36: that was mistake number one

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   "Okay, I don't remember the woods being this dark at night." Gideon stated as the four of us walked. "Does --what's it called-- know we're coming?"

   I shook my head. "No way. It's a creature, I doubt it has any more intelligence than you do, Gideon."

   "Oh that's good-- wait what?"

   I half expected Dipper to snort at my comment, perhaps grin! But his face showed no change of expression. Instead, he kept trekking forward into the darker area of the woods.

   Mabel looked down at her watch. "It's 10:15."

   "Can't remember anyone asking for the time." Gideon commented wryly. "But, uh, how will we know if the creature knows where to go?"

   "We just have to get it's attention." Mabel replied. "As soon as Dipper uses his magic, the creature will be tracking him like Hellhounds from that one show Pacifica tried to get me into."

   "Seeing as you referenced it, it sounds like you're into it." I smiled grimly.

   "Maybe." was all she said on that matter. Clearing her throat, she changed her directive to Gideon. "But, once it has his location, we only have a short amount of time to get rid of it before it. . .gives him the works."

   I nodded. "But how long would you guess that is?"

   "With our limited resources on this thing," Mabel looked down at the path in front of her before carefully stepping over a knotted tree root. "I'd say we have five minutes. Maybe less."

   Gideon gulped. "That's not very long at all."

   "Yeah, but we're prepared for this." I butted in. "We know the stakes, we know what we're playing for here." I shot a quick glance to Dipper, who still hadn't said a word. Nor had he said anything to me since our last conversation hours ago.

   It was eerie for him to be silent this long. He always had something to say, so his silence was a little unnerving. "Dipper?" I called to him.

   He hardly halted in step. "Yes?" He called quietly over his shoulder. Why wouldn't he look at me?

   I quickened my pace to match his so we could talk semi-privately. "Are you alright? You've barely spoken a word since this afternoon."

   "Believe me, Pacifica, it isn't intentional." He replied quickly.

   With that said, he took the lead again, leaving me behind with Mabel and Gideon. I sighed, realizing that I'd been doing a lot more of that ever since Dipper re-entered my life, and looked over at Mabel.

   She bore a similar expression; worry with a tint of anger. "Dipper." She walked up ahead to confront him, hopefully.

   Gideon fell in-step with me as we continued our walk. "Hey, are you okay?"

   "Why wouldn't I be?" I shrugged. "My boyfriend's marked for death by a creature we don't even know how to defeat, my best friends betrayed me, my boyfriend's not telling me things about him or how he feels, and did I mention that he might die?!" I hissed.

   Gideon held up his hands, fear in his eyes a bit. "Geez Paz," he whispered. "I was only asking because you've been asking everyone else about how they feel. And it seems like you're angry at someone."

   "It doesn't matter." I shrugged off his comment and we all went the rest of the way in complete silence.

   That was mistake number one.

* * *

   When we reached the clearing in about the middle of the woods, where the twins first encountered the terrible creature, Mabel and I ran down the plan for everyone.

   "This has to go off without a hitch, otherwise it's all over." Mabel reminded everyone.

   "Okay, so Dipper," I looked over at him. "You know what you have to do?"

   He nodded.

   "We won't be that far away." I stated. "And everyone, please keep your phones on you and check them to make sure you have all the information at all times?"

   Everyone nodded. Mabel gave me a look and glanced down at Gideon. "We should go, c'mon, Gideon. I'm sure while we wait for this creature to show up, we have quite a few things to catch up on, don't ya think?"

   Before Gideon could protest, not that he entirely would, Mabel dragged him off into the woods. I realized what she was doing; she wanted to give me and Dipper some alone time before this whole plan went down.

   Dipper sighed and sat down on a nearby boulder. "Hey, Pazzie?"

   "Yes?" I answered immediately.

   "Suppose this whole plan of yours works out." He started, actually looking at me for the first time in hours. "Do you think you'd consider being my date to the Mid-Summer annual ball at Gleeful Manor next weekend?"

   I sat down next to him and placed my hand on his. "I'd love to, but you're saying it as if it won't happen."

   He stayed quiet once again.

   "I guarantee that I'll be picking out a dress this weekend with Mabel at some fancy store in the mall and I won't be telling you the color." I continued after I figured out he wasn't going to say anything.

   He raised a brow, his signature move. "Oh really? You know I could just as easily read your mind? I am a psychic, you know."

   I chuckled. "No, you're not."

   Dipper sighed. "You should probably get to your spot. It won't take long for it to find me after I use magic."

   "Let me see." I said. "You have to use something dramatic, to get its attention. You've always been one for dramatic flair."

   Dipper nodded. "Very well." But before he could do anything, a clutter of butterflies flew from the trees and fluttered near us. A pretty blue and black one landed on his head.

   "Cute." I whispered, kissing his cheek. "I love you, Dipper." I whispered once more as I hopped off the boulder.

   He caught my arm before I could leave and turned me around to face him. "I love you, Pacifica Southeast. I love you, always."

   He pressed his lips to mine, softly, much unlike all our other kisses. This one was slow, languid, like we were savoring every single millisecond of it. Like we'd never be able to do this again. And I'd like to believe that deep down I knew that it was true.

   After our kiss, I turned around and made my way to my spot in the woods where we'd commence the plan. I thought that maybe, just maybe, I should have stuck around to ask him about the kiss. But I didn't.

   That was mistake number two.

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