Battle of the Labyrinth

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Ch. 15

After leaving the arena, Rachel led them for another two hours through the Labyrinth until they came to a pair of doors emblazoned with a delta symbol. Voices could be heard behind the doors making the four girls pull out their weapons.

Percy on the other hand recognized the voice and narrowed his eyes. He walked forward and kicked the doors open to find Daedalus being cornered by a half-dozen undead warriors being commanded by a ghostly figure.

"Minos." Percy growled at the ghost.

The ghostly figure of Minos smiled smugly in Percy's direction, "Ah yes, Hades' little pet, how nice of you to join us."

"Why are you here?" Percy growled.

Mino grinned, "Just catching up with my old employee Daedalus here but since you've decided to interrupt me I think I will enjoy watching you die almost as much as I will watching Daedalus here get dragged down to the Tartarus."

Percy's face hardened, "I don't know how you got out of punishment but I will make sure you spend the rest of eternity regretting it."

Minos laughed, "You cannot stop me little demigod. I am in control here. You have no power over me; you know you are no real son of Hades."

Percy's hands began to tremble in anger as he glared at the ghostly figure in front of him. Before he could say anything, another two dozen undead warriors poured into the room from a door in the back.

"Kill the demigods." Minos ordered with an evil grin.

The undead warriors started to stalk towards Percy and his friends. The four girls got their weapons ready to defend themselves while Percy stood unarmed.

"STOP!" Percy yelled.

The undead warriors paused, looking back towards Minos whose smug smile turned angry.

"Attack! He is no son of Hades and has no control over you." Minos snapped.

The undead warriors took another step towards Percy before they froze. An aura of black surrounded his body as he held out his hand, his sword shooting into it from the ground.

"I am Perseus Jackson, son of Hades and Persephone and Prince of the Underworld! You will obey my will above all others other than my father!" Percy ordered in barely controlled rage.

The undead warriors remained frozen, much to the shock of Minos.

"Kill them!" Minos screamed at the undead warriors.

Percy took a step forward and drove his blade into the earth, opening up a large crevice. Percy eyed the undead warriors angrily, "Return to the Underworld! NOW!" Percy snapped.

The undead warriors snapped out of their shock before they all bowed to Percy and descended into the crevice as Minos looked on in shock.

Percy stepped closer to the stunned Minos before his hand reached out and grasped the ghostly throat of Minos, much to the shock of everyone in the room, including Minos.

"H..How?" Minos rasped out as Percy held the ghost in place by his throat.

Percy's eyes flashed angrily, "I am Prince of the Underworld and King of ghosts, the title bestowed on me by my father and you have been a very naughty little ghost." Percy growled before he closed his eyes for a second.

When he opened them, a shadow appeared to his left and out popped a furious looking Alecto.

"I believe you have an escaped soul." Percy said as his eyes flickered to the Fury beside him.

"We do not know how he escaped yet Lord Perseus." Alecto explained.

Percy nodded, "Not a problem, but do make sure he is locked up extra tight and extra painfully from now on."

An evil grin appeared on Alecto's face, "Of course my lord." She said as she snapped her fingers causing the trembling ghostly form of Minos to vanish down to the Underworld.

Before Alecto could follow, Percy spoke up, "What did I tell you about calling lord Alecto?"

Alecto gave him a fanged grin, "My apologies Percy."

Percy smiled before the Fury vanished in a whirl of black light.

Percy looked back to see his friends looking at him with wide-eyes before a male voice reminded him they were not alone.

"Thank you for saving me." Daedalus said gratefully.

Percy turnec towards Daedalus, "Where is Ariadne's string?"

Daedalus' eyes widened before his expression turned grave, "In the possession of Luke and his army."

"Why would you do that?" Annabeth screamed at the old inventor.

Daedalus' face fell, "They made me an offer I couldn't refuse. They offered me freedom from the Labyrinth."

Annabeth looked at him confused, "What do you mean? This is your Labyrinth, how are you a prisoner?"

"Ever since Minos' death, he has haunted my dreams, promising to drag me down to Tartarus. So I had to shut myself deep within my maze to hide from the eyes of gods and death itself." Daedalus explained.

Annabeth looked at him in shock, "Why? Why do you fear death?"

