Finding Mom

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Ch. 16

Zoe gave him a small smile before she leaned up and kissed him again softly before pushing him down in the sand on his back and cuddling up next to him, forgetting everything else in the world except how happy she felt cuddled up next to him on the beach.

Percy wrapped his arms around Zoe as he stared up into the sky, his heart was heavy and he couldn't shake the feeling of bitterness he felt when he thought about how little time he might have left. The Fates truly were cruel. They make him live a childhood full of pain and misery only to find the first bit of true happiness with barely over a year left to live. He made a silent promise to himself that if he managed to come across the Fates again before he died, he would give them a primordial sized smack upside the head for making his life so difficult.

Percy looked down to find Zoe sleeping peacefully on his chest and couldn't help but smile. The mere sight of her face washed away the bitterness he was feeling only moments before. Percy slowly managed to get Zoe positioned in his arms so he could gently pick her up bridal style before walking into a shadow and reappearing inside the Artemis cabin. He walked her to her bed before he pulled back her blankets and tucked her in before stepping back. He thought about kissing her goodnight but stopped himself, deciding it was better not to disrespect the goddess of maidens inside her own cabin by kissing one of her former lieutenants.

Percy simply stepped back and let the shadows consume him before he vanished from the Artemis cabin, whispering the words, "I'm sorry," before he vanished.

Percy reappeared inside the throne room of Hades and Persephone where both his parents were seated in their thrones talking before they both looked at Percy with surprised faces that quickly changed into looks of happiness.

"Perseus," Hades said with a small smile before Persephone got off her throne and hugged Percy tightly.

"So what do we owe the pleasure of this visit?" Persephone said warmly.

Percy gave his mother a small smile before turning back to his father with a serious expression, "I've come because I need your permission to enter Elysium father."

Hades looked at him curiously, "What? You know you can go there whenever you want. It certainly didn't stop you from sneaking your little friend in after the one time I gave you permission."

Percy's eyes widened before he sighed, "Not for this father. I need to visit someone in particular in Elysium and I don't dare do so without your permission."

Hades looked at Percy confused before his face changed to one of shock, "You know I cannot allow that Perseus. There are laws even I cannot break."

"I have to do this father, I have no choice. I need to speak with my mother." Percy said before turning to Persephone, "One of my mothers." He corrected making Persephone smile sadly at him.

Hades shook his head, "What is so important that you need to speak with her?"

Percy took a deep breath before looking into his father's eyes seriously, "I need her blessing to bathe in the Styx."

Hades' eyes widened before Persephone practically screamed at Percy, "You will do no such thing Perseus!"

Percy looked at her sadly, "I have to. And I also will need your blessing as well as I'd like to cover all my bases before I do this."

Persephone looked ready to argue more but Hades spoke first, "Why do you want to do this Perseus?"

"Luke has done it, I saw it for myself when I stabbed him in the Labyrinth and my blade just bounced off harmlessly. If I am supposed to survive long enough to kill him and your father, I must have every advantage I can get." Percy explained.

Hades looked lost in thought while Persephone stared in her husband incredulously, "You can't possibly be thinking about allowing him to do this? I will not allow you to endanger my only son's life no matter the situation!" She yelled angrily at her husband.

Hades looked up at with life with the first bit a concern and worry Percy had ever seen in his father before he face turned determined, "I may not be the world's greatest father but I will help my son do whatever I can to give him a chance to survive this blasted prophecy. You would prefer he battles the Titan Lord without every advantage he can possibly have?"

Persephone huffed indignantly before flashing out of the throne room angrily, leaving Percy standing alone with his father.

Hades turned to Percy, "I will allow you to go to your mother in Elysium tomorrow. Do not come alone. At least then I can say that you stumbled across her when showing someone else around."

Percy nodded to his father and was about to leave when Hades put a hand on his shoulder, "I am sorry for the life you have had to live Perseus. I hope you understand that I have done what I could to give you a chance to survive the destiny you have been forced to live with. No matter what happens when you turn sixteen you've been the greatest son I've ever had you have made me proud of the hero you've become."

