chapter 29

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The king , finding her offensive toward his brother in law then asks her who she is to speak like this infront of all, she smiles and says "who I am doesn't matter, what matters is that I should not be the one speaking, it should be you my king , the moment my character was being maligned with half facts you should have stopped it. Atleast consider the fact your sister in law considers that person like a daughter and that should heve been enough proof for all that she has a good character."

Bhisma looks at her and says " you are right my dear, and I apologise on behalf of hastinapur." Madi interupts and says " no please don't apologise cause those who were at fault haven't even realised this and thus the apology doesn't have any value." Madi then goes on saying " I shall forgive them only if you find a solution for both my brothers to get justice."

Mahamantri interupts and asked her where the brothers are and what their problem is, she once again calmly replies both duryodhan and yudishter are who she is talking about, they both have righteousness in their heart, are both capable to rule " shakuni and Dhritarashtra were shocked hearing her. Mahamantri once again interupts and says " there can only be one king so how can we provide justice?" and she says there is already one king, but hastinapur itself is such a huge area and to be extremely honest I don't think the council is very effective at keeping peace and harmony."

Bhishma heard her and sees that she is dead serious and not afraind of speaking againt the council, so he asks her what she means " she says I may be overstepping but since you have asked it is my duty to enlighten you, the kingdom though huge has a huge part unoccupied by fear of takshaak raj, and many of the villages outside the city are definitely suffuring from the same, so why is it that such a strong kingdom having so many princes and such an efficient and highly learned council stiil not be bothered by the subjects and their needs?"

She can see that they all are thinking about what she is saying but are also offended by what she has said. Yudishter seeing this looks at sahadev who also has this contemplating look, so comes in between saying what akshi has said is all correct and I may have a solution to this but before providing it I want to talk to my mother , akshi, rajkumari draupadi and my brothers, seeing determination bhishma allows this and breaks the court for an hour.

They all enter a room and madi directly asked why he interrupted, he says listening to you and all these months incognito has made me realise what I as price could not and so I want to do that now. Listening about takshaak raj I realised that if we get that land kandavaprasth we could build our own kingdom there, and I already have no desire for the kingdom but as a kshatriya I need to lead my subjects so if all of you agree I would like to hand duryodhan hastinapur while we head to free kandavaprasth.

The rest of the brothers too give it a thought and agree, they knew duryodhan was a good ruler and so he too derserved the throne as his father was definitely current king. Kunti and the other two agreed Madi even commented that they will make their father proud and that definitely is a fair descision With this they assembled back and gave the proposition.

Shakuni was internally rejoicing and felt the pandavas were stupid to do this, Dhritarashtra was happy his son will rule and readily agreed, bhishma could see they have a plan and so he to agreed but asked them to rest for a week while they welcome the new bride and allow kunti and gandhari to spend some time with the new bride. And prepare for the rajya abhishek of yudhishtar as king of kandavaprasth.

With all that decided the court was adjourned and they all retired to the room, Madirakshi went with kunti and gandhari and met with the ther rest of the ladies, they all praised her confidence and aknowledged her for making both cousins be happy.

Hearing all this she said she just did what was right and changed the topic really quickly, slowly escaping in to the corridors, secretly looking for and hoping to meet King of anga, her friend and love karn. Little did she know that he wasn't present ,she bumped into duryodhan who praised her and thanked her for what she had done, she just smiled and said "a brother doesn't thank his sister, he only blesses her and I have considered both yudi bhai and you as my brother so how can I be partial with my love?" he too smile at her thoughts and blesses her.

Madi was eager to ask about karn but chose against it and since it was dinner time they headed for dinner together, and she starts her mischievious antics and duryodhan acting to be cross, duryodhan looks at her like what has he done. Seeing her complaint face, and duri's confused face bheema comes closer to ask what was going on.

Madi replies I am angry at him and all of you should also be angry. The rest look like why should we, bhishma and the others to arrive and see Madi complaining to bheem. Bheem once again asks why and madi smiles and say he hasn't yet introduce bhanubhabi to us, she pouts at that while duri sighs in relief and say my dear sister she is at her maternal house and will come tomorrow, you can meet her then. Bheem lightly smacks her forehead forgetting the people around and says if your daily drama is done can we eat "dear sister " sugarcoating his tone.

Madi rolls her eye and asks when did I stop you, and then the two glare at eachother for about five mins after which they shout in pain as kunti pulls their ears. Madi some how manages to escape and runs behind vidur and asks him to protect her from mata. There rest are amused to see her and vidur so comfortable just like a father and daughter would be. He too nods and soon kunti to gives up and lightly smacks her head saying you need to behave your self, slowly murmuring to her self "she's just like krishna".


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looking forward to more comments and votes. 

see ya all soon, take care dear reader, 

lots of love your author Isa

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