his fingers as Theseus vanished in a sea green light.

Poseidon turned to Percy who stood with an emotionless face.

"Perseus, I'm so…." He began before Percy was engulfed by a shadow.

Poseidon's shoulders slumped and his face quickly shifted to saddened. He looked around at the campers until his eyes landed on Zoe.

"Please, just tell him I'm sorry. I know he won't care but please just tell him." Poseidon said sadly.

Zoe nodded her head as she tried to comprehend everything she had just witnessed.

Poseidon vanished in a sea breeze without another word.

Chiron quickly regained his composure and turned to Beckendorf, "Bind everyone who came with Theseus. We need to wait until Lord Zeus finds out if they were all traitors or if they were just foolish enough to follow Theseus."

Beckendorf nodded as he and a few other campers rounded up the injured demigods while others went looking for the two who had escaped earlier.

Zoe snapped out of her shock and quickly left the arena before jogging off towards the forest. She ran all the way to Zeus' fist before her face fell when saw Percy wasn't there.

She climbed up to the top on the rock where she tried to think about what happened to Percy. After about five minutes, she heard a soft thud behind her and spun around with her hunting knife in hand. She froze when she saw it was only Percy.

"Where were you?" She asked angrily.

Percy shrugged, "In the tree. I was waiting for you to leave but you're annoyingly stubborn."

Zoe glared at him, "What's your problem anyway?"

Percy returned the glare but faltered after a few seconds and dropped his head, "I'm sorry. I've just had so much on my mind, I needed to blow off some steam."

Zoe's glared intensified, "For three days? Why didn't you tell me where you were?"

Percy sighed and sat down on the rocks, "It's complicated and there is a lot to tell."

Zoe sat down beside him, "Then explain Percy, you can't keep this stuff bottled up, it's not healthy."

Percy nodded slowly, "Where would like me to start?"

"How long have you known Theseus was a traitor?" She asked.

Percy looked at her warily, "Since I beat him up before the last quest."

"WHAT! How could you keep that hidden? Why didn't you tell me?" She yelled.

Percy winced at her tone before steeling his nerves, "I wasn't positive but I saw the scythe charm hidden under his sleeve he I was beating him but I wasn't sure until three days ago."

"So how did you know for sure?" She asked.

Percy's face darkened, "I had a conversation with Kronos three nights ago. I saw the same charm hanging from his wrist."

Zoe paled, "What do you mean you talked to Kronos? Has he risen?"

Percy shook his head, "Not fully yet and I didn't speak to him in person. Luke is hosting his essence. I had a demigod dream. He was on a cruise ship and I was in the middle of his army when they all bowed to him. It was Luke's body but Kronos was in control. Luke's eyes were gold and I could feel the raw power coursing off his body."

Zoe looked at Percy shock, "What did he say to you?"

Percy started staring at the clearing below them and he remembered his conversation with the Titan Lord, "He offered me to join him. He said I would be a general in his army and he would give me a kingdom to rule over when he destroys Olympus; that I would answer to him and only him." He explained.

Zoe frowned, "He is lying to you Percy. He is trying to deceive you."

Percy shook his head, "He swore on the Styx that his offer was genuine and that all I had to do was join him and help him destroy Olympus."

Zoe looked at Percy in shock, "Is that why you vanished? You considered his offer?"

Percy clenched his fists at his sides before turning to Zoe with a look of betrayal, "Do you truly think so little of me? If you do then why are you even my friend?"

Zoe's eyes widened, "I don't think that but then why did you leave?"

Percy glared at her, "He said a lot of other things that were true and they made me angry. I've been trying to take out my anger away from the people I care about." He said bitterly.

"Percy…. I didn't mean…" She began but Percy cut her off.

"Didn't mean I'm like the rest of men you hate? Well you could have fooled me." He spat angrily.

Zoe looked at him guiltily, "I'm sorry." She whispered.

Percy ignored her and continued, "I was angry because he was right about the Olympians. Let's say I do defeat Kronos and somehow survive. What then? Zeus kills me for fear I would try to dethrone him? Banish me to Tartarus before I could suddenly decide to try to topple Olympus myself. No, it will be better if I die in the end anyway. And don't worry; part of my final request was that you get your life in the hunt back as well as freeing your sister."

Zoe wasn't sure what to say, she knew he was angry but also that he was right about everything he said.

"Percy." Zoe said quietly.

Percy stood up, "I'll see you around Zoe. I have some stuff I need to do anyway."

Zoe's eyes widened as the shadows began to gather around Percy. She jumped to her feet and wrapped her arms around him, sending herself with him when he vanished.

They reappeared along a random shore before Percy stepped away from her, "What are you doing?"