Before Daedalus could answer, Percy did, "He is a murderer. He killed his nephew Perdix because he was bitter about the death of his own son. You're mother branded him as a murderer and Minos has been pestering my father for millennia to find him."

Daedalus' eyes flashed with pain and slight anger, "I did not murder him."

Percy glared, "Maybe not directly but your actions certainly led to his death."

Daedalus' head dropped, "I made a mistake and have paid for it for many centuries."

"How are you even alive?" Zoe asked, speaking up for the first time.

Percy chuckled, "I wouldn't exactly say he is alive, right Daedalus?"

The old inventor looked at Percy in shock.

"He's an automaton. I can sense his soul inside the machine." Percy explained causing his friends' eyes to widen.

Daedalus nodded, "He is correct. I have managed to keep myself alive to avoid being judged by Minos."

Percy scowled, "You're a fool. Minos was thrown off the judges' table years ago. He was sent to punishment himself."

Daedalus looked at Percy in shock but Annabeth had more questions, "That isn't possible. You cannot transfer your soul into a machine."

"Anything is possible my dear, you only need to discover the way." Daedalus explained.

Before Annabeth could ask any more questions, Percy put his sword to Daedalus' throat, "Give me one good reason that I shouldn't send you to my father right now?"

Daedalus paled, "I…I.. I can help you."

Percy narrowed his eyes, "You have aligned yourself with the enemy and you expect us to trust you?"

Daedalus looked at Percy worriedly, "I didn't have a choice. What would you have done in my situation?"

Percy glared at the ancient demigod as he thought about what he should do. Zoe made her way over to Percy and whispered something in his ear. Percy looked at her incredulously before she glared at him and he nodded.

"You will swear on the Styx to do everything you can to help us and I will speak to my father about leniency in deciding your fate in the Underworld." Percy declared making Daedalus look at him in shock.

After a minute, Daedalus slowly nodded.

"I swear on the River Styx to the terms you have laid out." Daedalus said seriously.

Thunder rumbled faintly overhead.

Percy lowered his sword and nodded. "How long ago did you give Luke the string?"

"About six hours." Daedalus answered.

Percy's eyes widened before he cursed loudly, "He wasn't seeking passage to find Daedalus. He was seeking passage to march his army through Antaeus' arena so he could march them into camp."

"We need to get back as soon as possible." Katie announced as the rest nodded in agreement.

Percy turned toward Rachel, "Lead the way as fast as you can."

Rachel narrowed her eyes at Percy a bit but nodded.

"Wait," Daedalus yelled. "I have some things that may help with the invasion."

Percy nodded for him to grab what he could. A few minutes later he came out with three duffel bags that were filled with something large.

Percy grabbed two and strapped them over his shoulders, "I don't care what they are; we need to go and we need to go now! If something happens to my brother or sister, you'll pray for Minos to be in charge of your punishment." He growled at Daedalus who paled at his words.

Daedalus and Rachel led the group off into the Labyrinth again as Percy couldn't shake the feeling of dread when he thought about the Titan Army reaching Camp Half Blood before they did.

Zoe walked beside him as she watched the stress and worry eat away at Percy through the look in his eyes. Despite standing with a huntress in front of her and Annabeth and Katie behind her, she slipped her hand into Percy's as they walked.

Annabeth and Katie's eyes widened when they saw what Zoe did, a huge grin stretching across Katie's face while Annabeth looked saddened before smiling at the fact two of her friends were actually admitting they had feelings for each other, even if they wouldn't say it out loud.

It only took the group three hours to find their way back to the entrance at Camp Half Blood, something that confused the demigods immensely until Daedalus explained how the maze was always changing and the time to travel distances could vary drastically depending on when you made the journey.

They arrived back at camp to find the campers and hunters all going through their normal daily routines. Once they explained everything about Daedalus and the fact that Luke had the string and was preparing an attack, the entire camp instantly shifted into war mode. The cabins were divided into setting up different defenses while the Apollo cabin set up an infirmary near the woods for wounded campers. The hunters began setting up perches in the trees where they could pick off monsters coming out of the entrance.

Percy and Daedalus worked together setting up some nasty surprises for the Titan Army when they came through the entrance in Zeus' fist.

After three hours, the campers slowly finished off their preparations for battle as Percy met up with Chiron who was glancing around with a worried look in his eyes.