Percy looked up at his father in shock before he bowed his head a small smile tugging on his lips, "Thank you Dad, I am proud to be a son of Hades."

Hades smiled before Percy turned and ran into a shadow and vanished back to Camp Half Blood.

Hades watched his son disappear with a heavy heart, wishing for a way to ensure his son could survive the prophecy before he vanished from the throne room in search of his angry wife.

Line Break

Percy sat on a bunk in the Artemis cabin staring at the sleeping form of Zoe nervously. He wasn't sure if he would go with him but he knew she was the one he wanted at his side when he made this request of his mother. After a few more minutes, he saw Zoe's eyes flutter open as she sat up in her bed. She looked up and her eyes widened when they landed on Percy.

"W.. What are you doing here?" She asked nervously.

Percy couldn't help but chuckle at her terrified face, "Waiting for you to wake up obviously."

Zoe's eyes widened as she remembered the night before, "How did I end up in here?" She asked suspiciously.

Percy smirked at her nervousness, "You fell asleep on the beach so I put you bed…."

Before he could continue, Zoe walked up and slapped his across the face, her face red in anger and embarrassment.

"Ow Zoe. What was that for exactly?" Percy asked as he put a hand on his reddened cheek.

Zoe's glare was murderous and she went to slap him again when Percy caught her hand in his, "Are you going to try to slap the rest of the story out of me or are you going to let me finish?" He said calmly.

Zoe wrenched her hand out of his grasp and narrowed her eyes at him, "How dare you come into my cabin?" She growled.

Percy shook his head, "I put you in your bed and left. I came back twenty minutes ago to see if you were up yet. But thank you for assuming I would try to take advantage of you."

Zoe looked at Percy suspiciously but he just glared at her before she looked away, "I'm sorry but you should really try to word things more clearly."

Percy shrugged, "My bad."

Zoe looked back at him a little surprised he had forgiven her for slapping him so easily before she remembered he was here when she woke up, "So why are you here then?"

Percy looked away as his nervousness returned, "I have a favor to ask you and you probably won't want to do it."

"What is it?" Zoe asked.

"I need you to come with me to the Underworld. I need to visit my Mom." Percy said quietly.

Zoe looked at him confused, "Why? I don't see why you need me."

Percy sighed, "Not my living Mom, my dead one in Elysium. My father said I need to bring someone with me and I didn't really know who else to ask." He said a little embarrassed.

Zoe was a little taken aback, "Um, isn't that against the ancient laws?"

Percy nodded, "Yes but my father made an exception just this once. It's also why I need someone to come with me, so it can at least look like I'm not going just to find my mother."

Zoe nodded slowly, "But why do you need me?"

Percy looked away, "No one has met my real Mom before except my parents, and… and I don't really want anyone else to. You already know some of what my Mom when through before she died and I don't really want anyone else to know about it, it's personal."

Zoe's eyes widened before she nodded, "Of course I'll come with you Percy." She said softly.

Percy let out a sigh of relief before offering her his hand. Zoe reached out and grasped it softly before Percy pulled her into a shadow and they vanished from the Artemis cabin.

The duo reappeared in a park in Elysium where Percy led them towards a corner of the park. When they were fifty yards away, Percy froze. A beautiful woman sat on a bench in the corner by herself, apparently waiting for something.

Zoe looked at the woman before turning to look at Percy where she was surprised to find a tear falling down his face as he stared at the woman.

Zoe reached over and laced her fingers through Percy's, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. Percy finally broke his gaze from the woman and turned to Zoe with a slightly worried look on his face. Zoe nodded to him before she started walking towards the bench, gently pulling Percy along with her. When they were within ten yards, the woman stood from her bench as tears began to fall from her ghostly face.

Percy let go of Zoe's hand and quickly walked to his mother, stopping a foot away as he wiped the tears from his face. His Mom smiled at him before she stepped forward and hugged him tightly.

Zoe stood a few feet away awkwardly as the Percy and his mother embraced each other. After a couple minutes, they pulled back. Percy turned to Zoe and gestured her over.

Zoe awkwardly walked over but some of the awkwardness left when his mother smiled at her, "You must be Zoe." She said softly.

