chapter 3

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He then asked her why she was exploring alone, as she can be hurt by wild animals or people with bad intentions. Madi just laughed at that while karn stared at her like 'is she mad?' but she soon calmed and said she has learnt to fight and can take care of her self.

As she mentioned her knowing to fight, Karn got even more shocked at her. He wasn't sure whether she was lying or not and didn't know if he can trust her, his heart said yes, but his mind said she was mysterious and he should be cautious.

Madi on the other hand seeing confusion, shock and doubt on Karn's face started doubting the place she was in, since not many people practiced archery in the forest, there were also other ways to learn arechery through online means, but here Karn was teaching himself and he was talking in pure sanskrit with out any stutter that not many kids his age could do.

She had read many time travel books on wattpad as she had started following on mahabharat after reading it and so her cute brain came up with this thought that she could have time travelled.

Before karn asks her anything about her family Ira noticed his earings ( bright and shinny) and asked why he was wearing such expensive earings as they could get stolen, and karn replied that they are attached on his ears and will never come off.

Hearing this she asked how its possible and he said his parent said they are a blessing for him. She started asking more about him not giving him a chance to ask her anything.

Karn was shocked seeing her outspoken behaviour (according to his upbringing and the society girls should be shy and keep quite) and finally managed to stop her by asking why she has so many questions. She just replied that if she wouldn't ask then how will she learn and he agreed with her.

A long time had passed and it was turning dark, as karn tried to deduce who Ira was, while she figured if her doubts were real or unneccessary.

He then asked her where she will stay and she casually stated in the cave she passed before coming here. Karn knew about the forest and also knew that the cave was really far so he just denied her. He didn't know why and convinced himself that it is only because there is a long way back towards the cave. – well could be his curiousity and new found friendship that made hime do that 😉

Karn's house was nearby and he took her with him, he knew his parents wouldn't mind and they would ask about her parents and family, deep down he also wanted to know more about her and saw this as the right opportunity.

She was welcomed by both parents of karn, they also used sanskrit and she too followed the same, and took this as an opportunity to know them more an confirm her doubts, and she immediately started mingling with them talking about their day and how she met Karn or how she likes the nature and horse riding ,they found her cute and different.

When asked about her family she told her parents were out for work and she was with her grandparents who let her go explore the forests for a week. Once again see the shocked faces her time travelling doubts had increased. She chose to change the topic and asked them what she can call them and when they told her their names it was her time to be shocked.


hey guys, hope your all well.

so what were the names , any guesses ??????

how is the chapter and story coming up do share your views with comments .

sorry , i know i'm late with the update, but i promise to update soon this time round.

Also open to any suggestion that i can use to improve this fan fiction do share your opinions.

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