Battle of the Throne Room

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Ch. 24

Achilles and Theseus went to catch up with Chiron as Percy went into the Empire State Building and up to Olympus to check on the wounded. Zoe went with him while Thalia and Annabeth went to check on the hunters and help get the wounded inside.

When they were in the elevator, Percy noticed Zoe looking at him strangely.

"What?" He asked confused.

Zoe shook her head, "Sorry I was just thinking."

Percy looked at her curiously but she just smiled and slipped her hand into his making him smile back.

"Why do you want to see the wounded?" She asked.

Percy shook his head, "I don't. We're going to the throne room. I need to see Lady Hestia and I have an idea."

Zoe raised an eyebrow but Percy just shook his head, "You'll see when we get there."

Zoe stepped forward and punched Percy in the chest, "I hate when you do that!" She growled.

Percy chuckled, "And that's why I do it." He said as the elevator doors opened. Percy grabbed her hand and walked her into a shadow, reappearing in front of the throne room doors.

Percy kept hold of Zoe's hand and stepped up to the doors. The bronze doors creaked open as they walked in, their footsteps echoed on the marble floor. The constellations twinkled coldly on the ceiling of the great hall. The hearth was down to a dull red glow. Hestia, in the form of a little girl in brown robes, hunched at its edge, shivering. In the firelight, the thrones cast evil-looking shadows, like grasping hands.

Percy and Zoe approached the childlike goddess and knelt. The flames of the hearth perked up a bit at their presence.

Hestia looked at the two holding hands and smiled, "You two bring hope. The fire was almost dead before you arrived." She said softly.

Percy raised an eyebrow, "My lady?"

Hestia smiled, "You two represent the hope of Olympus. I believe our fates rest on both your shoulders, not just my champion's."

Zoe's eyes widened, "Me? But why?"

Hestia looked down at their intertwined hands, "Do you remember what the Fates said in the throne room two years ago after your quest to rescue my niece?"

Zoe nodded, "They said fate had changed. Some things remained the same while others had changed."

"Yes I believe they were speaking about the two of you. Your fates are now intertwined. The fate of Olympus and western civilization rests on both of your shoulders." Hestia said softly.

Both Percy and Zoe's eyes widened as they subconsciously gripped each other's hands tighter causing both the fire in the hearth and Hestia's smile to grow a bit.

"I believe you had an idea my champion. I think you should do it before it is too late." Hestia said before kissing Percy softly on the forehead as vanishing in a column of fire.

Zoe looked at Percy questioningly only for Percy to look away towards the thrones of the gods. He let go of her hand and walked into the middle of the throne room.

"Percy, what are you doing?" Zoe asked cautiously.

"I need to talk to Poseidon." He replied slowly as he stood in the middle of the throne room.

"But he's in Atlantis and I don't think you'll be able to Iris Message with the war going on. I am sure Iris has fled somewhere safe to wait out the war." Zoe replied quickly.

"I know." He said as he walked forward to Poseidon's throne.

Zoe's eyes widened in realization, "Percy, don't. Gods will kill without question if someone sits on their throne."

Percy nodded slowly, "I know but I have to risk it. It's the only way to get his attention right now." He said as he stood looking at the giant throne in front of him.

Zoe watched with worry as he jumped up grabbing the seat and pulled himself up before sitting down on the throne of the God of the Sea.

At first nothing happen but then the throne rumbled violently. A wave of gale-force anger slammed into Percy's mind.

"WHO DARES…" The voice stopped abruptly. The anger retreated, which was a good thing, because just those two words had almost blasted his mind to shreds.

Poseidon's voice was still angry but more controlled, "What- exactly-are you doing on my throne?"

Percy winced a bit before steeling his nerves, "I apologize Lord Poseidon but I needed to speak to you."

Poseidon seemed to flinch a bit when Percy called him lord, "This was a very dangerous thing to do. Even for you. If I hadn't looked before I blasted, you would now be a puddle of seawater."

"Sorry but this was the only way for me to talk to you." Percy said quickly. "Things are bad up here. The gods are losing and Typhon will be in New York by tomorrow. It will be a miracle if we can last another day."

Poseidon sighed, "I know but there is little I can do. Oceanus' forces are relentless. If I leave, my palace and city will be destroyed."