Zoe's eyes widened before she nodded slowly, "Yes…."

"Sally. Sally Jackson." The woman finished for her. "Percy's adoptive mother has said you've been a good friend to Percy since he went to camp."

Percy looked at his Mom confused, "How did you know?"

Sally laughed, "Please Percy. Your father and Persephone visit me often to keep me updated on your life. They have told me you've become quite the little hero already."

Percy blushed a bit and shook his head, "Not just me. My friends do most of the real work." He said awkwardly.

Sally laughed again and shook her head, "Yes they said you're quite modest as well."

Zoe laughed with Sally when she saw Percy's bright red face. Percy glared at her but she only laughed harder.

When the two girls stopped laughing, Percy turned to his mother with serious look but she held up her hand to stop him from speaking.

"I know why you are here Percy. I can't say that I am very happy but Persephone seems convinced that you need to do this and I know how much she cares for you so I will trust her judgment." Sally explained.

Percy's eyes widened but he smiled, "Thank you Mom."

Zoe looked at Percy suspiciously but bit her tongue, deciding to ask after they left his mother.

Sally smiled sadly, "I wish we could spend more time together but your father is already taking a risk allowing us to meet this once."

Percy nodded sadly and hugged his Mom again, thanking his father repeatedly in his mind for giving him the ability to hug a ghost.

When he pulled back, Sally kissed him softly on the cheek, "I love you so much Percy but please don't come back for a very long time."

Percy smiled at his Mom before Sally turned to Zoe, "It was nice to meet you as well. I am grateful my son has someone who he can trust in you. And please try to keep him from being the foolish boy he can be at times."

Zoe smirked, "Of course, but sometimes his stupidity is even beyond my ability to control."

Sally chuckled at Zoe's words before she stepped closer and leaned up to Zoe's ear, "Please take care of my son. He needs you more than he even knows." She whispered.

Zoe looked surprised but nodded with a serious face.

Sally turned back to her son, "I love you Percy; you make me prouder than you can ever know." She said before her ghostly form vanished from her spot in front of them.

Percy stood staring at the spot his mother had vanished from as a few tears leaked from his eyes. Zoe reached up and wiped them away with her thumb before he grabbed Percy's hand again, finally breaking him out of his trance.

Before Zoe could speak, Percy dragged her into a shadow that deposited them in the throne room of his father.
Both his parents were in their thrones talking they the duo arrived. Percy let go of Zoe's hand and walked up to his mother hugged her tightly.

Zoe bowed before the Lord of the Dead and his wife but Hades just waved her off.

Percy and Persephone exchanged a few hushed words before she nodded and kissed him on the forehead. Percy grabbed Zoe's hand again and dragged her into a shadow, this time depositing them on the banks of the River Styx.

It took Zoe a second before she realized where they were.

She immediately spun around on Percy, "You can't be serious Percy?"

Percy looked at her apologetically, "I have to Zoe. It might be the only way."

Zoe glared at him, "Why do you need to do it now? We can look for other options first."

Percy shook his head, "We have no idea when the war could start and I may not have another chance. I also need to know what the curse does; both good and bad. I must know what my limitations are."

Zoe was about to argue more but a male voice spoke before she did.

"Well will you look at what the cat dragged in and with a girl no less?" Said a ghostly man walking towards the duo with a smile on his face.

A smile suddenly appeared on Percy's previously serious face, "Achilles my friend, it's been far too long."

Achilles smiled at Percy before Percy reached out grasped forearms with the legendary son of Thetis.

"I know why you're here Achilles but I don't have a choice." Percy said as the serious expression returned to his face.

Achilles nodded his head but his expression was saddened, "I know that Percy. I'm not here to stop you; I'm here to help you as much as I can. Your father has explained why you're doing this and that your mind is made up."

Percy looked relieved at his words before Achilles turned towards Zoe with smile, "Nice to meet you in person Miss Nightshade."

Zoe's eyes widened, "You know who I am?" She asked in shock.

Achilles chuckled, "Of course, you have many men here in the Underworld who would like a chance to avenge the deaths you so swiftly dealt them along with your former mistress. I would guess you would not have had such peaceful visits here in the past had Percy not been so feared by the souls here in the Underworld."