"Are you okay Chiron?" Percy asked.

Chiron nodded slowly, "Time will tell my boy, time will tell."

Percy knew what was bothering the old Centaur, while the campers had put up an impressive defense for the camp, it wasn't enough. They barely had one hundred campers plus twenty hunters and a goddess who was limited in her ability to aide them.

"We'll make it work Chiron. We have to." Percy said seriously.

Chiron looked at Percy curiously before giving him a small smile and patting him on the back, "I hope you are right Perseus. This is what we have and it will have to work."

Percy nodded as he looked out over the campers who were preparing for the attack at any moment. He saw the worry and fear in their faces and it saddened him. While he hated being stuck in the demigod camp, he had grown close to a few of the campers and was determined to protect their home as he realized it had also become his own.

The ground underneath Percy and Chiron began to rumble making their eyes widen.

Chiron turned to Percy, "Whether you want to be or not, you are their leader Percy. They respect and look up to you. They will need you to be their leader today. Show them their faith is not misplaced."

Percy looked at Chiron surprised until his face hardened and he nodded and he pulled a shadow to his body and draped himself in armor. His sword was strapped to his back and his spear in his hand and he walked towards the front lines of the demigods who were looking at the entrance to the Labyrinth nervously.

Percy caught Clarisse's attention, "Keep your soldiers here in a phalanx formation and do not give them an inch. You need to prevent them from getting to the archers."

Clarisse's eyes narrowed in determination as the rumbling grew stronger under their feet, "Lock shields!" She yelled to her troops.

Percy turned to the rest of the demigods who were standing behind the Ares campers being led by Clarisse, "Do not attack until I give the order. We're going to give them a few welcome to Camp Half Blood gifts before we tear their army to shreds."

The demigods gave a short shout of agreement before Percy turned back to the Labyrinth entrance as the Titan Army came bursting out.

At least a dozen Laistrygonian Giants came charging out of the Labyrinth first.

"Archers!" Percy yelled.

A wave of silver and gold rained down from the trees and cut down the giants before they made it twenty feet into camp.

Unfortunately it did little to slow the army down as monsters began to pour out by the dozen. The demigods remained motionless as the monsters charged out. Even the hunters were waiting for Percy's orders to fire.

Once around fifty monsters were out of the entrance and in a line charging toward the campers, Percy turned to his left, "Daedalus now!"

The old inventor nodded pressed a button on his wrist watch as explosions of Greek fire blew up both sides of the monster army, incinerating the monsters instantly.

Before the campers could feel relieved, more monsters began to pour out of the entrance, easily replacing their fallen comrades and then some.

Percy turned behind him and nodded to a burly looking African-American boy who turned to his half-brothers and sisters, "Catapults fire!" Beckendorf yelled.

Flaming projectiles began raining down on the charging army but for every one that fell, they were replaced by three others.

Percy turned to the trees, "Archers, fire at will!"

Silver and gold arrows began to fly from the trees continuously as Percy stepped forward and pulled his sword off his back and drove it into the ground with tremendous power. A large crevice opened in the ground as undead warriors poured out by the dozen.

"Kill anything that comes through the entrance." Percy commanded the undead over the sounds of monsters being struck down by flaming projectiles and arrows.

Over a hundred undead warriors charged into the fight as the monsters started to get closer to the campers. Percy grabbed his spear and took three steps forward before hurling the weapon fifty yards into the throat of a Laistrygonian Giant just as it jumped out of the Labyrinth.

Percy pulled his sword of his back again before charging into the approaching monsters, the demigods behind him jumping forward and joining his charge.

Percy fought like a man possessed, slicing of the leg off a Cyclops before he jumped over a Hellhound, bringing his sword down on an unsuspecting Dracaena behind it. He stepped back to dodge a spear thrust at him by an enemy demigod decapitating the kid in one fluid motion.

Usually he preferred to incapacitate the demigods he fought but today his mind was blank, he saw only red as he charged at a Cyclops, dipping low to grab a handful of dirt which he tossed in the monster's eye. The Cyclops cried out before he was silenced by a Stygian Iron blade sliding across his throat.

