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A solute of a canine ran deep into the forest of Berk, just off Raven's Point, paws almost seeming to glide through the trees. The animal growled coming to an almost stop, its fur raised, baring its teeth, legs in a fight position. Its ears twitched, golden brown eyes looked at the bushes. A rattle of the leaves revealed red glowing eyes. The canine stepped back, baring his teeth more, the phantom like creature snarled back. Its figure wasn't exactly focused even though they were close.

The Phantom snorted at them, before looking at the direction it came and back to the other. It let out a yowling howling, the wind picked up, fire formed around them. The canine looked around, moving in a defensive position, ears moving to the side. Lightning surrounded them. The phantom disappeared with the fire, eyes glowing a cold steal blue.

The lightning lowered, the canine's eyes glowed a bright gold.

He shot up in his bed, he felt liquid pour down his face. His green eyes twitching rapidly. "What?" Was the only thing he could muttered. He felt the scaly head of his reptilian friend, lay on his lap. The dragon let out a gentle purr. He placed his hand on the dragon's forehead, gently stroking him. "What?" Was all he could bring out.

It wasn't the most terrifying dream ever had. But it felt so real, he could feel the heat of the fire, the static of the lightning, his surrounding. It felt so real. But it was a dream. Right? He wasn't even on Berk. He was on Dragon's Edge. Where they have been for months now. They were trying to figure out how to stop Viggo. Where the dream came from, was beyond him.

The dragon let out a small concern growl. He shook his head. "I'm okay" He breathed out deeply. "It was just a dream" The teen spoke. The dragon snorted at him, looking towards the wall. Hiccup followed his gaze to a lightning burned into the wall. "What? How did that...."

"Hiccup?!" He heard the concerned voice of Astrid. He looked to the odor as it happened. "What was that?!" She came in with the others behind her.

"I......I don't know..... What happen?" He questioned, he was getting anxious. He looked at the lightning burn.

"There was a lightning a storm, it was like a tornado surrounding our hut only" She came closing.

"We thought the Skrill," Snotlout started.

"Hiccup, there was no Skrill" Fishlegs finished. Hiccup felt his heart miss a beat. The dragon gave him a concerned look. He couldn't help but go to the mark on his wall.

"Whoa that is so cool, I want one" Tuffnut awed at the marking on the wall. Ruffnut rolled her eyes, pulling her brother back.

"Are you okay?" Astrid questioned quietly.

"I....I don't know, I need to go" He moved passed them, heading out the door, the dragon. Followed him out of the hut. He tuned to the hut, it was covered in lightning burns over the hut. The dragon looked at his rider. He saw where they came from, when it happened it hadn't lasted long, maybe a couple minutes, but it had done a lot of damage.

"Hiccup where are you going? You need to explain this" Astrid was concerned for him.

"I'm going to Berk, I don't know how to explain this. I need to find something on Berk, Don't ask, I don't know"

"What are you looking for?" Snotlout questioned.

"Maybe we could help" Fishlegs.

Hiccup bit his lip, he wasn't sure how to explain this. He saw heather just staring at the lightning burns, in amazement and confusion. "I need to find the Phantom Wolf, it's on Berk still"

"Umm Hiccup, not too burst that bubble, but that wolf, is most likely dead, last anyone has seen it was 13 years ago and wolves only have a 14 year lifespan so likely chance it is a live is low" Fishlegs explained.

"Yeah, it's still alive" Hiccup rubbed the back of his neck. "Anytime i go into the forest, it's around. Not sure why though"

"Wait a minute, your meaning to say you get stalked by the very wolf that, killed your brother 13 years ago, and you said nothing, especially to your father" Astrid facepalmed.

"Yeah, pretty much" Hiccup swallowed. "It's never acted aggressive towards me not that I have gotten close enough it" Hiccup spoke. "Yeah I hear how stuffed up that is."

"Wait, you had a brother?" Heather questioned, It was the first time hearing about this and she was more then curious.

"Yeah, He did, He was a complete asshole" Astrid muttered.

"He struggled with his anger, most of the time they ended up on the wrong of it" Hiccup told Heather honestly. "He could be terrifying when his anger strikes, loses control and someone would get hurt or a new hole in the wall would appear" Astrid looked at him. "What? You think you're the ones who coped his anger? No. Gothi even said he had serious anger issues, he struggled with it" Hiccup explained. "He didnt take out on you guys all the time, just some of the time"

"You had to stop him that day, or don't you remember him actually hitting you that had you ended on the ground" Astrid told him.

"Ohh I remember it, like I had he had serious anger issues, lost control over it, wasn't always his fault for it to trigger" Hiccup defended.

"OKay before this goes to far, what happened to him?" Heather questioned.

"I was told he was killed by a wolf, but there was no remains Found and i don't really remember what happen, All i know is i ended up with this scar" He pulled his tunic down on his right shoulder to show a bite scar, with a sort of lightning scar that over lapped it from another thing. "I got to go," He muttered mounting his dragon. They night fury gave a small nod before taking off into the sunrise kissed sky.

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