Zoe scowled, "I've never killed a man who did not have it coming in one way or another."

Achilles waved his hand dismissively, "You have nothing to fear from the undead, the fear of unleashing Percy's wrath and by default his father's makes you untouchable along with any other huntress here in the Underworld."

Zoe looked at Percy and gave him a small smile before she turned back to Achilles angrily, "You can't think Percy bathing in the Styx is a good idea."

Achilles frowned, "I wish there were another way but after witnessing the other one who bathed in the Styx, I fear this will be the least of the challenges my little protégé has in front of him."

Percy looked at his mentor questioningly but Achilles shook his head, "I cannot tell you what I witnessed but I fear you have a difficult task ahead of you when you meet your destiny."

Percy nodded solemnly before his expression switched to determined as he eyed the river in front of him.

"Remember what I taught you about the river Percy. Pick the one thing that will ground you to your mortality. It must be something powerful in order to work. Pick a spot of your choosing and imagine a cord tied to that spot which connects you to the mortal world and your mortality. And do not ever tell anyone where your one vulnerable spot unless you trust them more than you trust yourself." Achilles explained seriously.

Percy nodded and he thought about where he wanted his Achilles spot to be. He imagined himself in his armor and where he would be most protected in battle. As Percy walked closer to the river, he picked a spot under his left arm, six inches down from his pit that was well protected when he was in battle. Percy turned back towards who had been his two best friends so far in his short life and gave them a crooked grin before he closed his eyes and let himself fall backwards from the banks of the river and into the dark waters of the Styx.

Zoe gasped when she saw Percy fall back into river and took a step forward before Achilles shook his head, "Don't. It's up to him now. He will be fine, I am sure of it."

Zoe looked nervously at the banks of the river while Achilles just chuckled to himself, "Well he's certainly the first person I've ever seen jump into the Styx with a smile on his face."

Zoe just stared at the river as she prayed to every god she could think of that Percy made it out.

Percy let himself fall backwards into the Styx as he tried to focus on the spot on his side but the minute he hit the water, all ability to form cognitive thoughts vanished as the pain he felt was indescribable. It made the events on Mount Saint Helens feel like a rug burn as he his body felt like it was engulfed in Greek fire.

As he sunk into the river, Percy tried to imagine the cord in his side and tying him to the world above but his mind just continued to flash with images and memories, both of which were hard to understand.

He saw his friends he met at Camp Half Blood; Katie, Annabeth, Clarisse, Beckendorf and Thalia, all waving at him and trying to get him to come to them but their voices sounded so distant and soon their images faded as Percy sunk lower into the river.

He saw his mother and father along with his grandmother and Hestia yelling at him to hold on and to keep fighting. Poseidon was among them looking down at Percy panicked as he tried to get him to come to him. Just like his friends, the images of the parental figures in his life soon vanished.

He saw Nico and Bianca looking at him worriedly and desperately trying to grab his hand and pull him out the river but they seemed just out of reach as he tried desperately to grab their hands. Soon their faces drifted away just like the others only to be replaced with one who was looking at him with a smirk.

Zoe stood above him, shaking her head at Percy, "Boys," she with a mischievous smile on her face. "Must I do everything for you Percy? Remember the cord and hurry up, we don't have all day."

Percy felt a tug on his side as he suddenly stopped sinking into the water. He saw Zoe looking at him with a smug smile on her face as Percy felt himself being pulled up out of the river before the next thing he knew he was spit out of the river and landed on the banks at the feet of Zoe and Achilles.

He lay their panting as his body still felt like it was on fire but the pain was slowly lessening as his eyes shot open. Zoe was looking at him worried while Achilles had a proud smile plastered on his face.

Percy took a deep breath before sighing, "That absolutely sucked."

Achilles broke into laughter while Zoe chuckled but her face showed her relief. Percy slowly climbed to his feet as he examined his body trying to see any differences.

"I must take my leave Percy but do come down for a visit soon; I haven't had a good spar since you left." Achilles said smiling before his ghostly form disappeared.