Percy turned back to see the campers and Titan Army in a full-scale battle. As he looked back he was surprised to find Zoe fighting side by side with his siblings. Percy thrust his sword behind him without looking, impaling a Telekhine before he was engulfed by a shadow and reappeared behind Zoe and his siblings just in time to kill a Hellhound that was lunging at Bianca from behind.

Zoe spun around to kill the Hellhound when she heard it growl only to have her hunting knife cut a deep gash in Percy's arm as he raised it to defend him body.

Zoe's eyes widened, "Percy!" She cried as he stumbled back from surprise.

Percy glared at her until he saw the worry on her face and smiled, "No biggie Zoe, I shouldn't have snuck up on you guys."

Zoe shook her head and grabbed Percy's arm to look at the wound as Nico and Bianca protected them from the front.

"Percy it's pretty deep, you need to get it bandaged." Zoe said worriedly.

Percy shook his head and pulled out a hunting knife and held it over a flaming piece of metal from one of the catapults. Zoe looked at him confused until he took the searing hot blade and held it over the wound on his arm, gritting his teeth as the metal burned his skin. Zoe looked at him in shock as he cauterized the wound his arm.

Percy tucked the knife back in his belt and looked up at Zoe with a smile, "No harm done."

Zoe rolled her eyes but smiled as they turned back to the battle.

The campers, with the help of the Apollo cabin and hunters, were slowly but surely turning the tide of the battle. Arrows rained down continuously from the trees and cut down monsters and demigods as they burst through the entrance. The ones who made it past the onslaught of arrows were quickly met by demigods in a rage at seeing their own brothers and sisters trying to destroy the camp that took them in.

Before Percy could rejoin the battle, an unearthly shriek echoed out of the Labyrinth as a monstrous figure Percy immediately recognized as Kampe shot into the sky, her bat wings fully extended. She landed on the top of Zeus's Fist and surveyed the carnage. Her face was filled with evil glee. The mutant animal heads growled at her waist. Snakes hissed and swirled around her legs. In her right hand she held a glittering ball of thread-Ariadne's string-but she popped it into a lion's mouth at her waist and drew two curved swords. The blades glowed green and dripped with poison. Kampe screeched in triumph, making some of the campers scream while others tried to run and got trampled by Hellhounds or Laistrygonian Giants.

"Di Immortales!" Chiron yelled.

He quickly aimed an arrow, but Kampe seemed to sense his presence. She ducked with amazing speed, and Chiron's arrow whizzed harmlessly past her head.

Percy covered himself in shadows as he summoned his bow and notched two arrows, taking aim at the monster's outstretched wings. Both arrows flew with flawless speed and accuracy as they clipped the jailor of Tartarus in the spot where her wings sprung out of her back.

Kampe let loose an ear piercing scream that caused both monsters and demigods to freeze in shock. Percy let the shadow he was hiding in consume him as he appeared in front of Kampe with two swords drawn.

"Couldn't let you fly away like the little insect you are." Percy growled at Kampe whose eyes narrowed before she brought both scimitars down at Percy who parried them with his own swords. The demigod and monster exchanged a flurry of strikes as sparks flew from their clashing blades. Poison dripped off Kampe's scimitars and charred the rocks beneath them.

Percy blocked both of Kampe's scimitars but was knocked back as mutated lion's head jutted out from her midsection, slamming Percy in the chest. Percy barley raised his blades in time to block the two scimitars aimed at his head before he pushed her back and made a wild slash at her waist as a deformed wolf's head sprung out, catching the head and cutting it clean in half.

Kampe roared in pain before lunged at Percy in a rage. Percy ducked and rolled under the strike, slashing Kampe in one of her dragon legs as he rolled. The cut wasn't deep but shocked the monster enough to give Percy time to get to his feet and charge again. Kampe met his strike with her own as the two exchanged blows, neither landing a strike until Kampe feinted a strike to Percy' right and closed the distance on him, a bear's head lunged out and clamped its jaws on his forearm.

Percy screamed in pain as the jaws snapped his forearm before he slammed the hilt of his sword into the bear's head and kicked Kampe back a few feet. Percy's sword dropped from his broken arm as he stumbled back a few feet to gain some distance. He looked down at his arm and could see the bone poking into his skin. He grabbed his arm in his good hand and screamed in pain as he snapped it back in place. His arm was still useless to fight with but he summoned his shield from his bracelet and managed to hold it up, albeit painfully.

