chapter 9

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Karn had grown into an exceptional warrior, he always had Ira in his thoughts that she would be proud of him achieving his dreams and be even happier than him, and as he completed his studies bhagwan parshurama asked for his gurudakshina.

He had been asked to follow four orders out of which the first one was to become a samrat – ( higher than most kings as has support of a 10 other kings). With this he had also asked for the second one and that was that though he was king his identity shoud remain a secret and he can't yet meet his family.

And that was achieved by defeating the king of Visala – Durvish who was and ex student of Guru dron's father and was now using his powers in supporting the assur and harming all his innocent citizens and the supporting kings.

This was one of the reasons for end of the cruel king however another was that only the ansh of suryadev who is a mortal and is unmarried can kill the king as this was a boon bestowed on him when he had pleased suryadev with his devotion.

Visala ( is an imaginery place just for this story outside of kuru kingdom, whether the kingdom had support of 100 king and was already a samrat)

This begam Karns first war and lasted 2 days, He had single handedly won the army and commander during the first day and the King during the second day.

Karn as expected was asked by the ministry to rule since that was in order once a king is defeated and the 100 kings were indebt of him for saving them from the tough atrocites of Durvish.

Karn was happy to fulfill the first gurudakshina and agreed as well as asked them to give him a new name that he will use as king of Visala and hence became samrat Virendra (means warrior king which describes him well ( a warrior then king ) .

His coronation was grandly done while he took the oath to protect all families under his rule, the view were requested by bhagwan parshurama to take oath of secrecy regarding karns description since the all knew him only by his new name. He had rulled for about 3 yrs peacefully, and his guru was proud of him.

During the three years all other kingdoms had heard about his rule and the properous growth of the kingdom, many wanted to form alliances through marriage but each time Karn had politely denied, some of his courtiers asked him why and also tried if their daughters could entice him.

Karn on the other hand never strayed from his duties, and replied that their queen would be different and out of this world, he always imagined Ira by his side and so could not see anyone else in her place.

Sometime he wondered whether she would still remember him, or would she have been married these thoughts disheartened him but her bracelet always made him smile, and remembered the last hug they had that always told him their bond was more than friendship and impossible to forget.

He was 28 now and that's when he met his guru again and was asked for the 3rd gurudakshina that was pending, he had to leave to his parents now and behave like a normal sut who had returned after completing his education no one should know about the king position. While doing this if he ever gets the chance to come in front of royals and show his powers he should do it with out mentioning the name of his guru.

He was confused due to this but bhagwan parshurama answered the unasked questions that it is not the time to reveal his identity yet and so his 2nd gurudakshina is still valid, and his hidden identity serves the purpose to help encourage the people and royals of hastinapur and other nearby kingdoms to break the caste barrier and encourage more people to gain education.

Listening to this he remembered some of his struggles and smiled at the thought he could help more people from his birthplace. One of the ministers who was Karn's fathers age, mahoday ( mister) shukla had grown closer to Karn over the year and so when karn left to complete his third guru dakshina, he left him in charge.

When he made this anouncement all were shocked but the understood he was needed elsewhere, he had promised to not neglect his duties and visit every month so they were assured that they will be safe.

Shuklaji on the other hand asked why this was nesseccary since the details of the gurudakshina weren't mentioned, he never lied and so told his truth about being a sut by caste to him, shuklaji working with Karn had learnt to be liberal and when this news came to him he was shocked but proud of Karns' achievements and blessed him to always stay happy.

With this karn left for hastinapur almost a month earlier than when the princes were to return. Once karn returned he spent his days with Radha and Adhirath, who were proud that he shon was out for studies and he too was inspired from Ira and Karn.

Karn had asked about Ira and his parents could see the restlessness to see her, they all had that in their hearts but sadly they never saw her after that day. They still had her statues and regularly lit a diya( oil lamp) in front of it. 

 Adhirath who loved her like his own daughter missed her so much that he even went into the cave to see where it ends up and tried to find her when he could but he reached a dead end and wondered how she came from it.

Karn remembered how Guru dron rejected him for those very princes and wanted to see how they have turned out to be when he heard of the Kalapradarshan. It was a day before the Kala pradarshan , in the evening he was roaming arround hastinapur borders, he knew the princes were returning and would camp in the forest so he though this was a good time to see them.


hey guys!! hope your all doing well out there.

firstly, i wish you all out there a happy janmashtmi, and may you have time to celebrate and enjoy the festival, an maybe sneak some sweets like shri krishna

do share your views and comments toward this book and let me know what you think of the progress in story line like do you want duryodhan to be a changed positive character or should he remain negative character.

Karn will be a positive character as he didn't have anyone to encourage him before, this time Ira has done and will continue to do that and this has a reason due to the past and their connection to the tridev and tridevi.

her past will be coming way later in the story and i hope my imagination keeps up with your expectations.

see you soon with the next chapter.

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