"You won't have a palace or a domain or anything if Typhon reaches New York. Olympus will be destroyed including your throne. How will you defend your domain once Kronos has destroyed your throne? Once Typhon has reduced Olympus and all of New York to nothing but rubble?" Percy said with steel in his voice.

Poseidon was silent for a minute, "Percy, I can't just abandon Atlantis…." He started until Percy interrupted.

"Yes you can you just don't want to. You're being selfish and worrying about yourself again instead of what your family needs." Percy growled.

The throne shook again until it suddenly stopped; Percy could see the image of Poseidon in his mind inside his throne room in Atlantis in full battle armor with his head in his hands.

"You said that if I ever needed anything and that if it was within your power you would do it. Well this is it. Do this for me and I will never ask you for anything again for the rest of my life. You can consider yourself forgiven." Percy said more quietly.

Poseidon looked up for a second, a pained look on his face, "Percy, this isn't what I meant. I cannot allow Atlantis to be destroyed."

Percy growled but bit his tongue before taking a deep breath, "Fine. I'm sorry for bothering you Lord Poseidon, we mortals will just wait for our death either at the hands of Kronos or when Typhon arrives tomorrow." He said as went to slide down from the throne.

"Wait Percy!" Poseidon said quickly.

Percy stopped and waited for the god to speak.

"I assume you have a plan. Let me hear it." Poseidon said in a defeated tone.

Percy sighed in relief before telling Poseidon his idea.

Again the God of the Sea was silent for a minute.

"Alright it will be as you say. But this isn't the favor I owe you. I'm doing this because you are right not because I wronged you. I still owe you." Poseidon said finally speaking.

Percy grinned, "Alright, thanks Uncle P."

Poseidon was silent again before chuckling a bit, "I don't know whether you get your reckless side from your blood from me or your upbringing by Hades but I must say I like it."

Percy smiled, "I'll deny it if you ever tell anyone I said this, but thank you Dad."

Poseidon's eyes widened but Percy quickly jumped off the throne breaking his connection between him and the god, unaware of the huge smile that appeared on Poseidon's face.

Zoe was still waiting silently in the middle of the throne when Percy walked back up to her.

"I assume it went well." She said.

Percy looked at her confused making her roll her eyes at him, "Gods you can be so dense. I could only hear you talking but after you called him Dad, I assume he agreed to your plan?"

Percy narrowed his eyes, "My father is Hades. That never happened. But yes, he did agree to my plan."

Zoe's eyes widened as she nodded.

Percy smirked when she got startled, "Relax, how often do I get mad at you? Usually we argue for about five minutes then I give in because you're the most stubborn person on the planet or you get violent."

Zoe glared at him and punched him in the shoulder, "You give in because you know I'm right."

Percy rolls his eyes, "Let's get back downstairs. This could be our final night alive; I'd rather not spend it standing around in the throne room of the gods." He said smiling.

Zoe nodded and Percy reached out to grab her hand to shadow travel them back to the elevator but Zoe pulled her hand away at the last second.

Percy looked at her confused by Zoe stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down into a kiss. Percy's eyes widened a bit in surprise before closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around her. When she pulled back she smiled a little sadly, "Just in case you're right."

Percy nodded and grabbed her hand, shadow travelling them back to the elevator.

Line Break

The rest of the night and most of the next day was spent in waiting. The enemy had fallen silent but they all knew it was only a matter of time before Kronos made his final assault. Percy spent the entire day helping to heal the wounded using his water powers but some were simply too injured to be healed. Their numbers were low, other than the centaurs; they were down to about thirty able bodied campers and less than ten fallen heroes. The hunter's numbers were still in the double digits but just barely.

As Percy tried to heal the wound of a fallen huntress, the doors of the elevator opened and Thalia marched out. Her bow was snapped in half and her quiver was empty as she ran up to Percy.

"You've got to get down there," she told him. "The enemy is advancing. And Kronos is leading them."

Percy found Zoe comforting a fatally wounded hunter and jumped in the elevator. By the time they got to the street, it was too late. Campers and Hunters lay wounded on the ground. Clarisse had lost a fight with a Hyperborean giant as she was frozen in a block of ice. The centaurs were nowhere to be seen. Either they'd panicked and ran or they'd been disintegrated. The Titan army ringed the building, standing maybe twenty feet from the doors. Kronos' vanguard was in the lead.

