chapter 13

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The pandavas now wondered whether angraj had an idea since he wasn't there. And also knew that duryodhan was not part of this. They didn't know what to think and so left that there and continued with their forest journey.

Karn on the other hand remembered Ira's talks and decided that he shall give duryodhan more encouragement to follow the path of dharma as he should be a just king now that the pandavs were in hiding.

A month had passed the incident and karn saw that duryodhan was a just king, and he could see all the elders being respectful and treating him well. But he also noticed most of the kaurava's except yuyutsu and Vikarn had lot of weaknesses like his drinking habits, anger and pride issues and lastly ego issues. Karn worked hard to change those and even told that he knew who was behind the lakshagraha.

Duryodhans reaction to the death of the pandava's was actually surprising since this just made karn's decisions to be on duryodhan's side and free him from shakuni's claws more firm.

This was all because he had seen duryodhan cry for them and also confront his mama shakuni who was trying to manipulate duryodhan in to believing it was okay since the throne was his right.

Shakuni had left , karn who was a mere spectator decided to but in and duryodhan said he will be temporary king as he believes the pandava's are alive and will give back the kingdom when they return and assist yudhishtir in his duties.

Karn supported duryodhan, wanting badly to ask what brought the change but decided to wait for the right time, and he stated that he shall soon permanently leave anga as he know he can't be a permanent king and is needed to be elsewhere and that he had began his preparation in Anga such that the absence of a king will not affect the kingdom for at least a year, and till then a new king can be appointed.

Back to madirakshi's life well im sure she was dearly missed, her law practice had gone well though since her degree gave her so many other options she became a negotiator for the police departments and helped in rescue case during terrorist attacks.

Her daily prayers which also included suryadev because of Karn and night memory flashes and routine still hadn't changed, the devotion grew deeper and instead of mourning or missing her family she had began considering the tridev and tridevi's as her parent figures and share her wishes though and everything with them.

She prayed and always wished that karn has a different life and also that draupadi could also have a better life since both were given to face a harsh destiny. She wished s he could reduce her pain and give her a a different life, life her previous life boon was that she shall be married to five men who are best in dharma, strength, archery, handsome and wisdom.

She thought continuously of ways to fulfil the vow with out the taint and questioning to her character, she though about it every time when free, re-read the gita to see if there could be any solution to this and after a few months finally saw an opportunity to save draupadi. Since that day her prayers included the plan that could be used instead and also asked if she could go back in time like she had done before to accomplish the plan. 

She successfully mangled her job and had saved many people from 2 major attacks, and had worked towards saving many innocents who are convicted without crime, she did this free of cost for those who could not afford and had blessings of those families she saved.

One such case led to her being abducted when she was all dressed up in and was attending her clients wedding. She was going to be sold through human trafficking of young girls. She stood strong and started saving all of the girls held captive, and used herself as a distraction, and when caught she fought all the abductors, as she noticed more coming she knew she had to move as she was alone and could not manage them.

She had run into the dense forest surrounding the location, but her clothes obstructed her and was soon caught by the attackers. She tried to escape and fought bravely until she reached a cliff, most of he body was full of cut marks and the final blow came with a a knife aimed at her heart but passed her left shoulder very close to her chest area, merely missing its target.

With this she knew she wouldn't survive and instead of giving up she prayed in her mind that the girls she rescued reach their home safely and jumped of the cliff.

As soon as she jumped the wheel of time once again played its game and took her injured body to dwapar yug, this time the once worried Krishna ( Vishnu avatar) had a pleasant smile and knew the time has changed permanently.

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