chapter 2

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A year had passed and at 9 she was an exceptional in Sanskrit. Her foster family guided her well and she had grown to be more mature than children her age.

She also attended self defense and first aid classes as Mayur worked in the medical field for the military, watching him brought her interest to both and she trained with other kids that were part of military families.

Mayur had been able to get in touch with both madi' grandparents, while her dad's side family had refused to take care of her, the mother's side welcomed her whole heartedly.

They were older and weak and hence could not care for madi much and she stayed mostly with Mayur and Saanvi occasionally going to the grandparents.

She had once again gone to her maternal grandparents house in the countryside for holidays. There were very few families there and She was mainly the only child since others were 6- 7 yrs older and had left to the city for studies. She would dress up in a simple ghagra choli since the people were slightly orthodox and religious and she did not want to offend anyone.

With nothing else to do she started horse riding. Soon she began exploring the forests in her horse sometimes her grandparents let her stay overnight in the forest.

Soon her two month holiday became a year long stay and one day she asked her grandparents if she could go deeper into the forest and stay over, and surprisingly they let her go since they knew she was alone and enjoyed nature.

She decided to camp for a week and so took two pairs of clothes and decided she would camp near a river where she can the wash her clothes, and for food she would survive on fruits.

As she went deeper she found a small cave almost hidden by the tree branches right next to a river, she entered in to see how deep it is and saw an opening on the other side. She had left her horse behind and so went on foot to explore it.

Soon she had passed quite a long distance an halted to have a snack, while sitting she started hearing some sounds and her curiosity lead her to that direction. She saw a young boy about 4-5 yrs elder to her practicing archery, she wondered why he was doing that at that time since it was almost evening.

she couldn't just stand there and watch so she went ahead and tapped his shoulder, this action startled him and he looked at her as if she were an alien.

The look surprised her but she chose to ignore it. She was about to speak, when his faced showed worry as he bombarded her with questions, she was speechless at start for 2 reasons first he was speaking in Sanskrit which no one she knew did and second he was too worried for her even when she is a stranger.

Eventually she calmed him down and told him her name in form of her nickname Ira ( as he was a stranger ) and that she was exploring the place.

He had calmly heard her and introduced himself as karn .And when asked why he is practicing alone then told about how his father was not so rich and so he couldn't find a good teacher.

She didn't react to that since she did not know how to console anyone never having done that before so instead she changed the topic and asked if he will be her friend, he was hesitant but agreed.


hey guys, hope your all well. 

how is the chapter and story coming up do share ur views  with comments .

next update will be soon around 20th august, till then take care, sayonara ;D

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