Chapter 6

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And with that our  shreesha was taught about behaving like a princess from her mother and also given some political overview from a very early age and that was what her mother hoped helps her when she is in Hastinapur, making sure no one is offended by here presence.

Years went by and Shreesha had soon grown into a 15 year old , she was at gandhar for most and had a week long visit to hastinapur every 6 months, she had seen the kuru elders neglect her cousins and felt bad for them. With this each time she visited, she avoided all royals like plague except for her Bua gandhari. Her visits were few but the bond she had with the kauravas was strong and she was very protective of them. The elders for some reason were a little reluctant around her as they knew she avoided them and her looking at them filled their hearts with some kind of fear they had no idea of.

When in hastinapur she would always be in the garden with her brothers and Bua allowing only her father to join them, or her room at nights or the library(by sneaking out of her room) .

The time quickly passed and all kaurava and pandavas were born and grown from crawling babies to older children who could make a mess. The kauravas in the palace were respectful and all but for the elders that was never enough, tagged as bad omens most subjects and all elders mainly avoided them and were reluctant in spending time with them and the kauravas were always left disheartened. Shreesha who was a regular visitor was the only peace they got after their mom. Shreesha had started her kanyakul which she did in an ashram near gandhar was soon completing her studies in another three years after which shakuni planned to wed her to some powerful kingdom and away from Hastinapur cause he still feared for her safety.

Shakuni's safety worry for Shreesha was her personality and curious mind that asked them ( her mum and dad) all kinds of questions since she had started understanding the world better, always aimed at knowing why Bua had her eyes blindfolded and also more on the war politics , but none of her doubts were ever answered. The parents were correct on their end to keep her away from it all, for her safety. Her questions became mainly targeted to Hastinapur and  Shakuni wanted to make sure she doesn't  deal with that as she would soon be married off in 6 to 7 years around 18 and her in laws may not accept her interference, shardha who wanted her daughter to be free realized it was not entirely possible and was disheartened. She too agreed on keeping her away from Hastinapur politics and could not help Shreesha's curious mind.

Shradha knew her daughter was a curious kid and would try to look for answers from the library books since she had learnt to read, and had a habit of sneaking to the library in gandhar as well as the library in hastinapur, being a regular visitor. Shreesha however could not fully get the answers from the book but knew about Mata Ganga, mother of her cousin's Pitamah, she did avoid him but wanted to meet his mom because of the description she had read about her.

She asked her father and he had at least after a ton of pestering answered that one question knowing that mata ganga never met anyone else so it was okay and he wanted shreesha least involved with the politics of hastinapur afraid for her rebellious spirits they had observed. Shreesha was how ever adamant and to her surprise mata ganga heard her calls when she visited the river banks before sunrise. Both Mata Ganga and  Shreesha made sure no other person knew of this escapade, her for fear of society as she had been grooming for throughout her Kanyakul and Mata Ganga supported it for she knew what hardship a woman can face due to society.

This secret meeting started when shreesha  was ten and continued for a year before the pandavas had appeared in hastinapur. Soon when the pandavas were in the kingdom, as the pandavas came the elder royals all pampered and praised the pandavas. Shakuni who saw partially of elders wasn't the only one, Shreesha to saw all the partiality and her dislike for the elders grew, the only people she respected was mata Ganga, Gandhari, and Kunti from the hastinapur royals.

The Kauravaa all respected Kunti as they saw their mother happier with their Kunti kaki around.  Shreesha made the Kauravas be friendly with the Pandavas, Shakuni on the other hand did his best to manipulate them and also tried to keep shreesha away forbidding her to visit with excuse of her needing to finish her kanyakul . On the other side everyone was being told pandu's first born  will be the next king all assuming it to be Yudhishter who was a year older than Duryodhan.


hope you enjoyed the previous chapter, made some changes to this chapter

now that i am back i couldn't stop my self from uploading another chapter.

Enjoy and share your views on it XDXDXD

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