Reward Ceremony

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Ch. 25

Percy stood up and pulled Zoe with him, deciding Annabeth deserved to spend Luke's final moments with him in privacy.

Percy and Zoe stood back a few feet, looking away as Annabeth kissed Luke before he gave his final breath. Percy was startled when he got punched in the chest by Zoe.

He looked at her confused but she just smirked, "I told you I wouldn't let you die."

Percy rolled his eyes but smiled, "Fine, once again you were right."

Zoe smirked triumphantly as she grabbed Percy's hand before the throne room doors burst open as the entire Olympian Council plus Hades and Persephone stormed in in their full battle regalia ready to battle Kronos.

Percy and Zoe looked back at the council as they let go of each other's hands and stood next to Annabeth.

"Percy," Hades called, awe in his voice before he smiled proudly, "That's my boy!"

Percy turned and faced the Olympians. "We need a shroud," He announced, "A shroud for the son of Hermes."

The council stared at him in shock until Zeus noticed Annabeth standing beside Luke's body, crying.

"TRAITOR!" He bellowed as he raised his bolt. Athena tried to stop him but it was too late as he hurled it at a wide-eyed Annabeth.

"No!" Percy yelled as he stepped in front of Annabeth, pushing her out of the way and taking the bolt directly in the chest.

The bolt hit Percy square in the chest and sent him flying across the throne room, crashing into the far wall where he crumpled to the ground unmoving.

For an eerie few seconds after Percy hit the wall the throne room was in shocked silence. Even Zeus was frozen with a look of horror on his face as he realized he had just killed his nephew and most likely the one who had saved them all.

Zoe was frozen in shock along with most of the gods and goddesses in the room.

Then as if being unfrozen in time, multiple things happened at once.

Hades and Poseidon both turned to their brother without hesitation and blasted him back with a combination of sea green and black energy. Within seconds, Zeus was on the defensive trying to defend himself from two enraged members of the big three.

Zoe turned and sprinted to Percy's side, Persephone, Demeter and Hestia had already flashed there but were too frozen to touch him.

Athena grabbed Annabeth and flashed to the other side of the room where she stood protectively in front of her with Aegis out.

As Zoe reached Percy's side, she immediately slid onto her knees and gently put his head in her lap. Tears were falling from her eyes as she just held his head gently. She put a hand on his cheek before she froze when another hand reached up and grabbed hers.

Her eyes opened in shock as Percy had her hand pinned between his and his cheek.

"Ouch." Percy rasped out quietly.

Whether it was from relief he was alive or the fact that it was a very Percy like thing to say when being hit square in the chest by Zeus' master bolt, Zoe couldn't stop herself from laughing.

The three goddesses beside her wiped away their own tears before they smiled and knelt down beside Percy whose head still lay in Zoe's lap.

"Percy," Persephone said nervously. "Are you okay?"

Percy's left eye opened slowly as he locked on to his mother's greenish blue ones before a small smile appeared on his face.

"Honestly Mom, I've felt better. But I'll live." Percy said softly.

Persephone snorted and laughed at his response before she smiled and turned to find her husband with a sword at her father's throat right beside the trident leveled there by her uncle/brother-in-law. Before she could speak, a stern voice spoke above all others in the room.

"Dad!" Percy yelled. Both Hades and Poseidon turned to Percy, Hades shooting Poseidon a dirty look when he did. "Let's all relax. It was clearly a misunderstanding. Now I just had the longest three days of my life, let's all take it down a notch and talk this out." Percy said as he stood with his arm draped over Zoe's shoulders as he leaned on her.

Poseidon and Hades both removed their weapons from Zeus' throat and looked at Percy.

"How are you alive?" Poseidon asked in shock.

Percy rolled his eyes, "I didn't take a dip in the Styx for its clean and calm waters."

Poseidon's eyes widened in realization while Hades just grinned and walked over to Percy. He put on a hand on Percy's shoulder making Percy smile as that was the closest his father ever got to hugging, something Percy liked about his father.

"What did you protect that traitor?" Zeus asked, his tone not as demanding after feeling both his brother's wrath.

Percy shook his head, "Because she isn't a traitor. She is my friend and one of the heroes of the great prophecy." He said confidently.