Kronos himself stood right in front with his scythe in hand. The only thing standing in his way was . . . "Chiron," Percy said quietly.

He had an arrow notched, aimed straight at Kronos' face. As soon as Kronos saw Percy, his gold eyes flared, freezing Percy and Zoe in their place.

Then the Titan lord turned his attention back to Chiron. "Step aside, little son."

The image of Luke Castellan calling Chiron son would have been funny if not for the situation. Kronos put contempt in his voice, like son was the worst word he could think of.

"I'm afraid not." Chiron's tone was steely calm.

Once of the Laistrygonian Giants lost patience and charged forward but Chiron was quick, firing an arrow and piercing the monster right between the eyes. He reached for another arrow but his quiver was empty. He tossed his bow aside and drew a sword, something Percy had never seen him use before.

Kronos laughed and stepped forward, "You're a teacher," he sneered. "Not a hero."

"Luke was a hero. A damn good one until you corrupted him." Chiron growled back.

"Fool!" Kronos snapped back. "You filled his head with empty promises. You said the gods cared about me!"

Chiron looked at him questioningly, "Me?"

Kronos looked confused and Chiron tried to strike but Kronos knocked away the blade with his scythe.

"Back!" Kronos bellowed as a blinding white light exploded between the Titan and the centaur. Chiron flew into the side of the building with such force the wall crumbled and collapsed on top of him.

Percy's eyes widened as Annabeth ran to where Chiron's body was buried. She tried to dig him out but it was useless, he was nowhere to be seen. Percy and Zoe still stood frozen as Kronos smiled evilly and approached Annabeth as Percy and Zoe struggled to get free from the time spell. It was like they were stuck in slow motion, forced to watch Kronos approach their friend helplessly.

Percy managed to pull out Anaklusmos as he let loose a scream and managed to drive the blade into ground as he broke free of the time spell. The earth shook, knocking Kronos and Annabeth as well as the majority of both armies off their feet.

Annabeth scrambled away as Kronos' gaze snapped towards Percy who could now move freely again.

"Impressive grandson," Kronos said with grudging respect but his eyes gave away his anger. "You would have made a great ally but you turned out as foolish as your father."

Percy was about to respond when a loud howl echoed over all other noise.

Suddenly the armies of Kronos began to part, forming an aisle down the middle of Fifth Avenue until at the very end, stood two figures draped in pure black armor, flanking the massive three-headed Hellhound Cerberus. The two figures strode down Fifth Avenue fearlessly. Every monster that hissed or dared to take a step in their direction was met with a spine tingling growl from one of Cerberus' heads.

Most people stared at the trio in utter shock with the exception of Percy and Zoe who both smiled as they knew they would be coming when they needed them most.

Through the face guard of her skull-shaped helmet, Bianca smiled. "Got your message big brother, is it too late to join the party?"

Percy's smile grew until Kronos finally spoke, "Brats of Hades." Kronos spit on the ground. "Do you love death so much you wish to experience it?"

"Your death, " Nico began, "would be great for us." Bianca finished.

"I'm immortal you fools!" Kronos growled. "I have escaped Tartarus. You have no business here, and no chance to live."

Nico drew his sword-three feet of wicked sharp Stygian iron, black as a nightmare. "I don't agree."

The ground rumbled. Cracks appeared in the road, the sidewalks, the sides of the buildings. Skeletal hands grasped the air as the dead clawed their way into the world of the living. There were thousands of them, and as they emerged, the Titan's monsters got jumpy and started to back up.

"HOLD YOUR GROUND!" Kronos demanded. "The dead are no match for us."

The sky turned dark and cold. Shadows thickened. A harsh war horn sounded, and as the dead soldiers formed up ranks with their guns and swords and spears, an enormous chariot roared down Fifth Avenue. It came to a stop next to Nico and Bianca. The horses were living shadows, fashioned from darkness. The chariot was inlaid with obsidian and gold, decorated with scenes of painful death. Holding the reins was Hades himself, Lord of the Dead, with Persephone riding behind him.

Hades wore black armor and a cloak the color of fresh blood. On top of his pale head was the helm of darkness: a crown that radiated pure terror.

"Hello, Father. You're looking . . . Young." Hades said mockingly.

"Hades," Kronos growled. "I hope you are here to pledge your allegiance along with that of your children."

