chapter 12

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All knowing krishna smile and nudged karn to go ahead. Karn just asked who his sister was, and why she wasn't with them. Krishna replied she isn't born to his parents but her choices will bring her to them. And her name is aruna ( dawn , sunrise the one who removes darkness around). Karn repeated the name and felt like he was calling Ira again, and abruptly asked do you know anyone called Ira. Krishna just smiled mystically.

While Duryodhana came and interrupted politely asking why karn ditched him and came alone. This was another shock to pandavas seeing a grumpy Duryodhana, Nakul and Arjun were about to burst in to laughter but controlled, while karn answered that he wanted to know about dwarkadeesh's mystery sister.

Ashwatthama who tagged along started teasing Karn who shook his head in denial, and after a few moments boldly said he belongs to Ira and there will be no second woman in his life. The moon glowed brighter at the acknowledgement and krishna smiled even more. He wondered why this promise of Karn's towards Ira made him happier as he felt like a few memories were missing for him.

Pandavas and everyone else wondered if karn loved her so much why wasn't he married with her, Kunti to wanted to know who this unknown female was as her( unknown to the world) son was deeply in love with her as she could see from his smile and eyes. She also could see the same longing in his eyes and wanted to know more but couldn't ask.

Keeping that aside Krishna spent his time with all the kuru princes that evening, kunti had seen arjun and subhadra's love in thir eye and asked if she can send a letter to her brother asking for the marriage to take place after a few years. Krishna smiled and said they should wait and left to dwarka the next day.

A few months had passed and Karn had completed 6 months outside of Visala though he visited secretly each month. He had managed to handle Anga and the effort were shown by the kindoms prosperity and regained position in the society.

It was now time for kuruvansh's yuvraaj coronation which lead to the gurudakshina for the rajkumars and this led to the competition and panchal war. Karn was in Anga all this time and only returned on the day of the coronation that had been declared to be yudhishtir as the pandava's won the panchal war.

The coronation took place smoothly and duryodhan too behaved civil, karn saw this and was suspicious as Gandhar raj was also not doing any thing but could not pick up what was wrong since he knew this was from Duryodhana's heart, and as the month end approached he had to leave for Visala so ignored any wrong feelings.

His life had become more hectic though his thoughts at those lonely nights were only occupied by Ira, Karn had not made any progress with the pandavas but were civil to the extent of greeting each other. Karn could tell it was all because of his friendship with Duryodhana but choose to let it be for now.

His trip this time round took longer and also was fruitful as he got to know shakuni's plan for lakshagraha. He was to return and warn the elders who would stop pandavas from going but had to rush to anga so could not stop them from going to vanarvat.

He however went to Hastinapur first and saw that duryodhan didn't know anything about the plan as shakuni doubted that Duryodhana would tell Karn about it. What shakuni hadn't know was that Duryodhana had sensed danger in vanarvat since it wasn't expected from his mama to do good for pandavas.

Duryodhana had warned Yudhishthira and the rest had accidently heard this and barged in the room during the conversation to ask why Duryodhana was helping them. Duryodhana had no idea and said that he is just following his heart since that's what his friend karn would do and he has realized that's the most righteous thing to do.

The pandavas were shocked with the thinking and to add on when their mother Kunti came in Duryodhana touched her feet and sincerely apologized for all wrong he had done, followed by doing the same to Yudhishthira and Bheema . they saw the sincerity and forgave him and he too gave them all a hug and said that he will always be beside them and support dharma.

when Karn had returned he saw emotions in duryodhans eye and the most dominant was worry and he wondered why. Once when Duryodhana was in a trance karn asked him and he replied pandavas and this made karn believe that dharma resided in Duryodhana's heart and knew this would be the breaking point of his relationship with his mama shakuni. He waited to see how long vanarvat plan this would be hidden from Duryodhana which was till the very last day.

Getting no news from Duryodhana, and shakuni he left the matter and headed to vanarvat to protect the pandavas and their mother. After saving them secretly he sent a secret bird that Rajkumar Nakul was able to communicate with and gave them all the proof against shakuni.

Kunti asked her sons to throw away the proof as they won't be needing it as they are all going back to the forest and would not return to the kingdom. Karn too decided to keep them being alive a secret and return to his kingdom.

Karn knew that there was no other option since mother's words were very important to them. He wished them luck in his mind and returned. First to Hastinapur to see how everyone was taking this news.

The pandavas now wondered whether Angraj had an idea since he wasn't there. And also knew that Duryodhana was not part of this. They didn't know what to think and so left that there and continued with their forest journey.


hey here is the next chapter,

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ill try update soon, till then hope you all take care and continue supporting the story:) XDXD

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