What to Do

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Later didn't come.

There were meetings upon meetings between Jim, Spock, Scotty, Starfleet, and other members of the federation. With the decommissioning and refit of Enterprise, retraining and relocation of the four hundred and thirty-six mixed crew was paramount. No one knew yet what she would become. Rumor had it the Enterprise would become some sort of ship called up for home defense should another Nero rise up to threaten Earth.

Leonard, M'Benga, and the medical staff were responsible for the location of new doctors, update and transfer of crew records, and keeping the crew as mentally sound as they could. The news that they were stuck in this reality didn't set well with many. The younger crew, fresh out of the academy, seemed to think it was all par for the course of space exploration. They were even hopeful, in time, a solution could be found and they'd be returned home. 

The older, more seasoned crew were not so optimistic. Many broke down in tears. Three crewman became hysterical and had to be sedated. There were more fights in one week than they'd had in their entire five year mission. At one point, the brig was so full, crewman had to be confined to quarters with a guard posted at their door. Counselors from Starfleet and the other Enterprise came on board to assist.

There was a senior crew meeting after to address the crews' behavior and filter down information about the transitions. During department meetings, crew were presented with options on staying on with Enterprise after her refit if there were open positions, going to Earth to find positions in Starfleet or attend the academy, to attend schools of their choice for retraining and job placement, or return to their homeworlds to try to mesh into their societies.

During a rare sit down lunch together, Jim mentioned he would be retraining to update his credentials so he could remain a starship captain. Leonard figured as much. Space was in Jim's bones. A desk job or anything less would not be for him. Spock was easily catching up with this reality's science and was debating spending some time on New Vulcan to help the colony.  In addition, Ambassador Sarek had requested a visit. Spock had also been offered a teaching position with Starfleet. Of course if Jim asked, he'd join him on a ship amongst the stars. They'd known each other since the academy so it would be nothing to gallivant together through the galaxy even in this time.

So where did that leave Leonard Horatio McCoy?

Leonard had been weighing all his options. He couldn't stay on the Enterprise with twins. Space was just too dangerous. For a diplomatic exploratory type vessel, the Enterprise and her crew were constantly in one life threatening adventure after another. Spock and Jim nearly died every other away mission. More than a few had even been nearly fatal for Leonard. A doctor! Who should have been safely stowed away in sick bay. After all the nonsense with the Romulans and being thrown into this reality, he'd had enough of space.

He damn sure didn't want to raise his little ones on a planet where, for all their logic and stoicism, the children could be the most cruel and hateful bullies in the galaxy. Leonard had no doubt that he'd lose his marbles and go all in on anyone messing with his little hobgoblins. Vulcan propriety be damned. Besides, he could barely handle a half vulcan half the time. Imagine being stuck on a planet full of them. Every day. All day.

But what could he do?

In this time and reality his medical knowledge and skills were grossly insufficient. He'd perused job postings in Starfleet and the private sector as a doctor or surgeon and come away shell shocked. He'd even tried obscure out of the way colonies to see if the requirements might be a little less stringent with no luck. He would have to go back to medical school and start all over from the bottom.

Or he could go back to Earth and find a nice quiet spot for him and his children and take up a job as a researcher or nurse. Nothing flashy. Definitely not dangerous. A set schedule and plenty of time with his little ones. Jim and Spock could come to visit whenever they found themselves with down time.

He dragged himself out of bed and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He'd decided to tell Jim and Spock his decision to leave and go to Earth at the same time he told them he was pregnant. At sixteen weeks neither of them had figured it out. To his credit, he carried pregnancy well. He was gaining weight proportionately all over his body and his pudge was still barely noticeable. M'Benga had assured him that things were progressing normally and it was more than likely he'd 'balloon' towards the end of the pregnancy.

As he got ready for the day, he mentally went over his schedule. He had a surgery scheduled first thing then the breakdown and reallocation of equipment from sick bay to storage. The Enterprise was due to begin refit in two weeks. The majority of the personnel would be transferred off beginning next week. Everything was happening so fast. Leonard couldn't tell if he was coming or going.