Hades smirked, "I'm afraid not. I'm here to stand by my son. Despite my dislike of my siblings, my son had deemed Olympus worth saving and I stand by him."

Hades looked over at Percy proudly before turning back to Kronos who looked murderous.

Hades drew his sword, a double-edged Stygian blade etched with silver. "Now fight me! My son has done his part. You want Olympus, you go through me." He growled.

"I don't have time for this," Kronos snarled. He struck the ground with his scythe. A crack spread in both directions, circling the Empire State Building. A wall of force shimmered along the fissure line, separating Kronos' vanguard inside the wall while blocking out Hades and Persephone along with the majority of both armies.

Hades' expression turned panicked as he charged at the wall of force, but his chariot crashed against it and overturned. He got to his feet, cursing, and blasted the wall with black energy. The barrier held.

"ATTACK!" he roared. The armies of the dead clashed with the Titan's monsters as Fifth Avenue exploded into absolute chaos.

Hades looked into the barrier and locked eyes with Percy, his expression pained, "Perseus."

Percy smiled at his father, "Don't worry Dad, I got this. I won't let you down."

Persephone stood next to her husband tears in her eyes as she looked at Percy, "Percy, don't." She cried.

Percy smiled at her, "I love you Mom." He said before turning around as Kronos marched into the Empire State Building with two Hyperborean Giants trailing behind him.

Persephone turned around in a rage as she blasted an entire section of the Titan Army away leaving a field of daisies in their place.

Nico and Bianca watched their brother stuck inside the barrier before being forced to turn back to defend themselves from the monsters frantically trying to escape the wrath of the undead as well and Hades and Persephone who were rampaging through the army. Cerberus was running wild through the swarms of monsters crushing them under his massive paws and snatching them up a few at a time in each head.

Percy looked to his left to find Zoe standing at his side while Annabeth and Thalia stood by his right.

"Come on, we need to stop him." He said as the four made their way into the Empire State Building and into the elevator up to Olympus.

The group stepped out of the elevators doors making a beeline for the throne room. They looked around in horror as many of their injured friends who had been up there resting were now sprawled all over the place. Kronos had slowed down long enough to attack their friends. They didn't have time to check on them as they could hear Kronos running rampant through the streets of Olympus. His trail was easy enough to follow as they just walked along to path of death and destruction. A few minor gods and nature spirits lay dead in the streets having done what they could to stop Kronos.

As they approached the open throne room doors, they paused. Kronos stood in the middle of the throne room, his arms wide, staring at the starry ceiling as if taking it all in.

"Finally!" he bellowed. "The Olympian Council-so proud and mighty. Which seat of power shall I destroy first?"

Percy stepped into the room first, "None." He growled as Kronos turned to him with a scowl on his face.

"Well, well, well. It looks like the time has finally come grandson; Titan versus demigod for the survival of Olympus." He said as a small evil smile appeared on his face.

Percy just stood ten feet away from the Titan, his face hard and confident but his heart raced. He had finally arrived, the day of his destiny. It had come far sooner than he would have liked but if there was one thing he wasn't going to do it was shy away from it. If this was to be his end, he would make it an end that was worthy of remembrance.

"No more games Kronos. If this is how it's going to be, then so be it." Percy growled before charging at the Titan.

The two Hyperborean Giants stepped forward to intercept him but Zoe, Annabeth and Thalia charged at them giving Percy a path towards the Titan Lord. Percy brought his blade down in a powerful strike but Kronos merely sidestepped and grinned before slamming the butt of his scythe into Percy's chest and sending him flying.

"You'll have to do better than that Perseus." Kronos mocked.

Percy growled and jumped to his feet before capping Anaklusmos and holding out his hand as his spear shot into it. This way he wasn't at such a disadvantage in reach when battling Kronos and his six foot scythe.

Kronos smiled and waved Percy on. This time Percy approached slower, stopping a few feet away from Kronos and waiting for the Titan to strike first.

Kronos made a quick swipe at Percy that he barely managed to avoid by spinning to his right before making a jab at the Titan who blocked it easily before attacking with speed. Percy was on the defensive barely managing to block the Titan's lightning fast strikes. Kronos pushed Percy back until he stood at the foot of Dionysus' throne as Kronos took a wild swing aimed at his head. Percy ducked and the scythe connected with the throne resulting in an explosion that sent both Percy and Kronos flying back.

Kronos was on his feet in an instant but Percy was right behind as they faced each other again.