Kampe charged again, lunging at Percy and bringing her scimitars down in a powerful strike. Percy ducked the blades at the last-minute and slipped behind her, bringing his sword down on her barbed tail and severing it from her body.

Kampe roared in pain before she spun and slammed the remains of her tail into Percy's chest, knocking him on his back. She lunged forward and stabbed her blades into the rocks only find the spot empty as Percy had rolled to the side and managed to get behind her. Kampe spun on Percy in a rage and stalked toward the still injured demigod slowly as Percy tried to focus on her blades, still a little shaky from being knocked back.

"You will suffer for eternity you insufferable little half-breed." She hissed at him.

Percy waited for the monster to charge again before gritting his teeth as he held his shield in his broken arm and threw it like a frisbee at Kampe, catching her off guard and hitting her in the throat before he screamed again, half in pain from the bones in his arm dislodging again and half in rage as he closed the distance as he jumped and drove his blade deep into her chest before she could react.

Percy quickly jumped out of the range of her scimitars as Kampe's reptilian eyes widened in shock. She looked down at the blade in disbelief before her body disintegrated into golden dust, leaving only her scimitars, glowing green with poison in her place.

Percy dropped to a knee in exhaustion and surveyed the fight. A number of people were looking at him in shock, both campers and enemies before they resumed fighting. Percy caught sight of Daedalus arguing with Nico and Bianca a little ways away from the fight. He let himself be consumed by a shadow before reappearing between his siblings and the old inventor.

"What are you doing?" Percy growled at Daedalus.

Daedalus stepped back in surprise for a second before realizing it was Percy, "I need one of you to kill me." He said quickly.

Percy looked at him shocked, "Why?"

"The Labyrinth is tied to my life force; that is why it still remains. When I die, the Labyrinth will die with me." Daedalus explained

Percy's eyes widened, "The child of Athena's final stand. Destroy with a hero's final breath," He muttered.

Daedalus just nodded in understanding.

Percy looked at him sadly, "I will keep my word and your bravery will also be considered when you reach the Underworld."

Daedalus gave him a small smile, "Just give me a chance to see my son and nephew at least one more time."

Percy nodded and he pulled out his sword, "I swear it on the Styx."

Thunder rumbled overhead as Daedalus pointed to a spot on his chest.

Percy looked at him gratefully, "Thank you for your help, you've saved our camp." He said before he drove his blade into the automaton's chest.

Daedalus' body stiffened before the light in his eyes slowly dimmed and then died out completely. Percy closed his eyes and prayed to his father to withhold judgment on Daedalus until he could speak to him. He could hear his father give his approval in his mind before opening his eyes again as the ground shook violently; far more violently than when the Titan Army had burst out of the entrance.

When the shaking stopped Percy knew the Labyrinth had been destroyed. He looked up to see the remains of the Titan Army trying to retreat now that they had no reinforcements. The demigods and monsters sprinted for the border which did its job and kept the monsters inside the camp where archers quickly picked them off. Some demigods surrendered rather than trying to flee. The captured traitors were quickly bound and carted off towards the big house.

After looking around, Percy let himself fall on his butt before lying down as he rested his broken arm on his chest. After a minute, he felt someone kick him in the side making his eyes shoot open.

He saw a pair of volcanic rock black eyes looked down on him with a mischievous smile playing on their lips.

"Are you going to get up or lay around like a bum all day?" Zoe asked with an eyebrow raised as she offered him her hand.

Percy smirked and took it with the hand from his good arm as she pulled him to his feet. When her eyes landed on his arm they widened, "Gods Percy, what happened?"

Percy groaned, "Stupid bear head clamped onto my arm."

Zoe raised an eyebrow at him before he finished, "From Kampe's waist."

"You need to get that looked at." She said quickly.

Percy glanced around the battlefield and saw the injured campers and some dead ones and shook his head, "Later. Other people need help more than I do."

Zoe looked like she wanted to argue but decided not to from the look on his face.

It took several hours to tend all the wounded on the battlefield and cover the fallen demigods in shrouds. Both campers and enemy demigods where given shrouds and laid to rest near the amphitheatre to wait for their shrouds to be burned.

