47: the latter would truly be better

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   This wasn't how it was supposed to go. I was supposed to meet Dipper's parents the day of the big event.

   I was supposed to look elegant and wonderful, but now, I was standing in front of his mother with my ratty jeans and a plain t-shirt. Not exactly impressive.

   Mabel tugged my arm and pulled me along with her into the kitchen.

   "Hmm, what do you think? Scotch on the rocks or tequila sunrise?" Mabel murmured aloud as she rooted through the liquor cabinet that I didn't know was there.

   "What?" I was so absorbed in my own shock that it barely registered in my head that she had asked me a direct question.

   "Ugh, Paz, focus." She snapped her fingers in my face. "I know things are strange right now, but we just have to move past it."

   I nodded along, but everything about staying focused went in one ear and out the other. Dipper's mother was there, and I was to meet her!

   I could barely think straight. "Mabel," I whispered. "I don't think your mother likes me."

Mabel snorted. "My mother? She doesn't like anyone."

"I hope Dipper's alright." I glanced down the hall, but I couldn't see anyone. Nor could I hear anyone. That put me on edge.

   "Oh please." Mabel snorted.

   "I mean, he survived an attack from a magical creature, he can absolutely survive this!" I tried to sound positive.

   Mabel snorted once again. "Are you kidding? You've never met my mother. And now, we don't have magic to know what she's thinking."

I frowned and blew a piece of hair out of my eyes as Mabel started mixing drinks. "I think we know exactly what she's thinking."

A glass of sunset liquid was placed in front of me. I startled and looked at Mabel in amazement. "What is this?"

"It's called a tequila sunrise." Mabel appeared amused. "I can't believe you've never seen one."

"I don't drink." I rolled my eyes. "Sure I've had some, but I've never really been around places that had alcohol."

Mabel nodded and pushed the drink closer to me. "I think Mother will be talking to Dipper for quite some time. I'll bring this one," she held up another drink, "to her and then you and I can drink and chat."

After Mabel walked away, I looked at the drink in front of me. Surely one drink wouldn't hurt? Besides, alcohol calmed people's nerves, maybe that was exactly what I needed.

I reached forward and grasped the glass tightly in my hand. I took the smallest of small sips. It was sweet but also bitter. Mabel must've added more orange juice than tequila.

"Okay, I'm back." Mabel walked back and looked me up and down. "It's so tense in that room you could cut it with a knife."

"Did you hear what they were talking about?" I asked as Mabel sat down.

"Yes." Mabel pursed her lips. "And unfortunately, my mother would like to speak with you."

I froze instantly and almost dropped my glass. I steadied my hand and took a deep breath.

   Mabel looked at me with something like concern in her eyes. "Are you alright, Pacifica?"

   "I'll be fine." I nodded slowly. "Besides, her opinion doesn't truly matter to me. What matters is that Dipper loves me. And, I suppose, you too."

   Mabel grinned like a barracuda. "That's my girl! Now, knock her dead. Figuratively or literally. Take your pick. The latter would truly be better for me."

I paled. "Seriously, Mabel!?"

She cackled and smiled at me. "I'm teasing. Now, go!"

* * *

   I took a deep breath before I entered the sitting room. Drink in hand, I walked into the room and felt two pairs of eyes on me.

   The first I looked at was Dipper. His eyes didn't convey much emotion, but I'd been around him long enough to catch the snippets.

   He looked nervous and wary briefly, but changed his demeanor quickly, probably to make sure I would feel a little more comfortable.

   His mother on the other hand, her brows were furrowed and she looked to be displeased. She didn't even know me!

Clutching the drink for confidence, I walked over to sit down on the spare chair that seemed to be lain out for me.

It meant I wouldn't be sitting down next to Dipper. I felt a little more anxious, because at least with Dipper at my side I would feel slightly at ease.

"Alright, now that you're here, there is something I wish to talk to you about." Mrs. Gleeful looked to me.

"Mother, please, this isn't necessary." Dipper eyes moved quickly between me and his mother.