Percy turned to look at Zoe with a smile, knowing it had been her that tied him down to his mortality. She was eyeing him carefully, inspecting for any changes.

"So did it work?" She asked.

Percy was about to answer but decided to test it out since he didn't know for himself.

"You know when I was down there, I had a thought." Percy said casually.

Zoe looked at him confused.

"Well you know how Artemis has her hunters, right? Why doesn't Apollo or another god make a male version? I mean, if the hunters are successful, then obviously a male version would be even better considering men are so much stronger than women." Percy said trying to keep his calm façade.

Zoe's eyes widened in shock before they flashed with anger as she stepped forward as slapped Percy as hard as she could across his face.

Zoe immediately recoiled and clutched her injured hand. Percy couldn't help but laugh a little before feeling bad for goading her into it.

"I'm sorry. But yes, it worked." He said as he grabbed her injured hand between both of his as both his hands glowed with a soft orange color. After a minute, the glow faded as he let go of her hand.

Zoe looked at her hand in wonder before turning back to Percy angrily, "You did that on purpose." She growled.

Percy smiled sheepishly, "I'm sorry, I wanted to know if it worked too."

Zoe scowled at him, "You better hope I don't find out where your one vulnerable spot is."

Percy smiled at her before reaching out and grabbing her hand again. He slowly guided it under his shirt and to the one vulnerable spot on his body. When her fingers grazed it, his body shivered involuntarily.

Zoe looked at him in shock, "Why would you tell me that? Achilles just said not to tell anyone."

Percy shrugged, "He said not to tell anyone unless I trust them more than I trust myself and there is no one I trust to watch my back more than you."

Zoe looked at him with a small smile while her face reddened a few shades as she ran her fingers over his Achilles' spot again.

"How did you heal my hand?" Zoe asked after pulling her hand out of his shirt.

"I'm Hestia's champion, remember? When she blessed me she gave me the option of using the power of the hearth of heal or to harm. Now I can use it to heal other people, just not myself. If I chose harm I would have power over fire." Percy explained.

Zoe raised an eyebrow, "Why would you not want to have power over fire?"

Percy shrugged, "I am Hestia' champion and she is a peaceful goddess. I want to embody her beliefs as her champion. I don't think I've ever seen her as happy as when I chose the power to heal people."

Zoe shook her head and smiled, "So what now, Mr. Invulnerable?"

Percy rolled his eyes, "What would you like to do? Or we can go back to camp right away. I know how much you love being there."

Zoe smiled, "I'm feeling adventurous today, how about we have some fun?"

"Just say the word milady and we will be one our way." Percy said smirking.

Zoe leaned up into his ear and whispered something that made Percy's eyes widen before a big grin stretch across his face, "I like the way you think." He said as he offered her his hand as they were consumed by shadows.

Line Break

Percy ran as fast as his legs could carry him, weaving through trees with ease as he could only catch flashes of black up ahead. He knew he was running out of time and started to panic. As he continued his pursuit, he could see the trees beginning to thin out up ahead. He put his head down and sprinted forward until he saw his chance up ahead. He ran straight ahead at a tree and jumped onto its trunk before using it as a springboard as he launched himself towards the tree to its left, grabbing onto a large branch and pulling himself up. Percy scrambled up higher until he had a clear view of the clearing. He could see the Hellhound roughly halfway across and his bow appeared in his hands. Percy notched and arrow and fired the second the shot was lined up, catching the Hellhound in the throat and freezing it in its tracks. Just as they monster began to dissolve, a silver arrow flew through its throat and a smug smile appeared on Percy's face.

He jumped into a shadow and reappeared by pile of dissolved monster as he watched the scowling face of Zoe walking towards him.

"And I believe that was Jackson for the win if I'm not mistaken." Percy said teasingly.

Zoe narrowed her eyes before she notched as arrow and fired into Percy's chest, knocking him onto his back. He got back up scowling at her, "Someone's a poor loser."

Zoe smirked, "No, I just really like being able to shoot you every time you get on my nerves now."

Percy glared at her, "You do know it still hurts right?"

Zoe's smirk grew, "Of course, why else would I do it?"