Athena, who was still standing protectively in front of Annabeth, looked at Percy in shock before turning back to Annabeth and smiling.

After a long explanation to the Olympians of what transpired in the throne room, Annabeth, Percy and Zoe were hailed as the saviors of Olympus.

The three Fates themselves showed up to take Luke's body from the throne room. As they carried his body out, they stopped as they walked past where Percy, Zoe and Annabeth were standing. The middle sister looked at Percy with what he could only guess was amusement in the old hag's eyes.

"Still looking to smack us upside the head young hero?" She asked loud enough for the room to hear.

Percy paled at first but smirked a bit after he regained his composure, "Maybe I was a bit hasty in thinking that."

The sister nodded, "Perhaps you should wait before you make that decision, you still have a long road ahead of you demigod."

Percy's eyes widened as he locked eyes with the old hag. Images appeared in his head, moving so fast he couldn't grasp their meaning. He saw large wolves, teenagers in purple t-shirts and huge armies locked in battle.

Before he could say anything, the Fates were already walking out of the throne room with Luke's body. Percy's face went pale as they images left his mind.

Zoe looked at him worriedly, "What's wrong Percy?"

He shook his head slowly, "Nothing, I think."

Zoe looked at him confused but before she could ask more, the throne room fell silent as Zeus stood from his throne.

Zeus went on a long spiel about the bravery of the gods in their epic clash with the storm giant Typhon. Most of the gods hardly listened while Percy looked at Dionysus with amusement. He looked weak as he sat on a makeshift throne. His skin was pale white as the destruction of his throne had obviously affected him greatly.

Thalia and Clarisse had been freed from their blocks of ice as they both stood huddled next to each other wrapped in blankets shivering.

Zoe nudged Percy with her elbow to get his attention back on Zeus.

"As for my brothers" Zeus said, "we are thankful"-he cleared his throat like the words were hard to get out-"erm, thankful for the aid of Hades."

Poseidon snorted, "The aid of Hades brother? I believe Olympus would be in ruins if not for Hades and his children. I believe the house of Hades has earned the honor of more than our thanks."

Zeus' eyes flashed dangerously at being interrupted but Poseidon ignored it as he looked around at the other gods.

"I apologize Lord Zeus," Poseidon said with a glance at his brother but it was clear he was not sorry. "I have an idea that I would like to propose."

Zeus looked at Poseidon angrily but in front of all the demigods, nature spirits and other gods in the room there was little he could do but grudgingly nod, "And what would that be Poseidon?" He asked through gritted teeth.

Poseidon face quirked into a barely noticeable smirk, "I think the time has come to put our grudges behind us. We are after all, one big family. I would like to propose the addition of our brother and sister to the Olympian council." Poseidon said with a smile.

Zeus' eyes widened but Poseidon was on a roll, "Hades has proven his loyalty to Olympus in more ways than one. He came to the aid of our children and without him, Olympus may still stand but our children would have been massacred by the Titan Army. He is the father of the savior of Olympus and his other two children fought bravely to defend it just like the other demigods. As for Hestia, I believe a calming presence on the council may quell some of our, err, disagreements we have when we meet. She is also of course the patron to the savior of Olympus." He finished looked expectantly at Zeus and the rest of the council.

The throne room was in shocked silence. Poseidon was smart, he knew Zeus would have to put it to a vote with everyone standing there watching him expectantly.

Zeus' face was bright red but he bit his tongue. He knew he had no choice.

"We shall put my brother's idea to a vote." He said, saying the word brother with clear distaste.

"All in favor of adding Hades and Hestia to the council?" Hera asked when Zeus apparently couldn't get the words out.

Nine hands rose quickly as only Ares, Dionysus and Zeus kept their hands down. Zeus looked like he was trying to swallow a grenade but he nodded, "The idea is passed. I present the newest Olympians, Lord Hades and Lady Hestia." He said putting on a fake small smile.

Two new thrones rose up from the ground at the end of the rows of thrones. One was black and inlaid with obsidian and gold. The other was a soft orange and looked like it was made of flames.

Hades looked a Poseidon in shock but nodded and gave him a small smile of thanks as he went to his new throne and sat down.

Hestia walked up to Poseidon and wrapped him in a hug, whispering some words in his ear before kissing him of the cheek and making her way to her new throne.

