46: can standoffish-ness be passed down through genetics

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   Without my magic things were calm, albeit complicated. With my magic I was able to figure out when there was an unusual presence around Gleeful Manor and identify it.

   Without it, all I could figure out was that something was off.

   Setting down the itinerary for tomorrow night's event, I booked it out of my study and into the main sitting room of the manor.

   There was a car outside. A taxicab that you would ride in from the airport. Which could only mean one thing; my parents had arrived.

   Ice stabbed through my heart with a cut of dread when the realization hit me. I had believed they would show up only for the party, leave it to my parents to be unpredictable.

   Clearing my throat, I called out for my sister. "Mabel!"

   "I'm literally standing right next to you."

   I jolted when I saw her, "what the hell is your problem? Popping and poofing out of nowhere?"

   "Because, like you, I could feel that something was off." She crossed her arms and glared at the taxicab through the window. "I can't believe they're actually here."

   "I know." I pressed my lips together in a thin line. "After all this time."

   "You know that they're only here to make sure the event that we organized alone is perfect like they expect."  Mabel scoffed and stamped her foot. "Because, we Gleefuls must be perfect in every way."

   "I'm going to find Paz." I shook my head and turned on my heel in a swift motion. "I can't help but believe something terrible will occur, with my Paz in the middle of it all."

   Mabel waved her hand, "go find your girl, I'll handle them for the time being. The best I can give you is five minutes, brother dearest."

   "It's better than no time at all." I bit my lip and continued off to find Pacifica.

   Finding Pacifica wasn't as easy as I thought. True, I could've tried calling her, but in the few days that passed us I realized that she doesn't always have her phone on her, nor is the ringer on.

   One of the biggest let-downs of no longer having magic.

   I found her in the gardens. She was simply staring at the numerous amount of flowers on display. Flowers preordered for the theme of the party.

   "Fancy seeing you here." I inwardly cringed at how awkward it sounded. I definitely needed to up my game.

   Pacifica hardly seemed startled. "Oh, hey."

   "Are you quite alright, sweetheart?" I stood in front of her, eyes searching for any signal that would give me a hint.

   Pacifica shook her head. "Yes, I'm fine! Promise! Still, just a little nervous that I'll be meeting your parents in less than twenty four hours."

   I chuckled and shifted on my feet. "Uh, Paz?" I cringed again, I had never in my life said anything as short and inarticulate as 'uh'. "It may be less time than that."

The blood rushed from her face. "What are you saying?"

I shifted my weight between my feet, shoving my hands into my front pockets. "My parents. . .they're here."

She let out a bark of a laugh, eyes widening. "Are you serious?!" She hissed after a second.

"As a heart attack."

She closed her eyes and shook her head. "I dunno if I'm ready for this, Dipper."

"Sweetheart," I wrapped her in a hug, pulling her closer to me, trying to comfort her as best as possible. I hated seeing her that way. "I promise you, nothing they can say will change anything."

"I trust you."

As soon as Paz and I were back inside, I heard the obnoxious voices of my parents echoing through the manor.

Some were voices of praise, others seemed condescending. I bristled without intending to do so.

"And where is Mason, Mabel darling?"

"He should be here in a moment."

Deciding it was better to face the music sooner rather than later, I braced myself and entered the room.

As soon as my mother saw me, she had a smile on her face. I didn't know my mother well enough to read her facial expressions as I could with Mabel or my beloved Pacifica, but anyone with half a brain could clearly see that it was forced.

"Mason!" She cried, walking over to me. "It has been so long, dear!"

I tried hard not to flinch when she gave me a hug. It was stiff, and unwelcoming. Wonderful to finally learn where I received my 'standoffish-ness' from.

Although, can standoffish-ness be passed down through genetics?

I returned her hug after a brief moment of hesitation. "Mother, you're looking quite well."

"Of course, living in Paris has its pleasures." She smiled lightly at me and then seemed to notice that someone was behind me. "Oh, perfect!"

What was perfect?

"How kind of you to bring a servant to help me carry all my things."

I cleared my throat before the taxicab driver could hand over my mother's bags to Pacifica. "No, Mother, that isn't a servant."

She looked perplexed. "I beg your pardon?"

"Mother, this is Pacifica." I extended my hand to Pacifica, praying that she would take it. "Pacifica, this is my mother, Maris Gleeful. Mother, Pacifica is my girlfriend."

It was terribly quiet inside the manor after that moment. So silent that a pin could be heard if it dropped.

I could hear my heartbeat thudding like thunder in my ears. I could feel it pulsing beneath my eyes and throughout my fingertips.

I hadn't wanted to introduce Pacifica in that moment, but my mouth had now moved on its own accord.

Perhaps it was better to not beat around the bush.

My mother's smile cracked for a brief minute, her eyes scanning Pacifica. "Oh."

I nodded, holding Pacifica's hand a little tighter than normally. But it wasn't the worst thing my mother could have said.

"Mabel, darling, be a dear and fetch your mother a drink." She continued, staring at me, then Pacifica, and then our intertwined hands. "I need to discuss something with your brother, and this level of discussion requires some form of alcohol."

I know I took a light break from this book, but I'm going to keep back up with it. You can expect an update at least twice a week, sometimes every other day, and sometimes every day. Hope y'all enjoy. Stay safe out there and keep smiling my lovelies!

-Kaori Miyazono <3

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