Chapter Two

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They had been tracking in the forest for a few hours it was nearing the end of the day. Hiccup stopped "Wolves hunt at night in the Winter, they typically start around twilight and can go all night to track their prey" Hiccup said suddenly. "But honestly Wolves are crepuscular by nature, which means they are typically more active during dusk and dawn"

Astrid looked at him "Since when were you an expert on Wolves, did you have a secret fascination on wolves as a kid?" Hiccup gave her a confused look.

"No..." he paused "I don't know, how I know that" He spoke softly. "Before you say tracking down the phantom wolf that can apparently create a forest fire."

"When are you going to explain......." Hiccup lifted his hand to her to be quiet. He was watching the tree line, He could see a white figure in the trees. She say it "Hiccup this is a bad idea" She heard a growl in response, she watched the canine come closer to them, its ears twitching as it came out of the tree line. Hiccup looked at the white animal, it's pointed ears and it's pointed snout.

Hiccup went closer, He heard Astrid say his name to not go. He ignored her. He went down to the canine. "You're not a Wolf" He spoke softly, it twitched its ears. "You're a coyote" He stood up, turned to Astrid. "Coyote? We don't get coyotes on Berk, Wolves we do but not Coyotes"

Astrid looked at the coyote, she gasped. "You're right. Why would there be a coyote on Berk? How did it get here?" She questioned "who would even think of bring one here?" Hiccup shook his head slightly. He went to the coyote in front of him, lending a hand out to it. The coyote walked over to him closing it's eyes as Hiccup patted it.

"You're not monster" He spoke, "You didn't mean to do it, it just happened" He spoke softly, stroking the coyote's head. Its snout went towards Astrid and it lifted its upper lip in a growl, fur raising. "Hey, it's okay, she's a friend" Hiccup stood between them, the coyote snorted in response.

"Why does it, hate me? I can with you" Astrid complained, holding her weapon tightly in her hands. Hiccup looked at her, trying not to laugh.

"It, is a He, and his never liked you" He spoke, "He holds a grudge apparently ones that last thirteen years" He muttered the last part, Astrid gave him a look to explain, he rubbed the back of his neck "the coyote is Hunter" He spoke up.

"You have to kidding, Hiccup, Hunter died" She told him strictly she saw a glow in the coyote's eyes from the corner of her eye. She walked over to the coyote ignoring hiccups comments about 'He knew and wasn't sure how to prove it, but he knew it was true' He followed her move. "His eyes, they flickered when I said his name"

Hiccup went to him, "His name?" He spoke. "Ohh of cause, in werewolf mythology, saying their name will reveal their true self, but obviously his not a wolf, his a coyote" He saw her open her mouth. "Yeah I really have no explanation why i know this, maybe i did read something when i was younger and don't remember reading it" He pointed out. He turned back to the albino coyote, looking at his red eyes "Hunter? I'm right, right?" The coyote's eyes glowed blue for a moment.

"How is he a coyote? Which means his been a coyote for thirteen years" Astrid spoke. "But why doesn't he just you know turn human?" Hiccup thought for a moment.

"I think his stuck, he was pretty angry and upset that day, maybe it overwhelmed him and he turned into a coyote, somehow, it explains the shredded clothing and no body."

"Ohh these one more thing that doesn't make sense, you maybe right about all that, How can he even shift into a coyote in the first place? Another thing why did he bite you? We may never got along, but I do know he wouldn't hurt you, so why did he bite you that night"

"I don't know" She was right, Hunter shouldn't be about to turn into a coyote. "Something else we need to work out, don't forget the fire, he did that too, on accident" He looked at the coyote, who had turned his ears back and head down. "Question is how do we turn him human before dad finds him" The coyote looked them and yalled at them. "The gang said......" An arrow was shoot into a tree. The coyote backed up. "Run! Run!" Hiccup shouted, he wanted the coyote turn into a leap, dashing into the forest. Hiccup looked to who shot the arrow it was a villager he wasn't very familiar with, then he saw his father. "Dad!" He shouted annoyed.

"Thank Thor you two are okay" Stoick spoke. "What were you thinking?! That wolf, killled your brother"

"You know that is litterally impossible to be the same wolf" Hiccup said sarcastically. "And if your looking for a wolf, you got the wrong animal" Hiccup told him.

"I recognize that beast anywhere" He glared at him. Hiccup glared back, letting out a smallish growl.

"That 'wolf' is a coyote not a wolf, his not dangerous, his scared" Hiccup started. "Hunter didn't die that night, he was turned into a coyote somehow. If you go after him, you will be killing him all over again"

"Hiccup! Enough! Do you hear yourself!?" Stoick was furious " can't you see I am trying to keep you and Berk safe"

"from a Coyote!?" Hiccup backed up " I won't let you kill him" hiccup threaten, his eyes glowed gold for a second. He turned to the forest, toothless neared him with a growl, hiccup leaped onto him as they took to the sky.

"Sir, his right" Astrid tried, she got a look that told her not to say a word, watching the chief walk off. Astrid turned to the other dragon riders "any ideas on how to turn a coyote Back into a human?"

"Depends on what we know of his transformation why his been stuck for thirteen years" Fishlegs said. "Now are we sure that coyote is hunter"

"Ohh it's him, I don't know about you but have you ever seen anything's eyes change colour in a glow"

"Ahh yeah, just then" Tuffnut spoke up. Astrid looked at him in confusion. Before Ruffnut took over. "Hiccup's yes they turn gold, when he was talking to the chief, what ever Hunter has, Hiccup, I think he has it too" Snotlout remained quiet, in thought.

"So the question is how do we save Hiccup from turning into a coyote like hunter and turn Hunter into a human?"

"Anger" Heather spoke up quietly. They looked at her. "You mentioned Hunter had issues with his anger right? What if it got to much for him, I mean a five year old kid, losing control over their emotions is pretty likely what happened. He would have been confused, maybe Hiccup got in the way and he attacked uncontrollably. Hiccup was angry when his eyes changed colour"

"Well their eyes turned different colours, Hunter was blue and Hiccup had gold eyes. He also knows a lot on Wolves" Astrid said. "Trust me he doesn't even know how he knows that much on them"

Heather was in thought "Maybe they are different, Hunter may turn into a coyote but that doesn't mean Hiccup will, if he knows a lot on wolves maybe something deep down he has a connection to them. How do they even have these abilities in the first place?"

"They're adopted, not from Berk. I don't know where the chief found them" Snotlout spoke. "Hiccup, he doesn't know"

"How do you know?" Fishlegs questioned, before Astrid could.

"I over heard my dad and stoick talking one night about them, when we were young. That's all i know, maybe that place will give us answers, but right now we don't have time for that. Look I know most of us don't like Hunter, but he was just being protective over Hiccup. Because we were the jerks. But we can't let him die"

"Right, so what's the best research we can do. Hiccup mentioned werewolf mythology, it could help us. I know Hunter is a coyote and not well a wolf, but it may apply. Saying his name caused his eyes to glow but not shift."

"That's a start" Heather said. "I got a plan, Fishlegs and I will go to Berk, see if we can find anything on werewolves, you guys have to stall the hunt somehow." They nodded and splitted up into the two groups.

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