Zeus turned to Poseidon with narrowed eyes, "Anything else brother?"

Poseidon smirked, "No Lord Zeus and thank you for hearing my idea."

Zeus cleared his throat and turned back to everyone, "That leaves us," he said, "only the matter of thanking our young demigod heroes, who defended Olympus so well."

He called Thalia forward first, since she was his daughter, and promised her help in filling the hunters' ranks.

Artemis smiled, "You have done well, my lieutenant. You have made me proud, and all those hunters who perished in my service will never be forgotten. They will achieve Elysium, I am sure." She said looking pointedly at Hades.

Hades nodded, "Already done niece." He said much to the surprise of Artemis. She looked confused until Hades' eyes flickered over to Percy making Artemis smile again.

Thalia beamed with pride. "Thank you, my lady." She bowed to the gods and then made her way over to stand by Artemis's side still shivering.

Athena stood from her throne, "Annabeth Chase, my own daughter."

Annabeth walked from Percy and Zoe's side and knelt at her mother's feet.

Athena smiled, "You, my daughter, have exceeded all expectations. With the help of your friends," she glanced at Percy and smiled, "you have proven your loyalty to Olympus against the odds. You used your wits and intelligence to help decipher the great prophecy and were an intricate part of ensuring it would end in Olympus' favor. It has come to our attention that Olympus is . . . Well, trashed. The Titan Lord did much damage that will have to be repaired. We could rebuild it by magic, of course, and make it just as it was. But the gods feel that the city could be improved. We will take this as an opportunity. And you, my daughter, will design these improvements."

Annabeth looked up, stunned. "My . . . My lady?"

Athena smiled wryly. "You are an architect, are you not? Who better to than one of the saviors of Olympus to redesign it and make it a monument that will last for another eon?"

Annabeth was in shock. She nodded her head numbly, "Thank you mother." She said before walking back to Percy and Zoe's side. Percy couldn't stop himself from chuckling at her face earning him a jab to the ribs courtesy of Zoe.

Artemis stood from her throne, "Zoe Nightshade, please come forward."

Zoe's eyes widened before her face turned a pale white. She looked over at Percy to find him smiling at her and nodding even if it was forced. She walked forward and bowed to the council before kneeling at Artemis' feet.

"You my friend were one of the three saviors of Olympus. You have made me and all the huntresses proud with the bravery and courage you showed in defending Olympus and helping to defeat the Titan Lord." Artemis said with pride in her voice.

Zoe remained kneeling in front of her.

Artemis smiled and held out her hand as a crescent moon tiara appeared in it.

"For your heroics, I offer you back your immortality and rank as lieutenant in the hunt. The leadership of two brave heroines will only help the hunt going forward." She said still smiling.

Zoe remained kneeling with her head bowed as she bit her lip nervously, her mind racing as she tried to make a decision. After a moment of silence she looked up at Artemis but remained bowing.

"Please forgive me my lady but I cannot accept." She said nervously.

Artemis' smile vanished as she looked at Zoe in shock. A look of hurt flashed through her silver eyes making Zoe's heart break a bit.

"The hunt has excelled in my absence under the leadership of Thalia. During my time at camp, I have made many friends and I have found a new home and family in them. I cherish my time and memories in the hunt as some of the best in my life but I think my time as a member has passed and I cannot return. I am sorry." Zoe said nervously as she knelt in front of Artemis.

Artemis and the entire throne room were in shocked silence. Finally Artemis nodded, "Very well my friend. I am happy you have found friends and family in the campers." She said before sitting back down in her throne.

Zoe slowly got up and returned to Percy's side where his brain was still numb from what he just witnessed. Zoe didn't look at him as she returned to her place by his side. Before he could think about it any further, Zeus bellowed his name.

"Perseus Jackson," He boomed as the throne room fell into complete silence.

Percy slowly walked to the middle of the throne room and bowed.

"Perseus, you were the key to the defense of Olympus and in defeating the Titan Lord and his army. You led your fellow campers and overcame insurmountable odds in holding the Titan Army off from Olympus while we were battling the storm giant Typhon. For your actions, we the council, have decided to bestow upon you the greatest gift any hero can achieve. A gift that has not been offered to a mortal hero in millennia but if you want it, it is yours. We offer you the gift of godhood; a chance to serve as your father's lieutenant for all time."

