Chapter 2 Flashback

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It had been a long day for the nine year old Anika. Her adoptive parents had left the city for two days and she was staying with her so called adoptive bua who barely let her have lunch or dinner for that matter. She was famished and felt that if she didn't have anything to eat soon she faint. It was then when she heard a noise comeimg from outside her window.

Pssst! Anika ...come here.

Anika looked at the window and found the 9 year old Abhay outside.

Abhay! Oh my god what are you doing here . If bua sees you here she'll..

Don't worry about it said Abhay as he entered the unreasonably small room that had been assigned to her.

Here i bought food said Abhay as he passed her a tightly packed bag. There is aloo puri in it.

Really but how did you..

I stole the money from my father.

Abhay!if he finds out he'll beat you with a belt.

I don't care ...i am used to are not used to starving...noone is have it.

Anika couldn't resist and indulged herself in the tasty aloo puri.

Anika had thanked Abhay so many times that he had finally asked her to shut up or her he's leave.

You know one day Anika i'll be a big successful man...then you can have lots to eat and wear  the pretty dresses that my stepmother or as i like to call her monster makes chnada wear.

That's a good dream but i'll forever be doomed to this life of misery.

No you won't i promise i'll give you every comfort. Your Abhay will work hard and together we'll live in a big house and eat aloo puri everyday.

That's a beautiful dream abhay...i really wish it becomes true. But you'll forget all about me when you become a big man won't you.

No i wouldn't...all the money in the world would be worthless without you and Chanda by my side. We are the three muskeeters remember. Bound by our misery -always and forever.

Abhay woke up with a start in the middle of the night. It had been years since that night . After all this times his dreams were plagued by her. He had promised himself that he wouldn't ever see her again. She was another man's wife now. But he had to see her. Atleast once. He had convinced himself that he came back to wreak havoc in her happy life but he knew it was a lie. He could never try to hurt her or hamper her happiness.  He just wanted to show her that he had everything that qq husband was a good man and if he treated her right. Abhad had done his homework. First of all he was confused as to why when he was supposed to marry Tia kapoor he had suddenly married Anika. He had heard about Shivaay Singh Oberoi's arrogance in the past- heard what a lineaged obsessed man he is. So it came as a shock to him that he had married an orphan. He had also heard of their divorce and how they had gotten back after 3 months. He wondered as to why Anika had gone back to him after he had thrown her out of the house so mercilessly and then there was the whole Viraj Solanki drama and Speculations regarding Shivaay's secon marriage. He wanted to check if Anika was in some trouble. Though Chanda had assured him repeatedly that she was happy with shivaay he wanted to see for himself. He deserved some peace of mind. If there was evena  slightest chance that she wasn't happy he would..just take her away from Shivaay.

The next morning Abhay left for Mumbai citing work despite Chanda's repeated objections.

At Oberoi Mansion

Anika had been working since morning to make sure that every arrangement was in place. She really wanted everything to go perfectly.

Anika ! Stop everything is okay...come and have lunch ordered Shivaay.

The menu hasn't neen decided yet for tonight. The caterers..

Don't worry now come on and have lunch. I don't want to you to get sick.

Finally Anika sat down and ate allthewhile worrying about the menu.

I think we should keep some italian and chinese tonight suggested Shivaay.

Shivaay he has been living abroad for years. He must have missed desi indian food. I think we should keep indian tonight countered Om.

Yeah you are right Om Anika tell the caterers to arrange for Indian , italian and chinese food just to be on the safe side.

Okay i will said Anika with a huge grin on her face. Indian food was after all her department. She already knew which iten she was definitely  going to keep - her speciality- aloo puri.

Anik had several missed call from Chanda and message that she needed to call her back urgently. But Anika was busy so she hadn't gotten the chance to call her back.

Finally the big evening arrived and Anika dressed up in a red saree gifted to her by pinky maa.

Anika was putting final touches to her makeup when shivaay walked in.

Anika are you ready or..but he stopped talking as soon as he took took a look at her .

What happened Shivaay ...why did you stop mideay like that? Asked Anika worriedly.

You look so...

You don't like the...

No i love biwi looks to hot said Shivaay making her way towards him and pulling her in for a a kiss.

Shivaay what are you doing ...what if someone see?

We are married Anika said Shivaay as he placed a kiss on her forhead.

I know the past couple days have been hard on you but i want you to forgot them . We are back together now and i want to spend every moment of us being together as a happy couple. So please don't let anything anyone says get to you.

I won't. Let's go  downstairs now lest we be late to welcome

Anika and Shivaay made their way downstairs hand in hand . All the couples were eagerly awaiting the arrival of their dpecial guest and then the moment finally arrived though Anika wasn't there to witness it. She was in the kitchen making sure that everything was perfect. Abhay walked into the Oberoiandion with an arrogance that rivalled that of Shivaay or as Anika called it ' tadi'.

Pleasanteries  were exchanged and after everyone had introduced themselves to abhay with the exception of Anika they all made their way towards the dining table for dinner.

But throughout the whole exchance Abhay's eyes had only been searching for Anika. Finally the moment he had been waiting for arrived and she walked in wearing a red saree exposing her milky waist. Abhay tried to stop himself from thinking of her in a sexual way - she was after all married to another man but he no matter how hard he tried he couldn't fight the deep attraction he had for her after all these years .

Anika had stopped breathing. There he was sitting in front of her - just the day before she had thought of him and today just like that he was here in her house .

Shivaay introduced Abhay and Anika fully unaware of the fact  that they knew each other. Abhay tried his best during the entire duration of dinner not to look at Anika as did she.

Finally when the time came to bid goodbye Abhay discreetly slipped Anika a note when no was looking asking her to come meet him tomorrow.

Phel gaya raita! thought Anika as she read the note and started preparing herself for the storm that awaited her in the form of Abhay.

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