Chapter 21.

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While we are talking, I hear a known voice.

"Wait..." I stop Marcel.

"What?" He listens with me.

My father!

"Why he is here?" Asks Marcel.

"I don't know..." I exit, and he follows me.

"Caroline, c'mon... You know me!" We hear.

"No, I...  Okay! I know you. We have talked one time or two, it... Can be count on one hand's fingers! But I know you, like you know me. Even more then myself..."

"Even more then myself" Repeats my dad.

"So... Hope will have a sister!" Smiles the headmistress.

"I think he is a boy instead..." Replies instead my father, and the both smiles looking at each other.

I feel... I don't know how I feel about that. I mean, my headmistress and my father together?

"You knew your father and your mother didn't love each other, do you rememeber?"

"Of course, and now I can see why..."

Marcel takes me in my room again.

"And so... What are you thinking about? Are you... Afraid of something?"

"No, I'm not afraid. I'm a Mikaelson witch, and tribrid...And in general, I'm a Mikaelson. I can do anything!" I smile. "Why let something scares you when you can just... Make it disappear?" 

"Why try, without hopes, to set off a fire that will always burn?" He looks at me. "Some people are seas, others oceans, others again fire. Like them.

And where there's a flame that burns, trust me... It will never disappear"

"And why things aren't the same for all?" I ask.

"Because everyone is different, and everyone needs differents things!

Klaus needs fire. He tries to keep calm, but usually how long does those periods dures? Mid day? C'mon... " He smiles. 

"I don't like fire" I says without think twice.

"You are not your father" He makes notice me.

"So... What should I do?" 


Did you want a second choice to people you love? You have. And also them. Now that's them which will choose how to live it"

"After all... Changes are parts of live, aren't them?" I puff.

"Exactly" He smiles. "If you need me, I'm always by your side, no metter what happens and where. Like the rest of your family. Always and Forever"

"Always and Forever" I repeat. "Thanks" 

"For what?" He smiles, then also him disappear.


Josie enters.

"Hi! We have a problem" 

Lizzie comes fast.

"Hope, we have a big problem"

"Girls, what happens?" I ask without understand.

"Landon and Rafael are disappeared"

"What!?" I run out of my room.

"Hope!" My father screams. I turn myself and I go to him.

"Hi dad... There's a problem"

"I know... Caroline informed me"

"When was the last time and where you have seen them?" Asks the mistress coming. 

"One hour ago, I was in my room and I saw Landon talk with Josie. Rafael... I saw him when I arrived at school, I think"  I try to remember. "But... Okay, we all have to calm down. He is a werewolf, he can be exit. I'll go looking for him"

"Hope, no" Klaus try to stop me.

"Dad, he is my friend. I have to find out where he is. Friends are like family"


"Klaus, makes her go. She will come back, and she will be fine, as his friends. I promise you" Caroline invtervens.

"Fine...  But you have to be at home, or there at eight o'clock"

I smile.

"See you later dad" I hug him, then I start going  in the garden, where the transformation takes place, but first I try to make a spell to see if there are any signs.

"Footsteps: revelare vosmet"

As I thought, the imprints revelates themselves and they continues.

I transform myself with a pain to which I'll never get used to, and then I follow them, paying attention to all that sourroundes me.

I look for Rafael everywhere, in every angle of the land which sourround the schoool, but he is not here, so the only thing is going far away.

I continues follow the imprints which are in front of me, when they stop.

I return in my human form and I get dress again, then I use my vampire hear to try capturate any sound.


"Where are you, Raf?" I whisper.

Something tries to take me by the neck, but I jump and I imobilize that, whathever it could be, to undesrtand, one time after that... It's Rafael!


He is changed. He is dirty with mud and blood, and he has red eyes that are not  reassuring.

"Oh... Okay. Raf, I'm Hope. Listen to me, I don't know what has passed throught, I don't know what you passed trought, but I know that we can turn back at school, and one time there, we'll fix it. Whatever is this" I say, but I seems not to understood.

"Raf, I know you're here. And I trust you, I know you can fight it" 

The monster tries to put me down, but I jump again and I paralyse it.

"Raf, listen to me! Pay attention on what I'm saying!" I scream. "I'm Hope. Hope Mikaelson. I'm your friend... And I know you, you are good.

What did it happens to you? Raf, where are you?"

Several minutes after, the monster free itself and he comes near to me.

I can't hurt him, but I have to find what it is.

I bite myself, and he jump on me, making me fall.

His eyes have changed colour, now his werewolf part domines him.

"Raf, listen to me! You can control it. Believe me, as I believe in you! Raf, I am your friend,  I would do nothing to hurt you, and I 'm sure you'd done the same. Relax yourself.

I know you're somewhere, you just have to find the way to keep out and free yourself from this" The beast comes nearly, even more imposing and threatening.

 "Raf, I don't want to use spell against you... Please!"

The beast jump and starts going away.

I follow her, and when it understood that, it tries to put me in an angle.

Last chance: making know it who has the control.

I return on my wolf 's form, and then Rafael slowly goes behind.

We stay together watching at the other, then he comes nearly.

He studies at me, then he goes away. I restart following him, but this time he does not try to put me away... It's like if he wants to take me somwhere...

We stop before a small wall.

A wall? In a forest?

I look at Raf, then I try to see what's happening.

Landon is on a sort of stonehenge, and there are some people which sourrandes it.

I look again at Raf, and I turn back to my own form. I look at him and I tell him to do same.  He do.

It's Rafael, for real. I hug him.

 "How have you done? Only the hybrid can control their tranformation!" I exclaim.

"Those are witches. They have set a trap, in which Landon falls. I tried to save him, but they noticed me and... " He makes me see his vampire teeths. "They are looking for warriors to protect them, because they wants to put your family on the other side again. They say to have heard a certain Genevieve, who is now in the other side, who says that you have to be stopped, or the world will end soon"

"And how does they can believe at this?!" I try to keep the control of myself.

"Because the return of two originals on the Earth has broke off the other side, but nobody can exit again because of you. It's you which ancestrals pay attention to"

"But I had restablished the order! Wasn't it enough,was it?" 

"I don't know, I just... Know that I was at school, then I found me there, and when I saw you... I'm so sorry, Hope... Believe me" He looks me in the eyes and I smile.

"It doesn't metter, it's okay now. The metter is to find a way to make them disappear... And to bring back Landon!"

I need two powerful witches.

Lizzie and Josie!

The plan is: to be sure that everyone's at safe, then stop the time, so that there won't be too much disasters, and then fight  to bring back Landon.

"I need a favour: you have to turn at school, and to call Lizzie and Josie. Take them there, please. Then, follow pretending to be their enslaves"

"What about you?"

"I have to pay attention on what they intent do with Landon"

"Okay" He goes.

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