Percy looked up at Zeus in shock, "You want to make me a god?"

Zeus nodded slowly, "For the first time ever, the council was unanimous in offering you this gift. Will you accept it?"

Percy looked around the throne room to see most of the gods smiling and nodding at him. His father was looking at him and nodding, telling him to accept the offer. His eyes flickered from his father to his patron who smiled warmly at him. He felt his confidence increase under her gaze and knew what he needed to do.

Percy took a deep breath, "Please forgive me my lord but I cannot accept."

No one spoke for a moment before Zeus' eyes narrowed, "You would deny our generous offer?"

Percy nodded slowly, "I am sorry uncle but not three hours ago, I was quite convinced I would be dead by this point. Before I died, I told my patron a couple of things that I wanted done when I died. Since I am not dead, I believe my gift would be better suited for these requests. But since the offer was godhood, a much greater gift than my small requests, I would ask that the council swears to grant these small requests."

Zeus looked at Percy shocked, "And what are these requests?"

Percy smiled a bit, "I need the council's word on the River Styx that my requests won't be ignored."

Zeus nodded numbly, "If it is within our power, we the council swear on the River Styx to grant your requests so long as they are reasonable."

Thunder boomed overhead making Percy grin, "They are within your power and aren't even hard. I made a few promises that I need to keep."

Everyone looked at Percy confused making his smile grow, "My first request is the release of the peaceful Titans, including Calypso, immediately. I washed up on her island and while she may have supported the Titans in the first war, I believe her sentence has been served has it not? She helped nurse me back to health and I am forever in her debt. I must ask she be released as soon as possible. On top of that, a general amnesty for all minor gods and demigods who joined the Titan Army. They had their reasons for turning against Olympus but if things are ever going to get better then we need to move forward and forget about old grudges. We need a united Olympus both among the gods and the demigods if we're going to avoid another war like the one we just fought."

Zeus' eyes widened but Percy ignored it and continued, "Second, I want cabins built at Camp Half-Blood for all the gods both major and minor. I was forced to kill more demigods than I would ever care to remember because they joined the Titan Army after feeling unwanted at camp after being crammed into the Hermes cabin. I also want all demigods to be claimed by the time they turn twelve. I can't imagine a worse feeling than knowing you have a god or goddess as a parent and them not deeming you worthy enough to even claim as their child."

At those words most of the council's eyes widened while a few of the goddesses smiled at Percy. Most of the male gods paled at the thought of all their children. Before anyone could speak, he continued.

"And lastly I have request that isn't even of you gods. I merely ask that you allow it to be done. It is a job for the new architect of Olympus." He said with a small smile at Annabeth.

Every looked at Percy curiously.

"I want a monument built to commemorate the sacrifices that everyone who died to defend Olympus made. But it cannot be some little plaque or statue. No, it needs to be something special. Something never done before in order to truly acknowledge the greatness of the sacrifice they made so we all could be standing here today. I want an entire courtyard on Olympus dedicated to the monument with statues of every single camper and huntress who gave their lives in service to Olympus in this war. You offer me the gift of immortality but I would like to give it them. Even if they cannot live forever, their images and their heroics shall be remembered for all time; a tribute on Olympus that will last for eternity so that not a single one of them is ever forgotten." He finished confidently.

The council was silent until Zeus looked at Percy a little taken aback by his requests, "Is that all?" He growled.

Percy was about to nod but stopped and smirked, "No actually. I need several boxes of donuts too."

A few people laughed but most just looked at Percy like he had grown a second head

. He just smiled, "I promised a Pegasus who saved my life all the donuts he could eat. I don't make promises I don't intend to keep."

Zeus just shook his head, "You ask a lot Perseus…" but Percy interrupted him.

"I hold you to your oath. All of you." He said seriously.

The council was silent for a minute before Athena stood up, "Perseus is correct and his requests are not that much to ask. We gave him our word and we need to keep it. This war could have been a lot easier if we paid more attention to our children and treated the minor gods better. While it is humbling to have to be told by one of our children, he is correct. Olympus needs to change this is our opportunity to do it."

