Yudhisthir's sweet gesture

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"The first participant is Subhadra! You begin this game. Ignore Arjun and see if he tries to woo you back. The sooner the better!" Radha announced among the girls.
"All the best Subhadre" Nayana wished her sister.
"Yes best of luck!" Panchali too wished.
"I am ready! I am sure Arjun cant live a second without me! He will definitely try to convince me" Subhadra said with confidence.
Rukmini and Radha smiled. They were nominated the judges and were very happy to do so.
The princesses after wishing their luck ran and hid behind the curtains in Subhadra's chamber.
A thoughtful Arjun entered the chamber without noticing the notorious princesses hiding behind the curtains to observe his reaction to his ignorant wife. Meanwhile Arjun had sworn the pledge that he would not speak to Subhadra unless she makes the first attempt. Their game had started and Krishna, their judge, was extremely strict about the rules. They had to stay in character not melting away as soon as they saw their wives. This time their wives will try to woo them. The beautiful thought of Subhadra trying to woo Arjun and not the other way round was too exciting for Arjun.
As soon as he entered the chamber he found his beautiful wife seated in the bed not looking at him.
'Is she angry with me? What did I do now? ' Arjun thought and was going to hug his wife when Krishna's words came running to him.
"You will not melt away easily! The girls should also express their love to us!" Krishna had said .
Arjun resisted and sat on the couch appearing to be busy with the state work.
Subhadra looked at her husband with confusion. He had never behaved so ignorantly before. He always tried to impress Subhadra and wooed her with his tactics. What was wrong with the romantic Arjun?
The princesses looked at one another and exchanged a victory smile. Subhadra was definitely losing this. Subhadra cleared her throat twice trying to divert the attention towards her but Arjun didnt break his pledge! His bro code! He stayed put on his position not reacting even the slightest to Subhadra's complaints.
"Arjun!" Subhadra shouted.

Arjun got up afraid of his angry wife. She looked at him with fire in her eyes.
"What's the matter with you!" Subhadra shouted and suddenly Arjun could hear the laughter of many girls and one by one all the princesses came out of their hiding. Arjun was confused as hell. What was happening?!
"You have officially lost this challenge Subhadre! " Panchali said as she burst into laughter. The others joined her.
"This was not expected from you Arjun! I always thought you were the lover boy" Radha said.
Arjun was so confused. Finally Somlata revealed the entire challenge to Arjun. Arjun wanted to reveal their plan as well but he paused. There was a golden opportunity to trick these girls. They didnt know all of them would fail for all their husbands were participating in the same challenge. He didnt reveal ot to the princesses. He wanted to see the disappointment and anger in the princesses faces and he wanted his brothers to get screwed. This was the best opportunity for some amazing entertainment.
"I am sure the other princes too will lose this!" Arjun said. The princesses looked at him with a confidence.
"Next turn is Bhrata Karn!" Arjun declared. Draupadi smiled a magical smile as she proceeded towards her chamber. The princesses along with Arjun were spying from the window this time. Arjun couldn't wait to see the drama.
Draupadi tiptoed inside her chamber and found her husband admiring himself in the mirror. Karn always did that. He knew how handsome he was and he couldnt help bit admire his beauty. He was somewhat like Krishna in this department.
Draupadi looked ta Karn made a "hmm" sound and sat down on the bed. It was in a cold tone and Karn looked at her from the mirror's reflection. She was not smiling amd was looking towards the ceiling.
Karn was eager to ask but he couldnt break the law of the game. That stupid game! He shouldn't have agreed to play! Now when he was in the pit he couldn't escape. He desperately wanted to know why his Yagyaseni was so sad.
"I am angry" panchali suddenly cried cutely in an angry tone. Karn found it too hard to  control himself from approaching his cute wife. But the rules were really strict. He couldnt talk to his wife unless she starts the conversation.
Panchali was taken aback. What was the matter with her husband! He was the most caring persona ever but now he was acting so coldly.
The princesses were a little confused. Why weren't their husbands convincing them? Arjun tried his best to not laugh out loud. This was more entertaining that Nakul amd Sahadev's teasing!
Panchali got up frustrated . She looked at her husband who by now was in a critical condition.
She didnt speak a word. She dashed out of the chamber.
"Panchali!" Katn shouted following his wife.

