Chapter One

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The fury zoomed through the orange lit sky, it slowly turning pink as they flew close to the water for less wind resistance. The dragon was worried about him. Like he hadn't quite awaken from the dream he just had. Apart of him was still zoned out. Was this safe to be flying. Absolutely not. The dragon knew better then to stop him, even if he knew better. He would just find another way to Berk without him. He couldn't let that happen.

They hadn't arrived at Berk until the late morning, which was actually faster than they would normally fly with the other riders. The Night Fury landed near the hut located on top of the hill, the chief's home.

Hiccup dismounted the dragon, giving the dragon a rub on the forehead as he walked past, the fury gladly took it with a purr. He watched his rider head towards the house. He stopped. He looked at the night fury. "I have no clue what I am going to do" He admitted. The fury snorted. No he wasn't surprised. Wasn't the first, won't be the last time. "Yeah , yeah, I know" He looked around. "Where is everyone?"

The Fury sniffed the air, He could smell smoke from the distance. He looked towards the forest, he hit his rider in the head with his tail. Hiccup turned his head, to see black smoke in the distance he was guessing around Raven's point. "That's freaky" He muttered. He remounted the dragon. "Let's go check it out" How they both missed it was unknown

The dragon spread his wings leaped into the sky. The dragon flew above the forest and smoke line. The dragon was looking around. "Keep it going, we don't want this fire to go deeper in the forest" The chief shouted to his man, who were on dragons with large amounts of water in troth sized containers.

"Dad! What happened?" Hiccup shouted over the Roaring fire.

"Hiccup!? What are you..." Stoick was surprised. "My guess a dragon fight occurred around dawn, one or both involved caused it" He answered. "Why are you here?"

Hiccup looked at the night fury. Around the same time of the lightning storm that occurred on Dragon's Edge. The night fury grumbled "a hunch? I think"

"You had a hunch Berk was on Fire?" Gobber questioned him rather surprised

"Yeah... Plus a lightning storm occurred at around dawn only effected my hut on Dragon's Edge" He admitted. "I don't think this was a dragon"

The Viking Man looked at other other then towards him. "Son, What are you saying?"

"I don't know. It's more of theory" Hiccup explained. "I need to work it out on my own for now" Hiccup told him "Guessing the origin point of the fire was off Raven's Point?"

"We believe so, I can take you there, son"

"No, I got it" Hiccup patted the night fury and they flew into the fire, Toothless allowed his rider to show where they were going, they landed near a clearing that was already burnt out, there was some ambers and cinders burning. Hiccup looked around. "This is the spot" He spoke covering his eyes from the smoke. He went to where he saw the phantom in his dream. The dragon sniffed the area, only getting smoke. He sneezed.

"Sorry bud, these not a lot to go off," He went low, "I don't think it was deliberate."


It was around midday when the fire died down, the riders arrived shortly smoke was still in the air. "What happened!?" They were shocked to see the black smoke. Astrid saw Stoick heading to the his hut. She motioned down wards. "Is everyone okay?" The chief looked at her.

"Everyone's fine, don't you kids worry, it started a dawn deep in the forest" He explained. "Believe it was a dragon." He told them. "Did something happen? Hiccup is acting....."

"Strange, off, in an odd state?" Tuffnut cut off the chief.

"You should have saw him at the edge, something going on" Ruffnut added to her brother's statement.

"Plus the lightning storm that effected his hut, it seemed to swell around the hut, we couldn't do anything but stare at it, Now his his going to find the Phantom Wolf, apparently is seen It before" Astrid explained.

"It couldn't be the same animal, I know albino animals are rare, he might of seen a different, the chance it would be alive is slim" Fishlegs pointed out. "But that doesn't explain why he wants to find it."

Wait did you say the fire started at dawn? The same time the lightning occurred?" Heather was in thought. "That can't be a coincidence right? That is more terrifying, I think maybe the fire and storm were linked"

"How could they possibly be linked?" Astrid questioned. " Sure Hiccup was acting oddly and somehow knew to come here"

"He also thought he knew the Origin Point of the fire" Gobber spoke, he looked at Stoick, He seemed to have switched off at the word Phantom Wolf. "Ohh Stoick, I know that look" He groaned knowing how this was going to end. "Don't you think it's a wolf, an incredibly old wolf., maybe even a different wolf" He watched the chief walk into his hut without a word. "Go and find Hiccup, I will try and talk sense into him"

Astrid nodded. "I will go, He shouldn't be too far away, you guys get ready for the wolf hunt, if it happens." Astrid hinted, Fishlegs gave a nod in response, he understood. She mounted onto the Nadder. "Find him, girl" she spoke to the tracker class dragon who took off into the sky. The dragon guided above the smothering smoke.

It hadn't taken the Nadder long to find the young heir as he was defeated. He honestly wasn't sure what he was doing. "Hiccup!" She shouted as the Nadder landed, she dismounted. "If you want to find that wolf your going to have to find it first"

"What? Why?" He questioned, looking at her. She rubbed her hair, as very hiccup move. "You told him I was looking for the wolf?" He had an annoyed look on his face. "You can help me find him, my guess he would of went away from the fire, would of freaked him out it starting suddenly, an animal would go to places of water or even higher ground"

"It could be a female" Astrid spoke up. Hiccup looked at her.

"If I am right, it's defiantly male" He spoke, walking towards the forest away from the direction of the smoke. He looked around for any sort of foot steps.

"Hiccup" Astrid tapped him, she was staring at burnt paw prints into a rock. "That's not normal right?"

"Yeah no, it's not, well my theory is coming more possible" He muttered "You coming?" He asked following the burnt paw prints that slowly turn into Normal paw prints.

"What Theory?"

"Not telling" He spoke while walking, Astrid bit her lips giving a small groan. "You wouldn't believe me if I told."

Hello!!! Yeah still no description, it will come day over the rainbow. Updating schedule? You guess these none, me with schedules isn't well that good. I know I suck, but between uni, assessments, Easter, study and working in the holidays it's a lot to find time to update any of my stories.

So I am debating on wether it's only Hiccup and my mysterious wolf have Altered DNA. Should I add the riders or some? And Who? I am complicating, please let me know which one you are more interested in. I was thinking maybe the twins but I don't know, I kinda want Snotlout to be human and actuallly from Berk (you probably see where that is going)

So please comment , I am in dire need of help with this, my brain doesn't work all the time.

~ SoulFury

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