Artemis and the hunters helped to tend the wounded before leaving camp to track down a monster they were ordered to hunt by Zeus. The hunters treated Percy respectfully, not just at Artemis' request but after watching him lead them into battle and then defeat Kampe singlehandedly, he had gained their respect on his own.

Shroud burning was to be done the following day, giving the injured and exhausted campers the night to relax and rest.

Once Percy had finally gotten his arm painfully reset by Will Solace and eaten his limit of ambrosia, he was put in a sling after being told it would take a day or two to heal completely due to the severity of the break.

Zoe had noticed the troubled expression that Percy tried to hide from everyone ever since the end of the battle and stayed close to him, waiting for a chance to ask him about it.

Once the campers were sent back to their cabins for the night, Percy tried to make his way to the Demeter cabin to get some much needed rest when his hand was grabbed by Zoe and dragged towards the beach.

"Zoe, I'm tired, can't this wait?" Percy complained.

"No, we need to talk and I don't feel like waiting." She replied sternly.

Percy sighed but let her drag him all the way to beach where Zoe forced him to sit down in the sand before taking a seat next to him.

"Okay, what was so important that it couldn't wait?" Percy asked.

"You tell me Percy. I know there is something bothering you and I want to know what it is." She replied back.

Percy's eyes widened before he shook his head, "It's nothing. I'm just stressed about the war and everything that goes along with it."

Zoe glared at him and began to painfully squeeze the hand she just realized she was still holding, "What did I say about lying to me?"

Percy winced but steeled himself, "What makes you think I'm lying?" He asked seriously.

Zoe stopped squeezing his hand but intensified her glare, "I know you Percy. Better than anyone else and I know when something is eating away at you."

Percy looked at her incredulously before he smirked, "Are you sure you know me?"

Zoe squeezed his hand painfully again making him yelp a bit, "Damn it Zoe, I'm kidding, relax."

Zoe smiled triumphantly before her gaze turned back to serious making Percy sigh, "It's just something I found out in the Labyrinth."

Zoe nodded for him to go on.

"When the fight started in the arena, I stabbed Luke in the chest and my blade just bounced off harmlessly." Percy explained.

Zoe's eyes widened but she looked confused, "How?"

Percy looked her in the eyes, "He is invulnerable."

Zoe looked confused until her jaw dropped, "Like Achilles? You think he bathed in the Styx?"

Percy nodded, "It's the only way."

Zoe nodded before she looked at Percy suspiciously, "I know that isn't good but you seem troubled about more than that."

Percy glared at her, "You're too smart for your own good."

Zoe glared back before she stopped and smirked, "I take that as a compliment."

Percy rolled his eyes.

Zoe's smirk disappeared and she looked at him expectantly.

Percy sighed, "Well since I will most likely have to kill Luke and kill the King of the Titans, maybe it isn't the worst idea in the world."

Zoe looked at him shocked before she shook her head, "No. You could die in that river like most others who tried have."

Percy shook his head, "I know how to survive the river. I learned from the man the curse is named after, remember?"

Zoe glared at him, "It's not worth risk Percy. There has to be another way."

Percy shrugged, "I'm open to suggestions but I don't think you'll find one that works."

Zoe bit her bottom lip nervously as her expression softened, "Percy, please. I don't think it's worth it." She said softly.

Percy looked at her nervous expression and felt his heart break a little but knew he was right.

He squeezed her hand gently and looked at her seriously, "Zoe. I know you don't want to admit it, but we both know I'm not going to survive this war. If this is what I have to do to win then I don't have a choice."

Percy tried to look at her to see her expression but she kept her head down not meeting his eyes. He gently reached over and put his hand under her chin and brought her face up to look at him. His eyes widened when he saw a couple tears falling from her eyes.

Percy tried to speak but couldn't before she leaned up and kissed him. Unlike in the forge, this kiss was soft and slow as her arms wrapped around his neck gently and she gently pulled him closer.

When the kiss broke she leaned her forehead against his as a couple more tears fell from her eyes, "You aren't going to die Percy. I'm going to save you, just like you saved me." She whispered.

Percy reached up and gently brushed away her tears and nodded, "I promise I will do everything I can to survive."

Zoe gave him a small smile before she leaned up and kissed him again softly before pushing him down in the sand on his back and cuddling up next to him, forgetting everything else in the world except how happy she felt cuddled up next to him on the beach.

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