chapter 10

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It was a day before the Kala pradarshan , in the evening he was roaming arround hastinapur borders, he knew the princes were returning and would camp in the forest so he though this was a good time to see them.

When he reached there he accidentally bumped into duhassan who immediately started showing attitude and shouting at him.

This commotion brought out the four of the pandava's who were nearby and when they saw what happened yudhishtir being elder asked duhassan to appologise first since it was both their faults and he made it a bigger deal insulting the other person "karn".

Duhassan ignored this and left from there, and so yudhishtir introduces himself and apologises but is stopped by karn saying he didn't do anything wrong so he should not apologise and give him a small smile and starts to leave just when arjun returns and starts gushing about how his bow string is weak and he needs to go get another one.

Karn see the bow and can't control his urge to control it so stops there observing the bow and string and notices if it is tied in a different way it would be way stronger.

The other Pandava's are confused seeing his reaction and wondered why he was staring at the bow while arjun was wondering who the stranger is. Yudhishtir now decided to break the awkwardness and asked the mohoday why he still was there.

Karn chuckles and apologises for the interuption and says he is also a bow weaver and was adoring rajkumar's bow and also mentions how the string tind in another way will make it much stronger. Arjun remembered hearing this way once from his gurudev, but didn't get time to ask how to do it. So he smiles and requests Karn to do it.

Karn is shocked at the humility and asks you're a prince so why don't you just order me to do it for you. This time round yudhishtir answers that "one should always be kind when asking for help, mahoday" . And karn replies "true words "and say "I am definitely obliged to help you rajkumar but please just call me by my name since mahoday makes me feel old and im only a few years elder.

Karns begins to string the bow and arjun makes note of it while yudhishtir says your elder so how can we just call you by name, and introduces himself, karn says he has no problem, and before anyone interupts to argues he say's "you call your friends by name so you can be a friend and call me as well that is if you accept a sut as ur friend."

They are shocked that he is a sut cause his radiance and confidence definitely does not belong to a sut, but don't display their thoughts have learnt to mask their thoughts. They are about to answer but karn is called by his father and so he pardons himself and leaves.

They to leave this topic and prep up for their night. The nextday early morning they all head to the Ganga ghat for prayers as it's the day they are most excited for and their mother always told them to pray in happiness as much as they would in sadness.

They saw Karn there again and he looked mesmerising that they couldn't stop staring, karn felt the stares but ignored it since it was a regular thing during surya puja. He then move to the tridev statues which were well kept in memory of Ira and the devotion she brought about for the villagers that leaved around.

The princes saw the statues and felt a different kind of peace soon they left the place as the needed to be at the kalapradarshan. Karn on the other hand finished his prayers and went with his family to see the event.

As soon as the event started , karn could tell the family tension between the brothers, and also saw through the reason behind it. Since he became king he started his spy network that updated him about the happenings in Aryavat and he knew the history of kuruvanshi and could see trouble as in a war if the enemity grew.

While lost in his thoughts he saw how rajkumar duryodhan was being manipulated and also how the pandavas were being brought into the pradarshan using the wheel that was tampered with by Guru dron's son. Soon the Competition ended with rajkumar arjun being declared winner and Guru dron praising him to be the best archer in the whole aryavat.

Karn knew he had no right to enter but could not let this insult his gurupita's training which made him as capable as arjun, so he interupted. He was asked his identity which he proudly stated that he was son of Adhirath and Radhama and belonged to sut caste. Many of the people from council and the crowd shouted to discourage him.

None of those mattered, while he saw his parents who looked proud that their son was standing up for their community he was happy and knew his decision was right. Looking at the surroundings and the new comer's power at releasing duryodhan from arjun's arrows shakuni asked Rajkumar to befriend Karn as he would be a possible alley against the pandavas.

Rajkumar duryodhan agreed and the king to favoured him, Karn noticed Shakuni's wicked smile and knew he was going to be their pawn, he knew he had to find his way through and showcase his talent, so he agreed to accepting the kingdom, he knew his gurupita was a trikal darshi so knew this and understood why he had to be a normal person and not king.

As he accepted the crown and friendship he promised duryodhan to be by his side till dharma resides in his heart, even though the crown was offered for a selfish motive he knew the friendship was real.

Karn could tell that with some love and care duryodhan could actually live up to his original name suryodhan, and decided to help this family out during his time in hastinapur.

The pandava's all recognised him and were shocked to see him against them and befriend Duryodhan even though they had a form of unacknowledged friendship just a day before. The duel soon began and both had equal prowess it seemed like a fun match between the two.

Karn occassionally smiled at arjun and after the first two smiles arjun to replied back. Soon one of the arrow peirced his chest and his armour appeared this shocked evry one specially kunti who fainted on spot and was taken inside.

As the sun set their duel was declared a draw and since karn was now king of Anga he was invited to the royal feast that was being held.

He said he will return for it later and decided to go home, on the way back he saw the pandava's waiting outside a room and stopped to talk to them, Rajkumar bheem, arjun and Nakul now showed a displeased expression, while the other two had a neutral one.

Rajkumar sahadev was also a trikal darshi so knew karns identity but due to madirakshi's interference could not determine the complete story so was busy thinking that. Rajkumar yudhishtir was trying to figure why karn was there since he was friends with duryodhan who was always envious of them.

Karn spoke up and brought all five prince, he started by apologising if they felt like he had disrespected their guru.

This shocked all of the as they though karn hated guru dron for the rejection when young, noticing these reactions Karn inwardly chuckled and continued saying that he just wanted to showcase his strength so as to not insult his gurudev who had put in efforts to teach him. Yudhishtir accepted the apology but did not comment any further.

The pandava's were displeased with the association to duryodhan and so chose not to engage with karn when he had asked if they would also be his friends, since rajkumar duryodhan had accepted it.

Karn understood their dillema well and said take your time though ill be glad if we are friends. The pandavas then went to their mom who had been resting till now. They continueed their talks and left Karns thoughts on the side as his behaviour and choices confused them.


longest chapter till date XDXDXD

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