Chapter 8

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Anika kept looking at the grand door of oberoi mansion waiting for her husband to arrive. It was then that she received a message from Abhay that read:

Need to see you urgently.  I have something important to tell you. Meet me at Oberoi hotel. I am saying in the super delux suite. The driver is waiting at some distance from your house. Come soon.

Anika was in a dilemma now. Her husband was about to come home soon and Abhay had just called her. It was already around 7 in the evening and going out at this time meant coming home late . If Shivaay found out that Anika had gone to meet Abhay at this hour he'd flip off but at the same time if she didn't go and Abhay really did have something important to tell her then she'd regret not going.

After much deliberation Anika told herself that she'd be home soon and that this was the last time she would be seeing Abhay. As Anika got into the car that Abhay had sent which was waiting at some distance from Oberoi Mansion she told herself that she'd tell Shivaay about her meeting with Abhay after she came home. If she told him now he'd never let her go.

Abhay was pacing back and forth in his suite at hotel Oberoi. He couldn't help but laugh at the irony of where he was staying at. He had come to know about Peehu's alliance with Daksh and wanted to warn Anika in advance. He knew that Daksh was dangerous and the last thing that he wanted was for Anika to suffer because of his ex wife. In order to calm  down Abhay poured himself a glass of scotch. As he was about to finish it the door bell rang indicating that Anika was there.

Abhay made his way towards the door to open it expecting to see Anika but to his utter shock it was none other than Shivaay Singh Oberoi .

Shivaay ! What are you doing here asked Abhay confused. The thought of Shivaay knowing about his relationship with Anika hadn't even crossed his mind since he thought that Anika hadn't told her husband about it yet.

Mind if i come in Abhay asked Shivaay.

Of couse not. Please do said Abhay as he gave way to Shivaay to enter the room.

Have to say Abhay..i am glad you chose our hotel to stay at commented Shivaay as he entered teh suite.

Well Oberoi is a brand after all replied Abhay. He was in  tough spot now. Anika was about to come there and Shivaay was already there. How was he supposed to let her know. He did texted her when Shivaay was not looking hoping that she wouldn't come now.

I don't mean to be rude Shivaay but how come you are here. I mean is it regarding business.

Do you think it could be regarding anything else asked Shivaay.

The way Shivaay was talking had half convinced Abhay by then that anika had told him but he did not want to take any risks and land her in trouble.

No i don't. Would you like a drink Shivaay?

Yeah sure replied Shivaay.

Shivaay Singh Oberoi had always been the territorial kind of man. He wanted fo set Abhay straight and make sure that he stayed away from Anika. Shivaay did not want anything or anyone to come between his wife and him. There had been so much drama adound their relationship already. All he wanted now was to have a peacefull marriage and a few kids in the future . He wanted for Anika to have the complete family that she always craved for.

Abhay was handing Shivaay the glass of scotch when the door bell rang making him distracted resulting in some scotch spillimg over Shivaay.

I am so  sorry Shivaay.

Its okay...i'll go clean should see who is at the door.

As Shivaay made his way towards the washroom Abhay made his way to open the door. As soon as he e
Opemed it Anika without a pause strode inside .

Damn it Abhay ! Do you even relaise what time it is..what was so urgent that you had to meet me right now .

While Shivaay was in washroom he heard what he thought to be Anika's voice.

Anika listen to me Shivaay...

Is my husband Abhay and i told him about us and you have no idea how hard it was for me and ojr relationship . Coming here nad lying to him is a big risk for my relationship so tell me did you call me here because of a real emergency or what yelled Anika failing to notice the third  person in the room who was standing right begind her who happened to be her husband.

Anika will you just listen to me pleaded Abhay seeimg shivaay standing at some distance behimd Anika.

Why do i always do what you want me to do Abhay...everythimg was going fine until you showed up...well let me make something clear Abhay you had your chance all those years ago and you blew had no right of  waltzing back into my life when everything in it was going just fine just like you had no right of leaving me the way you all those years ago yelled Anika. She was frustrated at him for coing back and threatening her married life but more so she was mad at him for abandoning the friendship they shared. He was her companion- a true friend she adored amd he left her to lead the miserable life she had been cursed with.

So you guys were in a relationship came Shivaay's voice making Anika turn.

Shivaay! What are you dooing here asked Anika clearly shocked.

I should be the one asking the questions Anika.

Shivaay what you just heard..i meant that Abhay left me as he was a good friend and..

I am not a child Anika. I heard what you said.

Beofore you two start fighting I have to say something important intervened Abhay.

You know what you old friends shpuld carry on ..i'll leave said Shivaay looking accusingly at Anika.

Shivaay please begged Anika but Dhivaay continued making his way towards the door.

Daksh is back yelled Abhay vrabbimg the estranged couple's attention. This finally made Shivaay stop.

What ? Asked Shivaay or rather yelled.

I know both of you are having problems because of me but hear me out once please. Shivaay sit down amd let me explain. There is a reason why i called Anika here. You should know that reason too begged Abhay.

Finally Anika and Shivaay sat on the couch though Shivaay barely looked at Anika.

My ex wife Peehu found some photos of Anika and me from our teenage years amd is convinced that anika is the reason of our divorce. Peehu can be quite neurotic at times and is targeting Anika to hurt me. Shivaay the other day you received a parcel which was empty..that parcel originally contaimed morphed photos of Anika and me in compromisimg position. I found out and took care of it but Peehu clearly hasn't stopped. I found out that she is workimg with Daksh to target Anika to take her revenge from me. The reason why i called Anika was to warn her.

This is insane yelled Shivaay standing up. Who the hell does your ex wife think she is..i am going to call the commissioner and..

There is no use you  Oberoi's  Peehu belongs to the powerful Dobriyal clan..her father is Sanjay  Dobriyal. We need to handle her and Daksh Khurana delicately.  Look i don't want to come between the two of you given our history but we have to work together for Anika's safety.

You don't have to worry about my wife..i can take care of her on my own siad Shivaay standing up. Thanks for informing me...Anika say your goodbyes if you want we are leaving.

Goodbye Abhay said Anika as she stood up and started followimg shivaay leaving behind a heartbroken Abhay. Abhay thought that he was over her but seeing her with her husband did something to him.

The ride home was  a silent affair with Shivaay barely even stealing a glance at Anika. After they had reached home..Shivaay had instantly led Anika to their bedroom.

So you had to just see him today didn't you..right after i told you not to questiomed Shivaay.

He said that it was urgent Shivaay. What was i supposed to do? Amd it was urgent wasn't we know about Daksh and Peehu .

That's not the point Anika. You did not even bother askimg me about it and i heard all the things you said. Do you wnat to go back to him.

What are you crazy Shivaay..i mean all that in the context of him abandoning me as a friend. You have to childhood was very lonely and Chanda and Abhay were the only saving grace.

Hearing this made Shivaay calm down a bit.

Its getting late. We should sleep. Until i take care of Daksh you are not allowed to step out of Oberoi mansion amd yes i know you are not my slave or bound to follow my orders but you will follow this one. I won't compromise on your safety no matter what.

Shivaay i will do anything you want but please don't be mad. I have already said it and i am going to say it again - I love you and only you.

Precap - Shivaay and Anika have fun in his office.

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