"But I can't possibly keep track of all my kids!" Apollo yelled from his throne.

A silver arrow imbedded in his throne just below his manhood. "Then keep it in your pants you pig." Artemis growled before looking at Percy. Whether it was a good or bad look, he didn't know but he was hoping to avoid finding out anytime soon.

Zeus sighed and grumbled about being told what to do by a mere child before nodding in Percy's direction, "Very well, it will be as you say nephew. Hermes, go release Calypso from her island and Athena's daughter will begin work on the monument. Cabins will be built at Camp Half-Blood as soon as possible. Now I believe a celebration for our victory is in order." He said as his face shifted into a small smile.

Percy nodded, "Thank you Lord Zeus." He said as he went to turn around then he stopped and looked at Zeus expectantly.

Zeus was confused until he chuckled and snapped his fingers as a half-dozen boxes of donuts appeared in front of Percy.

Percy grinned and grabbed the boxes before a vanished into a shadow to deliver on one of his promises.

Line Break

Percy was walking back after delivering on his promise to Blackjack. To say the Pegasus was pleased would be an understatement. He vowed to be Percy's lifetime Pegasus, not allowing anyone else to ride him as long as Percy was alive unless Percy asked him to.

Percy smiled as he walked, his own Pegasus sounded pretty cool actually. Even if Blackjack went a little crazy when he had too many donuts as Percy made a mental note to never give him more than a dozen at once again. Blackjack had become very jittery and excited before he had taken off to find a certain beautiful mare he said he had his eye on.

Percy arrived in the courtyard of Olympus to find the place rocking. Music blared and people were dancing. He saw more than a few demigods with bottles of wine in their hands despite their young age. He chuckled and figured they deserved a little fun after the war they had just fought.

Before he could make his way into the party, a familiar beautiful girl stepped in front of Percy with a big smile on her face.

"Calypso," he said with a smile. "I see the gods did indeed keep their word.

Calypso was silent. Instead she just stepped forward and wrapped Percy in a tight embrace. When she stepped back, a few tears trickled down her cheeks.

"You kept your promise." She whispered.

Percy just shrugged, "I don't make promises I don't intend to keep."

Calypso smiled, "Thank you Percy."

He nodded and smiled back at her, "So what will you do now?"

Calypso cocked her head to the side. Percy couldn't help but see the slight resemblance she and Zoe had.

"I really don't know." She said with a smile. "That is a nice feeling though. For so many years I knew what every day would be like. Now I have no idea what comes next and that is a strange but pleasant feeling."

Percy nodded feeling happy he managed to get her freed, something she definitely deserved.

Calypso looked at him with a warm smile, "Thank you Percy. I am going to find Zoe, we have many things to catch up on." She said before giving him a kiss on the cheek and taking off in search of her sister.

As Percy watched Calypso disappear into the crowds of people he went in search of his parents. As he looked, he came across a very drunk and still weak looking Dionysus drowning himself in a bottle of wine as he tried to hit on nymphs. Percy smirked as the god of wine put his arm around one of the nymphs and went to take another drink from the bottle. Dionysus' eyes narrowed as he held by bottle up but nothing came out. He moved the bottle to his eye to look inside as Percy let the liquid flow again, dousing the god's face in wine and allowing the nymph to slip out from under his arm and walk away.

Percy was about to walk away when a hand landed on his shoulder from behind him, "Having fun?" A feminine voice asked.

He turned and met the striking grey eyes of Athena who was smiling at him.

He started to bow but she stopped him, "Please Perseus, no need for that." She said in a kind tone.

Percy smiled at her.

Athena looked at him gratefully, "I just wanted to thank you for saving my daughter. That was very brave of you to take that bolt for her."

Percy winced and put a hand on his chest where the bolt struck before he smiled, "She is a good friend. I was angry with her until I knew she had no choice. She was the one who convinced Luke to sacrifice himself in the end. She and Luke were the real heroes of the prophecy, I simply followed her lead."

Athena smiled and shook her head, "You are very humble Perseus. Perhaps you will escape my sister's wrath after all."

Percy's eyes widened as his face paled making Athena chuckle, "Relax, I don't think she will kill you. But I believe she will want a word with you before the night is over."

Percy nodded numbly, "Thank you for the warning Lady Athena."