"You do know that makes you a bad person right?" Percy replied with an eyebrow raised.

Zoe rolled her eyes, "Quit being a baby, you finally beat me."

Percy smirked triumphantly, "I did, didn't I?" He said as he looked up at the sky and the setting sun. "Come with me, I want to show you something."

Zoe nodded and grabbed his hand before than vanished from the field. They pair reappeared atop Mount Rushmore, standing on the top of George Washington's forehead.

"Why are we here?" Zoe asked.

Percy shrugged, "We have to go back to camp soon so I thought we would relax a bit, plus I like watching the sun set from elevated places and since we were already in South Dakota, we had might as well just watch it from here."

Zoe nodded as she sat down to watch the sunset, Percy taking a seat beside her. They sat silently for a few minutes before Zoe broke the silence.

"Do we really have to go back to camp?" She whined.

Percy chuckled, "Unfortunately. We have been gone for two days on your little hunting escapade. I am sure people are wondering where we ran away to."

Zoe smiled as she thought about Percy letting her drag him all over the country to hunt in her favorite places. She yawned tiredly before laying head on Percy's shoulder as his eyes stayed glued on the sunset in front of them. She watched him for a couple minutes, trying to deduce his thoughts from his face. She could see the stress he carried and the burden he'd been forced to shoulder in his face but also happiness and maybe a little bit of hope.

"Are you worried Percy? About the prophecy and the possibility of dying?" Zoe asked softly.

Percy remained silent for a minute as he thought about his answer, "I am worried about the prophecy. If I screw up, I screw it up for everyone and that scares me a lot."

Zoe nodded and waited for him to continue.

"I'm not afraid to die. I've been expecting to die since I was told the prophecy when I was ten years old. I guess I kind of got used to it and accepted that I couldn't change it. I'm sad that I am probably going to die though. I never really used to care because all my friends were dead but things have changed and now I wish it didn't have to be this way. I wish I had more time to spend with my little brother and sister and the friends I made at camp," Percy explained before he smiled at Zoe, "and a certain abusive ex-huntress." He added.

Zoe smiled sadly as she bumped him with her shoulder playfully.

"Why are you so accepting of such a cruel fate?" She asked seriously.

Percy smiled, "I don't have much choice in the matter. I could spend the time until I reach sixteen being bitter and angry or I can try to enjoy the time with the people I care about. Besides, I haven't admitted out loud until now, but I have a little hope that maybe I can make it through the prophecy anyway."

Zoe looked at him surprised, "Why is that?"

Percy's smile grew, "You of course. When the Fates appeared in the throne room, they said fate had been changed and if there is anyone who I think can keep me alive, it's you."

Zoe shook her head smiling before she elbowed Percy in the ribs, "You know I should kill you myself right?"

Percy looked at her confused, "You're probably right but why is that?"

"I promised myself I would never get close to a man after what happened with Heracles. They are nothing lying and deceitful and my life would be better off without them in it. That's why I loved my life in the hunt so much." Zoe explained.

Percy raised an eyebrow, "You know you can just tell me to leave you alone if you want right?"

Zoe rolled her eyes, "That's the point dumbass. I don't want to tell you to go away, even though I should."

Percy grinned, "I guess I should feel honored then shouldn't I?"

Zoe shook her head at his stupid comment before she reached into her pocket and pulled out the pen Percy had given her months earlier. Percy looked at her confused before she grabbed him hand and placed the pen in it.

"I want you to have it back." She said softly.

Percy shook his head, "I can't. It was a gift from your mother."

"And I want to give it to you. I made a mistake all those millennia ago when I gave it to him but now I am positive that I am not making a mistake." Zoe said seriously.

Percy wanted to argue with her but the look in her eyes told him it meant a lot to her for him to have it. Percy closed his fingers around the pen, a warm feeling entering his heart when he did before he looked down at her. He slowly brought his hand to her face and gently put it on her cheek. He hoped she wouldn't slap him for this but decided it was well worth the risk before he leaned down and kissed her softly.

"Thank you." He whispered after he broke the short kiss.

She smiled back up at him, not needing to reply, the look in her eyes conveyed the happiness she felt.

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