He reported to sick bay and carried out his duty. His feet ached by the time lunch came around so he took a break and went to the mess. As he was getting his tray from the replicator, a hand landed on his hip and a chest pressed against his back. Warm breath tickled the back of his neck making him shiver.

"Have I told you how good your ass looks in those pants these days, Bones?"

Leonard licked his lips and tried to keep a neutral face. The way they were standing, anyone watching might think they were speaking of something important like they always did. "No, captain. It might be because we seldom see each other these days."

Jim laughed and took his tray with one hand while wrapping his arm around Leonard's shoulders and steering him towards their table. Spock was sitting there as were the rest of the bridge team. Leonard smiled nervously as his tray was put down right across from Spock and Jim sat at the head of the table.

He wondered why the entire bridge team was having lunch at the same time. He looked around the table then back at Jim. His captain just winked at him then dug into his lunch. Leonard looked at Spock for some kind of clue as to what was happening but said male was turned to his left talking to Chekhov. With a shrug, Leonard picked up his spoon and began on his soup.

Halfway through their meal, Jim cleared his throat drawing their attention. The chatter died down though they kept eating. Jim smiled as he looked fondly around the table at his crew, his family.

"I know these past few weeks have emotional for many of us.  With the ship going for refit in two weeks I just wanted you all to know how grateful and proud I am of all the work you've all put in."  

Leonard nodded while there were a few 'Thankyou, captains.'

"It pleases me to know you're all retraining so that you can return to your posts."

A cucumber lodged itself in Leonard's throat and he forced himself to remain calm as he picked up his water to wash it down. They were all returning? Why didn't he know that? He frowned to himself. Or maybe he did and forgot?

"Doctor McCoy, you're coming back as well?" Uhura asked.

Leonard cleared his throat.  "Well...I....uh-"

"Of course he is. We wouldn't survive without our CMO," Jim beamed while slapping him on his back.

Leonard's stomach rolled. Did Jim and Spock know that his medical skills were obsolete in this time and reality? That it would take him years to learn everything needed to even qualify as a CMO?

He just smiled and stuffed another forkful of salad in his mouth ignoring Spock's dark gaze.

He barely avoided the First Officer after lunch and disappeared into his office. He busied himself with inventories and crew records for several hours until he got a call from McCoy to go over a few records. Leonard grabbed his padd and kit and headed for the turbo lift.

It was a good thing the crew was coming back, he thought to himself. They worked like a well oiled machine under the guidance of the youngest Captain in Starfleet and the finest First Officer of the fleet. The familiarity would be good for them. Especially since Leonard wouldn't be there with them.

The turbo lift opened.  Leonard's eyes widened as he unconciously took a step back. The left corner of Spock's mouth twitched slightly as he stood next to the doctor. Another lieutenant greeted him as he stepped inside and the lift continued on its way. Leonard stared ahead as the lieutenant babbled to Spock about this thing or that. Spock merely nodded along and said, "I see," here and there.

Leonard looked down as the back of Spock's hand lightly brushed against his own. His hand tingled and he fought the urge to hold tight to Spock's warm hand. Instead, he brushed their hands again and hooked his pinky with Spock's. He noticed how Spock's shoulders seemed to relax as he looked over his shoulder. Leonard gave him a quick smile before the turbo lift opened and he stepped out.

He muttered to himself as he stepped off the transporter on the other Enterprise and rubbed his queasy belly. Why couldn't they just have done all this via comm unit? He met McCoy in his flashy medbay and followed him into the office. They went over all the records and managed to get all crew assigned and transfered. All except for one.

McCoy leaned back in his chair and put his feet up on the desk. "So have you decided what you're going to do?"

Leonard also leaned back but put his swollen ankles up in the other chair. He folded his hands over his pudged. "I'm goin' back to Earth."

McCoy's eyebrows went up as his eyes widened. "Earth?"

"Yessir," Leonard smiled, patting his stomach. "Gonna find me a nice lil plot of land to raise my lil darlins."

"You find a position as a physician or surgeon?"

Leonard sighed wearily. "I've been a doctor for twenty-four years. I have a Legion of Honor Award and Starfleet Surgeon's Decoration. I'm known as the best surgeon in the fleet." He looked up with watery blue eyes. "Yet I have no place here. I'm obsolete. Retraining to be a physician and surgeon in this time would take up to thirteen years! I'm damn near fifty and pregnant!" He scoffed and shook his head. "I don't have that kind of time or energy."