Athena nodded, "Thank you for saving my daughter, I am in your debt Perseus."

Percy snapped out of his shock, "No you're not. Annabeth is one of my best friends and she was innocent."

Athena just smiled at Percy as she looked behind him before walking away. Percy turned around only to be engulfed in a hug by a smiling Goddess of Spring.

"My little boy is the savior of Olympus." She said happily.

Percy groaned a bit but hugged her back, "C'mon Mom."

Hades smirked at his wife's babying of their son, "Oh leave the boy alone, you're embarrassing him."

Percy looked at his father gratefully but Persephone just rolled her eyes and hugged him tighter.

Once Persephone let him go, Percy looked at his father with a smile, "Well looks like I'm now the son of an Olympian god, it's about time."

"You got that right." He grumbled before looking at Percy with pride shining in his onyx colored eyes.

"So looks like you will remain a demigod; care to share your reasoning behind that decision?" Hades asked with an eyebrow raised.

Percy paled a bit, "I'm sorry father. It just didn't feel right."

Hades' face cracked into a slight smirk, "You misunderstand me Perseus. I am not upset with the decision you made. I am proud. That was a good thing you did for the demigods."

Percy sighed with relief and nodded.

Hades' smirk grew just a bit, "And I'm sure it had nothing to do with Atlas' daughter either."

Percy's eyes widened and his face started to redden before Persephone smacked her husband's arm, "Oh leave him be. She is a very beautiful girl, you should be proud."

Hades smiled, "I am. He has done well for himself and certainly deserves his happiness." He said before turning back to Percy, "I assume you know that that two of you welcome at home whenever you want."

Percy nodded as he tried to force the blush off his face making both his parents chuckle.

Persephone stepped forward and grabbed his hand, "Come, I believe the savior of Olympus is going to treat his mother to a dance."

Percy groaned loudly making Persephone roll her eyes before Hades pushed his son towards the dance floor behind Persephone, an amused look in his eyes.

"Fine just this once and only because it's you and I love you." Percy said with a smile.

Persephone beamed as she dragged Percy out onto the dance floor. Unfortunately for Percy, he was rather popular among the female goddesses and remained trapped out there for more than hour after Demeter and Hestia demanded he dance with them. Aphrodite had tried to grab Percy as he left the dance floor but was cut off by Hera who Percy was more than a little nervous to dance with. She was surprisingly nice and Percy even noticed Zeus smile at them once he got over his surprise of seeing them dancing.

As the song came to its end, Percy planned to sneak away from the dance floor at last but his hopes were crushed when a certain silver-eyed twelve-year-old goddess asked to cut in before the song ended.

Artemis grew herself to Percy's age of sixteen as a slow song came over the music. Percy glanced over at Apollo who was acting as deejay for the party as sent him a pleading look. Apollo returned a megawatt grin and two thumbs up to Percy's look.

Artemis grabbed one of Percy's hands while the other rested on the back of his neck. Percy carefully placed his hand at her waist as his face turned a shade a sickly shade of white.

For the first minute they danced, Artemis remained silent only making Percy more sure she was about to kill him. Finally the moon goddess spoke but her tone did nothing to give away her mood.

"So you will remain a mortal Perseus. Care to inform me of your reasons?" She asked stoically.

Percy thought about how to answer, trying to word his reply carefully, "My siblings are mortal along with all my friends Lady Artemis. I did not want to lose them."

Artemis nodded, "And Zoe?"

Percy paled, "Yes she is one of my best friends, I didn't want to lose her either."

Artemis squeezed Percy's hand painfully hard, "Is that all?" She asked in a warning tone.

Percy winced and looked up to find the goddess' silver eyes boring into him as if daring him to lie.

"No." He said quietly as he prepared to be turned into a jackelope. Surprisingly the tension on his hand lessened just a bit.

"Tell me Perseus, what would you have done if Zoe rejoined the hunt?" Artemis asked.

Percy was surprised by the question but he knew the answer, "Nothing."

Artemis raised an eyebrow.

Percy sighed, "I wasn't lying when I said she was one of my best friends. She is my best friend and I want her to be happy whether that means she stayed in camp or rejoined the hunt. I honestly thought she was going to accept your offer."