Kronos grinned, "One throne down, eleven to go."

Percy smirked, "If you wanted to destroy that one, all you had to do was ask."

Kronos' eyes narrowed as he swung his scythe at Percy again. Percy raised his spear to block but the spear snapped in half as Percy was forced to roll backwards to avoid the blade of the scythe. He got to his feet as he held both ends of his spear in his hands. Kronos made to lunge forward but Percy threw the two halves of his spear into Titan's face giving him enough of a distraction to step back and uncap Anaklusmos again as he summoned his second sword from the earth before using one to block another attack and throw a jab into the Titan's stomach.

Kronos was knocked back a step giving Percy time to turn and run into a shadow and reappear behind Kronos as he swung both his blades with all he had into Kronos' back. Kronos stumbled forward from the strike as Percy charged again.

Kronos spun around as Percy went into a baseball slide and swiped the Titan's legs out from under him as he landed face first on the marble floor of the throne room.

Percy jumped to his feet but Kronos was already on his. Percy turned around as Kronos slammed his scythe into the throne room floor as his eyes flashed and Percy froze. His eyes widened as he was stuck, completely immobilized.

Kronos brushed himself off before turning back to Percy. Percy looked around the room to find Thalia frozen in a block of ice as Zoe and Annabeth struggled to find a gap in the thick armor of the remaining Hyperborean Giant.

"Not bad grandson but it ends now." Kronos said as he took a step towards Percy and raised his scythe. Just as he was about to bring it down, a silver arrow nailed Kronos in the side of the head knocking him off balance and freeing Percy. He turned to Zoe just to see her get sent fly by the club of the Hyperborean Giant.

"NO!" Percy yelled as he scrambled over to Zoe. She was conscious was wounded.

"Go Percy. I'll be fine." She wheezed out as she clutched her broken ribs.

When the giant had smacked Zoe, it had given Annabeth the chance to drive her dagger into the back of the giant's leg causing it to drop to its knee before Annabeth jumped up and driven her dagger into the exposed neck of the giant causing its body to freeze and crack before crumbling it fine little pieces of blue ice.

Percy turned around just in time to block Kronos' scythe but it wasn't aimed for him it was aimed for Zoe. Percy felt his anger grow as he pushed Kronos back and attacked in a flurry of strikes. No matter what he tried, he couldn't get inside Kronos' guard. He was just too fast. Every strike was blocked. Every feint was read perfectly. Kronos was merely playing with him which only caused Percy's anger to grow. He made a wild slash at the Titan's head but Kronos ducked before his hand shot up and wrapped around Percy's neck, lifting him off his feet.

"Time to die grandson." Kronos growled as he squeezed tighter and tighter. Percy couldn't breathe; the Titan's grip was crushing his windpipe.

Just as his vision started to blur, Kronos dropped him and staggered back. Percy looked up to see Annabeth standing in front of him protectively.

"Luke!" She yelled. "I know you're still in there. Look at what you're doing. I know you're mad but you don't want this. I know you don't."

Kronos' eyes flickered a bit from gold to blue and back to gold again as Kronos glared at her, "Luke is dead little demigod just like all of you will be soon."

Annabeth stood her ground as the Titan approached her, not even raising her blade to defend herself. Kronos raised his scythe but paused giving Percy the chance to tackle Kronos from the left. Percy drove the Titan into the ground and rolled off as quickly as he could. Annabeth tried to attack but Kronos was on his feet in a flash and backhanded her, sending her flying into the foot of her mother's throne.

"Enough!" Kronos bellowed. "Your weak attempts are pointless. The Olympians have lost anyway. Typhon is here. Olympus will be in ruins in minutes, all of you along with it."

Before Percy could attack again Kronos' eyes flashed and he was frozen again.

"Watch as Typhon approaches and all your work is sacrifices were for nothing." Kronos growled as he waved his hand and a golden mist appeared in the middle of the throne room.

Inside the mist, they watched a column of storm approaching the Hudson River, moving rapidly over the Jersey shore. Chariots circled it, locked in combat with the creature in the cloud. The gods attacked. Lightning flashed. Arrows of gold and silver streaked into the cloud like rocket tracers and exploded. Slowly, the cloud ripped apart, and they could see Typhon clearly for the first time. Typhon's head shifted constantly. Every moment he was a different monster, each more horrible than the last. His body was humanoid and was mottled green, with blisters the size of buildings, and blackened patches from eons of being stuck under a volcano. His hands were human, but with talons like an eagle's. His legs were scaly and reptilian.

