Chapter 1 - Insecurities

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Anika had always known that Shivaay and her relationship though filled with love would hit major bumps throughout their journey. In the beginning it was difficult because both of them had made certain mistakes but lately Anika had been feeling that even though Shivaay had become the perfect husband she hadn't succeeded in becoming a perfect wife. It was only because of her that her husband had lost a really important business deal today not to forget how because of her Shivaay had been humiliated when they  had gone for Sahil's admission.

Shivaay had been nothing but sweet to her but still Anika couln't stop feeling guilty.  She wanted to be like one of those high society wives who their husbands could take to those fancy parties , the kind of women who wore the kind of dresses that their husband found incredibly sexy . Most importantly she wantex to be an equal to shivaay - to feel like she deserved to be his wife.

But how was she supposed to do that ? She was a normal hindi medium school dropout while her husband was a graduate of a university she had only recently learned to pronounce with much difficulty from Rudra - Cambridge.

Anika wished more than ever that she had completed her education all those years ago. But what else was she supposed to do ? She had Sahil to take care of and no family to help her or call her own. Though there were few people who did become her family along the way like Chanda and a certain someone who had  been a part of her life once upon a time . While Anika was happy that she had managed to mantain her friendship with Chanda she still lamented the loss of her other friend. It had been years since Anika ahd last heard of him ir even though of him but today as she stood recalling her miserable childhood his face kept coming infront of her . How couldn't it? But now all Anika had was bitter memories of how he left her only to never look back.

Anika what are you thinking about? Asked Shivaay breaking her trance .

Anika turned around and walked towards him hugging him tightly.

What's wrong Anika? Is this about today morning?

No Shivaay i just needed this . You don't know how much i love you Shivaay . Thank you for loving me and not giving up on me like everyone else does.

Aniak stop it..come on now siad Shivaay taking out his handkerchief and drying her face with it.

Come now let's have lunch okay and please don't worry about what happened this morning.

At the dinner table everyone was quite especially since they know Anika had been in a foul mood sincemorning until finally Shivaay broke his silence and started intiated conversation.

So i need to tell you all some big news. Oberois have recently signed a deal with some foreign investors- its a huge deal- better and bigger than what  our deal was supposed to be with the japenese and what's good that the guy who is the head of the company and the executor of all this is Indian and from Mumbai only . I have invited him tomorrow for dinner along with his team so preparation need to be made. I am going to need you all to make sure that the decorations our spectacular especially you Anika since its your apartment.

Of course Shivaay i will replied Anika.

But who is the guy you are talking about Shivaay who is signing this huge deal with us? Asked Om

That is going to be a surprise for us all. This businessman likes to keep a low profile but he's a legit billionaire. To be honest i don't even know why he signing this deal with us since the major part of it will take place in India and he has no family or business here.

But you must be knowing his name Shivaay. Ah yes his name is..

I am not that hungry tonight. I'll just go to sleep said Anika as she got up and before anyone could stop her she made her way their bedroom. Shivaay knew that she was upset and that there was no point in talking with her yet so he chose to give her some time alone.

So bhaiya before bhabhi left you were telling us the name of the bigshot investor asked Rudra.

Ah yes his name is Abhay ...

Abhay what Shivaay asked Om

I don't know..they didn't tell me ..i mean whenever tbey spoke about him they used the word Abhay so we'll probably find out tomorrow.

Meanwhile at Chanda's house

Chanda had just gotten back from the hospital after her visit to her gynaecologist . She was elated - why shouldn't she be - she was soon going to be a mom and had just returned from her regular check up.

She started walking towards the kitchena s fast as she could owing to her thirst.

You know walking this fast when one is expecting is not good for the mother or the baby came an eerily familiar voice which startled her.

Oh my god! Abhay you are here how the hell did you get in here and how do you even know that i

Please just because i did not attent your wedding doesn't mean i don't keep tabs on you replied Abhay.  Now what does a guy have to do to get a  hug around here?

Seriously are finally back after so many years and you expect me to run back in your arms just like that...i need an explanation..where have you bee ...what have you been doing and  why are you suddenly back?

I have some unfinished business Chanda. Now are you going to give me a hug or what - i am you brother after all - even though a bastard born out of our father's adultrey.

You haven't changed a bit have you.

It is the truth ...i am the bastard aren't I Chanda? Always have been.

I have always loved you

Lik your own Chanda ? I know but the fact of the matter is that i am an orphan who just happens to be related to you because of our father's sins- the very same drunkyard fatehr who robbed us of our childhood-the only thread that binds us is that misery dear sister.

I don't care Abhay sisd Chanda hugging her brother  after a long time.

After some time she finally pulled away.

Now tell me what is the unfinished business you wer etalking about? Asked Chanda dreading the reply for she knew why his brotehr was back . He had seen it- how couldn't he - after all it was hard to miss.

You know why i am here don't you Chanda replied Abhay.

She is a married woman now Abhay .

Which is precisely why i am back.

She is finally ahpoy reasoned Chanda.

Or how i can remind her what it feels like to be truly happy.

Her husband is

Shivaay Singh Oberoi ? Oh i know i saw them on the news recently ...since when does she wear dresses like that.

It was a one time thing replied Chanda.

If her husnad is Shivaay why did she walk the ramp with that Viraj Solanki guy.

You don't need to know the whole story Abhay came Chanda's reply.

I have my own souces you know? I am after all a billionaire now. Oh wait you don't know.

But Chanda knew. She had made her husband hire a private investigator to look into abhay and found out that he had amaased quite a lot of wealth in the past few years though he ha dmanaged to keep his name out of the limelight and conducted business through his agents mainly.

Viraj had a rivalry with Shivaay and wanted to take revenge so her made her walk with him.

Huh. And her husbamd didn't stop him?

He did eventually. They were sort of separated at the moment.

But they are back togetehr now ?

Yes they are amd i would advise you to stay away from her .

Oh i will. Trust me i am only here for business soon as my deal's done i'll be out of this country. Now tell me how is my unborn neice or nephew doing?

I'll show you the sonograph siad Chanda opening up he rpurse thinking foolishly that abhay ahd forgotten all about the topic they were talking about.

I am here to settle old scores Anika. Get ready for the shock of your life though Abhay as he made himself comfortable on the couch.

Hope you guys enjoyed!

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