To hell with the rules! He will accept being the loser! His wife would kill him if he kept quiet.
Panchali joined the other princesses followed by a confused Angraj.
"Arjun...what are you doing here?" Karn asked.
The princesses were busy gossiping thus Arjun revealed his plan to Karn.
"You mean only entertainment! Duryodhan and Yudhisthir will be troubled and these princesses will be confused! This is full on entertainment anuj!" karn whispered. Thus he too was a part of the plan now.
The princesses yoo husy with the game didnt notice Arjun and Karn following them.
It was Duryodhan's turn now. Nayana couldn't wait to prove the entire world how her Suyodhan was the sweetest and the most caring man ever.
Karn and Arjun looked at each other smirking.
Duryodhan was practising his mace when Nayana approached him in the garden.
The princesses were hiding behind the tree. Karn and Arjun were behind the bushes fully enjoying the scene.
Nayana looked at Duryodhan who was completely immersed in his practise. She slowly walked towards him. Duryodhan looked at her and was hoing to compliment her beauty when the challenge came back to his memory. He will win this competition this time . AND he was sure Nayana will give in...she was the sweetest wife ever but hardly had he known that Nayana too was participating in a challenge.
Nayan looked at Furyodhan and immediately faked falling down. She deliberately slipped on a stone amd fell down. Duryodhan ran to her but paided in between. Nayana was shocked. After a moment Duryodhan extended his hand for help but Nayan was too angry to take his hand now. She got up by her own and looked at Duryodhan angrily. 
"Okay I lose as well!" Nayana shouted and all the princesses came out a little nervous now. Why were their husbands behaving in this manner. Karn amd Arjun couldnt control their laughter any longer when Duryodhan looked at them. Katn amd Arjun explained the entire situation to Duryodhan but he couldnt understand the matter.
"You should have attended those classes pitamah had offered you ages ago and are you consuming nuts? Your brain has completely stopped working!" Arjun said. Karn nodded. Duryodhan, though didnt understand anything , he followed Karn and Arjun.

Final turn was Yudhisthir's.
"I am sure I will not succeed either. There's something going on! And have you all noticed Angraj, Parth and Duryodhan following us?" Somlata asked.
That's when the princesses noticed the three princes who tried to hide from them.
"Tell us the entire matter!" Draupadi said looking at Karn dangerously.
Karn finally revealed the entire matter to the princesses.
"I knew it! Arya was behaving so strangely!" Nayana cried . Subhadra nodded.
"So there's no point in me trying! Rajkumar Yudhisthir too will behave in the same manner! " Somlata said.
"No you have to try Somlata! Maybe your husband will.mely sooner! As per records Bhrata Karn is winning this. He ran after Draupadi almost immediately followed by Duryodhan and then Arjun. Subhadra looked at Arjun dangerously. Finally Somlata agreed to fulfill her challenge.
As Somlata entered Yudhisthir's chamber she found Yudhisthir busy with his state work.
"Uhh...I was..." Somlata paused a little.
"Is everything okay Somlata? You seem worried" Yudhisthir said surprising everyone.
"You...Are.." Somlata was confused of what to say.
Yudhisthir came closer to her and cupped her cheek lovingly. Somlata could see the love hidden in his stare. She smiled heartily.
"What's going on! Did you forget?! We were in a challenge!" Arjun said coming out of his hiding.
Yudhisthir looked at him in a guilty manner.
"You are disqualified Bhrata Yudhisthir! " Krishna announced.
"I mean...did you forget?" Karn asked.
"No...but Somlata seemed really worried so I thought of accepting my defeat" Yudhisthir answered surprising everyone.

"Clear winner is Somlata!" Rafha announced .
"Arya learn something from Bhrata Yudhisthir!" Draupadi said. Karn looked at Yudhisthir angrily.
"Exactly! That's such a sweet gesture! " Subhadra said while Arjun looked at Yudhisthir with displeasure. Duryodhan was still confused about what the game was. Nayana couldnt stay angry with her husband who couldnt even decipher the game.

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