"The Olympians are giving their final effort." Kronos laughed. "How pathetic."

Zeus threw a thunderbolt from his chariot and the blast lit up the world. But when the smoke cleared, Typhon was still standing. He staggered a bit, with a smoking crater on top of his misshapen head, but he roared in anger and kept advancing.

"Come on Poseidon." Percy whispered too quietly for anyone to hear. He could feel his body loosening up as he was able to move again. Kronos was too interested in the image in the mist to notice but Percy remained still to keep Kronos focused on the image.

Typhon stepped into the Hudson River and barely sank to mid-calf when a conch horn sounded from the smoky picture; the call of the ocean, the call of Poseidon. All around Typhon, the Hudson River erupted, churning with forty- foot waves. Out of the water burst a new chariot-this one pulled by massive hippocampi, who swam in air as easily as in water. Poseidon, glowing with a blue aura of power, rode a defiant circle around the giant's legs. As he swung his trident, the river responded, making a funnel cloud around the monster.

"No!" Kronos bellowed after a moment of stunned silence. "NO!"

"NOW, MY BRETHREN!" Poseidon's voice thundered in the image. "STRIKE FOR OLYMPUS!"

Warriors burst out of the river, riding the waves on huge sharks and dragons and sea horses. A legion of Cyclops emerged holding huge lengths of black iron chains-big enough to anchor a battleship-with grappling hooks at the ends. They swung them like lassos and began to ensnare Typhon, throwing lines around the creature's legs and arms, using the tide to keep circling, slowly tangling him. Typhon shook and roared and yanked at the chains, pulling some of the Cyclopes off their mounts; but there were too many chains. The sheer weight of the Cyclops battalion began to weigh Typhon down. Poseidon threw his trident and impaled the monster in the throat. Golden blood, immortal ichor, spewed from the wound, making a waterfall taller than a skyscraper. The trident flew back to Poseidon's hand. The other gods struck with renewed force. Ares rode in and stabbed Typhon in the nose. Artemis shot the monster in the eye with a dozen silver arrows. Apollo shot a blazing volley of arrows and set the monster's loincloth on fire. And Zeus kept pounding the giant with lightning, until finally, slowly, the water rose, wrapping Typhon like a cocoon, and he began to sink under the weight of the chains. Typhon bellowed in agony, thrashing with such force that waves sloshed the Jersey shore, soaking five-story buildings and splashing over the George Washington Bridge-but down he went as Poseidon opened a special tunnel for him at the bottom of the river that would take him straight to Tartarus.

Kronos roared in outrage as he slashed the image away with his scythe.

"It's over gramps. The Olympians are coming and you know you can't take them all." Percy said from his spot still unmoving.

"It's only just begun Jackson. I will start with your death." Kronos sneered as he raised his scythe. He brought it down as Percy rolled to the side. Annabeth charged from the right but Kronos slammed the butt of his scythe into her nose as it exploded with blood.

Kronos stared at her in shock. She laid there unmoving but Kronos seemed unable to tear his gaze from her and Percy realized Luke was in control.

"Are you happy Luke? Is this was you want, to kill Annabeth?" Percy asked harshly.

Kronos' head snapped in his direction but Percy didn't meet the familiar golden eyes this time. They were blue and they looked pained.

"Stop this Luke. Please." Annabeth pleaded as she crawled to her feet with blood still pouring from nose.

Percy used the distraction to attack and he brought Anaklusmos down on his neck like he was splitting wood. Kronos/Luke's face smashed into marble floor.

"Damn it Percy!" Annabeth yelled as she grabbed Luke's face in her hands. She quickly staggered back as golden eyes replaced the blue ones.

Kronos raised his scythe but Percy lunged forward and kicked it out of his hands. The scythe slid across the room and landed in the hearth. Percy looked over to see the face of an eight year old girl in the hearth as the fire flared up. Hestia winked at him before disappearing back into the fire, the scythe deeply imbedded in the coals.

Percy turned and tried to attack Kronos but the Titan got inside his guard and grabbed his hands as they struggled for control of the sword. Percy felt it slipping from his grasp so he did the only thing that came to mind and kneed the Titan Lord in the balls and wrenched it out of his grasp as the sword flew out of their hands and landed beside Zoe who was slowly climbing to her feet.