McCoy nodded in understanding. Out of all of the crew, Leonard was losing the most. M'Benga was going to help on the New Vulcan colony. Most of the nurses and techs were going to be retrained and reassigned. "What are you going to do?"

Leonard ran a hand through his growing hair. "Go back to earth. Find a cheap, quiet spot and raise the little ones."


"Jim and Spock are returning to space after being retrained. Starfleet is going to give us our retirements and benefits. That will carry me over for a few years. But I plan to enroll in nursing school."

McCoy looked incensed. "But that's like being demoted! You're a doctor, dammit!"

Leonard nodded. "I know. But like you said, I need stress free." He smiled and put a hand over his stomach. "Besides, I'll have more time to devote to these two. They'll need me."

McCoy ran a hand down his face. "What did they say?"

Leonard's smile vanished and he sat up straight in his seat. "They said nothing because I didn't tell them."

"That you're leaving?"

"That I'm pregnant or that I'm leaving."

"Doctor!" McCoy's face darkened in anger. He rose to his feet and paced behind the desk. "You can't be serious!"

Leonard gave him a sly smile. "Like a heart attack."

McCoy looked like he was about to have one. Leonard wagged his finger at the younger him.

"And might I remind you, doctor, this is confidential and you are obligated to maintain secrecy under doctor-patient confidentiality."

Younger McCoy clenched his fists and exhaled loudly through his nose. "Very well, Mister McCoy. I will have it noted I think this is foolish and selfish to not tell your partners both of your pregnancy and your decision to leave."

Leonard stood and nodded. "Duly noted, Doctor McCoy. Can I go now?"

He pointed out the door. "Get the hell out. I expect to see you before you leave for your records transfer and final check up with M'Benga."

Leonard smiled. "Thank you." The office door chimed as Leonard stretched, popping his back. McCoy disengaged the lock and privacy screen. Jim sauntered in all smiles.

"Jim!" Leonard said in surprise. "What are you doing here?" He would never admit it but he was pleasantly surprised and happy to see his lover. It had been too long since they'd been together alone.  Not that they were totally alone.

"I was in another meeting with the brass and heard you were here." Jim was speaking to Leonard but his eyes were on McCoy.

Leonard followed Jim's gaze and crossed his arms over his chest. "Didja now?" He knew that gaze. It was the one he gave when something attractive came his way and he wanted a piece of it.  Leonard thought those days were over. Apparently not.

"Thought I'd..." Jim tore his eyes from McCoy and looked back at Leonard. "Thought I'd escort you home."

"I'm a big boy," Leonard huffed. "I'm sure I can find my way home." His joy at seeing Jim had disappeared and now he just wanted to be anywhere but near him.

"Oh, I'm sure you could but I'll escort you none the same." Jim held his hand out encouraging him to walk out ahead of him. Leonard blew past but didn't look back. Behind him he heard Jim bid the doctor farewell.

This was just one more affirmation that he was right in his decision. He was older and, in his own opinion, not that good looking. Hell, it was a wonder why the three of them had gotten together and were still together. Jim would be able to flirt with all the young and good looking people he wanted and not worry. They could still be friends.

He gasped as the turbo lift doors closed and Jim pulled him to a crushing hug. Lips pressed against his as a hand gripped the hair at the back of his head. Jim's tongue pressed against his closed lips and he parted them to allow him in. Their kiss was full of hunger and longing.  Jim devoured him as if he couldn't get enough.  Leonard fisted the front of Jim's gold tunic as he had his way with him. Oh how he missed this!

Jim tugged on his bottom lip with his teeth as he pulled away. Leonard looked up with glassy eyes searching his captain's face as he panted.

"We'll continue this tonight in my quarters," Jim murmured. 

He nodded stupidly. "Okay." He closed his eyes and sighed as Jim pressed a soft kiss to his lips and smoothed his hair back down. Leonard positioned his med kit over his erection and tried to hide his smile as they walked down to the transporter room and returned to the Enterprise.

He couldn't wait for tonight.

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