Challenge accepted

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Somlata's story had melted everyone's heart and everyone were being extra friendly to the Magadh princess. Somlata couldn't believe people could be so kind. She had only  witnessed her  brother all her life and he was a horrible and selfish human being. Meeting so many generous kings and princes was something she wouldbe eternally be thankful for.
"I will not disturb you all. I will leave after sometime."
"What do you mean? Where will you stay alone?" Karn questioned already knowing the princess had nowhere to go.
"I will love alone by myself Angraj. You all have already done a lot of favour on me. I beg I will be able to handle myself properly." The independent Somlata said.
Karn amd Arjun nodded reluctantly.
"Are you both serious! It will be extremely unsafe for the princess!" Yudhisthir added surprising everyone.
"But I..." Somlata tried to interrupt but was forestalled.
"She is a princess Arjun. Bhrata Karn you know the life of a princess. How will she manage alone. Her father is imprisoned." Yudhisthir said.
"Yudhisthir is right! Porei you will have to stay here!" Mata Kunti added.
"But can I stay here. I mean I will be a burden to all of you. Neither am I your family nor am I..." Somlata was going to speak but Yudhisyhir again interrupted.
"If that is what is concerning you then I extend my marriage proposal for you. Will you marry me Somlata?" Yudhisthir proposed.
Everyone were aghast. Arjun and Kafn looked at each other surprised. Nakul and Sahadev were trying their not laugh. Bheem and Duryodhan were still trying to figure out what just happened. Draupadi, Nayana amd Subhadra were smiling looking at their brother in law's romantic gesture.
Kunti was exploding with happiness while Krishna was smirking while Radha tried to stop her husband.
Somlata was completelyntaken aback. She had not expected this.
"Why do you wanna destroy your life prince Yudhisthir? You are the king of Indraprast and I am a country girl now. You will not benefit at all fr this wedding. " Somlata said who always knew that marriage was an economic proposition as her father had taught her.
"If you dont like me then I will never force you princess but..." Yudhisthir answered.
"No it's nothing like that. I like you a lot" Somlata said amd immediately realised that she had spoken her mind.
Everyone looked at her with a smile amd Nakul Shadev couldn't control themselves from teasing any longer. Somlata was blushing heavily.
"Then I hope mata you have no problem with this marriage. Neither you Bhrata Karn for I have always considered you as my elder brother. You will bless me in this marriage. And Pitamah you are my grandfather and mata Amba you are like my grandmother . If any of you...." yudhisthir asked not sure.
"We have no problem putra Yudhisthir" pitamah and Amba said together.
"I am so happy my putra. Somlata is a wonderful girl!" Kunti expressed her joy.
"And I bless you with all my heart anuj! I too have always considered you all as my brothers. I am really happy with your decision "Karn said.
Kunti looked at her six sins sadly. They had no idea. She had to reveal about Karn's secret to them someday.
Thus it was decided Somlata and Yudhisthir would get married within this week.

In Draupadi's chamber all the princesses were sitting together gossiping about their husbands.
"Who do you all feel is the most caring husband?" Subhadra asked suddenly surprising everyone.
"Well my husband accepted my pre marital child and trusted me at all times." Nayana announced proudly.
"My husband loved me even though I insulted him by calling him a sutaputra so there's no doubt whose husband is the most loving and caring.
"Well my husband didnt fall for the most beautiful woman in the entire adyavrat because he loved me!" Subhadra said indicating Draupadi.
"Its definitely a tough choice!" Radha said as she saw the princesses fighting childishly with each other.
"You are the winner in this case Radha " Rukmini added thinking about her dear Krishna.
"Wrll sakha Krishna is definitely caring but my Karna is no less!" Draupadi said with a feeling of pride.
"Neither is my Arjuna!" Subhadra added.
"You are underestimating my arya!" Nayana argued.
"Challenge?" Somlata asked surprising everyone in the room.
"You will lose this Somlata. Yudhisthir is a great king and a just ruler but he is not a crazy romantic!" Nayana added.
The other princesses nodded.
"We will see to that" Somlata said pretty confident.
"I will not take part but yes I will happily nominate myself as the judge of this challenge. Let's see whose husband is the most caring and loving of all!" Radha said as everyone smiled excitedly.

"Somlata is so beautiful amd amazing! I am so excited jyesth!" Yudhisthir said to Karn.
"That is something you say before your marriage Bhrata. We all were the same!" Duryodhan said and all the married brothers nodded aggressively supporting Duryodhan.
"What do you mean?" Yudhisthir asked genuinely confused by Duryodhan's statement.
"Its bachelors point of view versus the married ones! See Bhrata everything is so sweet amd romantic before tour marriage bit after the marriage all the romance diminishes. You have no idea how confusing women are. We always shower them with love and they only care about their mood amd their time...I mean yes I understand it's their choice but freaking always!" Arjun said extremely frustrated.
"Marital life is different anuj. It's not a bed of Roses " Karn finally said.
"That's because you all are always so needy and keep irritating your wives! You should atleast give my bhabhisrees some space atleast. "A voice was heard.
"Ayaan!!!" All of them shouted together.
"And how are you sure this would work brother?" Krishna asked.
"Because it has worked for me brother!!" Ayaan said smiling.
The brothers looked at Ayaan with raised eyebrows. All the brothers looked at each other.
"Worth giving a try brother!" Karn cried and Arjun nodded.
"Then what are we waiting for? Let's see if our wives are as loving as us! My one will never melt! I am telling you! She will be so angry with me and will kill me!" Duryodhan added.
"Same brother" Arjun added.
"Let's then see if our wives are as loving as us! We will ignore them amd let's see which of our wife first tries to woo us!" Karn said.

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