Kronos threw a heavy handed punch into Percy's mouth sending him reeling back. Annabeth jumped between Percy and the Titan Lord again.

"Luke, please." She begged.

Kronos' eyes flashed to blue again as his eyes widened before flashing back to gold, "Luke Castellan is dead. His body was sacrificed to me." He growled.

Annabeth just stared at the Titan, "Luke you promised. Please."

Kronos raised his hand to hit her but froze again, his eyes flashing back to blue as he staggered back. His body began to glow as Percy and Annabeth's eyes widened. Zoe staggered over to their side with Anaklusmos in hand.

Luke looked up at them with a pained expression, "You're almost out of time. He's changing. He'll assume his true form soon." Luke grunted out.

Percy's eyes widened as he knew Luke was right, his body was beginning to glow golden. Zoe stepped forward but Percy put a hand on her shoulder, "Wait."

Luke unstrapped his armor as his chest plate clattered onto the marble floor. "Give me the sword. He'll stop you if you do it. He can't stop me. Not anymore." Luke said but his eyes never left Annabeth.

Percy grabbed Anaklusmos and stepped up next to Luke, contemplating stabbing him himself.

Luke held out his hand as his eyes finally left Annabeth's and locked onto Percy's.

"I am sorry Percy. We could have been friends. I made a mistake." Luke said sincerely.

Percy paused as he looked at Luke's outstretched hand. He looked back at Annabeth who was nodding before turning to Zoe who looked as unsure as he did.

"The hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap. A single choice shall end his days." Zoe said softly as she looked into Percy's eyes.

Percy nodded as he understood what she was saying. The choice was his. He looked back at Luke and saw the sincerity but also the fear Percy that wouldn't trust him.

Percy sighed, "Fuck it. I hope this is right." He said as he handed Luke the blade. Luke shakily took it until the blade point was right over the middle of his sternum before he nodded to Percy who pushed the blade into his flesh.

Luke let loose and agonizing scream as his eyes glowed like lava. The throne room shook, throwing all Zoe, Percy and Annabeth of their feet. An aura of energy surrounded Luke, growing brighter and brighter as everyone shut their eyes. It was silent for a long time. When they reopened their eyes, Luke was sprawled out on the floor by the hearth. On the floor around him was a blackened circle of ash.

Annabeth rushed to his side while Percy kneeled beside him and was soon joined by Zoe as Luke and Annabeth spoke. After a minute Luke's eyes turned to Percy.

"Thank you Percy." He said quietly. Percy just nodded, sad at such a tragic end to Luke's life.

"Percy, please do one thing for me." Luke whispered. Percy nodded. "The campers. Make the gods treat them better. No more unclaimed kids stuffed into the Hermes cabin. It's not right."

Percy nodded, "I will Luke. I promise. You just relax. You died a hero; you will go straight to Elysium."

Luke's eyes widened in surprise but Percy just nodded seriously making Luke smile a bit, "Thank you." He said before turning back to Annabeth.

Percy stood up and pulled Zoe with him, deciding Annabeth deserved to spend Luke's final moments with him in privacy.

Percy and Zoe stood a few feet away, looking away from them as Annabeth kissed him before he gave his final breath. Percy was startled when he got punched in the chest by Zoe.

He looked at her confused but she just smirked, "I told you I wouldn't let you die."

Percy rolled his eyes but smiled, "Fine, once again you were right."

Zoe smirked triumphantly as she grabbed Percy's hand before the throne room doors burst open as the entire Olympian Council plus Hades and Persephone stormed in in their full battle regalia ready to battle Kronos.

Percy and Zoe looked back at the council as they let go of each other's hands and stood next to Annabeth.

"Percy," Hades called, awe in his voice. "That's my boy!" Percy turned and faced the Olympians. "We need a shroud," He announced, "A shroud for the son of Hermes."

The council stared at him in shock until Zeus noticed Annabeth standing beside Luke's body, crying.

"TRAITOR!" He bellowed as he raised his bolt. Athena tried to stop him but it was too late as he hurled it at a wide-eyed Annabeth.

"No!" Percy yelled as he stepped in front of Annabeth, pushing her out of the way and taking the bolt directly in the chest.

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