chapter 28

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With the jokes, talking and bonding the three day journey had come to an end and they arrived at the palace, the king who had been following shakuni and wanted his son in power arrange a court meeting as soon s they arrived and after giving the blessings the proceedings begun.

While duryodhan started saying he wishes to handover the kingdom back to yudishter, the king disagreed and mama shakuni but in, with the kings permission he blamed the pandavas for being irresponsible leaving the kingdom for their personal lives and now coming back for it is not right.

Most coutiers to began questioning yudishter who said they followed their mothers words and that's his foremost duty, and also being out as a commoner he had got better experience and knows the needs of commoners so he can serve them better. Yudishter was convincing and so shakuni started questioning their character saying they stayed for so long with an unknown girl with out having any relations. Stating this as a bloat on their characters and a permanent mark on madi's character, the pandavas were enraged at this.

Seeing the situation out of control, madi went forward and first calmed all the pandava's promising to handle this. She boldly came to the center and took permission from bhishma to speak, then asked Gandhar raj to repeat what he said. He repeated his words and added that she also has a illegal relationship with krishna and that she is impure.

The questioning of her relation with krishna was the limit for her, at this moment Madi stopped him, and addresses him respectfully " dear gandhar raj, I agree you are a king and relative to hastinapur, but you are a guest and no guest has any right to interfere with court proceedings so I request you apologize and take back your seat before I continue and show you your real place, and before I do something that make you regret opening your mouth."

Gandhar raj now laughs and says what can you even do your just a weak girl and will ask the pandavas for protection. The courtiers burst into laughter and madi claps at that saying "wow great, you really have the intelligence to mis-judge your opponents power but I promise I won't ask for anyone's help today. So lets begin then."

Her fierceness shocked the courtiers, and she began "the first wrong you did was interfering in the court proceedings and that it self in enough for a year of imprisonment, second insulted a yuvraj, yudishter, and his brothers the princes of a kingdom , that also leads to 5 yrs . along with that you disrespect me, I have come here as a daughter to rajmata kunti and that make me I am a royal guest of hastinapur as well so that make it another 5 years. With this you should already be punished for 11 yrs right my king?"

All are shocked at her confidence and how she directly showed gandhar raj he has no place in the court, bhishma looked at her with pride what she said was what he had been trying to do for a long time but didn't do cause of Gandhari. The king was startled for a moment and instead prince duhassan shouts and scolds her for her inappropriate behavior and asks two soldiers to capture her. The pandavs are moving towards her but she signals them to stop.

With the soldiers trying to touch her she bend back and takes them as support and does a back flip which gives her enough advantage to punch both and secure her self from them. Seeing an sword nearby she grabs it and hold in in defense to protect herself from any other attack. Bheesma now stops all this and asks duhassan to not interfere, and maharaj also has to reluctantly agree.

Madi getting the opportunity to speak once again says " gandhar raj you should be grateful I haven't yet beheaded you for questioning my character or for the sins you have committed" adding to this she mentions "cause if this was the place I come from you would be 6feet bellow the ground for the sins you have done so far, and I hope you know what I am talking about and don't need me to spill it out in front of mahamahin right?" with this she stares right in his eye and for the first time shakuni can feel someone staring right in to his soul and is afraid.

Her confidence was shocking but her tone definitely made her stand out and all looked at her with a new form of respect. Madi ignore the looks and continued strongly spoke" my relationship should not be your concern as I am not related to you and I owe none of you any explanation but still since it is not only mine but the pandavas and dwarka's pride shri krishna that also have their character questioned, I will clarify that the bond I have with the pandavas is that of brothers and a sister and as pure as mata ganga and so I repeat this should be the first and last time some one had questioned it and is let free." With this she made it final that their relationship is no point of discussion.

Madi was not yet done and her questions to gandhar raj continued as "While rajkumar Duryodhan who is acting yuvraaj has agreed to give back the throne to the previous yuvraaj then why do you an outside have a problem? And if your so interested with seeing duryodhan as king then why don't you make him king of gandhar? That would give you heart some peace like you mentioned." the rest gaped at her audacity to question gandhar raj. Duryodhan to looked shocked and wondered where she gets the courage from, cause he has realised that shakuni was using him but never had courage to raise his voice against him.

Kunti looked at Madi with pride, and her confidence and way of respectfully putting forth her point was well appreciated. Bhisma, Vidur, and Guru drona too looked at her I new light. They realised their initial thoughts of her being a weak normal girl was wrong and she is as strong as mahakali devi,as wise as mata saraswati and as calm as devi lakshmi and devi parvati. They also noticed the tridev tattoo in her hand and could tell she was a great bhakt of the tridev.


hey guys what do you think of the story and this chapter?

those waiting for karn and Ira just a little more maybe, still working on a meet

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