Zoe narrowed her eyes before she stepped closer to him. She slipped her leg behind his before shoving him to the ground. Before he could react, she straddled his stomach and glared at him.

"Stop it Perseus. You can't just push me away because I said one thing wrong." She growled.

Percy sat up, forcing her back onto his lap as he met her glare with his own, "Why do you care? No one else cares. I am a tool to survive a prophecy, nothing more, nothing less."

Zoe looked at him sadly before she leaned forward and kissed him softly, causing Percy to stiffen at first before he gave in and wrapped his arms around her waist. Zoe's arms immediately wrapped around his neck before her hands found their way to his messy raven black hair. Zoe couldn't help but moan softly as the kissed deepened and she felt Percy's tongue softly lick her lips before she gave in and opened her mouth. When his tongue met hers, she couldn't help but think she was in Elysium. The pleasure that coursed through her body was indescribable as her fingers dug deeper into his hair, trying to pull him closer.

Finally the lack of air forced them to break the kiss as they stared into each other's eyes in shock.

Once she caught her breath, she looked at Percy seriously, "I care Perseus and you know it. I won't let you push me away. We're in this together now whether you want it or not."

Percy's eyes widened at her words before he slowly recovered and his shoulders slumped, "I'm sorry."

Zoe shook her head slowly as her arms remained around his neck, "I'll forgive you just this once, but next time you'll be in a world of hurt." She said as her smile turned mischievous.

Percy smiled a crooked grin, "I wouldn't have it any other way."

Zoe stood up from Percy's lap and pulled him to his feet before she saw Percy's face turn serious again.

She looked at him questioningly.

He reached over and grabbed her hand, "I told you part of my request was for you to return to the hunt and I want you to know if I somehow survive this prophecy, you can still go back to your sisters. Whatever time I get to spend with you will be enough. I know you love your life in the hunt and I would never take that away from you."

Zoe's eyes widened as she hadn't thought about that. She looked at Percy seriously, "We can cross that bridge when we get there. And we will get there."

Percy nodded as he squeezed her hand gently.

"Percy, why are we here?" Zoe asked as she looked around confused.

Percy's eyes widened as he realized where they were. He sighed, "This is where I've been going to the past three days."

"Why?" She asked still confused.

Percy pointed out to the sea, "You see that dot? That's Kronos' cruise ship. He isn't on it anymore but they still have part of their army on board. I've been taking anger out on the ship. I haven't managed to sink it yet but I have done a pretty good job making their journey an unpleasant one."

Zoe's looked at him shocked, "What do you mean?"

Percy smirked, "I may not like Poseidon but the real Theseus demanded I be a master at my water powers and my power only grows when I'm in contact with the sea."

"What are you going to do?" Zoe asked.

Percy grinned, "Unleash hell."

Zoe smiled.

"If you want to stay, you're going to need to get on my back because things are about to be get very rough." Percy said seriously.

Zoe was confused but nodded and jumped onto his back.

"Hold on tight." Percy warned before he closed his eyes. The winds slowly began to pick up as he walked out into water. Zoe was shocked when they began walking on top of the water rather than in it.

As they walked, the winds began whipping around them, increasing in speed as they went further out to sea. Zoe looked down in awe when she saw Percy wasn't walking but gliding across the water, the currents propelling him as they went. By the time they were a quarter mile from the ship, the two stood in the eye of Percy's own personal hurricane. The waves began crashing into the ship, it rocking back and forth in the water. The storm continued to pound the ship but couldn't manage to sink it. The ship was simply too large. Zoe was about to say something before Percy knelt down on a knee, his hands clenched to his sides. Zoe could feel him sweating profusely under the strain of powering the storm. She was in awe at the power Percy was displaying. Not even fifteen years old and he was unleashing a storm that rivaled one created by Poseidon himself.

Then out of nowhere, a huge wave rose up in front of them and crashed into the side of the ship. The ship somehow managed to stay upright before an even larger wave came crashing down from the other side. Zoe was shocked but she saw Percy tense and she knew he was too. Out of nowhere, a huge bolt of light struck the ship dead on from above, cracking the ship clean in two.

Percy dropped to his knees in exhaustion before a figure materialized out of the water beside him and Zoe.

Percy tensed when he saw Poseidon appear, his face a mixture of sadness and pride.

"Why are you here?" Percy growled.

Poseidon's face fell, "I just want to talk. I am going to teleport you and Zoe to my palace in Atlantis so we can talk in private. Is that okay?"

Percy tensed but Zoe whispered something in his ear before he grudgingly nodded. Poseidon smiled gratefully at Zoe before the three of them vanished from the sea.

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