35: curtains rise at ten

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After I got out of the shower and cleaned myself up a bit, I decided to tell Pacifica something that she didn't really expect.

"The plan has to be in motion by tonight." I said. "It has to be."

"Why?" She scooted closer to me.

"I'm sick of the constant pain I'm in with this mark on my chest and I'm sick of the constant shadow hanging over my head." I explained softly, looking at her, seriousness written on my face. "You're scared about this, I know, but it has to happen."

"I get it." She eventually admitted. "But I'm not so sure we're ready!"

"We are." I promised. "The plan will work, everything you thought out in the brilliant head of yours will work out."

"You flatter me." She rolled her eyes and it brought a smile to my face. "But are you sure this has to happen?"

I nodded, sure of myself.. "Yes, I'm absolutely sure that this has to happen."

"Okay," she whispered. "I'll call Mabel and Gideon."

As she walked out of my room, I felt sick. I was torn between wanting to finish this, and waiting. I was actually kind of scared. But as soon as I let Pacifica know that, she would shut down the entire operation and I would be stuck.

I glanced down at my phone, not surprised that it was dead. I went down the rabbit hole the night prior, I couldn't stop thinking about everything that had happened in a span of an hour and a half yesterday.

After Scarlett told me she loved me last night and disappeared, I called her a million times. But every time I called, she never answered.

"God," I groaned and laid my head in my hands. "Why the hell does everything have to go so terribly wrong for me?"

* * *

When both Mabel and Gideon arrived, I finally decided to join them in the sitting room, over brunch. Gideon was still looking mad at me, likewise with Mabel. Ah, so nothing had changed with Gideon. Just like it had always been.

Pacifica, however, didn't appear mad at me at all, but I still felt that she was, and I couldn't figure out why. Maybe it was because I felt that she should have been mad at me.

"Alright, you both know why we're here." I started. "We have to execute our plan tonight. We're ready for it."

"Why the sudden need for change, Dipper?" Mabel dared to ask me.

"I'm sorry, but would you like to be marked for death?" I whirled on her. Seeing the look on her face made me change my tone. "I just would like to get it done with." One way, or another. . .

"Alright, have we worked everything out in our plan?" Pacifica asked, looking at the rest of us. "I know we practiced it, but does it work?"

Gideon shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "I think it works, we could try it but," he glanced at me, a little less hatred in his eyes, "it is your life on the line, Dipper."

I nodded. "I'm aware of the consequences."

Pacifica looked intently at me. "This is serious, Dipper!"

"I'm taking this seriously, Pacifica." I frowned and looked away from her. "Pines," he glanced up at the moment his name left my lips. "You're certain this might work?"

"It has a 0.4173822920 percent chance of working."

"Seriously? You couldn't round that to point 5?" I closed my eyes for a brief moment before continuing. "Regardless, this is rather serious, I need to know that you all are one hundred percent on board before we continue."

I received nods from them all, even though Pacifica was slightly hesitant.

"So it's settled?" I stood up from the chair I was perched on. "Alright, nine o'clock is our call time, curtains rise at ten. And you better pray there isn't an encore." With that, I left the room.

And I heard Gideon say, "does he always say stuff like that? Gave me chills."

* * *

At half past eight, I was on my balcony. My arms rested on the railings' edges as my eyes trained on the final glow of the summer sun. I prayed that it wouldn't be my last sunset.

There was so much to take in with the final glow. All the finalities of everything. The last hints of orange, tinted with few shades of gold, and the overwhelming pink-purple.

I'd never been one for romanticizing the sky, romanticizing anything, but I figured I might as well cash in on as many trivial things as I could.

Pacifica often reminded me of the summer sun; blazing with heat all throughout the day, pushing everyone away from her, but also amazing them in her golden glow. But as the day went on, you got to see more of her, how she wasn't just golden, how she was orange, pink, and purple.

I chuckled to myself, resting my chin on my hand. "You romantic fool," I muttered to myself, but only hearing Mabel's voice in my head.

I turned around and saw the clock on my bedside table. Fifteen minutes till we had to be in the woods. Was I wasting time? Like trying to waste the statute of limitations?

I walked into my bedroom, shutting the glass doors behind me and stared at myself in the full-length mirror that had been a present from the fairies of the woods. After I helped them with a problem, they told me that this mirror would help me see. Whatever that meant.

Seeing myself, I almost recoiled.

There were dark circles under my eyes that stretched on for miles, darker than the blackest of nights. My skin was as pale as a china doll's. Sickly, was the word used to describe how I looked.

"You're out of time."

I jerked my head back up to look behind me. No one was there, but who had said the words? I slowly turned to face my mirror once again to see myself glaring back at me.

"W-what?" I stammered.

There, right in front of me, was a ghostly phantasm of me. He stared at me, an almost sad look in his glassy eyes. "I'm sorry. But you're not long for this world."

"Impossible." I stated. "The plan works, don't you see? I will be completely fine, completely unharmed."

But he just shook his head at me, as if I was in denial. Was I in denial. . ? Who was I kidding, I knew how this entire thing was going to pan out. And I was still willing to go through with it. Whatever the cost was, I was willing to accept it.

I glanced down at my phone, which laid on my bed, untouched. I hadn't looked at it since the night prior, when I tried to contact Scarlett.

Scarlett Valentino, I thought whilst I ignored my ghostly counterpart, where did you disappear to?

I went over to my bed and took a seat, letting every single thought enter and leave my head at once. It was true, I loved Scarlett Valentino. But I was in love with Pacifica. Nothing was going to change that.

Against my better judgement, I dialed Scarlett's number and waited for her to pick up her damn phone for once.

It rang for a few seconds before I heard a click.


"Scarlett!" I blurted.

"Can't come to the phone right now, leave a message and maybe I'll get back to you."

"Damned voicemail." I muttered. But I waited patiently for it to allow me to give one. Once I heard the beep, I went off. "Hey, Scarlett," I started, "I know I've tried to talk to you a million times over the past 24 hours, but I promise this will be the last time.

"The thing is, uh, well, you told me something yesterday. Something that I didn't respond too well to. For that, I apologize. The point of this voicemail is simple. I wanted to tell you one last time, you're the closest friend I have. You listen to me when no one else will," I ran a hand through my hair, "and, well, to keep this short. I just have to tell you the truth. I loved you, but I'm in love with Pacifica. I hope you can understand."

I took a short breath before continuing. "Keep everyone safe for me, alright? Goodbye, Scarlett."

I hung up and placed my phone on my bed. It had already happened. I already accepted my fate and knew what was coming. The strangest part was that I wasn't scared. I was ready.

Sighing, I looked back at my ghostly reflection. Nothing was there.

"That's one loose end covered." I glanced back down at my phone. "Now to handle the rest."

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