Artemis nodded, "You do realize that if it were anyone other than you, you would be a jackelope pelt hanging from the wall of my tent, right?"

Percy looked up at her a little fearfully but nodded.

Artemis was silent for a minute before she sighed, "Zoe is the best friend and greatest huntress I have ever had. But if being at camp or being with you is what makes her happiest then I will not try to stop her."

Percy looked up at her surprised before Artemis' eyes narrowed, "But I promise that if you break her heart, there will be no corner of the Underworld to hide in or god you can hide behind to escape my wrath." She growled expecting Percy to panic. When he smiled, she looked at him confused.

"That sounds fair to me." He said quietly.

Artemis smiled, "You're off to a good start. Now I recommend you go ask her to dance before one of my disgusting half-brothers does or even worse, Apollo."

Percy eyes widened and he nodded and was about to walk away but stopped and looked at Artemis seriously, "Thank you Lady Artemis." He said sincerely.

Artemis' smile grew just a bit before she shooed him away.

Percy wandered around until he found Zoe talking with Annabeth to the side of the dance floor. He walked up to them with a smile, "And how are the heroines of Olympus doing?"

Both girls rolled their eyes but Annabeth quickly hugged Percy, "Thank you so much Percy. I can't believe you took that bolt for me."

Percy winced involuntarily, "What are friends for, right? But you owe me now; that was just as painful as the Styx."

Annabeth nodded quickly, "Anything you want Percy."

Percy smiled, "Make the monument to everyone who died something special. Just like your Mom said, something that will last for eons. Then we're even."

Annabeth smiled excitedly, "Of course. I already have some plans. I was thinking of doing…" She began until Percy held up his hand to stop her.

"You're the brains Annabeth. I have no doubts it will be every bit as good as I hope and then some." He said quickly.

Annabeth glared at him playfully, "Fine, I'll show you once I have it designed. Just a big picture so your little brain can comprehend it."

Percy grinned, "Perfect!"

Annabeth rolled her eyes, "I need to find my mother. You two are on your own." She said smirking a bit before walking away.

Percy turned to Zoe a tad nervously, "So, do you want to dance?"

Zoe raised an eyebrow but nodded, "Fine, just this once."

As they made their way out to the dance floor, another slow song came up. Percy glanced up Apollo who gave him another thumbs up making Percy have to bite back a chuckle.

As they danced, they were silent for a minute until Zoe broke it, "You've been popular out here tonight."

Percy shrugged, "Mostly just with my Mom and Grandma; although Hera asking me to dance was pretty surprising."

Zoe chuckled, "I think everyone stopped and watched you two for the first couple minutes until they got over their shock."

"Hey, she's actually pretty nice. She gets a bad rep being married to Zeus." Percy argued until thunder rumbled overhead, "Sorry uncle." He added quietly.

Zoe rolled her eyes, "Real smart Percy."

Percy shrugged before becoming more serious, "I also danced with Lady Artemis." He said quietly.

Zoe's eyes widened, "How did that go?"

Percy smiled, "It was alright. A little scary at first but we're cool now."

Zoe raised an eyebrow.

"She wanted to know why I turned down godhood." Percy said quietly.

Zoe nodded, "And why did you?" She asked with a small smile.

"I didn't want it. Besides, it seemed dumb to leave behind the person who tied me to my mortality especially after she turned down immortality herself a few minutes earlier." Percy whispered in her ear.

Zoe stepped back and looked at him shocked. Percy nodded, "It was you that pulled me out of the River Styx; the one who kept me grounded to the mortal world."

Zoe stared at Percy for a second before her hands drifted to his hair as she pulled his face down into a soft kiss. Percy felt the weight of the world lift off his shoulders as his lips met hers. Everything that had been there his whole life weighing him down leading up to that moment was finally gone and he was truly free.

Zoe pulled back from the kiss as their foreheads pressed together, "I love you Percy."

Percy's expression shifted into a soft smile, "I love you too Zoe."

Zoe smiled as she pulled her head back from his. They both opened their eyes at the same time to find the music had stopped and every single person in the courtyard was looking at them.

Before they could say anything, almost everyone started cheering and applauding as both their faces turned cherry red.

Percy pulled her close before a shadow engulfed the couple, taking them away from their embarrassing moment.

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