Chapter 7

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Abhay knew peehu would retaliate but like this had never crossed his mind. She jad actually tried sending photos of Anika and him to Shivaay. He prayed to god that his crazy ex wife won't do anymore stunts like that. Though a part of him wondered what would have happened had Shivaay seen them. That part of him was evil and selfish- the part that wanted Anika back. But Anika loved Shivaay and he loved her which meant that he'd have to step back.

Anika on the other hand was extremely nervous . She was going to tell Shivaay the truth and it really scared her. The last thing she wanted was for him to doubt her which he would considering she had waited so long to tell him.

Finally Anika mustered up the courage and made her way to Shivaay's office. After spending the night at Chanda's she had returned the next day. It was lunchtime so she went to the office under teh pretense of taking lunch for he busband which was obviously prepared by the chef since she was a terrible cook.

Shivaay was obvipsuly surprised to see Anika.

I thout you were going to stay in Pune a bit longer. Why didn't you tell me you were back?

I changed my mind. I have something importantto tell you Shivaay said Anika as she walked closer to him and hugged him.

Someone is in a romantic mood said shivaay hugging back. Is everthing okay?

No everything is not okay. I have been lying to you Shivaay.

About what?

About Abhay.

What about just met him said Shivaay as his hands settled on Anika's waist.

I did not just meet him Shivaay. I knrw him from before. We are childhood friends and we used to be really close when we were teenagers..i did not tell you because i was afraif of how ypu might react ..i never wnated to lie to you.

Shivaay's grip on Anika's waist loosened.  He moved away and poured himself a glass of water. After drinking it he sat down on the couch.

What do you mean by he your ex.

Sort of.

What do you mean by sort of.

We weren't officially dating but yeah we spent a lot of time together.

So he was your boyfriend old were you?

I was 17 and it was  a long time ago. Abhay moved to London and we lost contact. He is Chanda's half brother.

So you saw him after so many years at the dinner that night.


Why did you not tell me ?

Because you were so happy about the deal and i did not want to be the reason that you called it off.

So you decided that it was better to pretend to not know your ex amd he did the same..i mean why? Asked Shivaay clearly hurt. Wait is this why you were talking about Chanda and her  hsuband the other night wanted to know how i felt about that.

Yeah and you said it yourself that men are more territorial and all amd i just couldn't tell you the truth after that.

What changed your mind?

I saw him again.

Wait you have met him when i wasn't there.

Look he doesn't want to harm our relationship in any way and he is  good guy Shivaay so can we please put this all behind us.

Yeah sure while we are at that would you like me to invite him over for dinner again and talk about how we both have similar taste in women repleid Shivaay sarcastically.

Standing up Shivaay went to where Anika was standing.

I will call off my deal with him and you will not see him again. Is that clear?

He is my friend shivaay..and don't expect me to follow your orders..i am your wife not your slave.

Damn it Anika..that's the are my wife and yet you lied to me ..after everything we have been know how possessive i can get..we have had so many misunderstanding because of other men- Daksh, Vikram amd now this Abhay. I mean if you had just told me that day i would have laughed it off because it happened years ago. But you waited for so long. I can't help but wonder why.

I told you..i was afraid of how you might react and you are reacting in that exact same manner said Anika kneeling.

I love you ..the last thing i want for us is to have misunderstandings..i can't stand the thought of us being apart again both mentally and physcially so please just talk to me..break things..shout but don't act so distant.

For the first time in his life Shivaay wasn't dealing with his hurt by being angry. He was dealing with Anika who he loved more than anyone he could have imagined in the past. Beimg angry wasn't going to fix it . He could try and act all tadibaaz but today he wasn't upto it. He was just feeling helpless. Was their relationship so weak that Anika didn't trust him enough to tell the truth.

Shivaay said Anika as she sat on his lap in an attempt to placate him.

Say something begged Anika.

You should go home Anika ..i have work to do.

Not until you revert back to being normal.

I am normal..if i wasn't your ex boyfriedn would be on the floor by now bleeding and all bruised up .

Wow..that's a mature thing to say ..
Shivaay what is Abhay's fault in all this..we were practically kids back then..its not like we planned for this to happen.

Let me ask you a question..why did you never talk about it..i thought we were different than the rest of couples.

And we are Shivaay. We'll always be because we have unconditional trust on each other. But you have to look at this from my point of view. Anything related to my childhood triggers me in the worst way possible as does Abhay. I want to forget that part of my life completely.  And i have because of you. Just let this go please for my sake.

Shivaay did not know what to do. Till now he was very camn which was very unlike him. On any other day he would have smashed his  phone in anger. But the anger he was experiencing today was of another kind. It was more of a fear actually. The fear that someone else had been a big part of his life the way he is now.

Anika who was straddling Shivaay pulled his hands around her waist in order to be closer to him. Placing a kiss on his nose she asked him if he had forgiven her.

That's not fair Anika can't just act all adorable and innocent when you have been ...Shivaay couldn't find the right word.

Naughty ? Suggested Anika mischievous ly.

Don't even try to get out of this my using sex as a weapon okay said Shivaay. Right after he said it Anika started stroking his dick.

What are you doing Anika ? Asked Shivaay or rather more like groaned as he was trying hard to resist the boner he was sure he would be getting soon but it was too late . His dick was hard as wood.

Anika took one of his hands and placed it on her entrance.

Ugh..moaned Shivaay..go and lock the door first .

Okay replied Anika and she got up to lock it.

She practically ran back to where Shivaay was and again got into her earlier position.

I think you need some help Shivaay said Anika as she unzipped Shivaay's pants so that she could have properly take care of him and put am end to his suffering.

Anika continued stroking him for some time until finally she started givimg him a hand job. Anika got up and made her way to the bathroom  to wash her hands after her goal of pleasurimg Shivaay had been achieved leaving behind an ecstatic Shivaay.

After some time Shivaay got up and cleaned himself up.

Looks like i won't be able to do any meetings today said Shivaay as he emerged from the bathroom.

Do you want me to leave ? I can...

No ..don't. Stay ...we'll have lunch.

Okay said Anika ..i am quite hungry .

I can tell . The two had lunch in peace aftee which Anika left for home. Shivaay ahd promised her that he would try to come back early .

On the other hand Abhay was getting restless by the minute. He had been trying to get in touch with Anika for like an hour to warn her about Peehu but she was not picking up.

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