"Mason, I do believe that I am speaking." Her voice turned as cold as Dipper's personality. "And I do believe that I wasn't speaking to you."

Dipper frowned at the use of his first name. But said nothing against her. It was almost eerie. Almost like he was afraid of her.

   I took another small sip of my drink and squared my shoulders, trying to feign enough confidence to get me out of there alive.

She then turned to look at me, eyebrows furrowed. "So, you are Pacifica Southeast?"

I nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

"How did the two of you meet?" Mrs. Gleeful looked me up and down, as if she never expected her son to be anywhere I'd be.

Even I had to think back about it. Was it the first time I had seen him? Or first time I'd had an actual conversation with him?

   "I was out with my cousin, about three years ago, and we stumbled across each other." I said, trying quite hard to remember the incident itself. "In town."

   Mrs. Gleeful took a long sip of her drink and placed it on a coster on the table in front of her. "Three years ago?"

   "We haven't been dating for three years." I clarified. "We started dating a couple weeks before I had to go back to California. And we just reconnected this year."

Mrs. Gleeful continued to watch me, carefully. "And did you know who he was when you first met him?"

What kind of question was that? Was it in my favor or Dipper's? Or no one's?

"Yes, my cousin had told me about him before we officially met." I added, hesitation leaking into my voice.

"Right." She nodded. "So, you knew that he was rich?"

I froze. "What?"

"Mother, please!"

"You know his family was rich, so what exactly are you playing here?" She demanded. "Are you a peasant? So poor that you decided to use your womanly charm to ensnare my son into a false sense of security? Or are you a con artist? Working a job for three years and now the bosses are breathing down your neck so you're working extra hard to finish the job?"

I felt my mouth open, but yet no sound ever came out.

"Or, heaven forbid," she turned to Dipper. "Did you get her pregnant?"


"You know we can pay her to get rid of it, honey." She only looked at Dipper.

"No! None of that!" Dipper exclaimed, standing up so fast that the chair was knocked over in his wake. "How dare you insinuate anything about Pacifica!"

"Look at the facts, Dipper, be logical about this." His mother stayed seated but stared up at him. "Why else would she be here if not for any of those reasons?"

"Maybe because she loves me? For me?" Dipper ran a hand through his hair.

I felt paralyzed. Everything was spiraling out of control and there was nothing I could do about it.

"Mason, really, be reasonable." She went on. "We can arrange a nice relationship with a better girl. In fact, we've met several families in Paris who are willing to collaborate with us, so to speak."

Dipper shook his head. "No. Sorry, but I've found the one I love. The one I want to spent my life with."

Hearing Dipper say that, it broke me from my temporary verbal paralysis. I rose from my seat, gripping my drink in one hand, and my other holding out toward Dipper.

"I'm disappointed, Mason." His mother frowned. "You shouldn't throw your life away for this tramp!"

"What did you call her?"

Everything happened so quickly. Even if I was asked to recount what happened, I didn't think I would even believe it.

The glass that held Mrs. Gleeful's drink shattered. She stared at it, eyes wide.

Dipper blinked once or twice before he looked over to me. "Let's go, Pazzie." He walked out of the room before I could respond.

I looked down at the glass that seemed to miraculously shatter. It made me think as I walked away from his verbally abusive mother.

I saw Dipper break his amulet. Didn't I? So where did that come from?


Hiya! Sorry for the cliffhanger and short hiatus! One of my computers is still on the fritz so I've been using my phone and my school computer to type these out!

Also, I've been watching a favorite YouTuber of mine play a game called Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc instead of writing stories (bad, Kao-chan!) and let me just say please don't spoil anything!

But anyways, why I'm mentioning this is because Byakuya Togami reminds me so much of Dipper Gleeful that it's all I think about. I think Mabel would be Kyoko or Celestia Ludenburg. Paz would end up being Makoto, and I think Candy would be Toko (hehehe). But anyways, I was kinda thinking of writing a oneshot based on that, any thoughts?

Regardless, stay safe out there and keep smiling my lovelies!

-Kaori Miyazono <3

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